Just a little curiosity...

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Just a little curiosity...

Unread post by Wintersong »

Hey guys, there has been a curiosity on my mind that I've thought of recently and kind of wanted to hear your thoughts as well.

I've been considering the fact that we have a few characters in the RPG who are former Autobots and Decepticons, mainly Preds. So we know the Decepticons who laid down their arms were granted amnesty and not all of them were on Earth at the time those on the Ark and Nemesis were. And members from both sides obviously chose to upgrade to the smaller bodies that we are familiar with. But one thing that has begun to bother me are the ones who were still active during the crews of the Ark and Nemesis four million year long stasis and how the time paradox of the series should or would affect them.

Mainly, is there a chance those who were active on present day Cybertron as Predacons/Maximals affecting their past selves with being in the same time but in another place? I ask this because my own character Spineback was active when the two crews were gone and willingly downgraded as most would view it. But she now operates in the past of Prehistoric earth while she technically would also be elsewhere as a Decepticon, which is why I am using her as an example here. So, what sort of situation does this put her, and maybe others, in?

Nemesis and Deathroll are different cases in this regard I believe. We know how Nemesis got here through a similar way as the two ships and if I recall correctly Deathroll was found and activated from lying dormant on Earth and therefore seem unlikely to be facing the same issue. But correct me if I am wrong there. Just wanted to kind of throw this thought out there since it just seems an interesting thought to consider, it might bring a unique issue if we ended up doing Megatron's plot that resulted in the time storm. My above question kinda plays into that as well, but overall I just wonder if anyone else has thought of this or has a thought about it.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

It'd be possible, but as it is.. Nemesis isn't old enough to have been part of the original Decepticon crew, and Landslide was never on the ark either. So it's mostly something that's been avoided.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

You know.. This is actually a very interesting question! But alas I think Spineback might be the only former Decepticon who could potentially 'run into' herself in this time period. Like you pointed out, in Deathroll's case he was merely woken up from his slumber and downgraded. So as far as he's concerned, there's no future self for him to evolve into yet and he's working on getting there in present time (for him).

In Nemesis' case, she wouldn't be able to meet herself in her Decepticon form since she hasn't actually been developed yet at this point in the timeline. Nemesis never met the original Megatron since his reign ended before she was created, but she grew up hearing the stories. The storyline I established for the rpg was that when protoform technology was introduced and Decepticons and Autobots had to undergo the 'change', some Decepticons refused and left Cybertron to establish themselves elsewhere. As proud as the Decepticons were overall, I just don't think they'd all fall in line with the Maximal demand that they convert to Predacons. So some of them survived elsewhere, making up devious plots of their own to overthrow the Maximals. Nemesis was created on such a colony and never considered Cybertron her home because of it.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

I figured it would be avoided but its more so if there was ever the possibility it was brought up in the RPG that it might be something to consider. Mainly, I just got curious since we've had a few who were former Bots and Cons.

And thanks for clearing that part up about Nemesis, since I was trying to recall how she came about, though at the time I typed this up last night it was 2 am in the morning and I was tired so my mind was mostly unfocused. Nevertheless, it has been something on my mind for the past two weeks since even if a former Decepticon downgraded and happened to join the Predacons that with the time paradox of the series and common theories of time that their past self would be affected wherever their past self might be in that given time. Not saying I'd drag Spineback's Decepticon self into the game to investigate, it just seemed interesting to bring up, especially if the time storm plot ends up dragged into this somehow.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Nemesis was actually still in her Decepticon body when she joined the rpg. And over the course of the episode she gained her Predacon body, rather unwilkingly, at the cost of my other character at the time.
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