"Aftermath: Part I - New Introductions"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc: Okay hopefully I'm not missing anything. I had to go back a few pages since I've not been able to post much lately. )

Nemesis had been keeping a close eye on AirRazor and the new Maximal who had saved her from certain destruction, having prepared her particle cannon to send a barrage of electrically charged shots at them. She gained momentum and swooped in closer to give the two less of a chance to maneuver out of the way as the deadly fire rained down upon them and had just started her vicious attack when another player entered the field..

Probably from pure luck for the unknown attacker, Nemesis flew right into a swarm of incoming shots. At the speed she was going, she had little choice but to swerve to avoid the attack, throwing her aim off just enough to miss her target. The Predacon female made a rapid loop, barely avoiding Wintersong's shots, as she quickly calculated where the new foe must be located to have come so close to hitting her.

The Maximal tigress..

A certain annoyance present in her voice as she turned her focus onto the now transmetal Wintersong, altering her course so she could transform in midair and skid to a halt at the ground close to the Maximal, she exclaimed, "I see you're eager to meet up with your dead comrades, Maximal."

As the dust she kicked up during her landing started to settle, Nemesis watched her prey with a scowl on her face. Her sword already drawn, flames engulfing the entire length of the sharp blade, as she sized up her opponent. The scowl soon gave way to a teasing wink as she gestured for the smaller female to make her move.

(ooc: I'll post for Megs as soon as Silverbolt gets off his lazy butt and posts..)
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Unread post by Wintersong »

(Posting now while I get the chance, since I got a lot of stuff coming up again :roll: )

Wintersong had her attention set on taking down the remaining fliers but it seemed they too had gotten upgrades and her attacks did little to stop Terrorsaur from attacking Orcarnier, much to her dismay. And her focused attention upon them prevented her from actually thinking of checking the environment at all for other Predacons, ones meant for a ground attack of some kind she was sure to which she was too late to realize there were others, Umbra and Cecaelia, who were lurking about but hidden from sight. Not that she had really bothered looking when she had seen the more immediate threat came from the air. Though that mistake now would possibly be her undoing as she paused in the firing when hearing something behind her, causing the transmetal tigress to turn slightly, but only enough time before the barrage of shots caught her off guard and sent her flying backwards a few feet and only to have to end facing yet another Predacon.

Groaning slightly Wintersong pushed herself up to her knees for a moment, glancing up towards the transmetalized avian femme in front of her to which Wintersong only glared at her with show of anger,"Just about as eager as you are to see the Pit you overgrown chicken."She growled slightly, pushing herself to her feet and not even bothering with her laser pistol that had slid away a few feet from where she had landed before. Instead she reached back slightly and grabbed the black metal hilts of two swords, ones she had become aware of earlier on the Axalon when checking out her form and brought them forward ready to fight back, not fazed by the fire-covered blade Nemesis held in her hands. But even if they were to fight here and now the white tigress hated to admit that regardless if she lost, won, or it was a draw this battle was pretty much a win for the Predacons in getting Tantrum as he didn't exactly seem much of a comrade.
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Unread post by Warwulf »

((OOC: Sorry for the delay!))

Tantrum kept charging at the large Maximal until the two were in contact. Tantrum's tank form shuddered from the impact as the two slid a few feet before being locked in an impasse. The Maximal may have stopped Tantrum's forward momentum, but he was determined to crush his opponent. The ground crumbled beneath him as his treads scraped and screached against bare rock. Tantrum used his brilliant strategic mind and developed his cunning plan: keep pushing forward until he is crushed.
Orcariner wrote:"Look here, we're not here to hurt you. We're Maximals, friend. We're on your side."
Perhaps because the bulk of Tantrum's mental prowess had been dedicated to his grand plan, but the Maximal's statement confused him. He stopped in his tracks (pardon the pun) momentarily and considered what he said. A Maximal? On my side? To help me shoot Maximals? Wait, he's a Maximal... I will crush him! He wondered if the Maximal had not seen the Predacon insignia on his armor. Tantrum resumed his brilliant strategy of brute force, redoubling his effort in the stalemate.


