"Tangled Webs & Muddle"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: I have to admit, I've gotten lost with some of this; where the Preds are now and where Aurora and Whitegrazer exited since I had already placed Rhinox outside of the cave from where he and Orcariner had entered. Also, Rhinox isn't really an essential character in this episode at this point, so you guys could've moved on without me and I would have caught up. No big deal. I'm just going to wing this because I've been spending too much time posting around here lately and not enough time working on art that I need to get done. ))
"Everything alright?" "Do we know how far behind the Predacons are?"
Rhinox watched Orcariner exit the tunnel and regroup with Whitegrazer and Aurora. He remained in his spot right at the exit with his weapon ready. But he wasn't aiming directly inside as one would to hit a moving target, he was targeting the ceiling with the idea of caving it in on top of the Predacons to stop them somewhat "peacefully" with minimal damage so the Maximals could escape and return to their base.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Considering I'm assuming Alak is busy with work or so, You're busy with art, Phoenix lost interest months ago, and even I find this tedious.. lets just give this a rest already. This is beating a dead horse at this point.. er.. sorry Una.*LOL*

But anyway, we already know how this is going to end. A cave in happened, Tarantulas blames the loss of the mines on the Maximals to Megatron for his new base, and for the heck of it, Quickstrike wont even know because his head injury has him delirious. )
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Unread post by Alak »

((OOC: Agreed, let this topic die and focus solely on the new OC one.))
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: I hope this won't be a habit, giving up on canon storylines and skipping ahead to others before the first is even done...Sorry, but Tangled Webs was a BIG Tarantulas episode so letting it go like this is kinda disappointing for me.

Tarantulas narrowed his optics as he watched Rhinox fire his overpowered, oversized guns at the cavern, knowing this was the chance he'd been waiting for! With a single telepathic command, all the arachnoids he'd left strategically placed throughout the cavern entrance self-destructed, creating a massive explosion that buried the entrance to the cave completely, seemingly destroying the mine and any hopes of recovering the precious energon within...Or so everyone else would think.

"FOOLS! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?! WHAT SORT OF PREDACONS ARE YOU?!" Tarantulas screamed at the top of his lungs so all could hear, swiping at his commands menacingly, wanting the maximals to wholeheartedly believe that he was genuinely furious and that they had indeed dashed his hopes for the cave.

"RRRRRRRRRRAAGGGH! BACK TO BASE!" Tarantulas spat, returning to beast mode and activating his wheels, inwardly cackling over how he had fooled them all!
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC:
I hope this won't be a habit, giving up on canon storylines and skipping ahead to others before the first is even done...Sorry, but Tangled Webs was a BIG Tarantulas episode so letting it go like this is kinda disappointing for me.
We have done this many a time already; starting a new episode before the previous one is finished (just to tie up loose ends). No one had anything else to do in this one except for the arachnids, so it was only right to begin the next episode so that others had something to do with the game and leave this one open for it to eventually come to a conclusion just for you, DarkSpark. We can't please everyone. I try to, and I try to be fair, but in the end someone always gets disappointed. People tend to get bored with episodes from the show because they're predictable and everyone knows how it will end. The only advantage in this one was Tarantulas acquiring his new secret lair; there was nothing else left to add any significance to the story. ))
"Well, that's just prime!"