"More Than Meets The Eye: Part II"

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Unread post by starshadow »

Banshee rubbed the back of her head after Umbra took her down impressively quick.
Now stop making this any harder on them and go... Remember the sacrifices they made for you and honor their memory.. That's all you can do now.
Easier said than done. It was hard to accept the fact that her team leader sacrificed himself for her and her colleague. It was her fault that she got him into her own mess.
Come on.. lets go..
Banshee looked back towards Optimus then glared at Megatron, muttering, "I'll be back.." She walked out of the Predacon warship..just like that..at the expense of the freedom or maybe lives two fellow Maximals. Whatever land she was standing on, the environment was certainly hot like the heat from a smelting pool. As she looked up ahead, there were two unfamiliar bots, one of them waving. More Maximals? What was going on when she when she was away?
"You two are safe now. We will bring you two back to base and gave you a nice time in the CR chamber, okay? This isn't the end. Optimus spoke of you. Don't worry, you are with friends."
Banshee nodded in acknowledgement. Before she could say anything, she passed out from hunger and the loss of mech fluid from the battle with the crazy eight legged mech.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sonar couldn't help but chuckle as Rhinox mentioned his obsession with Saber-Fang. If he only knew.
"You did. You just chose to ignore it and go right for the throat."
"Winging it can be fun, but not when this is the result." Sonar muttered.

He tried to shift his weight off his wings but because of the straps he couldn't move very much, it did over some relief at least for the time being.
"I will grant you access if you can answer these questions."
This should be good. Sonar thought.
"Would you remember the scent of the intruder if you came across him again? And what are your hallucinations that keep leaving you so terrified?"
"Of course, like one can never forget a face, I can never forget a scent." He kept the pride out of his tone as well as the annoyance.

He paused at Rhinox's second question, if he was going to answer he would have to be careful at how he answered this. He'd rather not give the Maximal's an edge on possibly defeating him in the future.
"Everyone's seem to be different. Mine is a fear of heights; it's messing with my vision and sense of accuracy and balance which is why I can't slagging do anything right here."
Sonar watched him for a moment, he felt a small pang of sympathy for him but it was sympathy from one scientist to another. Other then that his sympathy was virtually non-existent.

"I will not go into explicit detail as to what I am seeing but I can tell you this; It's a sick and twist form of Karma."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by admiralgrim »

Waspinator wrote: Watching Terrorsaur fight with Night Terror, just as Night Terror made a lunge for his comrade, Waspinator opened fire with his toxic stinger in a rapid burst at Night terror's backside while giving a strange buzzing like laugh.
Night Terror's grin disappeared as several small missiles hit him. Reeling back from the hits, he fired his eye beam at this Waspinator.

These two work well together. I will keep that in mind. Now the question is -
Terrorsaur wrote: "Heheheheheheh, nice one Wasp" Terrorsaur said with a scrap-eating grin as he took this opportunity to put some distance between him and his opponent, deciding sword fighting was for suckers who lacked automatic weapons, and so he fired two energy signature seeking missiles at his enemy instead.

"Block that swashbuckler!" Terrorsaur jeered, looking forward to the sight of his enemy exploding in a big fireball of twisted molten slag.
Night Terror's optics widen as he saw two more missiles head right at him. He fired his eye beam quickly at one of the missiles, exploding it. Sadly for him, it was too late. The missile was too close, he was still encompassed by the explosion. Yelling in pain as he fell from the sky, he tried everything he could to slow the decent. Whatever he did, did not seem to help much. He hit the ground hard before finally skidding to a halt.

Covered in dirt and scorched marks, Night Terror pulled himself up. A few of his joints sparked. His left optic was offline, temporarily blinded from the blast.

Curse those two. I will make them pay for this. I will make them pay for my ship. No. I can not be distracted by that now. Perhaps later. No, now is the time for the plan to move forward. Unfortunately that means I have to end this.

"Night Terror to Dirge. Report to me at once and cease hostilities. I am ending this fight."

Night Terror straighten up, sheathed his sword, and composed himself. He did not like this. Not one bit. But it had to be done. He turn back in the direction of the flyers. He held one hand behind his back, while the other held his sword hilt. If he had to do this, he will at least act a gentleman. He tapped his communicator to speak to the Predacon attackers.

"Predacons this Night Terror. We...surrender."
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Unread post by Mystrea »

(Sorry grim, been busy)

Dirge heard his master call and marched straight to him. He saw some incoming missiles and instinctively moved in to cover Night Terror. A few missiles pelted his armor but had little affect. The giant stood in front but to the side of his commanding officer facing the flyers.

Ironclaw listened to Aurora. He hadn't been around when this virus or whatever it is was released. She was one of his best bets. However she did give him an odd look as he approached, he knew it had been a long time since they had interacted. Lots had changed since then, they had both grown up in order to deal with this war - but in different ways. While Ironclaw wasn't quite sure what happened to him he could see what was happening to Aurora. He had wanted to protect her innocents from the hardships of this war, he feared he was too late.This all led the badger to treat her like any other member of the team, not baby her and remove favoritism. The large Maximal had stopped listening to the rodent and Nemesis. Ironclaw was happy to guard her while she did the sciency bit. She gestured him to follow her so he did in silence. He walked with her and stayed close. Speaking to her felt impossible at this point, her devotion to Optimus rubbed him the wrong way. At the same time he couldn't hold that against her. She led them both to Rhinox.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Nexus merely followed Megatron's movements with his gaze as the tyrant gloated while leading them inside the base, the soothing daylight soon replaced by the dim artificial lights of the Predacon base. The further inside they got, the darker the lights became as well until finally there were barely any left. All the while Megatron ranted on triumphantly in a manner most unfitting someone of his stature. The pretense of power, of real power, had truly gone to his head.

Their new home, as he had called it, was located in the darkest section of the ship, the piles of dust that had gathered in the corners a testimony of how little attention this place had received until perhaps very recently. There were no windows in this portion of the ship, no indication of the time of day. The dry heat from their volcanic surroundings felt uncomfortable against his armor, and for a moment he felt grateful that he was not an organic creature or he would be suffocating right now. His restraints that were keeping his arms locked in place were too tight to allow anything more than the slightest of movements. Still he was not worried. After all he had planned for every possible outcome he could have imagined so he had more than one ace up his sleeve. The angry facade was more for Optimus' benefit, honestly, to throw him off the fact that Nexus had no intention of putting up with this charade any longer than he had to.
"I have such sights to show you..."
"Hopefully more worthwhile than what I've seen thus far," Nexus suddenly replied, breaking his self-inflicted silence, "Because I'm hardly impressed by your shortsighted display of prowess."

