"Aftermath: Part I - New Introductions"

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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

OOC: NK does bring up a good point. But I suppose that a typical "medic" amongst the Predacons would really be more like a mechanic. I mean, sometimes those CR chambers need repairing, right? With the CR chambers, there really isn't much use for a medic on any side really, just someone who could keep up the maintenance on those devices. I imagine Glowstick was an exception to the rule, but that doesn't mean there aren't any "medics" who are Predacons....they just wouldn't be so willing to go above and beyond the call of duty.....just the minimum requirements...place the damaged Pred in the CRs and keep the CRs running smoothly. Maybe even minor repairs in and around the ship as well.

As for the future of Arachnitron....well, Tarantulas did point out earlier that the inhibitor chip was a temporary solution. Eventually, it will need to be replaced. I'm thinking maybe every time it wears off, the replacement needs to be stronger in order for it to work...almost like she becomes immune to its effects after awhile? I have no idea if that's believable. Maybe at some point the inhibitor chip even becomes completely ineffective? But I would be interested in having Arachnitron hang around the other spiders for awhile, but I do want the other personalities to come back and stir things up a bit. Like I said, maybe it wears off after awhile and Tarantulas decides to put it back in...after all, if he didn't, the Predacon programming would be constantly out to get him for helping the Hybrid. It would really be in his best interest to keep fixing the chip.

But, as Blackarachnia pointed out, if Arachnitron keeps the inhibitor chip, she will always have to go running back to Tarantulas to fix it every time it wears away. That's good news for Tarantulas. He never has to worry about Arachnitron betraying him...if she wants to keep the other two personalitites at bay, she needs to stay on Tarantulas' good graces meaning she has to do his bidding or risk him abandoning her. The bad news for Tarantulas is that she becomes dependent on him and cannot leave him. She will ultimately rely on him not just for instruction and commands, but his expertise on keeping the chip updated. He has to "take care of her," in respect to the chip anyway, or risk the wrath of the Predacon programming coming back for him.

But, in the end, I feel like someone might need to really get serious about helping Arachnitron...beyond just keeping the other two personalities at bay...finding a way to meld the three personalities. The three personalities of Arachnitron are kind of like pieces of a puzzle. They all fit together and they all bring a little bit of something to the final product. One example: The courage it took to offer herself to the Predacons to save Frilla's life was something that wafted over from the other personalities. It was not something the Hybrid could do all on her own. The Predacon programming gave her the courage to face her enemy whereas the heroism and sense of loyalty to protecting her allies came from the Maximal. With the inhibitor chip, all of those traits are isolated to the programming they belong to and cannot cross over to influence other personalities. So, in order for her to become a truely valuable ally with a mind of her own, not just a servant, she needs to find a way to combine all three personalities...definitely something for down the road...like season three perhaps.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

( Well, from engineering standpoint that'd mean current Maximal medics would be Frilla, Rhinox, Ironclaw,Aurora, and Orcariner.. though I can't imagine Orcariner repairing anyone without using tweezers or a portable CR chamber backpack.. *LOL* Though.. that does give ideas.. :P

Predacons wise.. Sonar(Insane),Tarantulus(Insane/Disinterested),Blackarachnia(Disinterested),Arachnitron(Insane).. Yeah, Preds are doomed. Oh well. Makes things easier on the Maximals atleast.

As for Arachnitron.. Originally having the personalities meld together was what Glowstick wanted to look into doing, but since he's dead that isn't really a option. So Arachnitron might have better odds with Tarantulus(tech based),Sonar(Tech/Drug based),or Rhinox (tech based) with accomplishing something like that, maybe Banshee if going the typical Therapy route. Spiritual therapy route would probably be Umbra (Cyber Ninja) or Whitegrazer(Empath Martial artist) which would probably focus on meditation.. I suppose alternatively as a long shot would be learning balance of mental dominance from Aerostriker since his Targetmaster system struggles with that.. but I'm not sure he's smart enough to explain that.. But anyway, those are just some ideas. )

