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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Wintersong wrote:Not to mention I hardly think her Spark would be strong enough to be extracted like that of Rampage's. If I remember correctly, energon directly touching the Spark of any normal Transformer would kill them outright and the Predacons would have no real advantage extracting her Spark to begin with except maybe having it as a trophy.

There are transformers with spark extractors.. luckily none in the game since those types are truly evil or for some strange medical purpose. As for a trophy.. the Predacons just put in an S&M dungeon, I wouldn't put it past them to stick Wintersong in a jar and sometimes shake it for fun. They're evil.

Hm.. now I can imagine Megatron reading 50 shades of grey.. bleh.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:I just ran some of this by Wintersong in a PM. Haha My bad. NK brings up a lot more details, though, so I'm going to keep hanging around this thread, but right now I need to work on my next post in the game.

Heh, sorry. I tend to over analyze everything.. it has it's merits.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

I sometimes over analyze things myself too NK, so no problem there. This is why I wanted to ask about such a thing before I considered it being brought to the game which likely wouldn't be until after Winter is captured by the Vok, which it helps a lot to know if this would be alright or not. Mean from what I can see there are more disadvantages to astral projection at it's lowest level then anything which is what Wintersong really has.

And NK just no...don't give Grapeface ideas...

And mind you, if Wintersong's spark was freed and returned to her body the Preds will be facing an angry kitty. Be like seeing my new kitten on catnip, or just when she has a hyperactive moment running around the room growling for no reason.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

A long awaited app, apologies for taking forever with it. Hope it works!

Name: Tigerhawk
Allegiance: Maximal
Function: Geologist/Aerial Combatant (Formerly Maximal Emissary)
Alt. Mode: Transmetal White tiger/Albino Red Hawk
Height: 5'6 feet in beast mode, 7'9 in robot mode
Quote: "To destroy this beautiful planet by our own hands pains my spark, but it is a necessary evil sometimes."

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Rank: [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 9
Firepower: 6
Skill: 8

Biography: Tigerhawk started in the Cybertron Police Force, serving from the time he first came online to the time he would retire. Like many young bots at the time, he started out as a young cadet eager to show his potential. He learned all the basics of fighting and the use of weaponry in this time of his life, which he quickly expanded upon following his graduation and the many years he would come to serve the force. He was at some point assigned to a Special Operations unit, working to stop the crime from behind the scenes and preventing the starts of skirmishes during the times of the Pax Cybertronia and when Maximals and Predacons were at the time the two prominent factions on Cybertron. Of course, he was of a neutral stance since he could remember for the longest time until his days in Special Ops.

Working behind the scenes, he came to see some grizzly things from both sides, mostly outside the political arena where he began to be swayed towards the Maximal side of the argument, having come to have a misconception that the Predacons were nothing but destructive and sought nothing more then to have utter dominance, at least by most. He usually did not turn his views towards neutral parties on either side. Eventually, he left this position of being second in command of his Special Operations unit to joining the political arena himself, becoming a lower level politician of sorts for the Maximals. But what he had learned over the years came to help influence his own agenda, and he often tried to help come up with ways in which both sides could live peacefully.

Unfortunately, Tigerhawk began to have some suspicions to the Tripedicus Council and their own propaganda. Having heard rumors of how they wanted to form an army in secret, the still semi-young mech at the time began snooping around on his fellow politicians to uncover if these rumors were just all talk or were indeed true. As luck would have it, Tigerhawk was eventually caught by one of the agents and with the threat of revealing a lot of what he did under his duty to the Cybertronian Special Operations and his life literally at gun point he came to resign before he could hope to get any information out of what little information he could ever find.

Thus, he eventually settled upon becoming a geologist and seemed to find joy in something that didn't risk his own life. By this time, Tigerhawk was finding love in learning about fauna and flora of Cybertron and distant planets that had so far been explored and could have been considered at least middle age by this time. But after some years in this field he heard the voyage the Axalon was suppose to take and willingly volunteered, still having the Predacons who supported the Tripedicus Council's ideals breathing down his neck and saw the opportunity to leave Cybertron. But he wouldn't come to Earth for several more months until his pod activated some weeks after the Quantum Surge.

Over the years, Tigerhawk has grown to become a rather wise and intelligent mech. He values the Universe having freedom and equality, even if this is to be a distant unforeseen dream. He is always known to be a kind, caring mech who shows great compassion and empathy towards others, whether they are his enemy or friend he tries to stick to the notion that anyone has the chance of some goodness within. This has given Tigerhawk something of an idealist mind, hoping to see things in the future as becoming positive and changing, but even he knows sometimes reality has to set in and not everything can be serene.

Nevertheless, he is a calm minded mech with a great love for all forms of life, whether organic, alien, or cybertronian. Tigerhawk is merciful and forgiving, willing to put the past behind him if the circumstances deem it so but there might be a rare time he will hold a grudge, but very rarely does this happen. There are times he can show something of an angered side, but only under certain situations. He is also known to be highly protective and shown deep loyalty to all those he comes close to.