Determined orange optics settled on Megatron, a hint of a coy smile traceable on Nexus' lips as he insulted the tyrant quite blatantly.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Whitegrazer wrote:"Follow me, Landslide, I know where we can met them."

Landslide gave a nod and lumbered along following after Whitegrazer, his head swaying around a bit observing the terrain, smelling the different chemicals and minerals in the air. Obsidian,sulfur, a variety of minerals, but none that were too useful.
Whitegrazer wrote: "You two are safe now. We will bring you two back to base and gave you a nice time in the CR chamber, okay?" "This isn't the end." She looked towards the female known as Banshee, "Optimus spoke of you. Don't worry, you are with friends."

Cheetor gave a nod, then caught Banshee as she passed out. H-hey!

Landslide observed as Whitegrazer interacted with the two, observing as Banshee passed out. The large beetle transformed to robot mode, kneeling down as his left arm opened pulling out a cable and attached it to the side of Banshee's neck. Running a diagnostic.. looks like she's just a bit low on fuel. Lucky yer you lads I happen to carry energon with me. Lets get you three loaded up an' head out before trouble shows up though..

Pulling the cable out, Landslide turned around and transformed to his vehicle mode. Cheetor looked at the large beetle raising an optic ridge, then was surprised as his backside started to open revealing a rather large storage bay with some drawers on the walls and internal lighting. It wasn't the most spacious, but certainly large enough to carry himself, Banshee, and probably others as long as they weren't too tall.

He struggled a bit, lifting up Banshee and loaded her into the bay, then climbed inside sitting next to her. Alright, we're in! Cheetor responded, the hatch closed.

Landslide looked towards Whitegrazer Yer.. a bit.. tall, ta be ridin' back there with those two, so just climb back on top. he stated, trying to avoid insulting her physical dimensions, but Landslide did have a cargo space limit as he wasn't built like Jetfire or Astrotrain, though carrying the mare wouldn't with the other two wouldn't effect his weight limit.

After having her climb back on, Landslide rolled along on his landing gear towards the vegetation, then started to pull up and take off into the sky. Inside, one of his drawers opened revealing a few small bottles of energon which Cheetor pulled out and examined, and finally plugged a hose from the bottle into Banshee.

As they traveled, Landslide spoke up I should er.. warn ya spots, there's a bit of a problem at the base.

Cheetor raised an optic ridge What sort of problem could be worse then Optimus being in Pred hands?

Well.. From what Rhinox said, Sonar infected Rhinox, Optimus, Orcariner, and Saberfang with some sort of virus that causes them to see things.. terrible things. Saberfang ran off into the wild, and they may be contagious.. so try to avoid phsyical contact. the large beetle responded.

Cheetor rubbed his face with his hand, speechless at what he'd been told.


Umbra turned observing as the group made their way inside, he crossed his arms noticing Optimus turn back to watch Banshee and Cheetor. It was nice to see a commander care for his subordinates, as not all Maximals followed this trait.. but then their crew as supposed to be a exploration ship. Though Umbra wondered how much of that was true, every light cast it's shadows.. every white lie holding a truth.

As Umbra followed the group, he noticed Quickstrike returning to his terminal, then saw the makeshift dungeon the spiders had made for Optimus and Nexus.
Nexus wrote:"Hopefully more worthwhile than what I've seen thus far," "Because I'm hardly impressed by your shortsighted display of prowess."
Admittedly, the Predacon base wasn't much for show.. it was half buried in lava and filled with makeshift devices scavenged from broken machines.. Something of a junkion paradise if anything.
Night Terror wrote:"Predacons this Night Terror. We...surrender."
With the sudden call of surrender, Waspinator stopped in the air and pointed his weapon away from Night Terror, ceasing any hostile activities. He then hovered down to the ground keeping some distance, observing the much larger Dirge coming to Night Terror's aid, but didn't attack, keeping his weapon pointed towards the ground. Waspinator then looked towards Terrorsaur somewhat puzzled Bbzzz.. What now?
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

We have them, Optimus. You don't have to worry about them, but now, you and Nexus must be prepared and remain strong. Whatever the Predacons may throw at you, I will feel and fight it with you. I will help wrestle away the pain to the best of my abilities... until the time we come back to get you two.
Primal almost smiled to tell her "thank you" but he quietly sighed to himself a great deal of relief. Banshee and Cheetor were safe because, shockingly, Megatron kept his word. Now nothing else mattered since he had complete and utter faith in his Maximals to survive. Whatever Megatron and his goons might do to him, they wouldn't be able break his spirit. His body, perhaps, but not his spirit. His only other concern now was Nexus, who shouldn't even be a part of this fiasco but nothing could change that now. He was so grateful to have Whitegrazer "there" with him. For now. He gradually felt their connection grow thinner the more she progressed away from the Darksyde with the others.
"Honestly Primal, how little you must think of me"
... Can you blame me...? thought Optimus though he knew he was just being spiteful. Megatron's record spoke for itself. However, he was still aware that his adversary had a greater scheme in mind and that he probably simply planned on terminating his "less-threatening" Maximals at a later time. Hopefully, the attempt will be made much, much later so his crew would have time to prepare.
"Well done Umbra, yyyesss, good form. Can't say they didn't try Primal, no indeed. Now then, as for you two, valiant struggle and all, but I believe the phrase goes, "Get off my lawn?" Hhhmm? Yes? No? Whatever, just make yourselves scarce before I forget how generous I am at spark, understood? Good. Farewell."
Generous? Primal nearly choked on his inside laughter. Such ego. Such ruthlessness. Such a false act of portraying mercy. But the leader remained quiet, avoiding any triggers that would make Megatron retaliate and harm anyone.
"Quickly now gentlemen, let us see our guests to their rooms, shall we? They have traveled a long way just to enjoy our humble Predacon hospitality, we mustn't disappoint them, nnnooo"
The Maximal Commander sneered a little bit at Megatron's tighter grip, nearly forcing him and Nexus inside despite their co-operation. As chilling as the atmosphere was when the Predacon tyrant laughed and slipped into the shadows, it was still warm and very dry but at the same time held a musty smell in his vessel that was in worse shape than the Axalon despite all of her attacks from the Predacons. All of Primal's senses were on high alert as he walked in his tight restraints beside Nexus and other Predacons surrounding them, casting a curious gaze to Umbra for a moment. This was always Megatron's biggest weakest; his ego and assumption that he already won the Beast Wars. What a fool. Optimus felt no fear or hopelessness at this point, and he hoped by showing it continuously that it would anger or aggravate his long-time nemesis. Truth be told, he was too busy taking in everything that he could about their ship and its occupants so that it may be of further use later on than to listen to Megatron's gloating. One could only imagine what he was visualizing in his obscure and merciless mind anyway.