As the group came onto the Maximal base, Aerostriker nearly cringed at the sight. The ground was obviously scorched by something, but it was more apparent of the scale of battles held around the base from rock and twisted metal debris. The Axalon itself had seen better days, as it now seemed slightly bent and covered in patchwork repairs. Seems they really were having a rough time against these Predacons, though he had yet to ask why. Maybe why wasn't needed to be asked.. it was probably their destiny to fight.
Ocariner wrote: "This is Orcariner hailing Axalon. We have four Maximals returning from mission and two are critically injured. Permission to have Sentinel powered down so we may board?"
Aerostriker looked towards Orcariner, then backed towards the base, hearing Stag speak up Suggesting Perimeter sweep. the insect spoke up, Not a bad idea.. he responded, then tilted, flying left while Stag flew off to the right in very wide banking turns at low speed. The two seemed to move in sync as they observed the topography, making note of spots snipers might attack from, as well as marking the area for their internal guidance systems as much of the planet has yet to be explored by the two.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

OOC: Hope this post works for everyone, busy weekend and day so it took me a while to get a post done, sorry for the wait.

Phoenix wrote: "Tantrum is not exactly the fastest of rides so you still have time," she reminded Terrorsaur as she tended to her limp wing. "However I'll be there shortly."

"Excellent" Terrorsaur remarked as he waited impatiently for Nemesis' arrival, still furious that Umbra's interference was endangering his plans for Tantrum.

Today had gotten off to such a good start despite the near alien apocalypse, his new form granting him so many new advantages and opportunities, but now this newcomer was mucking everything up and interfering with his plans to build a power base against Megatron, or at least earn some brownie points to move up in the ranks and lower the saurian's guard for the next time he planned to overthrow him.

"No mercenary newb is gonna end the reign of Terrorsaur before it even begins! RAWK!" Terrorsaur screeched in fury, but then...Calmed down, something he normally didn't do when provoked by those who didn't recognize his greatness, his first instinct usually being to give them hell.

He opened a com link not to Nemesis, but to his stolen prize, Tantrum.

"Greetings Tantrum, I am Terrorsaur, your comrade in arms, sorry we didn't have time to converse more earlier, I was too busy admiring the short work you were making of those puny maximals, and then that slimy parasite Umbra got in the way, using you like a cheap transport rather than treating you like the unstoppable super soldier you truly are, such misuse of your obvious talents" Terrorsaur said, speaking as smoothly as he possibly could, hoping he could sway the simple giant to his side and not have to get his talons dirty if he could avoid it.

Blackrose wrote: "We have a power source. When Blackarachnia's ready, we can connect the power supply to her part of the device. Then we should be good to go!"

Arachnitron tried to hide the pride she felt while looking at the new contraption. She had never pictured herself as much of a mechanic, but she had somehow managed to throw something useful together that they could use. She wasn't sure exactly why, when, or how things began clicking together in her mind. She couldn't explain how she figured out how to do it, but she had done it. Maybe Optimus was right....maybe she could be useful somehow in all of this. Maybe she wasn't as worthless as she had previously thought.
"Best news I've heard all solar cycle, hehehehehe" Tarantulas chuckled, beginning to feel more like his old maniacal self by the cycle as the hour of his glorious resurrection was at hand.

Arachnitron had proven herself quite helpful, even if the threat of losing her mind was all that kept her loyal to him, though that was certainly better than nothing. Megatron ruled threw fear and brute force, and that was really all that kept his crew from turning on him like a pack of wild dogs, that and their own petty vendettas. Tarantulas' only concern was protecting the interests of the Tripredacus Council, and of course, his own survival at this point. If Arachnitron could be used to make his mission easier in the sea of schemers and thugs that was the Darksyde's crew, she might warrant keeping around in spite of his normal preference for solitude, otherwise he'd rather slag her and nullify the threat of her predacon or maximal side ever resurfacing again, a threat he would always have to keep in mind if the chip he'd installed in her failed...A very real possibility given he'd created it to keep her sane long enough for him to get off this rock back when it had been both a necessity and an option left open to him.

