Botcon 2007

A place for inactive but important threads to be kept for reference.

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Curse Hawkwind
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Unread post by Curse Hawkwind »

big bit of information for me

what day am i bringing the sign to the convention center....wednesday or thursday?
Baron Fel
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Unread post by Baron Fel »

I'd guess Thursday as none of us will be around Wed. Probably hang it around during pick up package times, but I'm not the boss here.

EDIT: Also, anyway staying Sunday Night in Providence? If so anyone hoping to split a room or have extra room? I keep meaning to book a cheapo motel but haven't. So if anyone's got a room already and wants to share I'd appreciate it. (For Sunday Night only)
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

I won't be rolling in until Thursday late afternoon or early evening, traffic permitting. Have to check in and then walk from one hotel to the other for package pickup. I might be a little late. >.< Keep the sign up! I want to meet everyone! :D
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Curse Hawkwind
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Unread post by Curse Hawkwind »

ok anyone at botcon reading this that will be at the westin......i am going to be stuck in the mall attached to the westin all day until registration tonight....if anyone can save me from this boredome please do so! my celly is
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Unread post by Vampyerba »

Jay, seriously you're sooo friggen awsome for getting David Kaye to phone me!
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Unread post by The Crab »

Dear God Almighty. This Botcon was seriously the greatest thing of all time.

At least until Botcon '08. xD

Seeing the movie, introducing Aku (The Girlfriend Who Shall Be Signing Up Shortly™) to everyone, hanging out with everyone, and everything about this past weekend was full of win.

Miss you all, and I'll catch ya all next year! :D
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »


Dear sweet Primus! First Botcon and WHAT A GREAT ONE TO START WITH!!

Meet Dave Kaye multiple times, ambush Pete Cullen with the help of Greg AND meet the legendary STAN BUSH!! YOU GOT THE TOUCH!!! WOOO!! Then Stanny goes and puts on a private concert for us. Cue Silver, Starcee, Sapph and Razor tearing it up right at the front. High five to Stan for his awesomeness and then before I knew it SILVER is being dragged on to the stage to sing JOURNEY!! AALLLL NIGHT OOOHHHAALLL NIGHT OOHHAAA EVERYAAYNIGHT!!! BOTCON YOU RULE!!! High fives and more moshing. LOVED IT. Now I am very poor, I have a bag FULL of Transformers (two shiny MP5 Megs to sneak into Aus) and I'm moseying back to London to continue to potentially relaxing leg of the trip... wait this is me. When have I had a relaxing time overseas? :D

Jagna if you are hovering about in ol Londontown let us know and Sapph and I can catch up with you one day.

I'm sure I'll rant about this in much more detail in the future however for now I will sign off with BY SWEET FREAKIN PRIMUS' FAVOURITE PLASME CANNON THAT WAS THE BEST CONVENTION/CONCERT/GATHERING EXPERIENCE EVER!!! BRING ON THE SEQUELS!!!! 8)
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Yes dear...
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Unread post by Sapphire »

*staggers into library after being awake and travelling for 22+ hours and laments lack of home Internet*

Botcon was a blast, I will type up a full report, I will update the site, just as soon as I've washed, eaten, slept and regained enough brain functions to sort out this horrendous lack of home Internet. My mom tried to get it organized for me while I was away but the incompetence of the ISPs here knows no boundaries and so I suffer on, Internetless and frustrated to all heck. However, I will have time to try to fix the problem now that the Gathering and Botcon is behind me.

I eagerly look forward to hearing everyone's opinions on this year's BC. If you feel like writing up a BC report, please remember to send it in to BWINT to be displayed! :D
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Baron Fel
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Unread post by Baron Fel »

Well that was a great con!

The movie was superb, my roomies were awesome! (Thanks gang) and it was great to see all the folks I saw last year.

Hey Saph, your addy is right? I have a clip of Megatron calling us the cat's bum to send you.
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Unread post by Sinead »

It was a wonderful convention, and as soon as I've got my report written and my pictures up, I'll link you all to them.

Botcon was wonderful, Omie and Nurann are still up here in the Boston area, and we're going to fireworks tomorrow!

Will let you know about how things went later!!!
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Unread post by Akuhiryuu »

Well i have never been to Botcon but it was a blast and hopefully i can go again next year ^_^ i realy enjoyed meeting everyone and everyone was verry kind. :D i hope i can go next year with Crab again!
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Unread post by Sphinx »

Botcon was amazing! My only regret is that I barely got to see anyone from BWINT. :( Things were so busy that there wasn't much time to just hang out. Maybe next year there'll be more time, since now I know what a con's actually like. ^_^
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Unread post by Beastbot »

The movie is raking in the dough, and MAN does it deserve it. I doubt there will ever be a Botcon as good as this one again. I mean, Hasbro Tour, seeing a huge chunk of the Bwint folks AND an advance movie preview?! I'm STILL in a high over it.
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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Me too, Beastbot! XD I'm dying to get home and show my sisters my pictures and recordings and telling them how dumb they are for missing it! :lol:
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Unread post by Starath »

I hath returned home.... on Monday. I'm STILL recovering from the energy drain and all the insane excitement that ensued over a mere 6 days. It feels like at LEAST two weeks were crammed into Saturday and Sunday alone.

And, as I'm sure ya'll may have noticed, my avvie has changed and one line has been added in my sig..... :lol:

.... I can't believe I actually MET Mr. Kaye. More than once. HOLY freakin SLAG. o_o

But, even though there was lots to do, many shinies to look at and too much money spent, I am eternally grateful to have met ya'll who attended this year's Botcon. That was the most important thing to me. You were all wonderful in your own way, and hopefully I'll see each of you again someway, somehow. *hugs* :mrgreen:
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