"More Than Meets The Eye: Part I"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Hope this post checks out guys, figured I'd give the rest of "Team Terrorsaur" a chance to post before just flying over, and since no one's contacted Megs back yet due to shenanigans aboard the Axalon, for now he's just brooding over who the ship belongs to, as is Tarantulas (don't ya hate it when unexpected company drops by in the middle of your evil scheming? lol).
Naitokage wrote: Terrorsaur cringed as he heard Megatron But.. I just.... Nevermind. He almost felt like crying considering he barely got an opportunity for repairs himself. Thinking for a moment he looked around to try to figure out who he could even take on a mission to take down a ship quickly.. with Inferno busy with the prisoners, Sonar gone,Manterror getting repaired, and Nemesis out training the newbie, and Waspinator being out.. he was out of fliers.

As Terrorsaur pondered, Waspinator buzzed into the room.

The transmetal wasp gave a salute with one of his legs Wazzzpinator reporting back from inzztalling jamming tower!

Terrorsaur's optics almost beemed with joy at the sight of Waspinator's arrival, while Nemesis was great to have as a wing woman, there was still no replacement for his old buddy. Waspinator old buddy! We got work to do.

Waspinator floated back with a surprised buzz Erh? But Wazzzpinator juzt got here!

Terrorsaur shrugged Orders are orders, we got a ship to take down. he then activated his comlink Terrorsaur to Buster, report to the hanger, we got a job to do.. Pack a parachute. he then gave a dark laugh. He then opened his comlink again Tantrum, we got another ship to take down. This one is still flying, but I'm sure you can end that quick, right?

"Come on Wasp, we got two slowpoke groundlings to recruit, neither of which have much going on upstairs, but what ya gonna do? Good cannon fodder's so hard to find these days! Hehahahaha!" Terrorsaur jeered, flying off towards the ship's exit in beast mode to pick up Buster, & at least get Tantrum's attention so he'd follow their movements to the mystery ship.

Megatron returned to his throne and continued to coldly observe the new vessel as it came into view over the Axalon, wondering if it indeed belonged to even more maximals who'd come to rescue Primal, or more likely, their beloved Admiral Nexus...Though would the maximals only send one ship to recover someone of Nexus' standing? Surely the vessel carried many troops of course, but still...Not to mention it did not resemble any maximal vessel he'd been aware of prior to his arrival on this planet.

"Who are you stranger? What brings you here now?" Megatron murmured to himself, tapping his fingers together as he glared at the display screen, as if his fearsome gaze alone could force the ship to give away whatever secrets it held.

Tarantulas meanwhile feigned to be watching over the prisoners with Starshadow while Inferno locked them both away, though in reality he was as interested in the new ship's arrival as Megatron...Was it more maximals? Or did the council finally come for Megatron? The later seemed unlikely, the tripredacus council had no reason to think Megatron & his followers still lived, anymore so than the maximal elders had any reason to think Primal's crew survived, & thus it was unlikely they'd send a ship after him, let alone mount a rescue for a lone agent, even one as valuable as himself. Whoever the stranger was, it could change the balance of power on this planet depending on who lay within, or if the ship could be taken.

"That ship could be my ticket off this rock, if I wasn't right under Megatron's nose right now, & if Terrorsaur wasn't off to destroy it" Tarantulas grumbled inwardly, cursing his rotten luck and the timing of it all.

Only time would tell how things would play out, and in who's favor the rival of the ship ultimately lay.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Naitokage wrote: Pft, I imagine Primal is just going to blow his brains out with having to deal with another ship, then an infected maximal base.. and a hostage situation all at once. As for Team Terrorsaur, my only recommendations are aim for ship engines. Also not sure if they should wait up for Buster and Tantrum or not.. I guess not.. though it'll be harder without having anti Tank missiles and battleship class guns against a space ship.. Though on the otherhand, Tantrum has a range of like.. 29 miles as long as he can visually see the target.. so leaving him behind shouldn't be too much an issue. )

Oh thank god, the email notifications are working again XD "keeps fingers crossed"

But yeah, Terrorsaur & Waspinator are fast & well armed flyers, if push comes to shove we can head out without Tantrum & Buster & let them catch up.