* * * * * * *

Silverbolt watched as Quickstrike transformed into his robot form. Terrorize? He did not like the taste of the word. If force was a must, then he would defend himself and his new comrades. But he did not like the sound of it. Still, he needed to try out this form for himself.

"Silverbolt," he announced, before adding unenthusiastically "Terrorize."

"Hmm. It's not a word I like the taste of," Silverbolt reflected.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC:
((Oopsie! We're sorry! We're just catching up with our OCs until Megs calls everyone for the main battle scene which we will have, will we?))
That's fine, Starshadow and Night-Hunter, I just want to see a little more than two sentences with your back-and-forth posts. :wink:
((OOC: *face palm* I can fix this.))
:lol: Yesss. Thank you, N-H. ))

Whincing a little as Inferno's laughter pierced Rhinox's audio receptors before they could adjust, he still held his grip on the tall and lean Predacon, also being conscious of the ant's ability of flight that could very well do some significant damage to him if he engaged it. Hopefully it wouldn't cross his mind.
"You are a worthy opponent my green, horned friend. Now, unhand me and prepare to battle as equals!"
"I hate to decline such an entertaining offer, friend," the robust Maximal sarcastically replied, "but I haven't the time for you and your irrationality." Rhinox was well aware how skilled Inferno was with his hand-to-hand combat. His speed greatly outmatched his own but the rhinoceros had strength on his side and thick armor. Still, he didn't want to resort to a battle. Certainly the fire ant wasn't functioning 100% since his encounter with Blackaracknia when he hadn't had any repairs and wasn't in beast mode when he had fallen unconscious but Rhinox didn't dare underestimate him. He just wanted him out of the way so he could focus on what mattered more. "Now, you can either leave here peacefully, Inferno, or in pieces. It's your choice." Carefully, after kicking the Predacon's weapon out of his reach across the floor, Rhinox put away his own chain gun and started to pull Inferno away from the wall he had pressed him up against, turning him in the direction of the command center with both of his hands bending the arsonist's arms around his back like a cop would a criminal.

Suddenly there were soft but very quick footsteps approaching. The sound caught Rhinox's attention and he turned his head over his shoulder to find the sabertooth tiger about to pounce, wielding her large claws. "Saber-Fang?" Where had she been all this time? In her quarters? It was surprising to him that she had never shown up for Optimus's departure. Was she currently consumed by her beast? At any rate, he was prepared to instinctively move out of the way if she was going to leap for the Predacon. ...Or even himself as unpredictable and feral as her inner beast could be.

"Well think chaotic might be the best word, Rattrap." "I will admit this was nothing I was expecting since I came on this voyage expecting something new and well got more then I really bargained for. In fact, think all of us did from the looks of things."
"Yeah, we did, no thanks ta Megatron," Rattrap agreed with Silverstreak. He wasn't sure he was ready for this new chapter of their senseless war. He wished so much that he was back on Cybertron. Unfortunately, it couldn't be that way, and now this team - this family of Maximals - was counting on him to lead them. "But we... well, most of us, have gotten dis far, so there's a lot more hope dan I first thought dere was when we crashed here. Seems so long ago."
"I'm just getting to the location Rattrap and seems things are pretty calm at the moment. And trust me I have no intention of attacking them."
"Copy, Feral. Be there in a few," the dragster rat replied.
"Copy that, big R." "But I might have to get a little closer to hear things. If I get spotted, I'll bet you'll know really soon... Hey--if I die, can you make sure Dinobot doesn't take my stuff?"
"Two things wrong with that, kid," Rattrap pointed out. "First of all, you ain't gonna die. And secondly, the only hoarder around here is me," he smirked over their transmission.
"Er... o.k.," "I can't pick up on the conversation, but there are definitely two fully functioning protoforms with Megatron, Onyx and... Steelclaw. They've got their beast modes and everything--one of 'em just transformed in front of Megs, and he still hasn't been vaped yet, so I think everyone over there's probably on pretty good terms..." "But you know... I'm not seeing any Predacon emblems on the one who just morphed..."
Listening to Cheetor's description, Rattrap tried visualizing the scenario. Great, Megabutt's there, he thought a little grimly. Not really the Predacon he wanted to battle since there was a big bulls-eye painted on his chest now being the acting the leader. On the other hand, at least he was here and not attacking the Axalon. Onyx he wasn't too worried about; the guy only ever seemed to want to talk and not shoot, but he still didn't trust him. He wasn't certain about Steelclaw either. Had they all been TransMetalized? And as for the newcomers... Well, the Maximals were greatly outnumbered if those two were Predacons. Lucky us.