Weapons: In beast form, Tigerhawk makes use of his metal claws and teeth to fight along side sharp wings that have razor sharp edges along the individual feathers.
In robot form, he has two shoulder mounted machine guns on his left shoulder and right shoulder while also having two Cybertronian blades that eject from his wrists on hand. Mounted on his forearms are also two double-barrelled electricity cannons, packing enough power to knock a Cybertronian of their feet, leaving them temporarily paralyzed or their systems and motor functions responded much slower or out of whack for 3-5 minutes.
*Tigerhawk can make use of a stealth mode that enables him to go undetected by radar and electrical systems.
*He makes full use of his beast forms senses with his hearing and sense of smell height slightly above that of a normal Transformer. His eyes can also switch between a Thermal Imaging sight that allows him to detect heat signals and night vision that allows him to see in complete darkness up to a certain point.
*Tigerhawk's unwillingness to fight someone who is already down is one thing that can be exploited, including the fact he is against taking the life of someone.
*Damaging his wings or wing joints can easily leave him grounded and unable to use his flight capabilities.
*His thermal imaging can have its drawback in that he can easily be tricked in believing what a heat source could be or is unable to use it through certain materials.
*Tigerhawk can also be distracted sometimes by something new or that catches his interest, making him something of an easy target or easily to fall into a trap.
*His coloration makes him stick out against most terrain except perhaps snow or lighter colors.

Sample Post: Light green optics shifted back and forth, gaze fixed upon the monitor in front of him as he read through past information taken up by his new comrades. At least, the little research they had gotten to gather as previously intended despite this war going on, one that should never have been started. Tigerhawk was interested in knowing this information, hoping to maybe find something that would apply to his own field of science as a geologist from Cybertron. Thus far, he was satisfied with classifications of animals, flora, and some soil samples taken. It intrigued him how diverse Earth was, considering it was the planet they had been confirmed to be on from what he had discovered or heard from others.

Though the one thing he had discovered was that they were in Prehistoric times, and the only thing that had shown through that was that evolution was just starting to take it's grip on some of the species. But what he really needed to look into was earth and soil samples or even plant ones. There was research shown that things could change over time, especially the land and plants as a planet changed over time. The newest Transmetal fuzor hoped that if a break ever came within the Beast Wars he could have that chance, adding onto the research already there in the ship's database. But alas, that was likely to not happen for some time.

The unfortunate thing was Tigerhawk was on monitor duty, keeping an eye out for signs of Predacon foes. While he did look at the research information he was luckily an excellent multitasker and his gaze often shifted to the radars, having seen no blips or signs of movement close to the base. Everything was quiet and peaceful, which was both ominous and welcoming at the same time for the Maximals, but it could always mean the Predacons were planning something and he had to be ready at a moments notice to jump into the fray. But for the time being the Maximal emissary turned geologist was content that things would be just fine.
Last edited by Wintersong on Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by Mystrea »

Is this The actual Tigerhawk from the show?
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Unread post by Phoenix »

It's a modified version of the Tigerhawk character, without the super abilities and the fusion of Tigatron and AirRazor history. Or at least I think..?
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Phoenix is correct. It's a modified version of Tigerhawk that Wintersong and OOP discussed. Originally Tigerhawk was not going to be allowed into the game for season 3 as most players generally dislike the character. So it's supposed to be a watered down version with different weapons and such. However the way the profile is written does make it still feel like alot of Tigatron is still floating in there..

Stats come out to 49,strength seems a bit low for a tiger which they are usually known for being the fairly strong. Height seems a bit small for Tigerhawk, considering you've set him to around Rattrap's size.. which is less Tigerhawk and more Housecat hawk. :P

Weapons seem okay, if you want to add a second machine gun I'd say go for it to match up with Tigerhawk's wing Gatling guns, probably also help since Tigerhawk is going to be swarmed by Pred fliers as the Maximals have very few fliers at this point that can fight in the air in robot mode.

Weaknesses seem fine though, honestly you probably don't need the night vision range limit being so low as you really don't need to get too specific in technologies in the game, and even then I'd assume night vision is fairly decent on Tigerhawk as Tigers naturally have night vision. Also range of night vision is effected by ambient light, so on clear starry nights or moonlit nights the range of that would be MUCH better then 10 feet which.. is more something a 1998 Camcorder with a few IR Leds would have.

"Tigerhawk can make use of a stealth mode that enables him to go undetected by radar and tracking systems."
This one might be a bit tricky. Being invisible to Radar and Electro sensory wouldn't be too much a problem since they kinda go hand and hand, however "other tracking systems" is ALOT of systems from Thermal vision, Echo location, olfactory sensory,Lateral line sensory,energy signature detection, or just standard vision as being a shiny chrome plated tiger makes you inherently less stealthy.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Alright I did some modifications. Increased the strength and lowered the speed, removed the night vision weakness, altered size, and changed the stealth mode and added one more machine gun. Unfortunately, I guess I wasn't thinking on the broad range of detecting techniques so improvised on the "other tracking systems" bit so just replaced with radar and electrical systems since that's the only thing I can think of he'd be somewhat invisible to.