P.S. thanks for taking care of Terry & Rant while I was gone Naito, ya played them well, as did you with Megatron Phoenix, thanks :D
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Unread post by Phoenix »

The last rays of sunshine that the day had to offer felt warm and inviting against her armor as her optics flickered back online. Tilting her head sideways, fighting off that splitting headache her assailant had left her with as his parting gift, Nemesis gaze was met with tall grass for as far as she could see. Groaning, she sat up, feeling a bit groggy and dizzy still but fortunately the moment was passing. It took her a little while to regain her focus, to fully remember what had happened, since the sensations she was feeling at the moment felt much like she was hungover, unable to account for the events that had lead up to her being here in such a state. Physically she was unharmed, any wounds she may have sustained healed up long ago, but mentally she felt more than a little confused.

Slowly the memories came back to her and anger replaced the confusion as she thought of the traitorous rookie and what he had done. The lingering question, however, was why..

They obviously shared a history, as Darkwind had revealed himself to have a nanotechnology similar to her own. That placed him in the same testing facility as the one she had escaped from, a fact that only made him more dangerous. Nemesis was unaware of anyone else escaping that place, so did that mean that this guy had remained there willingly or by force?

She stood up, a bit shakily at first, but quickly gained her bearings. Realizing she'd been unconscious for several hours by Earth standards, Nemesis decided she needed to report in to Megatron.

Opening her link to the base, all she could hear was static. Great... Whatever Darkwind had hit her with, it had caused her radio to short-circuit. Apparently she'd have to report in.. manually.

The avian female folded out her wings and took to the sky, transforming to her vehicular mode in mid-air. Then she sped off towards the Predacon base, unaware of the recent events that had been happening there. Once she arrived, she converted back to robot form and entered the base, maintaining her focus on the task at hand as she approached Megatron in the command center.

"We need to talk," she told him bluntly as she got close.
Whitegrazer wrote:"You look better than when we last saw you, but are you sure? We don't know what we will be encountering, and I don't want anything to happen to you. We have lost enough people as it is. We don't want to lose more."
Nexus smiled warmly at her, seemingly endeared by her obvious concern, yet his decision was firmly set already. He was not about to let a worried soldier dictate his actions. Fortunately the smaller male voiced his opinion in the admiral's favor, swiftly settling the discussion before there could even be one.
Rattrap wrote:"Uh... I guess,"
The admiral nodded to the transmetal rodent, immediately joining them on their walk outside. He walked alongside Whitegrazer, keeping his voice low since he considered her concerns a private issue between the two of them.

"Please don't mistake my age for weakness. I'm perfectly functional and have every intention of staying that way."

Although his tone was serious, his warm and caring smile seemed to reveal that he held no grudges. The female had not been the first to doubt his capabilities, and she would surely not be the last. And Nexus would naturally pay it no heed, he was an adventurer by heart and despite his advancing age he had no intention or desire to slow down. Whenever someone whispered suggestions of retirement, he would merely scoff at them, finding no reason to even consider it. No.. When it was his turn to go, he wanted to do so out there, either during an exploration mission or in the battle field, not in some cramped office or worse yet.. in a retirement community. Not his style at all. And anyone thinking differently were wrong.

Rattrap wrote: "If you can keep up,"
The rat's teasing remark brought on a humorous gleam in the old warrior's optics.

"The amount of life in these old legs might surprise you," he responded, exiting the Axalon with his younger team mates, merely smiling as the others made jokes about Optimus. At least they had maintained a sense of humor in an otherwise dark situation.
Rattrap wrote:"I think he's gonna need a lot more dan bananas ta get through this day. A bath couldn't hurt."
Aurora laughed at Rattrap's comment.

"I thought I was the only one that noticed..," she winked before sending Whitegrazer an apologetic look. Indeed, whenever she was in close proximity with the rodent, the jokes tended to get tossed around.

(ooc: Just to clarify.. The guy pretending to be Nexus, knows he's not really him. But he really gets into the role to try to seem authentic, kinda like how some actors try to live and think like the characters they play so they can make a better performance on screen.)
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Unread post by Mystrea »

Ironclaw stood his ground waiting for Dinobot to recover. He heard him growl as he readied his response. The badger listened to what he had to say then witnessed Optimus fly away with a lacklustre contribution to the contention. Ironclaw found it slightly amusing that Dinobot had gone so soft, nothing he said really had any significants. The Maximal soldier has to say it.
"Don't lecture me, you are no Maximal" he said dismissively and turned around to head towards the Darksyde. On his way, he turned off his communicator and tried to follow the route that the Predacons took.
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Unread post by Warwulf »