(( OOC: RT will be arriving in my next post; just want to give Silverstreak a chance to comment on things before everything goes wrong for the Maximals. :lol: ))


"Tigatron, maximize," the white tiger said softly after he felt the coast was clear. Instead of waiting for Aurora and Whitegrazer, he walked up to the quiet stasis pod and examined it. Peeking in through the lid's window, it appeared it hadn't been activated but there was a protoform inside. Was it TransMetal? And was there no spark? "Maybe this is exactly what Rhinox was looking for," he said outloud. "A blank protoform?" At least it was not in the hands of the Predacons.


"Oh, be quiet. She can handle it. She's an empath, remember? It's what she is born to feel."

"That doesn't mean she deserves to be put through it," Optimus grumbled at TyCross. Because she didn't. He didn't want to hurt her whether she could handle it or not, whether she was an empath or not. She had been through enough pain already. Was this "process" really worth it?

"Optimus?" "Optimus?"

Primal immediately fell quiet again after a light gasp escaped his mouth. He heard her voice. And in a split second felt Whitegrazer's hand covering his that he had laid on her imaginary face. In a flash, it was all gone. She was gone again. What happened? Pulled from his meditation, Optimus realized that TyCross had severed the string. It hadn't hurt this time but for a moment he glared at him for his insensitive and abrupt action.

"Good, our business is concluded. Now, we need to have a little personal chat."

A personal chat? What else was there to talk about?

"Privacy, please?"

Blinking, Optimus looked at Icebreaker. He didn't want him to go. Would he ever see him again?

Er.. Yeah.. sure. Hey.. um, listen.. if you manage to get in contact with them again.. Just tell Aurora and Orcariner I'm doin' alright, and try to keep up hope..

Smiling warmly at his friend, the former Commander nodded and said, "I will, Icebreaker. Don't cause too much trouble, all right?" he winked. Watching him fade away to nothing was like losing him all over again. Frowning with some sadness, Optimus took in a breath and quickly pulled himself together, turning his gaze back to TyCross and waiting for him to speak again. Now they were alone. At least, he assumed they were. As eerie as it felt, he ignored it and decided to face whatever was going to be discussed head-on.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Aurora turned away from Whitegrazer's intense stare, feeling as if the white mare was looking through her into her very soul in her search for answers. Answers which Aurora did not even know the answers to herself, much less that she would be willing to explore with others. Painful memories were just not distant enough for her to be willing to expand on those feelings that were attached to them, so for the time being she chose to put them to the back of her mind as far as she was capable of doing so. And so Whitegrazer's piercing look made her feel uncomfortable, well knowing that the taller female could be picking up on silent cues and hidden emotions not expressed through her words alone.

The ermine felt a certain relief as the other Maximal appeared to not wish to try to persuade her to confront those emotions at this time.
Whitegrazer wrote:"You will bounce back, Aurora. You are strong."
Aurora merely nodded rather than give a verbal response at this point, having returned to follow Tigatron towards their target.

Before long, however, she noticed that Whitegrazer was not following them and stopped to see the other female crouch as if in a trance a short distance back.


Her face revealed a look of suffering, her entire body tense and the fingers of one hand looking as if it was attempting to carve the very spark out of her chest. Then her face turned even paler and her optics seemed to be staring at something, or someone, in front of her. Someone Aurora could not see.