Then he realized that they weren't heading in the direction that he thought they would be. They weren't going to the cages that normally dangled over a lava pit, a place he was more familiar with because of Rattrap's previous infiltration and the extensive details he had made when Terrorsaur had foolishly accepted him as his lieutenant. Like the energy bonds that ensnared him and Nexus, this was another new trick up Megatron's sleeves that Primal hadn't been prepared for. But not to worry. One thing Optimus was good at was improvising. Another was being opportunistic.
"Make yourselves at home" "I have such sights to show you..."
Oh to think of the remarks that would be coming out of Rattrap's mouth at this point. As the t-rex turned to examine Nexus slowly and obsessively, watching him tilt his shiny, purple head with that aggressively toothy grin, he then did the same to Primal who merely stood there as straight as he could in his exhaustion with his orange optics slightly narrowed in a disgusted glare. Megatron was obviously enjoying this way too much, so Nexus took it upon himself to make the first insult.
"Hopefully more worthwhile than what I've seen thus far," "Because I'm hardly impressed by your shortsighted display of prowess."
A small smile tugged at the corner of Primal's mouth without looking at either the Admiral or Megatron, he just looked straight ahead. For now, he was willing to try a different approach to Megatron's madness and boastful personality and played along with Nexus Prime's words. The darkness here in this section of the ship was similar to that of a black hole. It swallowed light and would probably eventually consume time even if Optimus could count on his internal computer's clock. He could feel the lifelessness of the Darksyde; a complete opposite to his own wrecked ship that was far brighter, positive and abundant in life and warmth. How could anyone call this place "home" and function here?

"Is that what you did? Or have you spent so much time among these Maximals that you've forgotten your Predacon heritage?"
Oooo. Wrong thing ta say ta that guy, thought Rattrap, steering clear of that argument and leaving it to Dinobot to handle.
"I guess I need to take that former statement back since it's hard to argue with such flattery. Although I'd be careful, little mouse, and not test my luck any further if I.."
Rattrap, very immaturely, had mocked Nemesis's words with a face and silently lip-synced what she said before she found her face pile-driven into the center round console by Ironclaw.
"Why thank you, it's.. lovely..,"
"You sound dissatisfied. We could give you some glue and glitter if you wanna girly it up and personalize it," the rodent smirked at her sarcasm with his back facing her at this point while he sat at a console.
"We're on it,"
Rattrap glanced over at Aurora with a smile as she exited the bridge with Ironclaw, glad to see her excited about helping out just after the way he saw her kneeling on the ground outside and staring aimlessly and hopelessly in the direction in which their fearless leader and his suspicious mentor had been last seen. With her assisting Rhinox it should keep her busy and her mind off of thinking what horrible things may come to the Boss Monkey and if they'd ever see him again.
"You'd be wasting your time. Optimus might very well already be dead,"
"That shows how little you know him and Megs an' de rest of us," Rattrap said without taking his attention off of his monitor while he watched the security feed from several cameras.
"And even if they're still alive, even if Megatron has granted them that mercy.. or doomed them to face torture as the case may be, you really would be better off by preparing your group for an impending attack. Megatron will not stop just two dead Maximals, noooooo."
"But it's likely he won't do much more of anythin' until he's done with them, which buys us time 'cause he ain't gonna waste it with us when he could be havin' play time with them," he retorted. "Yesssss," he mocked her impression. It was so weird that Megatron did that. Why did he do that all the time? Still, she had a valid point although he wasn't going to admit to it. But there were only so many of them that could do so much with the time they had. Once they found a cure for the hallucinogen, it was risking not saving Optimus and Nexus in order to perfect their defenses which would also pretty much sentence them to death - and that's probably what Nemesis really wanted - or risking their lives and planning an attack to rescue their leader before it was too late. No, he preferred the second option. They could pull it off. Because in the end, if they didn't try rescuing them, then they were likely dooming themselves at the same time anyway. It was no secret that Optimus was the super glue that held this crew together; simply with his power, strength and experience let alone the rest of his positive attributes that had made a difference in this war, and they needed him.
"Megatron has had some time to prepare for this so he's no doubt been upgrading his holding cells and equipment. A frontal assault would be suicide.." "If you really want my suggestion, I would lure them out of the base. Take them on and out a few at the time, set up traps, send smaller teams to intercept their soldiers.. whatever needs to be done to reduce their numbers."
Oh so now she wanted to help? Was she a schizophrenic or something? One second she's bad-mouthing everyone and being condescending, and the next she offers some advice? Man, she was confusing. And annoying. "We've done all that once before durin' a cease fire. They might anticipate it." Of course, this time it wouldn't be a cease fire and they could unleash everything they could muster. He waited to hear Dinobot's opinion on the matter while he thought about other possible avenues and ideas.
"He's a backstabbing rat,"
Rattrap finally glanced over his shoulder at Nemesis, offended for a moment by the comparison, although it was brief before he returned his optics to the screen in front of him that was only displaying the camera feeds that he was interested in, but it was a lot of footage to go through.
"He showed up at our base, claiming he had stowed away on the Akira and caused it to crash. Said he escaped in a pod. He went out of his way to trick Megatron into assigning me to him as a mentor of sorts."
"Woe is you," the rodent said sarcastically. "I meant a description on his appearance. What's he look like? Any weapons? Alternative modes?"

