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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Looks good, though the soundwaves wont effect communications unless the enemy is nearby and it's background noise, tracking device wont either since soundwaves are not radio waves.

If you want to keep the soundwave ability, you can sacrifice one of the weapons you have to have the drone. I pondered putting a drone on Landslide at one point, to help with unloading cargo and dealing with the constant repairs around the maximal base. *LOL* Probably wont happen though.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

NaitoKage wrote:Looks good, though the soundwaves wont effect communications unless the enemy is nearby and it's background noise, tracking device wont either since soundwaves are not radio waves.

If you want to keep the soundwave ability, you can sacrifice one of the weapons you have to have the drone. I pondered putting a drone on Landslide at one point, to help with unloading cargo and dealing with the constant repairs around the maximal base. *LOL* Probably wont happen though.

hhhmmm, if I forgot about the sound wave ability could I just give him general jamming capabilities for radar & communications like you suggested earlier?

At any rate, I think I have a general enough concept for Deathroll that we can begin the hunt for him soon enough and get the story moving again, I'll endeavor to finish touching it up by the time we bring him online & into role-play.

P.S. I'm likely gonna be giving up Terrorsaur or Tarantulas for Deathroll so I can play characters who aren't actively plotting against their boss (its just easier for me that way lol). So if anyone is interested in taking up Rants or Terry lemme know, they were both fun to play as but since taking over Megs its become a bit of a hassle playing two schemers plus the Big Bad himself. Will eventually add a second to the mix but need to save my funds to commission another concept piece (I like to be able to visualize my character before playing as them lol).
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Yes you can.

As for Terrorsaur and Tarantulas, this is not surprising. I basically ended up doing the same thing. Tarantulas is an interesting character, but it makes it difficult if the best tech guy in the group is the one you don't want to know or have technology.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

NaitoKage wrote:Yes you can.

As for Terrorsaur and Tarantulas, this is not surprising. I basically ended up doing the same thing. Tarantulas is an interesting character, but it makes it difficult if the best tech guy in the group is the one you don't want to know or have technology.

Late reply is late, but yeah, I would have kept playing Tarantulas if Megatron hadn't been given to me, so its no longer convenient to have two schemers in my court as it were lol.

Out of curiosity, do we know yet what the tech stats will be for transmetal IIs down the road if and when we ever reach season III? I figure if season III ever arrives I may wish to turn Deathroll into a transmetal II, so if there will be a stat difference between them & transmetals I may not want to use the most maxed out stats I can think of, i.e. leave some room for improvement, depending on whether or not the max stat total will remain 50 or will go up.

P.S. I'm thinking of leaving the drone idea for another OC I may introduce down the road, Deathroll will be a commando/enforcer while the other will be Meg's new mad scientist/intelligence officer.
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Wasn't any real plans for Tm2s specs down the road.. though I imagine certain things would likely happen.Slightly higher specs, less weapons, and more unusual special abilities. Admittedly Whitegrazer and Nemesis are already kinda have TM 2 Special abilities but that's part of their backstory. Personally, I wouldn't plan too far ahead for TM 2s for right now. I mean we only have five active people at the moment. Everyone else is busy or gone.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Edited Deathroll bio

Name: Deathroll

Faction: Predacon, formerly Decepticon

Bio in Progress: Originally one of many decepticon soldiers who served as crewmen aboard the first Megatron's flagship, the Nemesis, Deathroll along with many other lost soldiers fled the ship in an escape pod before the Nemesis sank beneath the sea. He would have remained lost forever, trapped inside his pod, left to rot in stasis like many of his forgotten shipmates, just another casualty of the great war, if not for the intervention of the new Megatron and his Predacon faction. To survive on ancient earth, Megatron upgraded Deathroll's powerful but primitive & inefficient Decepticon frame into that of a Predacon, a transmetal predacon no less! After his upgrade and being filled in on the unusual circumstances of the Beast Wars, particularly how it was a war being fought by soldiers from a future in which the decepticon lose the Great War and Cybertron, Deathroll embraces his new status as a Predacon Sub-Commander in service to the new Megatron, who he views as his original Lord's rightful heir and his only hope of preventing a future in which his kind has been vanquished and "enslaved"...Not to mention save himself from being one of many lesser known decepticons who were left un-rescued even after the war had ended. As evidenced by his vehicular form, Deathroll was originally a miner before joining Megatron's Decepticon uprising, where he honed his combat skills in the gladiatorial pits of Kaon before moving on to become a communications officer. Due to his size and bulk, Deathroll is slow for the most part, possessing only average speed, but has learned to lie patiently and quietly in wait for his enemies to come to him, where he can then strike quick and suddenly before they can flee his grasp, using his strength & firepower to destroy his enemies. He is however faster while burrowing underground or swimming underwater, but speed is not necessary when you're as well armed and skilled as Deathroll.

Thanks to his new Alligator beast mode, something he found difficult to adjust to initially due to coming from an age where organic beast modes were rare, he has gained the ability to operate underwater, increasing his usefulness to Megatron several fold and allowing him to function better in wetland, freshwater, & oceanic areas where other bots are at a disadvantage. Deathroll finds that there is a certain freedom to life underwater, where his massive bulk is less of an issue and he can travel more gracefully and freely than on dry land...But of course, he always returns to the surface when Megatron calls or there are maximals to destroy! On a grimmer note, Deathroll's new beast mode has given him a gluttonous appetite for organic flesh that he did not have before, a nasty habit that he is aware of but can't help but indulge in, not unlike a human's weakness for junkfood.