The little ermine moved closer, yet keeping a little distance regardless. Part of her felt like calling out to Tigatron, but the tiger had already disappeared from sight. Still she could not see anyone that could possibly cause the grief stricken pose Whitegrazer stood in.
Whitegrazer wrote:"Optimus?"
Tilting her head to the side, Aurora's large ears perked up. Either Whitegrazer was so overwhelmed by grief that she was having a mental breakdown before her very eyes, or perhaps she was having a vision of sorts. Just in case the latter was the reason, Aurora chose not to interfere.
The smaller Maximal took a step closer while pondering if it might be best to leave Whitegrazer behind at the base, for her own protection. As confused and angry as Aurora had felt lately, as much as she sometimes doubted herself, the white mare was the more unstable of the two at the moment.
Whitegrazer wrote:"I could--no, can feel him."
Aurora's first instinct was to comfort her, to give her a hug and tell her they would all get through this. But in the event Whitegrazer was indeed sensing Optimus, or at least the essence he had left behind.. somewhere.. Aurora did not wish to break that bond.

She looked around to see if she could see any trace of Tigatron or anyone else nearby, but nothing showed up on her sensors. They were alone with no enemy activity or friendly one for that sake in sight. Whitegrazer should be safe to do whatever she needed to do in peace without getting disturbed. And so Aurora gave the other female a smile, ever so brief, before she turned around to follow Tigatron once more in case they were to run into trouble when getting to the pod. She would call the base to have someone check up on Whitegrazer's status in a little bit, but for now she seemed to need to keep her concentration.

Aurora moved as fast as she could to try to catch up. Fortunately the pod hadn't fallen very far from their location, so before long she picked up the signal from Tigatron and the larger-than-average pod as well.

(ooc: I just realized that all three Maximals heading for this particular pod are white in color)
Wintersong wrote:"Just about as eager as you are to see the Pit you overgrown chicken."
Nemesis smirked at the Maximal's pathetic attempt to insult her, merely folding her arms across her chest while carefully pointing the flaming blade of the sword away from herself.

"Really? That's all you can come up with?," the former Decepticon responded, "Your dead friends had similar cocky attitudes. It didn't exactly help them, now did it?"

She dropped the smirk as her optics flashed, unfolding her arms as she did. With her free hand she grabbed her sai as well.

Then she lunged forward, sweeping the flaming sword through the air as she brought it swiftly down against the Maximal.
"Now all I gotta say is.. "Quickstrike Terrorize!" he then suddenly transformed in surprise with a yell WHOA-What in tarnation?! His snakearm snapping it's jaw and giving a low hiss, Quickstrike himself seemed rather disoriented from the sudden transformation.
"Silverbolt," he announced, before adding unenthusiastically "Terrorize."

"Hmm. It's not a word I like the taste of,"
Megatron's lips curled up into what could resemble a grin as he watched his two new lackeys test out their transformation for the first time. They both appeared a bit crude but the Predacon commander was certain he could shape them into powerful Predacons with a little bit of time. Of course the second of the two, the one who called himself Silverbolt, would likely require some more effort than most of his recruits to get rid of his rather nauseating sense of nobility. Perhaps he could acquire the assistance of Tarantulas to reprogram this new recruit, once he had crushed the spiders' spirits for their subordination of course.

"And there you have it," he told his new comrades as they explored their robot modes, "New form, new weapons, new opportunities."

The Tyrant chuckled lightly at their naivety as he moved up behind them, towering over each of them, as he placed his hands on their shoulders in a seemingly friendly gesture. "Welcome.. my new Predacons! You are now part of our magnificent team, and through team work and cooperation we shall claim victory over the Maximals."

