Getting back into Flow

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Getting back into Flow

Unread post by Wintersong »

So, I know I just posted in my “Just peeking in” thread, but I did some thinking for a bit and I am interested in getting back into the story. This was one of best places I’ve been on and despite some things personally that have gone on, I truly do miss being part of it.

I am more than willing to work with whatever has gone on to slowly get back into things if possible. Seems we’ve gone down a few people since I was last involved, but I can cover where I can if need be!

I also could really use the mood boost to get my writing spark going again. And there is no better place I can think of than this place!
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Welcome back!! Always great to see a familiar face around here. :) Yeah, it's been a little touch and go since some people just decided to leave for one reason or another, but the core of this place is still what it's always been.

We'd love to have you back in the swing of things! I don't quite remember where you left off, though, so I'm not sure how much of a summary you need to be able to catch up (a lot has happened!). I know OOP has had her hands full with covering as many characters as she can (kudos to her for actually managing!), but there are a bunch of characters without a player right now that have sort of just faded into the background. Cheetor, AirRazor, Tigatron, not sure about Waspinator and Tarantulas' statuses etc.. And of course your old characters. So any characters you feel like taking on, I'm sure arrangements can be made.
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

Alright, did some checking back from my last post which was in “Other Visits” just before the Metal Hunter activated. Wintersong was in a cocooned state but I wasn’t able to go through with previous plans with her, so I assume she will remain there for the time being. Spineback was suppose to be helping handling Rattrap at the communication towers, and Tigerhawk was with the others before they went into the tunnels and things got crazy.

That’s about all I can give you guys of where I was last able to actually be involved in the story. From there not sure what all has happened because as you mentioned Phoenix it’s definitely been quite a bit.

Thanks for the welcome back by the way! I certainly am open to trying to help where I can. :)
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Unread post by Phoenix »

From what I recall, the cocoon hosting Wintersong fell into the deeper parts of the metal hunter and I think that's where it remains. But the Vok who had embodied Whitegrazer and were attempting to use her connections to destroy the others were forced into hiding by a virus created by Tarantulas. And that virus is still dormant in Whitegrazer, seemingly not active right now. Ultimately the awakened Metal Hunter was defeated, and I think that was mostly it for the episode where you left.

The next, and current, episode introduced Rampage (played by Una). Like in the show, Megatron cut out part of Rampage's spark to be able to control him. But Megatron was later attacked by Zodiac in disguise, wanting the spark for himself so he could use Rampage in a scheme that involves pulling out a submerged ship that had been sent to rescue the Maximals but had crashed into a lake. The Maximals and Predacons have formed an uneasy alliance to stop Rampage and Zodiac from escaping in said ship, and that's pretty much where we're at right now. There's so much more, of course, but covering it all would take way too long.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Glad to see you snooping around in the RPG section, Wintersong! Welcome back!

Phoenix pretty much covered the scenarios of what has gone in your absence. I can't remember all the details. I'm actually confused as to who has which of the golden disks. There are three of them now. Optimus has one. Does Zodiac have the other two, Phoenix? Or does Megs still have one? Megatron also has the TM2 driver now, but we won't be doing anything with that until the next season. ...Depending on how long it takes us to get there. XD We just wanted to play out how Megs might have discovered it since that wasn't revealed in the show. Banshee was also killed, so that was a blow to the Maximal moral among the crew. Other than that, I can't recall much else that Phoenix didn't already mention.

As for bringing in your characters, you can just slip them into what's happening now, if you want. Well, except for Wintersong, unless you want her to appear out of nowhere as a mystery and be grilled by the Maximals how she survived and what she went through, and all that lovely drama. :wink:

I'm currently playing Optimus, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Terrorsaur, Inferno, and Quickstrike. I was playing Waspy too but I left him behind since I had too many to cover as it was. I basically only used him as I needed to. Feel free to take any of the Preds off of my hands if you're interested. Except for maybe Megs. I'm having too much fun with him. :lol: We could use more Maximals, though. Cheetor, Dinobot, Airazor, Tigatron; those four went missing a long time ago. Or bring back Tigerhawk since you didn't get much of an opportunity to develop him yet. It's totally up to you. Hopefully you plan on hanging around a bit longer this time, Wintersong? :|
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Thanks for catching me up to speed you two. :)

Hm, I can certainly take another Maximal in absence of Wintersong since the original plan was for her to be taken by the Vok, but I think I have something alternatively to do for that. Still will have their influence there but being subtle and gradual painful change as season 2 progresses (we’re at the nineth episode for it by the way :D ). So, I may very well bring her around mysteriously. And her change to a TM2 will happen early in season 3.

Regardless, I may take up Dinobot since I’ve played similar characters to him, so I will do my best with him! And I did indeed plan to bring back Tigerhawk, probably have him being on a grand tour of the planet to better understand his surroundings and the environment, seeming as he was relatively new after all. And Spineback seems my easiest one, probably in the background doing repairs off-screen if you will due to her role as a medic. In light of that, I can give ol’ Terry a go, just would have to know what he’s been doing.

But overall, yes I do plan to stick around this time. I know I’ve made this promise before but I absolutely intend to stick by my word this time, especially since majority of this year and the coming years after will involve writing so I could use the practice and motivation. I can certainly try typing up a post later tonight or wait on Una’s, whichever would work. :)
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Feel free to jump in any time!
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Well, I was going to do a post tonight while I’m still somewhat mentally functional, but tonight apparently seems against me. First the site wasn’t working for a bit on my end, and now having internet problems. Figures!!! :lol: :lol:

Typing this from my phone, so I will go lay down for a bit and see if my internet cooperates later. If not, I will start getting a post written then post it later!
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Disregard my last post, I did manage to get a post up via phone so hopefully this gets things rolling from my end!
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Unread post by Wintersong »

So speaking of characters, I've done some thinking and think I'll switch Dinobot out with someone else.

A proper intro has eluded me for the past few weeks now and I don't want to try and force something that wouldn't make a lick of sense after he hasn't been around for so long. Instead, I'll take up Airazor, that way the Maximals have another flier on hand and she can kind of come in a bit easier considering she's always off somewhere to begin with.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

That sounds fine, Wintersong. Thank you!
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Unread post by Mystrea »

I know I've been gone for a long time and I just vanished, for which I apologise. But since talking to Wintersong and if I'm honest, missing this rp, I'd like to come back if I'm allowed to.
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

Whoa...three and a half years sure flies by!

And everything sure changes within three years! :lol: But, long time no see everyone! Sorry for the sudden disappear, but I ended up busy with some real life things and just didn't have the time to come back to the story. I didn't expect it would result in being gone for so long, but finally things have settled down. Seems a lot has happened since I was here last!

If it's possible, I'd love to get back into the story, but I would most likely start fresh since its been so long!
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