Blackarachnia was another concern, but he already had plans in mind for finally reeling in his treacherous creation, and thus he could worry about what he would ultimately do with his fellow spiders once he was back on his own eight feet.

Una wrote: Blackarachnia finished threading the last piece of the webbing before she jumped and transformed with a certain graceful hop. After all, she was happy that Tarantulas wasn't going to be inside her head anymore. Good riddance! She stared at Arachnitron and nodded. Arachnitron probably wished she was able to throw away her voices just like she was about to do. Noticing there had been some differences in Arachnitron's behavior, it was subtle. She wondered if Tarantulas little device was waving off. And she supposed Arachnitron was going to ask Tarantulas' help in getting him to fix it again. It will never end for her. If she doesn't figure it out on her own, she will never be independent. She would always be dependent on others. Now that she thought of Arachnitron's condition, she wondered if...

... wait, she will think about it later. First, it was time to get Legs out of her mind and be free from his constant chatter. She grabbed Tarantulas's body and placed on the webbing connected to the electrical pillars.

She placed the device onto her head with the green visor. It should dig into her core conscious and grab Tarantulas' transfering it by way of electrical pulses back to his own core processor.

"Turn it on."

He took control of BA's voice and confirmed her earlier orders to Arachnitron "Do it"

Tarantulas braced himself for the transfer about to commence, if all went according to plan he'd have cheated death and returned to the living in triumph, otherwise, best case scenario was he'd remain stuck in the Witch's body, a fate neither of them desired. He was confident this plan would work however, he could FEEL it somehow, like it was fate for him to return to the mutated form now waiting for him lying atop Blackarachnia's web...Just looking at it made him excited, what Blackarachnia had mistaken for repulsive Tarantulas saw as a technological marvel above and beyond more advanced than any cybertronian form on earth or back home. The aliens attempt to destroy him may have only given him the edge he needed to destroy THEM, and Megatron as well.

"Death has been dull, GIVE ME LIFE!" Tarantulas commanded, eager for life, eager for revenge on all his enemies.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc: Sorry for the wait, guys.. Had a long work weekend, they had put me down for some continuing education course today and after I had driven 20 minutes to drop off the kids this morning and then another half hour to get to where the course was being held, I was the only one there.. So I contacted my supervisor to ask, nobody knew what was going on and the scheduling coordinator was in an important meeting.. so I drove back to my work place on the way to pick up the kids, only to receive an email on my phone as I pulled into the parking lot stating that the course was tomorrow and they had wrongly scheduled me for the wrong day.. wonderful. I got home from work at 2 am, got maybe 2.5 hours of sleep with the baby fussing and all last night, and then had to get up to get ready for this course.. Lot of wasted time, money for gas and babysitter, and wasted opportunity to catch up on sleep.. And in the midst of it, a friend at work begged me to cover 4 hours for him tonight and I agreed.. so now I'm working 11 pm to 3 am and have to be at the class they had scheduled me for today tomorrow instead.. Well, at least I won't have to drop the kids off this time.

Needless to say I'm annoyed. And tired. And will have to get by on 3 hours of sleep after work again, if even that. And to top it all off I have a horrible sinus infection and I took a plunge on the muddy lawn and fell onto our driveway the other day, causing huge bruises on my knees, a black nail, scrubs and bruises on both wrists.. So afraid my post will have to wait until I can clear my head a bit. :( )
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: DarkSpark, I pretty much agree with everything that was already covered by everyone else pertaining to your portrayal of Terrorsaur. It works for me and I like where he's heading. And Tarantulas continues to be spot-on, so no worries. :D
Dang, OOP. I figured at most that Steelclaw might have nicked Rattrap. Not that I'm complaining...
I wanted to have some fun, Blazemane. I can't even remember the last time Rattrap ended up in a CR... Has he ever been in one during our game so far? :lol: Not that he needs one now, but you know, a little damage is fun. :D ))
"Rattrap?" "Are you alright? Talk to--wait, I see you." "Hey, what'd they do to you?"
Glancing at Cheetor flying around up above in the sky, Rattrap slowly got up onto all fours and shook himself a little to get rid of some of the stones and dirt he had collected during his rolling. It was a little painful... with a hole in the side of his back but fortunately Steelclaw's bullet didn't hit anything vital.