"Winging it can be fun, but not when this is the result."
So... lesson learned? Probably not.
"Of course, like one can never forget a face, I can never forget a scent."
Nor could Rattrap but Sonar was the only one that had been around when this intruder was present and disguised as Optimus. This could be useful. ...Again, assuming he was being honest about the whole story.
"I will not go into explicit detail as to what I am seeing but I can tell you this; It's a sick and twist form of Karma."
Great. It told him absolutely nothing, except that Sonar may have been suffering from a great deal of regret and remorse. Or maybe just regret. Putting down his tools that he only kept dropping and fumbling with anyway, Rhinox finally turned around to face Sonar again on the cot, folding his large arms across his spiky chest, and said, "That doesn't help me help you at all if you go on another whimpering and terrifying tantrum again. So if you can't trust me, then I can't trust you being unrestrained. You'll just have to walk us through your ideas." The engineer stood there waiting for Aurora to arrive.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by una »

NaitoKage wrote:Cheetor gave a nod, then caught Banshee as she passed out. H-hey!
Whitegrazer witnessed Banshee's fall and was about to catch her, but Cheetor had been swift. Poor thing must have been weakened more than she realized. She looked like she needed more than repairs. She needed something to reenergize her with and Whitegrazer was saddened that she hadn't what the female needed, but she didn't need to fret as Landslide had that covered.
Running a diagnostic.. looks like she's just a bit low on fuel. Lucky yer you lads I happen to carry energon with me. Lets get you three loaded up an' head out before trouble shows up though..
Whitegrazer smiled and helped Cheetor and Banshee as they got themselves hooked up to some good old-fashioned energon, "Landslide, you are a lifesaver."
Alright, we're in! Cheetor responded, the hatch closed.
Yer.. a bit.. tall, ta be ridin' back there with those two, so just climb back on top. he stated, trying to avoid insulting her physical dimensions, but Landslide did have a cargo space limit as he wasn't built like Jetfire or Astrotrain, though carrying the mare wouldn't with the other two wouldn't effect his weight limit.
She watched with amusement at Landslide's attempt to not insult her particular stature. But there really wasn't anything he needed to worry about. She was aware of her a tall and bulky appearance. Though, maybe not as bulky as some of the males here, including Landslide.
I should er.. warn ya spots, there's a bit of a problem at the base.
What sort of problem could be worse then Optimus being in Pred hands?
Well.. From what Rhinox said, Sonar infected Rhinox, Optimus, Orcariner, and Saberfang with some sort of virus that causes them to see things.. terrible things. Saberfang ran off into the wild, and they may be contagious.. so try to avoid phsyical contact. the large beetle responded.
"It's all right. Rhinox, along with others and Aurora, would be fast in making up a cure." She knew the sight of their leader being in Megatron's hands upsetted Cheetor. Cheetor viewed Optimus like a father. " I know this is hard to take in for you both, but I promise you all that we will get Optimus and Nexus back" she said with confidence, feeling her connection with Optimus thinning yet that didn't stop her from focusing on him. She will not allow distance to hinder her guidance and warmth. She will increase her strength towards him, no matter the stain on her own spark if she had to. "There is a lot more going on here, but you two should focus on getting your strength back and repairs," she added with softness, seeing the Axalon in her view.

She wondered how everything was holding up in there. She looked at the taser Optimus gave her. Her thoughts run to Nemesis. She hoped anyone was playing nice. She hoped Aurora was all right too, but she had every faith in the young one's skills. She may not have the experience, but she was a sharp Maximal. "Aurora, I have faith in you. I promise you...I will do my best to protect Optimus."As Landslide's reached closer to the hangar, she hopped off his topside and helped in getting Cheetor and Banshee inside the Axalon and into CR Chambers. She took Cheetor and let Landslide take Banshee, but not before she placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at Banshee with welcoming optics, "Despite the crisis at hand, my team and I would love to get to know you a little better." But after she gets better. She helped Cheetor gt into one of the Cr chmabers next to Banshee before she headed to the bridge,seeing Rattrap and Nemesis chatting.

"We are back. Cheetor and Banshee were pretty beat up, but with a little time in the chambers, they should be fine," she was about to say something else when she noticed a dent on the middle oval control center. Normally, she may dismiss it as someone just slamming their fist there in a moment of frustration or anger like usual, but she saw that one side of Nemesis' face looked like it had been scrapped against something, "What happened here?"

((OOC: I hope this isn't too much, but Nk and starshadow, if you two believe I went a bit too fast here, I will gladly erase the Axalon part of my post. I would have no problem with doing that. :D ))


Blackarachnia was smirking proudly at her work when Megatron was coming down her way along with a restrained Optimus and the Admiral. Was this it? Could this be the end of the Beast Wars? They had their leader and a Prime! Well, she wasn't like Megatron and LOVE to boast. Optimus exploded and came back to life! Some part of her would put it past them that Optimus would just find some way to beat them like before! Yet, maybe this time would be different, their prisons were much more protected than last time and they would be keeping a very, VERY close optic on them.

"Well, well, well," she put her pinchers to her hips, swaying, "I think you two are going to love the accommodations we have built for you. You should be flattered." She winked before she looked at Megatron, changing to more professional tone, "I put some extra security. Though, the barriers and bond would be tough to break, I installed the sensors just in case. If some much a Maximal tries to escape or one tries to rescue, alarms would be sounded."
Last edited by una on Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Well, looks like no one else is interested in guessing, so the answer to my challenge is Pinhead from Hellraiser :twisted:
Phoenix wrote:
"Hopefully more worthwhile than what I've seen thus far," Nexus suddenly replied, breaking his self-inflicted silence, "Because I'm hardly impressed by your shortsighted display of prowess."

Determined orange optics settled on Megatron, a hint of a coy smile traceable on Nexus' lips as he insulted the tyrant quite blatantly.
Megatron merely snorted in reply to Nexus' attempt to ruin his good mood, his were the feeble words of a prisoner who knew he was not long for this world and would resort to mere wordplay as the only weapons he had left to fight with...A lesser Predacon might fall for such cheap shots and become careless, but not Megatron. He was better than that, and he had them right where he wanted them, nothing they said or did to lift their pitiful spirits or wound his pride could save them now, no matter how irritating.

"And yet here you still are, shackled, chained, and at my mercy, how the mighty have fallen when they have no weapons left to them but mere words...Words cannot save you, words cannot harm me, so go ahead and talk all you like Prime, whatever makes you feel better" Megatron retorted, voice still filled with predacon pride and wicked cheer, enjoying every nanoclick of Prime's and Primal's final cycles.

AdmiralGrim wrote: Night Terror straighten up, sheathed his sword, and composed himself. He did not like this. Not one bit. But it had to be done. He turn back in the direction of the flyers. He held one hand behind his back, while the other held his sword hilt. If he had to do this, he will at least act a gentleman. He tapped his communicator to speak to the Predacon attackers.

