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Unread post by Beastbot »

Ooo! Hi, Insane Galvy!

And using the Insane Galvatron symbol would REALLY work in the IDW comics, since Furman's said that Galvatron won't be Megatron...
Last updated April 25th
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Insane Galvatron
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Unread post by Insane Galvatron »

Beastbot wrote:Ooo! Hi, Insane Galvy!

And using the Insane Galvatron symbol would REALLY work in the IDW comics, since Furman's said that Galvatron won't be Megatron...
Well, I would give up whatever rights to it I have if they would actually use it. Can someone tell Hasbro/IDW/Simon Furman they have my permission to use it?
Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:03 am

Unread post by Furox »

The best parts of the movie are Galvatron so who could hate them?
Quite a few Starscream and Megatron fans. It makes me a sad panda. :(
...who else thinks Hasbro should use my custom Galvatron Decepticon symbol for a subfaction of rogue decepticons?
Sounds like a good idea to me. :D
-Don Patch
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