"Just a lucky shot Yogi Bear got on me," the TransMetal rat said casually, trying to stay dignified about it. Too bad Steelclaw didn't chase picnic baskets instead. Observing the shiny cheetah flying in and landing rather smoothly, Rattrap was relieved that Cheetor was getting the hang of the aerial acrobatics.
"Don't think we've got much time," "I drive, you shoot?"
"Eh," Rattrap muttered. He wasn't quite comfortable riding on Cheetor's back and zipping around in the air. Not yet, anyway. "No offense, kid, but I hated flyin' with Optimus despite all his experience. You gotta get a few more lessons under yer belt before I hop on your back. Probably be better if you took to de air and I stayed on de ground." If they flew together, it might makes more difficult for both of them while being chased by those ruthless Preds, especially at such an early stage of learning their own vehicle modes. And they would be an easier target for all of them. "We should just make a run for de base at this point. I'll give 'em a distraction, you fly on ahead and call in as soon as yer in range. Let 'em know we might be havin' some uninvited guests."

Maximizing, the demolition expert pulled out his gun and turned around to face the Predacons' general direction. Firing two shots at Megatron and two more at the little yellow Fuzor. Accuracy was not his focus this time, Rattrap just wanted to give Cheetor some cover for his escape. Immediately ducking back behind the boulders and putting his weapon away, he pulled out one more democharge and set it for 30 seconds before tossing it over his cover, hearing it thud a couple times across the ground. Then he reverted to his vehicle mode, wincing a little at the pain from his wound, and spun out with his wheels to kick up more dust before the charge's explosion would give them a nice cloud. Hopefully it would give them a jump ahead of their enemy, IF they were going to follow. Flames sputtering out of his exhaust pipes, Rattrap released his brakes and took off in a direction away from the Predacon goons.


After running diagnostics and procedures on the blank protoform, Rhinox confirmed that it had been TransMetalized. This might prove to be interesting, he thought. If it even works. He hoped it would.
"This is Orcariner hailing Axalon. We have four Maximals returning from mission and two are critically injured. Permission to have Sentinel powered down so we may board?"
Hearing Orcariner's transmission from the bridge, a great deal of relief washed over the engineer. Finally some news from those who had been out and about nearly all day. Of course it wasn't all good news, but at least it wasn't worse than they had already dealt with. "Saber-Fang," Rhinox called to her as he stood up. "Grant Orcariner permission and deactivate Sentinel," he requested. Sentinel may have been running nearly at 90% but their shields were still lagging at only 65%. Should a Predacon attack happen, it won't take them long to take down their shields. He hadn't had the time to concentrate on rebuilding their defense systems since he was devoting all of it to kicking Inferno out and building a machine to do something it may not even be able to do. Was it all just a waste of time? Only one way to find out.
"I don't know, but if he is recovering, it may just be a feedback from his repairs that I was feeling."
Studying Whitegrazer for a moment, he nodded once and then walked out of the room and into the command center. "Come with me," said Rhinox when he passed her and walked up to his machine. Pressing a command on the wall by a console, two little mechanical arms lowered from the ceiling to his device. "Lay down here," he gestured with his opened, minorly damaged hand to the platform, then lowered his voice for only her to hear. "The lid will cover your head and chest, basically extracting your core conscience from your body. And your hands on these joysticks will help guide you and keep a somewhat physical attachment to your core despite the distance it will be traveling. All you need to do is take hold of his spark, if he's willing, and the machine will do the rest. Once it alerts me of your return, I will be here to make sure you awaken." Standing there beside his creation, he looked at her with enthusiasm, concern and hope. If he lost her with this crazy idea... another Maximal lost in this war... he wouldn't know what he'd do. He would be responsible. But, no. No. Everything will work. It has to work. If not, then at least let her return safely, he prayed.

