( Since I've been getting complaints.. while facepalming.. Darkspark, stop shooting missiles at Landslide's back. Terrorsaur's just been breaking a shield and hitting an armored container big enough to carry Optimus Primal inside.. even if you break through all that.. your not aiming for the weakpoints for maximum damage.
Shoot your lasers in continuous beams instead of quick beams and aim for weak points, Joints, his face, his stomach, anywhere in the front of his body. A well placed headshot with the laser could blind him, a continuous beam for two posts and you'll melt through his face and kill him. )
Landslide stopped firing as his guns started to overheat, then brought them up. He heard Nemesis speak up as she drew her sword,observing as the damage he had done was sealing up rather quickly. She seemed to be the one carrying Nanomachines for certain, and his normal weapons probably wouldn't work too well on her.. He'd have to see if he could disable that himself.
Nemesis wrote:"Now is that any way to treat a lady?,"
Landslide tried to stifle his laugh
Yer about as much of a lady as I'm a "gentlemen" lass.. he responded, then noticed something land near Nemesis, while noticing Rattrap run. He retracted his grenade launcher holding up an arm as the demo charge exploded. Unfortunately, it seemed the demo charge didn't keep her down. It didn't matter though, he had an idea what Rattrap was doing. Since they were outnumbered, if he could help Wintersong, it could even the odds.
Landslide then heard Terrorsaur in the air, as Terrorsaur was about as quiet as a bomb going off, probably so people could hear him over the sound of his own jets.
Terrorsaur wrote:"I'd take to the air if I were you Fearless Leader, otherwise, heads up!"
Landslide extended the wing shield on his back as he took the two missiles in the back, lurching forward from the hit, his right knee started to spark as he leaned up, his wing shield revealing multiple cracks with now two large holes, his insect wings tattered, but the layers of armor underneath weren't in too bad of shape. Tilting his head Landslide watched as Terrorsaur flew back high into the sky, he then looked towards Nemesis.
Reaching for his back, he drew his heavy chainsword, nearly as big a weapon as Nemesis herself. The blade started to spin up
I'll give ya one thing "lady", you got bigger bearings then Needle nose there.. I wonder how long yer repairs can hold up though..Since that must eat alot of energon and resources..
Landslide's back thrusters activated as he rushed forward towards Nemesis in a surprising burst of speed for the heavy insect, dragging his legs somewhat as he swung his chainsword in a heavy downward chop at Nemesis.
Tarantulas wrote:"Spineback, Umbra, we require backup on the double, the protoform has assumed the form of a bat and has chosen a side...Poorly."
Umbra heard his radio, then responded
On it Lieutenant. He looked towards Spineback
I'll go ahead, try to follow me. Radio if you have any trouble Doctor.
Umbra then sprung up with his jumpjet, launching into the trees as he headed to Tarantulas's location.
Cheetor heard the sonic blast, followed by Tarantulas's familar scream. He activated his comlink
Cheetor to Dinobot, Airazor and I are taking fire from the spiders! He then looked up as he noticed a large white fluffy bat in the air
Maximal protoform has been found, it seems to be helping us I think.
He got up watching , then noticed Tarantulas had fired a cluster of missiles at his position
Oh no.. Better bail! he said to himself as he ran from the pod as fast as possible, then stasis pod errupting into a fireball from the missiles, the blast sending Cheetor up into the air as he let out a yelp and flying into some jungle debris, much like a scene out of an action movie. He got up slowly with his back singed coughing a bit.
Megatron wrote:"Pull yourself together Quickstrike and withdraw. Attention all Predacons, return to base! We've accomplished what we came here to do, let the maximals wallow in their misery for now, we shall return in force to finish them off later, Megatron out"
Quickstrike responded
You got it! he responded, then started walking back towards the Predacon base.