Tech Specs:

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 5
Endurance: 10
Rank: Sub-Commander (changes in the Pred hierarchy will be made known soon in game, mahahhaha).
Courage: 7
Firepower: 7
Skill: 7


1) Destronium Drill: Can be used for burrowing, underwater propulsion, or a melee weapon depending on his mode & environment (I was gonna call it a Tyronium drill instead but since Deathroll has decepticon alloys mixed into his hide I figured Destronium maybe more appropriate...Though I suppose such a substance could be common to Predacon construction as well).

2) Pulse Laser Guns/Sonic Disruptors: Back mounted while in vehicle mode to provide ranged and anti-aircraft attack capabilities, can be wielded like hand guns in robot mode, as a double barreled blaster or twin pistols (they an split apart & combine back together). Alternatively, the guns could be sonic in nature instead of laser based.

3) Torpedoes: energy signature seeking projectiles, operate like missiles on land but function normally as torpedoes under water.

4) Plasma Bullets: explosive bursts of superheated plasma that he can vomit from his mouth in robot mode when his face plate splits open.

Special Ability: Soundwave generation, an upgraded version of the Faraday Waves alligators can generate in the water, Deathroll can generate similar but much more powerful sonic vibrations which he can use to jam communication signals & tracking devices, improving upon his ambush tactics & preventing would be prey from calling for help. He can also use these sonic waves to generate rock falls, mudslides, & quicksand, allowing him to turn the battlefield against his enemies, particularly those who are faster or more agile than him.

OOC: No drones after all, it was tempting but I decided against them, my next Predacon OC would be better suited to them anyway since she'll be Meg's new science type, Deathroll is more of the soldier type than I originally planned. He's no fool, but he's best utilized as an officer and enforcer than a science type like Rhinox, which was my original plan but in this game you really gotta go for one or the other, strength or brains etc, and in this case Deathroll works best as Meg's newest go to warrior, more reliable & less insane than Inferno. I hope to finalize this bio soon, just waiting on a few details regarding his weaponry, but his bio and tech specs should be fine now, sorry for the wait.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Brains and strength can go together, but you do end up spreading yourself thin becoming more of a jack of all trades. Also depends on the drone, since a drone can be used for anything from recon,combat,even a diagnostic drone. Though we don't really have a stating system for combat drones, I imagine they'd be weaker then players.. maybe 30 to 35 stat points.. as they say, if you can stat it, you can kill it. :P

Now then.. lets see.. Stats are fine.

Drill: Oddly enough Destronium was in TF animated. However I imagine burrowing speed would be reliant on the environment. Example: It's easier to move through sand or bellow rootline of dirt then say solid rock which will slow him down but not stop him. However, he would probably be faster above ground due to less forward resistance while using his tracks, which also works if you decide to have Deathroll ram someone/an object with his drill in vehicle mode.

Pulse laser guns/Sonic disruptors: Sounds fine, though they might count as two separate weapons since it's two pistols but also a single blaster, not because of the dual functionality. Probably need someone else's verdict on this. I'm assuming the dual functionality is because lasers work less efficiently underwater without altering their refraction while Sonic weapons work better underwater?

Torpedoes: Sounds okay to me, to be honest you probably wont get much chance to use em' underwater.. the Maximals no longer have aquatic robots.Maybe Ambush attacks from rivers or lakes though. Could also be called a missile with a Supercavitation function like the Shkval torpedo which uses a bubble/s infront of the torpedo with propellant in the back to have it move at 220 mph.
DarkSpark wrote:Special Ability: Soundwave generation, an upgraded version of the Faraday Waves alligators can generate in the water, Deathroll can generate similar but much more powerful sonic vibrations which he can use to jam communication signals & tracking devices, improving upon his ambush tactics & preventing would be prey from calling for help. He can also use these sonic waves to generate rock falls, mudslides, & quicksand, allowing him to turn the battlefield against his enemies, particularly those who are faster or more agile than him.

Faraday waves don't interact with radio signals, they're a type of vibration in substrate. However due to being a vibration in substrate, rockfalls, mudslides, quicksand,or avalanches work.. or just reducing the surface tension of sand or dirt could allow him to burrow/sink quickly for escapes,hit and run tactics, or setting up ambushes. For someone who burrows this gives him a superior freedom of movement underground if he isn't leaving tunnels behind in some environments and makes him hard though not impossible to hit from above ground.

Now I am curious though, how does Deathroll navigate while underground? This isn't really something you have to specify, it just gives an idea on his sensory. In the case of Landslide who does mining work sometimes, he mostly navigates with his sense of smell since beetles have a good sense of smell for finding food or mates. I suppose in Deathroll's case he could have ground penetrating radar or even ground penetrating sonar based from his faraday waves and sonic weapons. Thinking about this could also help on how Deathroll detects enemies while underground, or certain weaknesses to being underground like not detecting fliers as well as someone on the ground.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

NaitoKage wrote:Pulse laser guns/Sonic disruptors: Sounds fine, though they might count as two separate weapons since it's two pistols but also a single blaster, not because of the dual functionality. Probably need someone else's verdict on this. I'm assuming the dual functionality is because lasers work less efficiently underwater without altering their refraction while Sonic weapons work better underwater?

Right, so I discussed this one with someone else. Keep it as a blaster and just let them split when in the Anti air turret mode. Otherwise they'd be considered two separate weapons as pistols.
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