Terrorsaur shrugged Orders are orders, we got a ship to take down. he then activated his comlink Terrorsaur to Buster, report to the hanger, we got a job to do.. Pack a parachute. he then gave a dark laugh. He then opened his comlink again Tantrum, we got another ship to take down. This one is still flying, but I'm sure you can end that quick, right?
Tantrum, just standing idly by and grazing, heard Terrorsaur's comm. He had made his way back to base after blowing up the last Maximal ship and that... sickening, yet confusing... display of warm, gooey friendship and love from that Maximal. His ears twitched and perked up -- he enjoyed the sound of destroying Maximals and Maximal equipment.

"Ha! I destroy coward toy!" he cheered excitedly. "Now is coward killing time."

Seeing Terrorsaur buzzing about, Tantrum transformed into tank mode and proceeded to head in that direction.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"I shall be making a full report of Ironclaw's defiance back at base, Optimus, when you have the time. Perhaps he is not ready for missions that involve the battlefield."
Optimus still wasn't sure what to do about Ironclaw. He was often uncontrollable and extremely disobedient, set in his own way of doing things and ignoring his superior officers. Primal was on the verge of going ape-slag on the badger's behavior, who was the only one among his crew that was acting in such an unprofessional and distressing way but he had to keep himself in check for the sake of the others and make sure that his emotions didn't get the better of him.

Approaching the Axalon, Optimus lowered his altitude with the damaged peregrine in his arms and disengaged his hover board, landing with a thud on his feet in beast mode and haling the lift to lower. He then stepped on and was elevated up to the command center where he saw no one present at first until he stepped around and spotted Saber-Fang on the floor out cold. In a panic, he looked around and heard Rhinox's voice in the corridor. The robust rhinoceros blocked his view to see who he was speaking to, so the TransMetal gorilla moved about as stealthily as he could first placing Airazor in one of the CR's and then returning to the saber-toothed tiger and pulling her further away out of harm's way. He sent a silent notification to his friend in the corridor to let him know he was there, and one to Orcariner alerting him that there was a situation and possibly an intruder. Primal didn't really have time for this, after all, he had two Maximals to rescue from the Predacons' hands, so whatever was going on here, he was prepared to stop it immediately as he transformed to his robot mode and waited to see what was going to happen next...


(( OOC: N-H, I guess just let the virus rip unless there's any specific reason, time, or person to wait for. Not that I'm aware of. ))
"Ugh, that was a cheap shot."
"It was a necessary shot," Rhinox corrected him in his deep voice as he positioned himself between Sonar and Saber-Fang so that the bat would have to get through him first before he could harm her again. He walked a little bit down the corridor before stopping and giving Sonar another chance to surrender himself.
"I have to say I'm impressed, being sucker punched like that is a first for me."
"And probably not the last. You can either return to your cell peacefully or in pieces," he threatened the Predacon. By his own observation it seemed as though Sonar's vision had been restored, but that didn't really matter if the bat wanted to use a sonic blast. In a hallway like that that was confined and narrow, the blast would be concentrated and more effective on the Maximal's big body but there wasn't much else he could do to prevent it besides shooting him. Rhinox really didn't want to beat up the bat but he had an obligation to protect his unconscious comrade and the rest of the ship. So he wielded his weapon again, targeted Sonar, and waited for his reaction.

Behind Rhinox he could hear someone enter the bridge but he didn't take his attention off of his opponent. It wasn't long when he was notified that it was Optimus who had returned and so he suddenly felt a lot more confident about the situation. More Maximals wouldn't be far behind. Hopefully his body blocked Sonar's sight to the bridge and most of the sound until he could barely hear the Commander himself as he quietly moved about on his short legs.