"Predacons this Night Terror. We...surrender."

The hellish yellow lights in his eyes faded as Terrorsaur's optic beams powered down, shoulder cannons and blade still pointed at the enemies, a confused look coming to his face, only to be replaced by one of evil glee as he laughed "AHA! Are you slagging kidding me?"

Naitokage wrote: With the sudden call of surrender, Waspinator stopped in the air and pointed his weapon away from Night Terror, ceasing any hostile activities. He then hovered down to the ground keeping some distance, observing the much larger Dirge coming to Night Terror's aid, but didn't attack, keeping his weapon pointed towards the ground. Waspinator then looked towards Terrorsaur somewhat puzzled Bbzzz.. What now?
Terrorsaur shrugged at his partner and said "Guess we call the boss and see what he wants us to do with these losers. Keep your guns trained on them boys, especially the big dumb looking one, I'll contact Megatron."

Terrorsaur would really rather just shoot them both and be done with it and have two severed heads as trophies for his room, but he had enough commonsense to know Megatron may be curious about these newcomers and could get...Cross with them, to put it mildly, if they slagged them without checking with him first.

"Terrorsaur to Megatron, thanks to my skill and guidance, we've destroyed the enemy ship, but its two passengers survived and have surrendered to us...What do you want us to do with these clowns?" Terrorsaur questioned, eager to get this over with and return to base so he could brag about his flawless leadership and masterful combat skills.

Back at the Darksyde, Megatron's pleasure in tormenting the maximal leaders was interrupted by Terrorsaur's call, the tyrant pondering his options by this unlikely turn of events, weighing the odds and risks given the current situation, but decided in the end that whatever potential threat these newcomers posed, he needed to interrogate them for information on who they were and how they had tracked them down to this place and time...And more importantly, who had sent them...Megatron had not the resources to stop a fullscale invasion by Cybertronian authorities, be they pawns of the Maximal Elders or tools of the Tripredacus Council. It was important to find out if anymore of these strangers would be arriving soon to finish what Terrorsaur's captives had started.

"Bring these strangers to me immediately, they may prove useful, yyyyessss. Megatron out" he said before turning back to his captives and added "Seems you two shall have cellmates shortly, oh, and speaking of cells...Here we are!"

Una wrote: "Well, well, well," she put her pinchers to her hips, swaying, "I think you two are going to love the accomodations we have built for you. You should be flattered." She winked before she looked at Megatron, changing to more professional tone, "I put some extra security. Though, the barriers and bond would be tough to break, I installed the sensors just in case. If some much a Maximal tries to escape or one tries to rescue, alarms would be sounded."

"Excellent work Blackarachnia, yesss, you did think of everything didn't you?" Megatron replied, complimenting the spider's work for once and gesturing to the empty cells with his T-Rex hands said "Why don't you two make yourselves at home? I do hope you like them."

Tarantulas cackled wildly as he twisted a dial on his remote, tightening the power bond's grip on the prisoners to encourage them into hurrying into their cells...And because their pain amused him more than they could possibly imagine.

"Quickly now Maximals, mustn't spurn your gracious host's hospitality, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the spider laughed maniacally, enjoying this as much as Megatron and the others.

Elsewhere, Terrorsaur addressed his team and prisoners and said "Its your lucky day losers, Megatron wants to meet you two, so leave your weapons here and come along quietly if you want to live long enough to speak your peace. Can your big silent friend fly or are you gonna have to carry him there for us? Heheheheheh"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"That doesn't help me help you at all if you go on another whimpering terrifying tantrum again."
Sonar rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Well, I wouldn't go as far as calling it a tantrum. It's more of an inconvenient panic attack. But that's comparing apples to oranges."
"So if can't trust me, then I can't trust you being unrestrained. You'll just have to walk us through your ideas."
The bat gave an annoyed sigh, though the large Maximal did have a point, the only they could possibily come up with cure is if they work together. And that was going to be easy for either of them.

"Fine. Fine. Basically, it's everything that I've done whether to people or creatures only ten times worse as I am the victim. Satisfied?" Sonar growled in obvious annoyance.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Terrorsaur is going to wish he didn't mention the flying thing.. I was checking the profiles and putting them on the index. Seems Dirge was bumped up to 19 feet tall, considering Warwulf seems to be mia, I'm going to be guessing Dirge is Orcariner's new rival. Either way.. he's big and physically slow, his vehicle mode is stationary as well. So it'd probably take Terrorsaur and Waspinator to carry him, or even all three if you want him to get to base quick.)
Terrorsaur wrote: "AHA! Are you slagging kidding me?"

"Guess we call the boss and see what he wants us to do with these losers. Keep your guns trained on them boys, especially the big dumb looking one, I'll contact Megatron."

"Terrorsaur to Megatron, thanks to my skill and guidance, we've destroyed the enemy ship, but its two passengers survived and have surrendered to us...What do you want us to do with these clowns?"
Megatron wrote: "Bring these strangers to me immediately, they may prove useful, yyyyessss. Megatron out" he said before turning back to his captives and added "Seems you two shall have cellmates shortly, oh, and speaking of cells...Here we are!"

Terrorsaur wrote:"Its your lucky day losers, Megatron wants to meet you two, so leave your weapons here and come along quietly if you want to live long enough to speak your peace. Can your big silent friend fly or are you gonna have to carry him there for us? Heheheheheh"

Waspinator looked towards Dirge, then back towards Night Terror who was small enough to ride on or inside of Dirge in their compared sizes.. Wazzpinator hopes he can fly.. for Wazzpinator's backz sake. he buzzed giving a frown. While Waspinator was the strongest of the fliers outside of Megatron, he didn't much like the idea of attempting to lift someone twice his size.

una wrote:((OOC: I hope this isn't too much, but Nk and starshadow, if you two believe I went a bit too fast here, I will gladly erase the Axalon part of my post. I would have no problem with doing that. :D ))

(Not a problem.)
Whitegrazer wrote:"It's all right. Rhinox, along with others and Aurora, would be fast in making up a cure." " I know this is hard to take in for you both, but I promise you all that we will get Optimus and Nexus back" "There is a lot more going on here, but you two should focus on getting your strength back and repairs,"

Cheetor spoke up .. Alright.

