Primal's initial reaction to Zodiac's sparkless words was anger, and his glare toward him showed it as he licked his scar along his lips. But his expression quickly dissolved to a subtle frown of concern. He knew Zodiac was too terrified to let the Vok take control of him with his nanotech, so he wanted Whitegrazer out of the picture simply because they were using her body against them. Get rid of the body and the Vok have no where else to go. But Optimus knew she was still inside. He could feel her. Her heavily damaged body wasn't just an empty shell. And as long as she was still occupying it, he was going to do whatever he could to save her and be rid of the aliens. ...However, did that mean that he was putting everyone else and the planet in danger...?"That..," "..is not your beloved Whitegrazer! The sooner you come to terms with her loss, the better! They are using her to get to you, don't fool yourself into thinking they won't do everything in their power to use her against us!" "You're only prolonging her suffering!,"
How was any of this Primal's team's fault? Their ship was the only one close enough to lock onto the Darksyde and chase Megatron down. They were there because of Megatron stealing the golden disk and sending them through transwarp space! These aliens were so infuriating. Of course, the thought of them not following the Council's orders to follow Megatron and ending up here which inevitably interfered with the aliens made Optimus wonder what would have happened had they not wound up here... Would the planet have been destroyed? Prehistortic Earth... What would have happened it ceased to exist in the past?"We made a vow to never destroy this planet...again. " "She has convinced us of how unlogical it is for us to do it. There are other ways to eliminate that which threatens our purpose. "You Cybertronians are the problem. The planet shouldn't suffer your sins again. Or ours." "We care not for your "politics" or your "moral ideologies". Those are inconsequential to our goal. A goal which you physical beings threaten." "You have brought another war to this planet. Not unlike your ancestors. You people haven't learned. "
Bewildered, Primal's mouth hung open a little, speechless. Optimus Prime had interacted with them and reformatted them? Confusion and thoughtfulness overcame his face as he lowered his head in distraction by their words. None of this was recorded in any history data tracks that he had studied back on Cybertron. How...? No. This couldn't be right. He shook his head. And on top of it all, they spoke of Whitegrazer like she was some kind of spy or nark who was supposed to observe and report her findings, and then when they were done with her, they would simply discard of her. But Optimus was certain where her loyalty laid; not with the Vok, but with him and his Maximals. He was certain. The aliens clearly had used her and abused her, and even now they were still continuing their immoral doings to her."That was her purpose. To learn, to find out why." We disagreed over how to do it. We wanted to allow you people to destroy yourselves. But she argued that the war would spread like last time. She gave you a chance, which we didn't feel you deserved." "We thought we didn't have to face your kind again. Optimus Prime showed us the light of our demons and reformatted us, and we gave your people what you wanted. To have your race not make the mistakes as the Autobots and Decepticons had." "Still, you people insist upon destruction and deceit." "She allowed herself to be take in by impulses we outgrown centuries ago." "We are disgusted by your mere presence."
"Her body is not for you to do with as you wish!" Optimus spat at them through his sharp teeth, watching her optics change colors between the green and purple beings who possessed her. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings!" he argued with a quotation that his ancestor, Optimus Prime, had once used so long ago. Looking up at her levitating form, he watched the energon and mech fluid ooze from her wounds and drip off of her body, forming small puddles on the floor. She wouldn't be able to handle any more infliction unless he could give her the strength to fight back mentality through their bond. But she refused to open their link in fear of the Vok gaining control to reach out to all of them through her and jeopardize their well being."This body will serve its purpose."
What were they talking about? Their sudden change in the topic made the Maximal leader ponder how much they were discussing with themselves in private and how little they were willing to reveal to him and Zodiac. With the mention of "little one" he knew well enough who they were referring to, and so his orange optics slightly shifted toward Aurora who was still laying beside Rattrap. Why would they bring her up? Because of how she was brought on-line...? The blue glow on his armor by his left arm remained illuminated with the Vok in close proximity, and he could still feel the nano bots crawling around on him. It was an eerie sensation because he didn't know if they would be able to control them like they could Zodiac's or if they were independent from their influence. But why the attention on Aurora? They dare not lay a hand on her!"The ends justify the means. Or is it fear... little one?" "Unexpected. Who is little one?" "Nevermind."
Once his club connected with Whitegrazer's chin the force blew her backwards off of her feet, landing hard on the floor. Although he witnessed the smile on her face, he didn't know who it was smiling. Truth be told, he was disappointed and taken aback that his maneuver didn't knock them unconscious. He stood there watching her optics close while his audio sensors picked up a humming. He stood ready for another attack with his weapon in his hand but suddenly there was a great white light that swallowed her body and illuminated the entire area. He momentarily turned his head away from it as it blinded his vision before looking back and finding Whitegrazer's body had changed and she was elevated in mid-air again. Now she seemed even less of herself than before. Even though Primal's spark sank with this, he refused to give up hope or quit."DOOOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!"
Optimus gasped as the floor violently shook knocking him off balance and causing him to fall onto his stomach. Before he could get back to his feet, he felt something grab his ankle and immediately lift him off of the floor, dangling him upside down as they carried him in one of their several hands. He peered upward at Whitegrazer's body, growling in protest, and went to reach up for his gun on his hip."We are your superior."
"Eh, same," Rattrap answered her as he got to his knees with his aching back. Slagging Inferno. That was all he remembered with that stinkin' pyro maniac flying right into him. So where was that ant? And how did he end up in this corridor with Aurora next to him instead? When the floor started to shake, he rolled to the side a little toward Aurora, bumping into her as her body stopped him from going any further. "Whoooaaa!" he cried out. But the tremor had merely been a ploy to knock them down just so this very creepy and strong Whitegrazer could grab them without warning. Snatching his wrist, he was pulled up off of the floor and flown with the others in her grip toward the center of the large room, and then crudely dropped. Rattrap landed on his stomach with loud clang of TransMetal against metal and an audible, "Oof!""You think?," "I think so.. Nothing seems to be broken.. just a bit sore. You?,"
Primal was dropped on top of Rattrap before he could reach his gun, landing hard on his back with a cough as the air was pushed out of his chest.
Rattrap gave a yelp but couldn't move with his commanding officer laying on him, once again having his back injured by his weight. A surge of pain went up his mechanical spine that almost knocked him out. Despite that, though, he visually searched for Aurora to see how near she was to them and if she was alright...
"Predacons! Show yourself!"
Hearing that unmistakable voice, Optimus gradually regained his focus of his surroundings to an extent, not realizing yet that Rattrap was trapped underneath him or where Zodiac and Aurora were, and slowly lifted his head to see his nemesis approach them. "Argh," he muttered with some slight pain, "Megatron...?" So, he had been there all along. What was he doing? Primal knew full well that Megatron, like Zodiac, would not spare Whitegrazer's life. He would terminate the aliens in order to steal their power. Now he would have to work against two very powerful bots to keep them from slagging her."I am Megatron," "How may I... be of service?"