"The amount of life in these old legs might surprise you,"
"I'll be the judge of that," Rattrap joked behind him toward the Admiral. He still couldn't believe that this was THE Nexus Prime who had arrived via the Akira. How the heck did he end up here? Why? Why risk getting stranded with the rest of them on the doomed planet with Megajerk? While he was a little skeptical about his miraculous appearance, he knew they needed all the help they could get and Optimus was probably incredibly relieved to have his assistance. Now they had an even greater chance of surviving just a little bit longer.
"I thought I was the only one that noticed..,"
Smirking, the rodent said, "Hey, dis nose can pick up the odor from Nexus's rusty bolts an' tarnished armor plating." He sped off into the darkness as dusk fell upon them, feeling a little better as his beast mode helped with repairs along the way. His neon green eyes glanced up at the ship in the sky every once in a while as it continued its descent from the starry backdrop.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner struggled to keep up with Optimus as they flew back towards the base. Normally, the transmetal ape would fly at a more casual speed so that he would not leave the killer whale behind. With everything that was going on, however, it seemed that Primal was in more of a rush this time around. It was even more difficult for the orca to maintain such a pace due to the extra weight from all of the passengers. As soon as they touched down, Optimus was already operating the base's elevator lift.


Orcariner transformed into his robot mode and quickly helped his injured comrades onto the lift. Unfortunately, the titan's physique was too robust to fit, and so he merely walked back towards the hanger. He did not get very far until he received a notification on his hud from Optimus indicating that there was a possible threat inside of the base.

Predacon intruders? Is Saber out of control again?

He broke out into a sprint and raced towards the hangar bay doors. A wide variety of ideas raced through his processor as he contemplated on what sorts of dangers awaited him.


Building off of Tantrum's excitement, Buster nodded and cheered.

"I hear ya, cow boy!"

Leaping on top of the rolling tank, Buster drew his automatic rifle and began to polish it. He had absolutely no idea what was expected out of him from this mission, but he did not care as long as it was more exciting than sitting around. Buster also liked the fact that Tantrum was rather slow, or at least slower than the blistering quick flyers. By the time they arrive to the battlefield, all of the Maximals would be distracted by the already present Predacons. That would make it quite easy to pick them off by surprise as opposed to having to fight them head on.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"It was a necessary shot."
Almost sounds like a necessary evil. Sonar mused as he got to his feet.

The bat studied the large Maximal, there was no way he would be able to take him head on. Only a fool would rush the green mech head on and he was no fool.

The bat figured that his unpredictability was his greatest weapon and right now the ball was in his court. Rhinox had no idea what he had in his possession and he believed it was time for him to use it.
"And probably not the last. You can either return to your cell peacefully or in pieces."
Sonar smirked, not because of the threat because he had heard the lift enter the bridge. The time was now.

"Sorry to disappoint you," He said reaching inside his person and removed the small vial. "But I have no intention of going back in that cell!"

He knew that he also be infecting him with whatever was in the vial, but it didn't matter. He could come up with an antidote for himself while the Maximals suffered the effect of the virus.

With a yell he tossed the vial onto the ground where it shattered. The moment the contents were exposed to the atmosphere of the ship a plume of white smoke filled the hallway and quickly made its way to the bridge.

((OOC: If you've seen Red 2 then you know what I'm getting at. The part where Anthony Hopkins character drops a small vial of what I think was nerve gas and quickly fills the compartment where everyone is with white smoke. Only in this case it doesn't kill you, it simply makes you go crazy or experience your worst fear. Up to you as to how the virus affects your character.))
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: I'm not quite done with this post just yet guys, waiting on a note from Alak before I finish writing for Terrorsaur & his team. Bare with me please lol
Phoenix wrote: She stood up, a bit shakily at first, but quickly gained her bearings. Realizing she'd been unconscious for several hours by Earth standards, Nemesis decided she needed to report in to Megatron.

Opening her link to the base, all she could hear was static. Great... Whatever Darkwind had hit her with, it had caused her radio to short-circuit. Apparently she'd have to report in.. manually.

The avian female folded out her wings and took to the sky, transforming to her vehicular mode in mid-air. Then she sped off towards the Predacon base, unaware of the recent events that had been happening there. Once she arrived, she converted back to robot form and entered the base, maintaining her focus on the task at hand as she approached Megatron in the command center.

"We need to talk," she told him bluntly as she got close.

Megatron turned to look at Nemesis as she just waltzed into his inner sanctum as though she owned the place and addressed him so informally, as though they were equals, and simply replied "Do we now?" and shot her in the knees with his tail cannon.

As the tall ex-decepticon fell to her ruined knees, Megatron gave her no quarter, no time to ask "why?" as he kicked her in the face, knocking her flat on her back, followed up by bringing his foot down on her damaged torso, pinning her down as he proceeded to shoot both of her forearms, leaving her temporarily crippled, damage her nanites could surely heal given enough time...However, his cannon now pointed directly at her chest, where her spark chamber lay, the contents of which even nanites could not restore if exstinguished, and coldly said "Actions speak louder than words, traitor" as a view screen replayed the footage of her entering the maximal base as though she were welcome there.