Landslide made his way towards the Axalon, heading for the hanger as he called in on the radio. Landslide to Axalon, coming in for a landing in the Cargobay. Cheetor and Banshee have been safely recovered.

Coming in for a landing, he noticed Whitegrazer hop off. He opened his cargobay allowing her to help the two out, then transformed to robot mode and carried Banshee off towards the CR chamber. After loading her inside as Cheetor was, he followed Whitegrazer to the bridge.

Landslide stopped behind Whitegrazer, noticing Nemesis near Rattrap and Dinobot. ... This day keeps gettin' weirder and weirder,Right lad? Do you need us fer anything?
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Unread post by Phoenix »

"You sound dissatisfied. We could give you some glue and glitter if you wanna girly it up and personalize it,"
At that moment it was rather fortunate for the rat that Nemesis was not equipped with eye lasers or she would surely have burnt a hole through his chassis for that comment.

"I'll girly it up all right.. with your hydraulic lines," she muttered under her breath, having to use every bit of self-constraint that she possessed to not rip the rodent out of the chair. It wasn't that she didn't understand his reaction to her being there, she was well prepared for that, but settling scores with violence was common among the Predacons and she already had a lot of built up anger that these fools were doing everything they could to tap into. Fortunately she was rational enough to realize this was not the right time to follow those killer instincts, certainly not until after they had helped her take down Darkwind.
"But it's likely he won't do much more of anythin' until he's done with them, which buys us time 'cause he ain't gonna waste it with us when he could be havin' play time with them," he retorted. "Yesssss,"
Tilting her head a bit, she moved a bit closer to the transmetal rat, close enough to let her fingers trail down his neck and one arm while glancing at the images flickering across the monitor.

"Big talk for someone at the bottom of the food chain," she teased back without dropping the lethal tone.
"We've done all that once before durin' a cease fire. They might anticipate it."
Of course the annoying Maximal wouldn't listen, she'd expected no less.

"If you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it."

Indeed, she hadn't exactly heard any of the Maximals offer any ideas whatsoever. Other than stupid ones involving surrendering their leaders. Primal's survival was unlikely at best, and the denial of these Maximals wasn't exactly helping the situation any.
"Woe is you," the rodent said sarcastically. "I meant a description on his appearance. What's he look like? Any weapons? Alternative modes?"
"What happened here?"
The noises of the rescue unit returning caught her attention so Rattrap's next question only barely registered. Taking a brief moment to reflect on it, she was looking in Whitegrazer's direction when she replied. Her face was faring much better than the table, the scrapes and dents already correcting themselves while she watched the other female.

"A slight difference in opinion," she answered Whitegrazer before the other femme had to repeat her question, then she responded to Rattrap's inquiry. "Transmetal.. Black feline alternative mode, around my height or perhaps a tad taller. He carries a sniper rifle on his backside along with that blasted camcorder of his. More importantly he has regenerative abilities similar to mine, but I cannot recall ever having encountered him before. Yet.. I must have. He knew about my.."

She paused, merely glancing down at her armor for a brief moment. Aside from Optimus, she hadn't told anyone about how she had gotten the nanotechnology in the first place, and she certainly didn't feel comfortable discussing it with this bunch of Maximals.

It didn't take long for Aurora to reach the medical bay. She might be shorter than the others, but she was fairly quick on her feet all things considering. Ironclaw followed her, even though he wasn't talking much. The transmetal process had changed him in more ways than just physically, but now was probably not the time or place to discuss it.

"We're here," she announced to Rhinox as they rounded the corner, stopping suddenly as she noticed Sonar strapped down to a table. Predacons in general gave her the creeps, but right now they had two of the worse ones inside their base. Looking a bit confused, her gaze drifted from Sonar to Rhinox and back again.

"We're not using him as a test subject, are we..?"

The effects of this virus were still unknown to her, so she wasn't quite sure if Rhinox had been affected and if so how much left of the real him was standing there. So she made sure to keep her distance, ready to run out the door should the need arise.
"And yet here you still are, shackled, chained, and at my mercy, how the mighty have fallen when they have no weapons left to them but mere words...Words cannot save you, words cannot harm me, so go ahead and talk all you like Prime, whatever makes you feel better"
"Although I appreciate your sudden concern for my well being, all I'm hearing are the inane rantings of a fool. But by all means.. if you think us harmless, that is your mistake to make. You will learn your lesson soon enough."

His voice carried a great amount of conviction and certainly held no signs of fear. He gave Megatron a somewhat smug stare, perhaps not quite befitting himself, challenging and taunting him with every word. He had no doubt the tyrant would take the bait, perhaps not right away, but with enough persistence he most certainly would.
"Bring these strangers to me immediately, they may prove useful, yyyyessss. Megatron out" he said before turning back to his captives and added "Seems you two shall have cellmates shortly, oh, and speaking of cells...Here we are!"
Well.. It certainly sounded like Night Terror was proceeding with the next phase. Nexus' bewildering smile grew a little wider.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"And yet here you still are, shackled, chained, and at my mercy, how the mighty have fallen when they have no weapons left to them but mere words...Words cannot save you, words cannot harm me, so go ahead and talk all you like Prime, whatever makes you feel better"
"Although I appreciate your sudden concern for my well being, all I'm hearing are the inane rantings of a fool. But by all means.. if you think us harmless, that is your mistake to make. You will learn your lesson soon enough."
Eventually their words would bother Megatron, Primal's always did. They just had to be the right words at the right time. For now, Optimus felt that there wasn't much he could add with Nexus's insults as much as he agreed with him on his last statement, not that he was ever the type to berate others (that was usually left to Rattrap since he was so witty at it), so he focused on other things instead like their location in the ship and examining the exterior of their newly constructed cells, personalized just for them. His orange optics swept across the walls taking in everything that Blackarachnia was mentioning...
"Well, well, well," "I think you two are going to love the accommodations we have built for you. You should be flattered." "I put some extra security. Though, the barriers and bond would be tough to break, I installed the sensors just in case. If some much a Maximal tries to escape or one tries to rescue, alarms would be sounded."
The Maximal leader's expression was oddly more thoughtful than anything else as his gaze drifted from the black widow, briefly recalling how she began as a Maximal protoform, back to the TransMetal t-rex. Then he was intrigued by what Terrorsaur reported to his master over his comm. link.
"Terrorsaur to Megatron, thanks to my skill and guidance, we've destroyed the enemy ship, but its two passengers survived and have surrendered to us...What do you want us to do with these clowns?"
Wouldn't it have been better "skill and guidance" if they had managed to salvage the one ship that hadn't crashed and actually use it instead of destroying it? Well, at least the Predacons were still in the same boat as the Maximals and had no way to leave the planet. Okay, maybe not in the same boat but still in the same pond.
"Bring these strangers to me immediately, they may prove useful, yyyyessss. Megatron out" "Seems you two shall have cellmates shortly, oh, and speaking of cells...Here we are!"
Cellmates? With Predacons they didn't know? Well, Optimus didn't know who they were. This should prove interesting.
"Excellent work Blackarachnia, yesss, you did think of everything didn't you?" "Why don't you two make yourselves at home? I do hope you like them."
"Not everything," Optimus finally spoke up casually as if he knew something they didn't and deliberately tried to make Blackarachnia second-guess herself and at the same time slip something into the back of Megatron's mind to think about. And he did know something that not even Nexus knew but it was nothing that he could physically manage himself, nor was it something that the Predacons could control. It was his bond with Whitegrazer, and he had recently found out that he could, to a certain extent, communicate details with her or fractions of them or even just feelings that could guide her as he had done so with Cheetor's and Banshee's location when she and Landslide picked them up.

