S2:Next episode discussion

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Er, it sounds fine, but Scaleblade might be a problem OOP. She's having job and car issues, so she's nervous about joining in a time when she could possibly go homeless. I think we may have to hold off om her, even though she's waited so long to join as is.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Oooh, okay. No worries. Poor thing. I hope she will be all right.
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

Lol! OOP that one post about the canons was me silly. :P Now as for Onyx being a Maximal, that will be hanging in the air for some time until I know for certain if the balance of power will shift for the Preds and if this is the case Onyx will likely take the risk of joining the Maximals as he once attempted to before. For a while I had that idea shelved since it was bad timing with the Planet Buster in rp and decided it might be best to see how this played out. Although, as a forewarning his allegiance to the Predacons won't leave him this will only be until they return to Cybertron.

Bbbuuuuttttt...until that time comes in the next what few years or so? That will only leave the chances he will be a Maximal for a long while but may have some conflicts with Frilla. :lol: He might never forgive her for the ink into his optics a while back.
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Unread post by New Moon »

:shock: *hides Frilla*Is it just me or does Frilla seem to be the magnet for someone who has a bone to pick? First Manterror with her getting away from his clutches and now Onyx with getting inked in the eye? :lol: By the matrix, think the most cowardly transformer in the game is becoming the number one target! And well with Scorponok gone I don't count him anymore, but I might have been wrong about that so correct me if I'm wrong. If so, she was basically doomed and probably still is...maybe. To be honest I just find it ironic and funny in a sense this happened.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Your character is small, wildy,sneaky,great at support, and has repair skills. They'll want you down first since you make life easier on your allies. Frilla is also kinda a target since she is the small meek female type, traditional for hostage or kidnapping situations. She's just too sarcastic and direct for the princess personality though.
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