Just then Megatron noticed something moving a bit off in the distance. His apparent cheerfulness immediately got replaced by an irritated scowl. "And it would appear that company has arrived. Predacons; destroy those Maximals!"
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Unread post by Alak »


Orcariner grunted as he felt Tantrum redouble his efforts in attempt to turn the Maximal into roadkill. The treads were awfully large, and the killer whale had little doubt that this tank would somehow manage to roll on over him if he relented. The sentry dug his anchor foot into the dirt in order to compensate for the powerful force being asserted onto him. He had no idea how to approach this situation should it turn into an "unstoppable force vs. immovable object" scenario. Unfortunately for him, Orcariner was caught off guard by Terrorsaur's attack.
Meddling Terry wrote:"Too bad I want to hurt you two ton!"
The vibrations on his back resonated as Orcariner's armor easily endured the impact from the warheads. However, the real damage was done elsewhere. The force of Terrorsaur's attack caused a shift in the Maximal's stance. As such, Tantrum now had the edge on him and the Predacon tank proceeded to push Orcariner backwards. The orca grunted as he attempted to regain footing, but his anchor was already lost. He felt his feet slide against the dirt below as his foe continued to push him along. This was a losing battle. Orcariner checked his radar and noted that Airazor and Wintersong were still the only two friendlies within the sector. He also registered two unknown signatures which had no indication if they were friendly or hostile. Seeing how one was in proximity to Airazor and the other was near Cecaelia, the allegiances were easy to deduce. With Tantrum unwilling to listen to diplomacy and Orcariner unable to stop his assault, there was no point in staying here any longer. He proceeded to radio commands through his face mask.

"Maximals, initiate tactical retreat! Airazor, you and the new guy blitz their flyers to give Wintersong some breathing room. As soon as she's back on her feet, I want all three of you to head back to base at maximum velocity. As soon as you're all cleared, I'll bring up the rear and meet you back home. Go!"

Orcariner continued to cling onto Tantrum's vehicle mode in a futile attempt to stop him.
Last edited by Alak on Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by una »

"I thought you preferred the thought of death over being "roommates" for life? So what difference does it make to you either way?"
Blackarachnia just growled as she searched through his lair swiftly. She wasn't going to be suicidal just yet. If there was a chance to get him out, she will execute it.
"Well, this is what I found," she announced placing the box in front of Blackarachnia. "Do you think we have everything?
Blackarachnia looked at the box. From what she could tell, there was just a few stands--a parallel circles and two pillars-- and a electrical device that hooks directly to the core processor generating it's pulses. Hmmm...maybe this device could take Tarantulas' pulses back into his processor.

Of course, this was going to be painful. But she could do that.
"It will have to do. Now come, we unfortunately must borrow the rest from the base itself after all. The sooner we get this over with the better."

Blackarachnia took ahold of Tarantulas' body, letting Arachnitron carry the equipment. Making their way inside the base, it seemed relative empty and quiet.

Where is everyone?

She couldn't even hear Waspinator's buzzing or Megatron's bellowing. Good. They could get this done without interference. All they really needed was a functional console and proper space. And from what they had to do, make a web to attach Tarantulas' body and hook up those things into her head, it would be easy.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Silverbolt wrote:"Hmm. It's not a word I like the taste of,"

Quickstrike glanced towards Silverbolt Yeah.. but you can't complain with the results.
Megatron wrote:"And there you have it! New form, new weapons, new opportunities."

"Welcome.. my new Predacons! You are now part of our magnificent team, and through team work and cooperation we shall claim victory over the Maximals."

"And it would appear that company has arrived. Predacons; destroy those Maximals!"

Quickstrike let out a loud YEEEEEHAW! as he swung his cobra arm around over his head like a lasso, then pointed it out firing a Cyber poison beam at the rocks of the general direction Megatron was pointing at. He didn't care if he hit a target, he just felt like shootin' something.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Wasn't sure if I should post until OOP resolved her issues with Aerostriker, but considering how busy she is, following orders for a tactical retreat should be fine for now.)

Aerostriker turned around once again flying back towards the battlefield as Stag spoke up once again A tactical retreat has been requested on an unencrypted Maximal radio frequency. You've been requested to "blitz" the enemy fliers and take an exit route with the two female units.

