DINOBOT Music vid - it's finally done!!

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DINOBOT Music vid - it's finally done!!

Unread post by Jagna »

i cannot tel you how LONG iv been working on this...only recently iv been able to download the ep (a bad one at tht...not the ep btw!) and do it properly! rrr! but as i said, ITS FINALLY DONE!!!! WOOOHOOOOO
i guess you could call this my first music vid (apart from 'beginning', which is on my channel on youtube), and iv poured all my creative talent (for a music vid :P ) into this...

i hope you guys like it...iv done my best to syncronise the musi with the action, and i think iv done a bloody good job! but for some reason the music just cuts off with 5 seconds left to go, bugger it, and for some other reson apart from maybe win mov maker screwed me over that there was one clip tht kept appearing where i didnt put it, so i tried to cover it up...of course it all happened towards the end of the project!

Dinobot - A Hero Under the Sun

the music id 'under the sun' by dry cell (who ROCK!!! *devil fingers*)


(btw, i edited the title as no one seemed to know it is a vid for dinobot!
[img]http://www.bwint.net/bannertigatronfanclub.jpg[/img] || [img]http://www.bwint.net/membercheetorclub.jpg[/img]
and OP, RT and DB
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