Annoyed by the tarantula's suddenly loud laughter, Primal had turned his head to glare at him until he felt the power bonds around him tighten and squeeze him, to which he then growled in some pain and caused his shoulders to bend inward.
"Quickly now Maximals, mustn't spurn your gracious host's hospitality, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
He wanted to retaliate and smash his shoulder into Tarantulas but the impending force of his bonds almost had him on his knees, so he thought better of it and stepped into his dark cell about half way as a low rumble of agony continued to escape his clenched, sharp teeth, hoping that the spider would release the pressure if he simply co-operated and did as they said. At the same time, he could feel the little nanobots in the nanogel scurry about. Could they be feeding off of the energy from the bonds? Or was it just the remaining charge of the last electrocution he gave himself earlier with the taser? He couldn't know, but if it wore off, what would happen then? What about the hallucinogen that was still inside of him? Optimus hadn't suffered any of its side effects for a long while now, which was good, but could it come back at some point? And what about Nemesis's warning on the nanotech? One thing at a time, he told himself. He turned around to face the rest of them as he stood there in his new, temporary "quarters".

Landslide to Axalon, coming in for a landing in the Cargobay. Cheetor and Banshee have been safely recovered.
"Copy dat, 'Slider," Rattrap returned. A part of him wanted the beetle to add that, out of some miracle and easy-way-out, they had also returned with Optimus and Nexus but that wasn't the case.
"We are back. Cheetor and Banshee were pretty beat up, but with a little time in the chambers, they should be fine,"
He would've actually liked to have seen them and met Banshee but he guessed that would have to wait; better for him to stay focused on all the footage he had to scroll through. "Good job, guys," said the distracted rat with the monitor. "At least somethin' went right today, eh?"
"I'll girly it up all right.. with your hydraulic lines,"
So feisty, he thought with a smirk with his exceptional hearing despite the Predacon's muttering.
"Big talk for someone at the bottom of the food chain,"
"Back off, Birdie, or I'll drop ya!" he warned Nemesis as her voice told him that she was suddenly too close to him for his comfort, and in a flash he had wielded his gun and turned a little in his chair to hold the barrel of it point-blank against her abdomen. "My beast mode might be at de bottom when it comes ta food but my rank is at the top of the command chain, so step back before I order everybody ta kick you out."
"If you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it."
Rattrap's gaze jumped to Whitegrazer when a thought came to him. "I might. ...And maybe your's ain't a bad idea after all..." he said as he pulled his weapon away and placed it on his lap. With Whitegrazer, Dinobot and Landslide present, he felt a little safer but he still didn't like Nemesis in his personal space and looming over him the way she was, especially with his back turned to her. "Look, Optimus died ta save this planet and all of our skidplates, so the least we can do is risk our lives ta save his. Does that put it inta perspective for ya, or do you still not care?" He really didn't care if she cared since she probably didn't, but he and the Maximals did and that's what mattered. They'd show her and the other Predacons what they could accomplish in desperate times. They held on as long as they could before and they'd do it again.
"What happened here?"
"A slight difference in opinion,"
"The operative word bein' 'slight'," the Spy threw in.
"Transmetal.. Black feline alternative mode, around my height or perhaps a tad taller. He carries a sniper rifle on his backside along with that blasted camcorder of his. More importantly he has regenerative abilities similar to mine, but I cannot recall ever having encountered him before. Yet.. I must have. He knew about my.."
Without having actually looking at her while she was talking since he had turned his attention back to the screen, he impatiently waited for Nemesis to continue and sighed in annoyance when she didn't. "About yer what? Ignorant attitude? One-mindedness? Yer nanotech? What?" Shaking his head, he continued, "So he can regenerate like you, big deal." Although, it kind of was a huge deal. Not many had that ability, so where did this guy come from? "Just makes it harder fer us to slow 'im down. Which is great, more bad news for us, right? Well, electricity seems ta have an effect on you, so maybe it does with him, too. Sniper rifle's are typically used for long-distance campers, so we might have ta come up with some kinda way ta electrocute him when he's outta our reach. Did he have any closer combat weapons? Is he melee trained? Did he put skills ta shame?" Rattrap snickered to himself. Something else that bothered him a little bit was how come Darkwind was TransMetal and Nexus wasn't if they traveled through the same transwarp wave on the Akira? It almost debunked his suspicions of Nexus but there was still the mystery of the empty pod they found. Which then occurred to him, why not ask her about that...? "Do you recognize these symbols?" Rattrap asked Nemesis as he pulled them up on a separate screen for her to look at. It was the ancient Cybertronian engraving on the empty pod that allegedly came from the Akira. Since she was originally a Decepticon and much older than the rest of them there, maybe she'd be able to read it.
... This day keeps gettin' weirder and weirder,Right lad? Do you need us fer anything?
"First of all, dat's my line," claimed Rattrap to Landslide. "Secondly, 'weirder' ain't the word I'd use ta describe this day or yesterday. And, yeah, I could use ya right here ta keep an eye on her," he said, motioning to Nemesis with his thumb over his shoulder without looking at her. "The more eyes on her the better I feel somewhat safe around here," because the tracker certainly wasn't enough. Not to mention, Landslide could weigh in on the ideas for rescuing the commanding officers that were being held prisoner at the Darksyde.