With a gesture of his head, Megatron summoned Tarantulas over, the spider cackling to himself as he watched Nemesis suffer Megatron's wrath, his hands carrying cybertronian shackles to restraints for Nemesis's arms and legs when they eventually healed...Assuming Megatron didn't lose his temper & flat out kill her before interrogating her first of course. Either way, Tarantulas didn't care, it was simply fun to watch.

Warwulf wrote: Tantrum, just standing idly by and grazing, heard Terrorsaur's comm. He had made his way back to base after blowing up the last Maximal ship and that... sickening, yet confusing... display of warm, gooey friendship and love from that Maximal. His ears twitched and perked up -- he enjoyed the sound of destroying Maximals and Maximal equipment.

"Ha! I destroy coward toy!" he cheered excitedly. "Now is coward killing time."

Seeing Terrorsaur buzzing about, Tantrum transformed into tank mode and proceeded to head in that direction.

"That's right big guy, follow the flyers" Terrorsaur quipped, shaking his head in amusement at the big but dim brute, still marveling over how the living battle tank was so clueless, but as long as he knew where and who to point his guns at Terrorsaur didn't care how few IQ points he had.

Alak wrote: Building off of Tantrum's excitement, Buster nodded and cheered.

"I hear ya, cow boy!"

Leaping on top of the rolling tank, Buster drew his automatic rifle and began to polish it. He had absolutely no idea what was expected out of him from this mission, but he did not care as long as it was more exciting than sitting around. Buster also liked the fact that Tantrum was rather slow, or at least slower than the blistering quick flyers. By the time they arrive to the battlefield, all of the Maximals would be distracted by the already present Predacons. That would make it quite easy to pick them off by surprise as opposed to having to fight them head on.

Spotting the new guy, the llama Buster, as he bummed a ride off Tantrum, meaning he'd arrive late to the party too, Terrorsaur had a devious idea in mind for the lazy new addition to the team...

"Say Waspinator, want to give the new guy a lift?" Terrorsaur crowed at his wing man with a wink, as he swooped down and grabbed Buster by one of his arms, trusting Waspinator to nab the other, as they lifted the unsuspecting mammal higher and higher up into the air as they continued their journey to the mystery ship.

"How ya liking the view new guy? Don't worry, this is the ONLY way to travel! RAWK!" Terrorsaur jeered, laughing as they carried him off against his will into battle...Hazing the new guy, classic.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Terrorsaur wrote:"Say Waspinator, want to give the new guy a lift?"
Waspinator buzzed in agreement grabbing Buster's other arm as he flew coordinated with Terrorsaur in the direction of the space ship.
Terrorsaur wrote:"How ya liking the view new guy? Don't worry, this is the ONLY way to travel! RAWK!"

Hehehe.. the only way to travel! Waspinator responded with a creepy insane buzz like laugh as he flew.


Cheetor's optics flickered online as he raised his head up slightly with a moan Ug.. where am I? Cheetor then looked around the cage suspended above the lavapit ... Not again. he muttered to himself and let out a sigh.


After awhile, Umbra stopped at the Coastline, looking over the area, then looked behind himself as he observed the landscape. A monotone voice was heard from his comlink You weren't followed. You are late however..

Umbra smirked slightly Didn't realize I had a time limit on this sort of thing. Where's the delivery?

There's some rocks stacked in a unnatural pile.. you'll find it.

Umbra raised an optic ridge as he listened to the voice on the radio, then noticed a stack of three rocks one large, one medium sized, and one small at the top. Moving towards the stack of rocks he brushed them aside and sunk his tentacles into the sand, pulling up a metal container. He opened it looking inside and cringed slightly at the contents These aren't the real thing right?

No, I'm not capable of harming her..She's currently left the planet, I just needed a convincing way of making her disappear incase any of those fools do leave this planet.

Umbra shrugged taking the contents out of the container, then slid the container away on his back Understood.. with this, our transactions will be complete. How will I be able to contact you if necessary in the future?

You wont, I'll contact you if I need any wheels turned.