Also, I did mention I would keep some aspects of Tigerhawk's original character, but he is actually his own person rather then a combination of two characters. Some of his personality is there along with the form and some of his weapons like the claws and machine guns, but aside from that I've taken quite a bit away from him, especially the powers he had of controlling weather and somehow being the male version of Storm in this series and no influence of the Vok. Though I guess is he still too much like the original and more needs to be changed? I've taken a huge gamble in trying this out, I'm really trying to give Tigerhawk a chance to actually be a real character, not just another plot device.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Wintersong wrote:Also, I did mention I would keep some aspects of Tigerhawk's original character, but he is actually his own person rather then a combination of two characters. Some of his personality is there along with the form and some of his weapons like the claws and machine guns, but aside from that I've taken quite a bit away from him, especially the powers he had of controlling weather and somehow being the male version of Storm in this series and no influence of the Vok. Though I guess is he still too much like the original and more needs to be changed? I've taken a huge gamble in trying this out, I'm really trying to give Tigerhawk a chance to actually be a real character, not just another plot device.

I understand this, but it doesn't change that most people are just going to think of him as only a plot device or a way to sell toys quick, unless it's japan.. then they remember him as a Samurai.*LOL* You can change him into whatever you like, but there is always going to be that stigma. Kinda the same thing Darkspark is facing with trying to keep Terrorsaur not being comedy relief.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

So, guess am I going to have scrap the idea of trying him or does he have some chance? Guess that's another concern I have but it'll ultimately be up to you guys.

And honestly, I thought making him a political figure might be interesting since the Maximals have struck me as not being big fans of politics. Especially some more then others. Just his last description of emissary didn't strike me as exactly "political" from what more research I did, but I guess the Vok prefer the more direct, violent approach.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Sure he has a chance, I'm just saying it wont be easy.
Wintersong wrote:and honestly, I thought making him a political figure might be interesting since the Maximals have struck me as not being big fans of politics. Especially some more then others. Just his last description of emissary didn't strike me as exactly "political" from what more research I did, but I guess the Vok prefer the more direct, violent approach.

Well.. alot of us are older and bitter from government or the fact that good and evil are just labels of victors. As for Tigerhawk being a emissary and his violent approach.. It's mostly due to the fact the Beast wars had gotten to the point that it generating time storms and altering time and reality itself causing damage to both Maximals and Predacons alike,as Tarantulas mentioned only he and the Tripredicus council wouldn't of been effected since they have a different origin. Also the loss of Optimus Prime would of had an effect on the Vok as their origin is supposed to be from the Swarm of the G2 Comics.

The Swarm was a byproduct of the G2 Transformers finding away to reactivate transformer reproduction which was a method of Budding, like a singlecell organism or a jellyfish. Since they'd already reached the limit, each time they produced a new transformer it had less and less of "the light of Primus" inside of them, making them more cold and twisted then even Decepticons normally. In the terms of the Swarm, being a by product it was essentially a collection of living metal cells or nanomachines that craved and consumed Mechanical lifeforms for their sparks and intelligence to find a purpose, which only was stopped when Optimus sacrificed himself and the Matrix, releasing it's energies into the Swarm causing it to awaken, rebuild Optimus as a sign of repent, and then bugger off to evolve into the Vok.

This makes even destroying a planet seem like a mere trifle in comparison. I also believe had Tigerhawk known Megatron was carrying G1 Megatron's spark, he probably would of used less extreme methods. The Vok didn't really see the Maximals as enemies, but they didn't see their methods as effective either, which is likely why Tigerhawk shrugged off Optimus at first and then when Optimus tried to get him to stop he reacted aggressively because the Vok was tired of Optimus's failures. Lawful Good tends to be a bit overkill at times in stories.. like Judge Dredd.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Hm, that's all true and explains a lot. Forgot I tried doing some research a few years back about the Vok, but with everything going on I've completely forgotten about them or what their beef was with the Transformers to begin with. Guess I'll need a mind refresher to look more into that when time allows.

Still, up to you guys to give a yay or nay to Tigerhawk and hope that maybe he'll be around except for three episodes. :lol: No killing this new 'Hawk!
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Know it's been a month since this was last replied to but I'm still kinda waiting on an answer for Tigerhawk. Does he need more editing before he's approved or no? I know he has a chance, but kind of hard for me to adjust anything if he still seems too much like the original without knowing what more should be changed.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

I think he's already technically approved, but I don't see too much of a problem, so I'll give the go ahead anyway. Sorry. As for the others... No idea.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

I know you'll make him your own, Wintersong, so I'm all for it. I also like the political spin on him that you suggested.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Wintersong »

No worries NK I just wasn't sure if he was approved or not, that's why I bumped this thread and inquired about it. And glad you like it OOP, I figured why not make use of the emissary part since they are technically a political figure from what I could find. This time he would be a little less aggressive though, in some matters. :lol:

Anyway, would it be alright if I brought him in the next episode? Guess if the current episode doesn't become a three part one that is, don't think the Maxies and Preds need more issues at hand.
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