"She was injured pretty bad, but she is strong. She will pull through."
Nodding at the tall female, Tigatron did the same and hoped for the best and a quick recovery for Aurora, as well as Ironclaw. He had been in there for quite some time now... And as tragic as their leader's loss was, he feared their darkest hour was yet to come. Following the others to the bridge, Tigatron took a seat at one of the consoles and pulled up the scanners. Oddly enough, Orcariner was bringing back an unknown Maximal. Had they managed to acquire one of the fallen protoforms? However, Dinobot's signature was not registering. He had been sent with their group, had he not? Without trying to fear for the worst, Tigatron knew Orcariner would debrief them as soon as all of them settled in; no point in bothering him now with questions. Patience.


"With Rhinox's help, I will return you to us. "

There! He felt her. Something from her. Optimus didn't know what she may have tried to say but he could feel her. Was it in response to him reaching out? Or just coincidence? No, she must have felt him or heard him. It was enough to keep him right where he was. If there was something she was trying to do, something leading to TyCross assuring him that he wasn't meant to stay here, as difficult as her master was to communicate with, then he wouldn't dare make it harder for her to find him. Now he pushed everything out of his mind except all the good memories, the faces he knew so well, their personalities, their laughter and voices. All of his Maximals whom he cared for so much. Even Dinobot. Ah yes, the endless squabbling and witty comments between him and Rattrap. Focus. Concentrate. Find that connection again...
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

OOC: Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Pheonix. If it is any consolation...you are not alone in your misery....I, too, have a bad sinus infection as well as bronchitis. I got sick again for the third time in a month with the same symptoms and decided it was time to stop avoiding the doctor. It was time for some heavy duty antibiotics since nothing else I was taking was working. :-P

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber turned her head slightly as she heard the transmission as well and she sighed relieved.
She turned to look at Rhinox upon hearing him say her name.
"Grant Orcarnier permission and deactivate Sentinel."
Saber nodded once. "I'm on it."

She headed toward the control panel and deactivated sentinels defenses then pressed another button activating the microphone. "Orcarner, you're free to come aboard. Welcome back."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Umbra wrote:One very large and angry package ready to go my lord, though.. you lost two soldiers because of that inept air commander. I'll drop him off with Cecaelia to you, however I would like to make a suggestion of dropping off Waspinator and Manterror to the base for repairs to refresh your troops. I'd gladly do this while acquiring any further troops to refresh your soldiers and supplies for the oncoming battles.
The hovering tyrant gritted his razor sharp teeth in a satisfied, toothy grin, pleased with the response he had been given by his new lackey. Umbra was indeed proving to be a valuable asset to the team, or at least more so than a majority of his worthless crew. Provided he could be manipulated to keep in line, that is. And the moment he couldn't be, well, Megatron had no quarrels with setting another example to the remainder of his men. Most of them were still shocked by the commander's swift disposal of Glowstick after finding out about him leading an uncleared attack on the Maximals, a fact that would hopefully keep his underlings from attempting any more treachery for a while. Sacrifices would have to be made to win this war, and a war it was, one Megatron fully intended to end with the massive slaughter of his enemies.

"Excellent. Have Caecelia return the wounded to base and meet up with us as soon as you can. Keep serving our cause well and you shall be rewarded accordingly," the tyrant assured Umbra before severing their connection to turn his attention on the first victims of the aforementioned slaughter.

The flying Maximal had swooped to find cover with his furry friend, giving Megatron just the opportunity he was waiting for.

"Steelclaw; maintain your position and shoot them down should they attempt to move! Silverbolt and Quickstrike; maneuver around and approach them from either side."

This game was very close to end.. for those infernal Maximals, that is. His remaining Predacons were on their way with a new, and if Umbra's report was accurate, very large and powerful recruit, leaving these two pathetic Maximals hopelessly trapped.

The tyrant then opened a channel to Terrorsaur. "Prepare to have your team intercept with mine. It's time to introduce these Maximal fools to oblivion. Then, after ridding ourselves of these pests, we shall attack the Maximal base."