Umbra heard static from his radio, then shrugged walking back towards the Predacon base. Another day, another dollar.. he said to himself. It wasn't unusual for cloak and dagger sort of theatrics to the Ninja.. if anything he'd been too used to them. But having been told about and having the sonar visor he obtained resized for his head by the mysterious voice on the radio, as well as helping out Cecaelia wasn't really a bad trade, and other then the loss of the transport.. it didn't really effect Megatron too badly considering the old saurian didn't see much value in Cecaelia anyway.

Returning to the Darksyde moments later, Umbra raised an optic ridge at the scene in the bridge as Megatron knocked Nemesis to the floor, observing silently. This probably isn't going to end well.. Better not stand in the way. he thought to himself, moving towards the wall crossing his arms to wait on his report, as well as not stand in the way of Nemesis incase she resisted. He had interacted with her some while at the base and knew full well she was dangerous. Perhaps even more so then Megatron himself..
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Megatron wrote:"Do we now?"
Nemesis stopped moving immediately, disturbed by the coldness in Megatron’s voice. The tyrant wasn’t exactly known for his warm and welcoming approach, but there was just something in his voice, an inkling of a warning of events about to take place. A warning Nemesis failed to heed as a mere split second later he had fired his cannon.
Nemesis’ knees buckled from the sudden onset of pain, causing her to take a staggering step backwards before she crashed to the floor, her injured legs unable to sustain her weight. She managed to catch herself with her arms to avoid collapsing in a heap, red optics looking up at Megatron in a mixture of anger and confusion.

What the..

She never got a chance to even open her mouth to say anything before the enraged tyrant kicked her to send the winged female crashing backwards onto the hard surface of the floor. Now dizzy as well as in pain, Nemesis immediately attempted to get up only to feel a heavy foot press against her chest to keep her down. Instinctively she grabbed for the debilitating appendage with her hands, given the fact her legs were temporarily disabled, only to have said action greeted with a pair of close range shots piercing through the armor of her arms and leaving them effectively useless as well. Nemesis groaned in pain, grimacing as she slammed her head back against the floor, unable to move under the force that was exerted on her.

Clenching her teeth together, she fought the agonizing pain that for a moment threatened to overwhelm her with such burning intensity. She wasn’t sure if it was because this was one of her own that had turned on her, but somehow being shot at close range like this by Megatron’s cannon was excruciating at best. He was now aiming his weapon at her chest but she paid little attention to that since there was very little she could do about it at the moment anyway.

It was a pair of angry optics that settled on Megatron finally as she opened her mouth to demand to know why he was doing this to her, probably one of his more loyal and competent subjects!
Megatron wrote: "Actions speak louder than words, traitor"

“What are you..,” she stammered, the pain too great for her to speak clearly, only to pause abruptly as the video playing on the monitor caught her attention. Her optics immediately grew wide as she viewed the image of herself entering the Maximal base.. Gone was the anger in her optics, leaving only confusion and despair. She allowed her gaze to linger on the video for a few seconds before briefly glancing past Megatron before inclining her head submissively. There was nothing she would be able to say to Megatron while he was still in a fit of rage, no persuasive argument that could end this nonsense, in fact anything she said at the moment would only infuriate the tyrant further. So she decided to merely buy some time and live to fight this injustice another day.

Her optics dimmed ever so slightly as she noticed Tarantulas approach, holding a pair of shackles, yet she attempted to remain calm even as the arachnid came closer and Megatron finally removed his foot from her chest. She allowed Tarantulas to jerk her, somewhat painfully, up into a kneeling position. Even as he grabbed for her flaccid arm, forcing it behind her back as he placed the shackles on her wrist, she said nothing and merely stared blankly at the floor. A rising sensation of fear nearly overtook her as the spider grabbed her other arm to jerk it back as well, but she fought it down as best she could. This was no place and time for her phobias to take over. The faint glow visible from the open wounds on her wrists were soon covered by the shackles as the cackling arachnid proceeded to pull her up on shaky legs. Her knees were already for the most part repaired, but she still pretended to stumble to keep up the appearance of helplessness. Sympathy wasn’t a well known trait among Predacons, but through the corner of her optics Nemesis did catch sight of one of the more sympathetic team members, Umbra, having returned from whatever mission he had been sent off on. The winged female quickly averted her gaze, merely staring at the floor as the male arachnid led her off to the holding cells. As they walked, or wobbled as a more accurate description of her movements might be, Nemesis could feel the increased activity in her wounded wrists as the nanites eagerly feasted on the metallic bonds holding her arms together. Fortunately the spider had not yet bothered to shackle her legs or he might have noticed that her knees now showed no trace of the injuries she had received mere moments before.