Aerostriker chuckled slightly As much as I'd enjoy some alone time with the ladies, what's that Big guy going to do after we do that? The AI remained silent for a moment "Take up the rear and catch up" was the response.

I'll think about that last part later. Lets throw him a bone, then focus on the fliers. he said, reducing his flight speed. Affirmative, targeting enemy infantry. the Ai responded, adjusting his position while targeting Tantrum's left rear tread section.

The strange targetmaster's gun barrel started to power up with a visible charge of electricity arcing between it's two pincers ahead of the main gunbarrel which gave a ominous blue glow, then discharged a fairly large continuous but slow Electron beam. The beam moved across a portion of Tantrum's tread and the ground, super heating a small portion of the track surface while making portions of the ground to scorched molten glass.

After firing the shot, the back of the targetmaster ejected a burnt out fuse with a trail of smoke coming from the fuse. Then began cycling a new fuse to charge for another shot.

As Aerostriker closed in on the battlefield, he turned his flight course onto Terrorsaur while activating his radio to Maximal frequencies On your retreat, try to get some distance from that thing.. I'll give some flashy cover fire Big guy.
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Unread post by WorpeX »

Airazor had heard the battle in the distance but was slow to get back into the fight herself. The adrenaline had worn off from the previous battle and the pain from her wounds had started to register. It wasn't the worst she had ever been hit, not by a long shot, but it certainly didn't feel good.
"Maximals, initiate tactical retreat! Airazor, you and the new guy blitz their flyers to give Wintersong some breathing room. As soon as she's back on her feet, I want all three of you to head back to base at maximum velocity. As soon as you're all cleared, I'll bring up the rear and meet you back home. Go!"
Realizing that she had waited long enough, she gave a deep sigh and gritted her teeth. This might hurt... "Beast Mode!" She said, and transformed into her falcon form once again. Without any delay, she sped towards the fight. Her wings propelled her faster and faster. Not too far away, she eyed her target: The newly transmetaled Nemesis! At full speed now, Airazor steered towards the Predicon and felt the wind rush through her feathers. Nemesis was only inches away now. Closing her eyes, she lowered her head and braced for impact before she slammed full force into her target!!
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Unread post by Warwulf »

Megatron wrote:"And it would appear that company has arrived. Predacons; destroy those Maximals!"
"Why? He is not attacking," Silverbolt asked, not believing the distant Maximal to pose them any danger. If the Maximals were determined to attack them, surely they would have done so already. Then why should they be the ones to draw first blood by attacking them first?

* * * * * * * * * *

"Ah, hahaha!" Tantrum cackled as he sensed his opponents position give. Soon, he felt he turn the overstuffed whale into an oil slick on the rock beneath his treads. Maybe he get ticker tape parade, no?

Just then, he felt a burning on his left tread. The massive tank shuddered as the track was thrown from his guide wheels, idlers, and sprockets. Having a sudden loss of traction, the tank veered violently to the left and out of Orcariner's grasp. "Nooooo!"

Tantrum came to a stop and transformed into his robot form. He looked down at the damaged track hanging from his left leg, and looked up with a scowl. "Run and hide cowards, I'm coming for you!" Pulling out his gatling, he stomped off in the direction of the shot.
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

OOC: Well, I was waitng for Una to post since it was her turn. So Inferno had to wait until I was able to post for Arach. It's easier to post for both characters at the same time.

Unfortunately, I got very little sleep last night. Sometimes I cannot shut my brain off. It just keeps going and going.....last night, I had a song stuck in my head that just kept playing over and over and over. I thought I was going insane. Needless to say, now I'm exhausted and have very little energy to focus on this post. So please forgive me for its unimpressiveness.


With the large green Maximals hands still around Inferno's neck, the red ant was pretty much immobile against the wall. Rhinox's gun was aimed at the ant's face reminding him of just how lethal the green horned beast could be.
"I hate to decline such an entertaining offer, friend, but I haven't the time for you and your irrationality."
It was then that Rhinox shifted positions. He kicked Inferno's weapons out of reach and threw his own down on the ground. He grabbed a hold of Inferno's wrists in his strong hands. There was pretty much no escaping from the Maximal's vice-like grip.
"Now, you can either leave here peacefully, Inferno, or in pieces. It's your choice."