Surely his faith in his eight legged friend would not be so misplaced that Tarantulas had not escaped captivity yet. And so Megatron opened a channel to all of his Predacons, the spiders included.

"Predacons! As promised, our time of victory is now at hand. All available units are to assemble at my coordinates."

No more games. The moment Primal had entered that pod, the Maximals' fate had been as sealed as the pod their leader had perished with. It was going to be glorious and there was nobody and nothing that could stop his imminent victory now.

As Megatron waited for their acknowledgement, he too proceeded to a position behind the rock the pathetic vermin and his kitten friend had taken shelter behind, maintaining a safe distance as he moved past the boulder. Or at least so he thought. To his surprise a couple of shots raced by him, one of them so close that it nearly grazed his tail, causing Megatron to make an abrupt and premature dive towards the ground and a less than graceful landing to follow. As he settled down, feet once more safely standing on the rocky surface, Megatron's rage quickly built within him. Sneering angrily as he turned towards the boulder his foes were still hiding behind, he caught a glimpse of something small flying out from behind the rocky formation. Too small to be a Maximal, the object disappeared out of sight as it landed on the ground again. With a loud growl, Megatron converted to his robot form again.

"Destroy them!," Megatron bellowed to his troops, certainly not planning on giving his foes a chance to escape. He, too, then began approaching, maintaining a little bit of caution but he was still confident there would be two less Maximals to worry about within moments. Then the sounds of an engine firing up caught his attention, causing Megatron to aim his powerful cannon at the source of that sound. He fired several shots at where he believed the Maximals would show themselves during their attempt to escape the inevitable.

(ooc: Thanks for the kind words, guys, I'm still sick but starting to clear up a bit, I think.. Will post for Aurora and Nemesis either tomorrow or the day after. Rattrap and Cheetor better bail out quickly though if they wish to live to fight in the big battle that's coming up. ;)

Edit: Not sure how I missed this part of Rattrap's post the first round but I'll add to mine to acknowledge..)
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Unread post by una »

he nodded once and then walked out of the room and into the command center. "Come with me," said Rhinox when he passed her and walked up to his machine. Pressing a command on the wall by a console, two little mechanical arms lowered from the ceiling to his device. "Lay down here," he gestured with his opened, minorly damaged hand to the platform, then lowered his voice for only her to hear. "The lid will cover your head and chest, basically extracting your core conscience from your body. And your hands on these joysticks will help guide you and keep a somewhat physical attachment to your core despite the distance it will be traveling. All you need to do is take hold of his spark, if he's willing, and the machine will do the rest. Once it alerts me of your return, I will be here to make sure you awaken."

Whitegrazer followed Rhinox and inspected what he created. It looked simple from a glance. Obeying his command, she laid down and kept listening to his instructions, taking in what she had to do. Though simple in words, unexpected things could happen. Her core conscience was going to be traveling inside the Matrix: their afterlife. If she went too far, she might not come back. And what would happen if they were attacked by Predacons? Well, maybe they should get this started before something like that would happen.

She saw through Rhinox's expression. She too was full of enthusiasm and hope, but wasn't concerned like Rhinox was. Something deep inside her knew that this would turn out okay. The link, though faint, that was given to her earlier and reliving the death she felt along with Optimus... something somewhere wanted this to occur. Like someone... maybe it really wasn't his time.

Again, she could feel someone beside her. Close. So close yet so distant. No, it couldn't be just coincidence!

It is you, isn't it? Don't worry, I'm coming.

She nodded at Rhinox and smiled with a face full of serenity and determination, "We will both return safely."

((OOC: I hope this post is okay. :D Ooooooooooo! I'm loving this! ))
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Unread post by starshadow »

((Guys, I'm having a lot of trouble accessing the forum at my house. I just can't get in. I'll probably have to use the school's computer to RP.))

Starshadow was about to reach the Darksyde. Sonar has not said a word since their last fight.