She waited a few more moments until they were out of Megatron’s view, before she lifted her head a bit to glace at Tarantulas. The spider scientist was bulkier than her, but shorter, A transmetal, like herself, capable of bringing her down with his cybervenom.. if she was foolish enough to linger in one spot long enough for him to get a good shot in. Obviously that was not about to happen.

“I didn’t do it,” she told the spider meekly to get his attention, the tone of her voice sounding so defeated it sickened her. She both looked and sounded younger than her years due to the eternal youth that had been imposed upon her through the implementation of her nanotechnology, a fact she both welcomed and detested at the same time. Right now she was leaning more towards the latter of the two, since she felt quite ridiculous uttering those words like a frightened teenager.

She attempted to smile briefly, testing the strength of her hands by clenching her fists a few times behind her back. By now she was completely healed up and the shackles were barely even holding in place. Deciding she might not get another chance like this, she suddenly pulled her hands apart which caused the once powerful shackles to easily snap under the force exerted upon them. Once free, she planted a clenched fist straight into the spider’s face, immediately following up with a powerful kick to the torso to make him lose his balance. Smirking a bit, the other leg came flying towards the side of Tarantulas’ face. Once it impacted, Nemesis flipped backwards several times to avoid any retaliating fire.

As long as she kept moving, the spider was unlikely to keep up with her. Of course she was moving towards the exit, since it was very unlikely that she’d be able to take on all the Predacons present and get away with it. Nor did she especially want to, some of them had fought alongside her ever since she had joined the beast wars. Sentimental nonsense? Perhaps.. But it had been a long time since Nemesis had a family so this dysfunctional crew was all she had.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Its okay Nemesis, just explain that it was the one armed maximal who killed your wi...Oh wait...Hhhmmm...Run Nemesis! Before Megatron unleashes Tommy Lee Jones to capture you!
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

DarkSpark wrote:OOC: Its okay Nemesis, just explain that it was the one armed maximal who killed your wi...Oh wait...Hhhmmm...Run Nemesis! Before Megatron unleashes Tommy Lee Jones to capture you!

Wait.. which Predacon is Tommy lee jones? )
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Unread post by una »

((OOC: LOL Darkspark! Good question, NK. Maybe Terrorsaur? XDDDDDD))
Phoenix wrote:"Please don't mistake my age for weakness. I'm perfectly functional and have every intention of staying that way."
It wasn't his age she was concerned about. She may not be as old as him, but she too was pretty up there in years. Age was never a concern, but she couldn't help but be concerned for Nexus. Yet, every since she had those flashes of images and feelings, she has been so confused. It was like she was missing something. Something very important. Her master was giving her a hard look, but she didn't understand. What was she supposed to see?
"I thought I was the only one that noticed..," she winked before sending Whitegrazer an apologetic look. Indeed, whenever she was in close proximity with the rodent, the jokes tended to get tossed around.
Whitegrazer shook her head at Rattrap and Aurora's continuing messing with Optimus then smirked, "Don't be surprised if you two get grounded with overnight shifts." She winked at the two before she transformed into her beast form. She kept a steady gallop to keep herself with the group. Despite her joking nature, inside, she was worried and full of dread still. But she didn't want to darken the situation nor lower morale.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Nexus chuckled at the bickering between the two smaller Maximals and the taller female who acted like their chaperone if anything, yet he avoided commenting on their discussion. Instead he remained focused on the ship that appeared to be landing close by, keeping up a surprisingly good speed all things considering. The old warrior kept a watchful eye on the taller of the females as they moved closer to their destination, she almost seemed lost in thought.. almost.. bothered.. by something. But he didn't ask. If she had something on her mind, she could just come out and tell them if it was going to present as a problem for the mission. When she finally spoke it was to correct the behavior of the two smaller Maximals.
Whitegrazer wrote: "Don't be surprised if you two get grounded with overnight shifts."
Aurora snickered at that.

"I doubt it. He'll take one look at our pleading eyes and all will be forgiven."

As if to prove a point, she sent Whitegrazer a pouty look. "See?"

(ooc: Leaving it up to admiralgrim to decide when/if the ship has landed. Also in regards to the virus.. 'Let 'er rip!!)