Out of nowhere, the sabertooth tiger Maximal raced onto the bridge skidding to a halt near where the pair was standing. For a brief moment, Rhinox's attention was not focused on Inferno. He grinned sadistically.

"You are right, Maximal. It is time for me to take my leave, but it is you who shall be left in pieces."

And with that his propellers popped open and began turning. First slowly, but gradually, they picked up speed and began rotating at intense speeds.


Blackarachnia looked down at the box that Arachnitron had given her and almost immediately, Tarantulas' took control of the other she-spider's body. He rifled through the box keeping what could be of use to them and what he thought they wouldn't need. Arachnitron peered inside the box noticing a variety of coils, wires, a few stands, pillars, and some electrical device with a hook on the end of it.
"It will have to do. Now come, we unfortunately must borrow the rest from the base itself after all. The sooner we get this over with the better."
Blackarachnia picked up Tarantulas' body which left the equipment for Arachnitron. Blackarachnia lead the way inside the base and Arachnitron followed closely behind carrying the box with the equipment.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Warwulf wrote: "Ah, hahaha!" Tantrum cackled as he sensed his opponents position give. Soon, he felt he turn the overstuffed whale into an oil slick on the rock beneath his treads. Maybe he get ticker tape parade, no?

Just then, he felt a burning on his left tread. The massive tank shuddered as the track was thrown from his guide wheels, idlers, and sprockets. Having a sudden loss of traction, the tank veered violently to the left and out of Orcariner's grasp. "Nooooo!"

Tantrum came to a stop and transformed into his robot form. He looked down at the damaged track hanging from his left leg, and looked up with a scowl. "Run and hide cowards, I'm coming for you!" Pulling out his gatling, he stomped off in the direction of the shot.

Terrorsaur laughed as he fired his eyebeams into Orcariner's back, focusing their power on the maximal's fancy new propellers in the hopes of grounding him...Until he saw the big brute distracting the transmetal whale storm off in the other direction.

"Stupid rookie, what is he doing?!" Terrorsaur cursed, not wanting their new recruit and heaviest hitter to be lead away from the field by small fries while the larger threat still needed to be dealt with.

Chasing after the newly online predacon, Terrorsaur flew just above him and said "Hey newbie! Ignore the grunts and finish off the land whale, you can slag those small fries anytime, as slowly and painfully as you wish even, but Orcariner needs killing now. Take out the strongest player and the rest of the team will lose the game, get what I'm saying? Oh, and the name's Air Commander Terrorsaur, welcome to the Predacons!"

Una wrote: "Gladly."

Blackarachnia took ahold of Tarantulas' body, letting Arachnitron carry the equipment. Making their way inside the base, it seemed relative empty and quiet.

Where is everyone?

She couldn't even hear Waspinator's buzzing or Megatron's bellowing. Good. They could get this done without interference. All they really needed was a functional console and proper space. And from what they had to do, make a web to attach Tarantulas' body and hook up those things into her head, it would be easy.

"In all likelihood they're all out in the field assisting Megatron in yet another raid on the Maximal base, or squabbling over some fallen stasis pods. In either case, it works to our advantage with them out of the picture, our standing with Megatron is likely at an all time low at the moment, as if we care" Tarantulas commented, still wary for any signs of other predacons left behind to guard the base.

Blackrose wrote: Blackarachnia picked up Tarantulas' body which left the equipment for Arachnitron. Blackarachnia lead the way inside the base and Arachnitron followed closely behind carrying the box with the equipment.