Meanwhile, in the lab...
"Well, I wouldn't go as far as calling it a tantrum. It's more of an inconvenient panic attack. But that's comparing apples to oranges." "Fine. Fine. Basically, it's everything that I've done whether to people or creatures only ten times worse as I am the victim. Satisfied?"
Rhinox thought for a moment before he nodded. "It's not much but it's something to work with." He wasn't going to release him, though, until Aurora showed up with someone else.
"We're here,"
While his expression lightened significantly upon the ermine's and badger's arrival, he still had to be cautious especially judging by Aurora's confused look. Despite everything that was going on, she appeared to be in good spirit. He would have thought that she'd be overly upset about Optimus leaving but maybe someone had spoken to her or she was just taking a it a lot better than he predicted. Whatever the case may be, he was glad to see that her performance right now was positive and motivational.
"We're not using him as a test subject, are we..?"
"It crossed my mind," Rhinox managed to joke lightheartedly. "Of course not," he assured all of them in the room. "He's infected as well and can be unpredictable. He claims he wants to help us cure this but I couldn't risk him getting away and possibly infecting others such as yourselves." With the room secured now and more eyes to keep on the bat, Rhinox felt a little more confident in letting him go. "I'll keep my attention on Sonar and offer any guidance in the process that you might need, but I simply can't work in my condition, so you and Ironclaw will have to assist each other with Sonar. I have all of my tools and equipment here," he said as he pointed at a table that was right next to them but seemed as though he was pointing across the room. Then he turned and walked up to the cot that the Predacon was strapped to and started to release his restraints while keeping a close eye on him in case he'd try anything to harm him or the other Maximals.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: hope this checks out, if ya want me to have Megs lose his cool sooner Phoenix lemme know, just figured Nexus hadn't said anything yet to really push him over the edge.

Naitokage wrote: Waspinator looked towards Dirge, then back towards Night Terror who was small enough to ride on or inside of Dirge in their compared sizes.. Wazzpinator hopes he can fly.. for Wazzpinator's backz sake. he buzzed giving a frown. While Waspinator was the strongest of the fliers outside of Megatron, he didn't much like the idea of attempting to lift someone twice his size.

"Hhhmmm...Good point Wasp. Buster, you ride atop the big guy with your gun pointed to his head, meet up with that big lug Tantrum & escort him back to base together. Waspinator and I will take the swashbuckler here in ourselves. Tell your flunky that if he tries to escape we'll slag you first and then come after him to finish the job. Got it? Good. Switch to beast mode stranger and get airborne" Terrorsaur ordered, grabbing hold of him after he'd done so and taking off with him, grip firm and eyes glowing and ready to fire should he try anything.

They'd make good time returning to base and soon he'd be able to share the details of his exploits with the rest of the crew, they would all sing the praises of Terrorsaur!
OOP wrote: "Not everything," Optimus finally spoke up casually as if he knew something they didn't and deliberately tried to make Blackarachnia second-guess herself and at the same time slip something into the back of Megatron's mind to think about. And he did know something that not even Nexus knew but it was nothing that he could physically manage himself, nor was it something that the Predacons could control. It was his bond with Whitegrazer, and he had recently found out that he could, to a certain extent, communicate details with her or fractions of them or even just feelings that could guide her as he had done so with Cheetor's and Banshee's location when she and Landslide picked them up.

Annoyed by the tarantula's suddenly loud laughter, Primal had turned his head to glare at him until he felt the power bonds around him tighten and squeeze him, to which he then growled in some pain and caused his shoulders to bend inward.

"Oh believe me Primal, I have, I most certainly HAVE thought of everything, so unless you have another "Escape the Pit Free" card up your sleeves, there will be no miracles for you this time, nnnooo. Like the bonds I trust?" Megatron jeered, knowing of course that his old foe was certainly a dangerous opponent, but this time he was ready for him and would not fall for his attempts to weaken his resolve or confidence.

Optimus would suffer and tell him everything he wanted to know before he went offline, Megatron would personally see to it, oh yes indeed!

Phoenix wrote:
"Although I appreciate your sudden concern for my well being, all I'm hearing are the inane rantings of a fool. But by all means.. if you think us harmless, that is your mistake to make. You will learn your lesson soon enough."

His voice carried a great amount of conviction and certainly held no signs of fear. He gave Megatron a somewhat smug stare, perhaps not quite befitting himself, challenging and taunting him with every word. He had no doubt the tyrant would take the bait, perhaps not right away, but with enough persistence he most certainly would.

Megatron raised an optic at Nexus' continued bravado, his smile growing annoying, but continued to keep his cool as he turned to Tarantulas and said "Do it"

"With pleasure Megatron, bwahahahahaha!" Tarantulas laughed as he turned his torturous attention to Nexus as well as Primal, relishing their pain as though it were the sweetest grade of energon, or maximal mech fluid for that matter.

"You should be less concerned with my own education and more invested in learning your place, Nexus, yyyyeessss" Megatron retorted, clicking his claws together in amusement as he watched both his captives squirm, his beast mode's face grinning to reveal rows of shiny white teeth.

He watched them suffer for a ten clicks or so, feigning disinterest as he admired his talons, before giving Tarantulas the sign to stop, saying smugly "So ends the first lesson, care for another? Or shall we finally get down to business?"
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Unread post by admiralgrim »

Night Terror looked towards his minion, who stood between him and the other Perdacons. He could not even imagine the three of them trying to lift Dirge. Night Terror had to force himself not smile at the mere thought. Thankfully this Terrorsaur saw reason.
Terrorsaur said: "Hhhmmm...Good point Wasp. Buster, you ride atop the big guy with your gun pointed to his head, meet up with that big lug Tantrum & escort him back to base together. Waspinator and I will take the swashbuckler here in ourselves. Tell your flunky that if he tries to escape we'll slag you first and then come after him to finish the job. Got it? Good. Switch to beast mode stranger and get airborne."
"Do as they say Dirge." He said as he handed over his sword to the Wasp, before transforming.

He did not have much time to adjust to his beast form before Terrorsaur grabbed him and began to fly off. Night Terror flapped his wings quickly to try adjust to the sudden take off, adjusting to the speed of his captors.

When the his captors weren't looking, Night Terror allowed himself a small and quick smile. I love it when a plan comes together.