Will the lurkers please say hi?

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Will the lurkers please say hi?

Unread post by Phoenix »

Hi everyone, well, what I like to believe are old occupants of this forum. Sometimes I see familiar handles pop up, other times there's just a lot of 'unknowns' browsing the forum. So figured I would give everyone a chance to let others know how they are and what they've been up to by making this 'long time no see' thread. :) So.. how about an update?
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Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »


You guys kind of know I’ve been around already. :lol: But, really hoping the new year brings better times. July to December saw a rough patch for my family that is still being mended, so definitely trying to manage some personal issues of mine on the downside. Plus a rough patch with job searches, mostly due to drama.

Upside, I’ve found a job that is easier to steer clear of all that non-sense as well as continuing school. I’m presently working as a hospitality aid at a rehab and nursing home facility and plan to start my clinicals (which should be next week that I know of if everything goes well) to become a CNA. I’m also working on a Cyber Security degree for narrowing my previous field, so double programming classes for me this semester. :shock: Someone save me! XD

Gotten back gradually into the creative scene again as well! Slow going due to the previously mentioned personal issues I’m tackling, but it’s there. Roleplaying once again even if we don’t here anymore, and trying to get back into writing as a whole as well as drawing.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

CNA and cyber security! That's quite the combination! But both are important jobs so you shouldn't have too much difficulty finding a position somewhere. I worked as a CNA once too, for a year before I got my RN. Then BSN so I could work in a hospital setting. Healthcare is crazy right now though. In the aftermath of Covid, so many healthcare workers quit due to burnout, then a bunch were forced out because they refused to get vaccinated. And more left because of the staffing gaps that were left behind in the wake of the other things. I consistently work taking care of twice as many patients as I strictly should at one time now. And we're not talking walkie-talkie easy patients either. Oh no. These are acutely ill. So after working my 12-14 hour shifts a couple days in a row on a weekend, I'm usually comatose come Monday.

So unfortunately everything else just went on the backburner because of this. I'm honestly just in 'survival mode' right now.

As for the RPG, I haven't given up on it. My attention is just pulled in every direction so I cannot bring myself to give it the attention it needs and deserves right now, especially since we'd need a few more people to be active so that we could actually create something.
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Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

I’m hoping! The job market was surprisingly crap once I got my Master’s with criminology, given it happened about the same time everything else was blowing up in the news. Just struggled to find anything before we moved and been lucky so far. I work at a rehabilitation and nursing home facility with me and three others fixing to take our clinicals, probably in-house if our one person gets instructor certified. So, crossing my fingers things work out.

But yea, I’ve been hearing a lot about the troubles healthcare has gone through before I became a hospitality aid. My step sister works as an RN in emergency care and COVID wing, and they lost a lot of workers already. Our facility has lost three people in the past month due to burnout and how the hours are being treated, though I also heard drama was involved. Either way, it definitely is rough and I’m seeing it’s effects with being short staffed at just the small facility I work at.

But, don’t sweat it about the RPG here Phoenix. Life has been crazy everywhere, so it definitely had to take a back seat for a time. Maybe one day we’ll revive it, but hoping life kind of settles eventually first before anything.
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Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

Not sure if anyone else is lurking, but wanted to give a life update! :D

Got my CNA a couple months back! Still been up and down with staffing, but has otherwise been a good experience here at my current work. Presently debating getting my CMA though.

Which leads me to another thing. Mmmmaaaaayyyy have a potential new job offer. Had a job recruiter reach out a little while ago for a criminal investigator job, and now that some things have settled at home I plan to apply. I feel bad since I just became a CNA for my facility, but it is a position I have looked at for quite some time. So, figured couldn’t hurt to shoot for the stars and see what happens.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Congratulations! I started my nursing career as a CNA some years ago. It's hard but rewarding work, although terribly underappreciated sometimes. I worked overnights as a CNA while getting myself through nursing school. Had my first child in the midst of it, and was 36 weeks pregnant with my second one when I sat for my boards. That was nerve wrecking! But I passed, got my RN, and then went back for my BSN a few years later. Now working in a busy hospital, so I certainly recognize your description of staffing shortages.

Criminal investigator? Wow, that's a big leap from being a CNA.. But it sounds exciting!

CMA does have a higher pay and broader skill set than a CNA, however I suggest you could consider aiming for an RN. Especially when the pandemic hit, it was crazy just how many roles the RN had to fill.. I was the RN, the phlebotomist, the EKG technician, the CNA, the physical therapist, and even the pharmacist tech having to restock the Pyxis.
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

Greetings folks.

Wicked Woman signing in. I've been quite busy with life as well.

Now working two jobs (luckily in the same building to my surprise) and still getting the hang of it. (although I think I might be paying taxes this year...)
Been catching up on some things as well (for example: still haven't seen Transformers Earthspark but am looking forward to it and ROTB) and I was sad to see the Beast Wars comic ending.
My neck of the world has just gotten pummeled with snow and we're expecting another pummeling tonight.
On the somber side, my cat, Oreo passed away nearly three years ago. (he had just turned 19)
On a happier note, congrats on the new job opportunities everyone! We're rooting for you.

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Demolisher: "not the face, NOT THE FACE!"
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Unread post by WorpeX »


I still lurk from time to time. I'd be interested in a reboot of the RPG, but I doubt that would happen as there are just too many people missing here now.
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

(I tried to find a poking gif, but to no avail.)

Reporting in. :wave:

Yes, I do check in on you folks and have never stopped checking in for all these years. This place was a safe haven- critical portions of my childhood rest in its logs, enshrined in cringe posts and silly banter of a person probably too young to be engaging the internet, but getting their feet wet. So many happy memories. Just got so stupid-busy with school + extracurricular + an unpaid TA job I was working at the time that I kind of burned out on keeping up, especially after some of the old faces disappeared. Then it was highschool and off to college... which failed spectacularly, I might add.

Thankfully, something that hasn't failed is my love for Beast Wars- I still point people to BWINT to check out the script for Dark Glass, and all of the other buried treasures preserved here. It warms my heart knowing that Sapph is still committed to keeping the lights on. (How many asses has Depth Charge kicked now, telling folks how awesome it is?) I wish there was something I could do to bring more attention back. Of all the internet communities I've been a part of over the years, this one remains one of the few gems.

All my love and goodwill, always.

And remember...


...Yeah, yeah, shut up, RC.
Death becomes you.
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Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »


Two and a half years later, thought I’d drop a post since it’s been so long. Don’t have many exciting updates but just a quick rundown :D :

+Still working as a CNA, but changed facilities, long story short crappy admin stirring the pot so bad watched the crappy CNAs basically get a slap on the wrist and us hard-working ones get the short end of the stick. Even saw my best friend get thrown under the bus for something that wasn’t true.

+Finished my cyber security degree, now just trying to get where I can find an IT centered job or get the proper certifications.

+Have my own place at last! Renting at the moment, but it’s a start!

Aside from that, realizing as of this year it has been 15 years since I joined this place. Hard to believe I was a sophomore in high school when I came to this place, and it’s been an up and down time being here, but I always enjoyed it when I could! Now I’m 30 and still peek in once in a while. :)
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