"Carry those parts to the bridge, Arachnitron, with the base apparently abandoned it will be the most ideal location for us to conduct our work. Keep an eye out for any stranglers though, with all the recent chaos now would be the ideal time for our more ambitious comrades to pull a fast one on our esteemed leader, and Megatron himself would be amiss to leave this place unguarded" Tarantulas advised his cohorts as they continued through the base.
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

She was concerned. He shouldn't be so distressed and upset. Despite the sorrow of it all, his spark was supposed to be at peace along with their fallen friends and others known throughout history. Together and one with the Matrix, there was nothing to be afraid of nor anything to harm. Spark free to dance to its own rhymn, to touch others memories and see the adventures and witness their lives in their own optics. No more loneliness, despair, or war within. It was perfect. Paradise. It was an experience like no other and souls, which are so used to it, never dream of leaving unless it wasn't their time or someone playing with life itself.

Was the Matrix different for him than it was for her?

Too bad she wasn't there to comfort or guide him.

Confusion was written all over her face. Feeling him now wasn't to happen. His death shattered the connection. No one unless... unless...


Oh no.

She facepalmed. Was her master involved here?

Oh dear.

She dimmed her optics and tried to call out to her master, "Master? Master, where are you? Master. Master." A serious tone crept up inside her voice.

"Master! I know you can hear me! You are not doing what I'm guessing you did? Master? Tycross!"

Oh no.

She knew she should have told Optimus about her master and his... attitude.

"Master, when you return, you and I are going to have a little chat..."

When she turned to look at Aurora, she wished to reassure the child that she was okay before she noticed Aurora wasn't at her position. Whitegrazer looked around until she realized Aurora and Tigatron were at the pod. So she joined them, smiling at Aurora.

Looking at the pod, she realized with solemn features, "It's blank, isn't it?"

"That doesn't mean she deserves to be put through it,"

"No one ever gets what they deserve, Optimus Primal. Good or bad."

That's right. It was a lesson he didn't need to learn. He already knew. Yet, that statement sent a ripple effect inside of him. Gave him a few images he didn't want to see nor ruin his concenstration he was so keen to display towards Optimus.

Never display weakness even towards a...an aqaintuance.

After watching Icebreaker leave, TyCross turned his back towards Optimus, "They betrayed me. No, far worse, they betrayed themselves and that is the worst crime of all. They are willingly to kill or put in risk what they sought to protect... or amend. " He looked over his shoulder to glance at Optimus, "Reminds me of a certain race all too well. Hah! Such ruthlessness and disregard. I'm... disappointed."

TyCross laughed, "Yes! I will laugh. At them. At everyone with such pride!"

He laughed again, but it was more boisterous, "They will get what they deserve even if they don't really deserve such a thing. Retribution. That's what I want. And I will get it. With the help of you and your little ragtag team and those Predacons down there."

"Tell me, Optimus," he twirled with a huge smile on his face, "what do I look like to you?"

"Be truthful now. I don't like unnesscary compliments nor let the fact that I'm your precious mare's master cloud you."

He put his arms to his hips, waiting for Optimus to answer. He looked forward to it.
Last edited by una on Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Looking for my sanity... *sigh* Still can't find it.

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

((OOC: I'm at the library. Hopefully the internet on my phone should return by tomorrow.))
The feline tripped Sonar with her tail so that he falls on her back, "enough talk darling. Let's go back to base," and with that, she slowly limped to the direction of the Darksyde.

"Hmmm...you're getting lighter. Didn't eat much?"
Sonar muttered irritatedly under his breath but allowed her to carry him back to the Predacon base.

* * *
Saber ignored Rhinox as she was far to focused on Inferno, there was no way that crazed fire ant was going to leave without some thing to remember her by.
"You are right, Maximal. It is time for me to take my leave, but it is you who shall be left in pieces."

And with that his propellers popped open and began turning. First slowly, but gradually, they picked up speed and began rotating at intense speeds.
It was then she noticed the propellers had opened and knew that if she attacked, she would no doubt injury herself. Thinking quickly, she transformed into her robot mode, reached for a pipe and threw it at his fast rotating prop, hopefully it would lodge itself in the gears stalling his plans of escape.

((OOC: Again hopefully i shall have internet on my phone by tomorrow.))
Last edited by Night-Hunter on Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."