"We're almost-"
"Predacons! As promised, our time of victory is now at hand. All available units are to assemble at my coordinates
"Well..I think boss needs some help. How are your optics?"
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC:
Rattrap and Cheetor better bail out quickly though if they wish to live to fight in the big battle that's coming up.
Working on it! :lol: *is imagining Zoidberg's "whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop!" running away in his sideways crab posture* :lol:
I hope this post is okay. Ooooooooooo! I'm loving this!
Works for me, una. :D
((Guys, I'm having a lot of trouble accessing the forum at my house. I just can't get in. I'll probably have to use the school's computer to RP.))
Sorry, Starshadow. I just made an inquiry about your situation in the Admin/Mod forum. Hopefully someone will get that fixed for you soon. ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Just posting for Rhinox because I want Whitegrazer "gone" before everyone else starts showing up and asking questions and delaying things. :P ))
"We will both return safely."
A small smile tugged at one corner of Rhinox's mouth, trying to keep himself on the ground and not give up his hopes too soon. "Good luck," he said softly to Whitegrazer before lowering the lid on top of her head and chest, a small window revealing her face. Pressing a few buttons on the machine and the console it was plugged in to with his aching fingers, lights illuminated on the lid and the gentle hum continued from the machine. It took Whitegrazer now - her core conscience - far away, as she appeared to be asleep, laying there on her back in his device.

Stepping back and over to a console near Tigatron, Rhinox began checking progress of the shields regeneration and defense systems. Heavy on his mind was a Predacon attack. It would be inevitable, no doubt. ...Possibly soon. And if one should unfold, they would not be able to defend their ship; not in its current condition. And what about the other Maximals already injured? The shields were still recovering from the alien attack that took their leader, when all of the Axalon's power had been diverted to them, the loss of energy was great by the time it was over. Their situation might look even more grim very soon, and they would have to do everything in their power to keep the Predacons from rattling their base. One bad shake could easily disrupt his machine and they would lose Whitegrazer and Optimus forever. Eagerly, he waited to hear word from Rattrap since his team was the only one still abroad.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"We're almost-"
"Predacons! As promised, our time of victory is now at hand. All available units are to assemble at my coordinates
"Well..I think boss needs some help. How are your optics?"
Sonar had dozed off for a while but at the sound of Starshadow's and Megatron's voice he was now fully awake.

"I still can't see anything three feet infront of my face. I simply need to recover for a few hours." Sonar admitted.

He had no intention of telling her that if he closed his optics, he would send out a continuous wave of sound, making it easier for him to see while his optics remained temporarily clouded. At the moment he simply wanted to be alone and take a long nap.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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RPG Characters: Silverbolt, Trantrum
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Unread post by Warwulf »

((OOC: I hate begining each post with an apology, but it seems to be becoming a habit. Sorry guys, I'm very busy and lazy -- an oxymoron if there ever was one. Between working/volunteering at 5 jobs, not including being a dad, I find myself being a little lazy on my off time. It becomes a little more difficult when you have to catch up on a bunch of stuff because you've been slacking off. :wink: Anyways, here comes a -- hopefully -- semi-decent post. I apologize in advance if I omit anything or abbreviate any interactions. I'll make an effort to be more active in the future.))

As Silverbolt watched Cheetor easily outmaneuver his wing-missiles, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration. Well done, cat. But Silverbolt was not finished yet. Despite not being as fast or maneuverable, he flapped his wings mightily in an effort to gain altitude and shadow his query. He watched as Cheetor descended down to another Maximal's position, but chose not to follow and engage, but maneuver into a more favorable position.
Megatron wrote:Silverbolt and Quickstrike; maneuver around and approach them from either side.
"Silverbolt, moving into position," he responded as he overflew the Maximal position to take up a position on their flank. As he did so, he felt the concussion of an explosion and saw the Maximals attempting to retreat.
Megatron wrote:"Destroy them!," Megatron bellowed to his troops.
Being the closest Predacon, he decided he would intercept the fleeing ground Maximal. Silverbolt went into a steep dive to build momentum and flattened out a dozen yards above the ground, closing the gap between him and his target. Narrowing his optics, he fired a salvo from his wing missiles into the path of the rodent, trying to slow his escape. Realizing that his momentum was starting to falter, he transformed into Beast Mode and flew hard to pull up next to the Maximal within shouting distance.

