Absentee List 3

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Heh, Well in the case of Spiny that should be pretty easy. The Predacons are currently passing around the cure now. So she can get cured and probably be given orders to do some repairs around the ship. for Winter's case, I don't remember what she was doing last time, but currently the Maximals can use help either with the bridge, watching Zodiac/building his cage, and there is a battle outside the axalon by the lake but support hasn't been called in yet.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Just wanted to let everyone know that OOP is going to be away until next Tuesday due to a trip.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Alrighty Phoenix, hope she has fun!

And like I said NK, the last I was on Winter was heading to be interrogated or help with interrogation of Ironclaw with Banshee when Zodiac was playing everyone against Ironclaw and the accusations were being thrown around. I'll try and find time tomorrow to catch up from where I left off and see if that gets me ideas, but I just am trying to figure something out that makes some sense from that point. When you just said that about the Preds passing the cure around I already got an idea for Spineback, so she's covered but not my tigress.
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Unread post by una »

I hope OOP has safe trip. :D

And Wintersong, maybe the tigress could be with Cheetor, helping him with Ironclaw?
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Hmm, maybe. Mystrea made a similar suggestion. Give me at least until tonight to catch up with events first and I will see of posting tonight, if not it'll be tomorrow at the latest.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Thank you, Phoenix.

And thanks, everyone! I'm so sorry for the delay. I wanted to get in a post before I left, or even just to let you guys know that I'd be gone for a few days, but simply had no time. But I'm back now, and will post tomorrow night after work!

Wintersong is still loitering? Then there is hope! :mrgreen:
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Unread post by una »

Glad to have you back, OOP! :D
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Unread post by Wintersong »

So late but welcome back OOP!

And yes I am loitering around. :lol: Kinda had an unexpected week and a half of stuff suddenly hit but I am catching up this weekend with what's gone on!
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Hopefully we can expect a post from you soon then, Wintersong. :) Your presence has been missed.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Funny you say that Phoenix, I happened to get a post today. XD
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Sooo, this nightmare of a semester finally ended and this past....month and a half (think that's about right) was kinda uncertainty for a while. But Unfortunately, yea became quite swamped with a crap load of stuff, primarily a lot of essays filling my time then studying among all the family stuff for holidays. But for sure I should get back in the swing of things now that I'm not having to cram my schedule like I did. Which in case you guys are wondering I was dealing with 5 classes, most of which were mainly time consuming and one which was a real pain in the a$$. And it's also been kinda a rough year on a personal note which is another thing that has made it rather difficult for me to focus on role playing or have creative muse much.

Now, this next semester will be as usual time consuming but I should still have a bit more free time to be able to maybe get back on here again. Discovered recently, no thanks to the freaking staff during orientation for my school, that I can actually double minor along with my major within the next year and a half which means I can kinda take a step back with my schedule and plan it accordingly without putting a ton of stress on myself like I've done this past year. And I am praying this next year goes a bit smoother then this one.

So in shorter terms, I'm back but behind once more yet with greater hopes I can get back into the story.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Good to hear from you, Wintersong. Merry Christmas.
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Unread post by una »

Holy crap, five classes? *faints* Yikes, Wintersong. :shock: At least, you made through it. :D

I hope you had a good Christmas, Wintersong.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Little late but hope you guys had a good Christmas and hope your New Years is the same. :)
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

I shall be away at Anime Boston again this year from Thursday to Sunday this week (going in a day early to book the hotel room & avoid the registration crowds lol), so I won't be able to roleplay until I return. If you guys can't wait feel free to play my characters while I'm away :3
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