"Your situation is becoming desperate," he yelled to Rattrap. "Stand down now, Maximals, and I'm sure Megatron will give you generous terms of surrender."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tantrum remained silent as the Predacons squabbled amongst themselves. He had no interest in the petty squabbles of his fellow Predacons if it didn't involve destroying Maximals. Tantrum hated Maximals... especially these Maximals, who held him captive. Umbra did, however, say something to perk his interest... something about knowing where to find more Maximals to destroy. Tantrum waited until the squabbling and bickering stopped before he spoke.

"Little birdy and little fishy make too much noise. Tell me where find more Maximals, and I pulverize them like leetle Maximal babies." he stated simply in his thick, Russian accent.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Rattrap wrote:Just a lucky shot Yogi Bear got on me.
Cheetor growled just under his breath while he took a quick look at Rattrap's injury. Didn't seem like there was anything lucky about it...
Rattrap wrote:No offense, kid, but I hated flyin' with Optimus despite all his experience. You gotta get a few more lessons under yer belt before I hop on your back. Probably be better if you took to de air and I stayed on de ground.

So Rattrap didn't trust him? Well, o.k.; to be fair, he wouldn't have trusted Rattrap enough to ride on his back yet, either.
Rattrap wrote:We should just make a run for de base at this point. I'll give 'em a distraction, you fly on ahead and call in as soon as yer in range. Let 'em know we might be havin' some uninvited guests.
Cheetor felt a sudden, unexpected feeling of relief. Rattrap was right--they had other 'bots to call on! They just needed to get far enough.

He glanced behind them and saw Megatron closing in. And then Silverbolt completely passed them. O.k., so he was going to have to completely rush by him if this was going to work. Without much of a plan, but a lot of commitment--this had to work out somehow--Cheetor nodded at Rattrap and then started weaving between rocks, sprinting on the ground in the direction of the base to get his necessary running start. When his jets stuttered to give him some extra speed, he almost smashed head on into a boulder, but he just ducked to the side. Then they turned on full, and he took off. That's when he saw that Silverbolt had decided to go after Rattrap.

No... he had to contact the base. And he had to hurr-yeowch!

Cheetor spun awkwardly in the air and then corrected himself. Megatron had fired on him as soon as he got into the air, and he'd scored a pretty good hit, too. Cheetor just wasn't going to assess how good it was so long as he was still flying. And, knowing more would immediately follow, he dipped, curved right, raised himself up again and turned back more towards the base.

Steelclaw, meanwhile, had been waiting for either of the Maximals to show up, just like Megatron had ordered him to do. Through his scope, he noticed Rattrap's demolition charge flying into the air and landing out of his sights--at some point, that thing was going to go off and obstruct his vision.

After what seemed like an interminably long time, the cat finally climbed above the level of the rocks, and Steelclaw started trying to get a shot lined up on him. He had to wait for a little while longer after Megatron's attack made the Maximal panic and start to do aerial acrobatics. Then Cheetor finally straightened out, and Steelclaw focused as best as he could. And just when he thought it would be a good time to try to get him, Rattrap's charge went off and sent up a cloud of dust and smoke and rock sediment. Cheetor was, of course, far, far away from the blast, but through some stroke of luck (well... maybe that Rattrap fellow really, really knew what he was doing) the cat was positioned so that Steelclaw's line of sight on him was obstructed by the cloud.

And by the time the haze finally cleared enough for Steelclaw to see Cheetor again, the Maximal was simply too far gone.

Cheetor raised his forearm slightly to speak into his com-link. He couldn't be sure at all, but he needed to at least hope he was in range of the Axalon and start trying to get someone.

"Cheetor to Maximal base," he called loudly over the wind in his audio receptors, "Our mission is a bust and we're taking heavy fire just trying to pull out. Are there any available units who can come meet us on the way back in and help get the Preds out of of our rearview?"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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