RPG Rules: Please Read First
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I'm currently playing Rhinox right now, but if you want to give him a shot you're more than welcome
If you want to make your own character, feel free to post the bio here: Character Bios. We're trying to wrap up Season 1, but you are more than welcome to join now if you'd like.

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Alak wrote:I'm currently playing Rhinox right now, but if you want to give him a shot you're more than welcomeIf you want to make your own character, feel free to post the bio here: Character Bios. We're trying to wrap up Season 1, but you are more than welcome to join now if you'd like.
Cool! I'll try to think up a character or audition for one (probably easier to audition for an existing character at this point since the stasis pods will be dropping like flies to earth once the transwarp wave hits XD). I think I'm gonna try to audition for Tarantulas, & work on an OC on the side in case I'm not cut out for our fave eighted legged madbot

So, has the planet buster gone off and created the transmetals & fuzors yet? Or we at the tail end of season 1 so to speak? Just trying to figure out where in time we're at lol
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Right now, one of the Maximals is taking Tigatron's place for the infiltration mission at the end of Season 1. He's currently getting info from Megatron's secret files and Terrorsaur just found him. We still haven't gotten to the part where Airazor and Optimus meet the Vok in that weird infrastructure.

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Alak wrote:Right now, one of the Maximals is taking Tigatron's place for the infiltration mission at the end of Season 1. He's currently getting info from Megatron's secret files and Terrorsaur just found him. We still haven't gotten to the part where Airazor and Optimus meet the Vok in that weird infrastructure.
Cool, so if I wanted to introduce an OC character he could just be another maximal hanging around the Axalon or a Predacon lurking about the Darksyde?
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Greetings, DarkSpark! Welcome to the craziest part of the message board.
But it's really up to you on how you want your OC to enter the game. We're pretty flexible. Either your OC can show up on its own at either base, or we can pretend that your OC has been there among the ranks already for a while. Why not, I mean, when a player vanishes without a word and leaves their characters behind, we just pretend as if the character disappeared from the game and keep moving. 
Glad to have you aboard, DarkSpark! I hope you'll be able to snatch up a canon character and help us out. Also, I'd say Waspinator is up for grabs since Night-Hunter doesn't seem to be doing much with him.

We try to make it a little more exciting than that when introducing new characters; for instance, both factions racing to retrieve the fallen stasis pod and battling it out.Cool, so if I wanted to introduce an OC character he could just be another maximal hanging around the Axalon or a Predacon lurking about the Darksyde?

Glad to have you aboard, DarkSpark! I hope you'll be able to snatch up a canon character and help us out. Also, I'd say Waspinator is up for grabs since Night-Hunter doesn't seem to be doing much with him.

"Well, that's just prime!"
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Some people leave, others show up to take their place. Change brings excitement to the game! So welcome, welcome!
Lol.. "Silverbolt" is asking me nearly every day if it's time for him to join in yet. Especially now that he has a much needed vacation coming up for the first time in years. Yet we haven't even gotten to the giant alien mushroom.. Makes me wonder how much of the episode we're actually going to include, because it'll be a long time for me to have to tell him 'not yet' if we don't finish until July or so.
Lol.. "Silverbolt" is asking me nearly every day if it's time for him to join in yet. Especially now that he has a much needed vacation coming up for the first time in years. Yet we haven't even gotten to the giant alien mushroom.. Makes me wonder how much of the episode we're actually going to include, because it'll be a long time for me to have to tell him 'not yet' if we don't finish until July or so.
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Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:Greetings, DarkSpark! Welcome to the craziest part of the message board.![]()
We try to make it a little more exciting than that when introducing new characters; for instance, both factions racing to retrieve the fallen stasis pod and battling it out.Cool, so if I wanted to introduce an OC character he could just be another maximal hanging around the Axalon or a Predacon lurking about the Darksyde?But it's really up to you on how you want your OC to enter the game. We're pretty flexible. Either your OC can show up on its own at either base, or we can pretend that your OC has been there among the ranks already for a while. Why not, I mean, when a player vanishes without a word and leaves their characters behind, we just pretend as if the character disappeared from the game and keep moving.
Glad to have you aboard, DarkSpark! I hope you'll be able to snatch up a canon character and help us out. Also, I'd say Waspinator is up for grabs since Night-Hunter doesn't seem to be doing much with him.
Thanks for the warm reception Optimal Optimus Primal! I'm working on my audition for Tarantulas as we speak, so hopefully I'll be able to join the fun soon!
If I do end up making an OC, I'd LOVE to roleplay my introduction as thought it were a stasis pod episode (those episodes were always amongst my faves in the series, never knew WHAT THE PIT was gonna crawl out of those pods next!

P.S. even though I select the "notify me when a reply is posted button" I haven't been recieving any replies...Any idea why that might be?
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Hey, DarkSpark! Glad to see you joining in.
I think the email system for this site doesn't really work anymore. I don't ever get email when private messages come in either.
I think the email system for this site doesn't really work anymore. I don't ever get email when private messages come in either.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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Blazemane wrote:Hey, DarkSpark! Glad to see you joining in.
I think the email system for this site doesn't really work anymore. I don't ever get email when private messages come in either.
Thanks for letting me know Blazemane, glad its not just me and my old laptop XD
BTW, while I'm waiting for my Tarantulas Audition to be approved, I've begun working on an OC character, and I was wondering if you guys could tell me if these tech specs are alright or not, they add up to 48.
Strength: 10
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 6
Endurance: 9
Rank: Where the character stands in its respective faction's hierarchy. [Assigned by the staff]
Courage: 7
Firepower: 9
Skill: 8
My character is basically gonna be an enforcer, a hardcore soldier/hunter type Pred, not stupid, but not a super genuis either (kinda like Breakdown from TF Prime). His working name is Allicon, a predacon alligator. I'm new to BW RPG so I don't want to go overboard or rub anyone the wrong way if my guy's specs are too powerful to start off with when compared to the other players, though I do wish him to be a force to be reckoned with upon his introduction into the story (as most new preds and maxis tend to be when they first arrive).
I've also noticed some players have added info regarding their charactr's transmetal states after the Transwarp wave...Should my character in development have tech specs that reflect his pre-transwarp standard bot form or his later transmetal form? I do wish to transmetalize him when we reach that point so I don't mind powering him down if I must inorder to upgrade him later after the wave hits.
- NaitoKage
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Heh, it looks okay. But normally those profiles should be posted in the profile thread. If you want, you could make the transmetal one and wait for season 2 to introduce the character, but if you want to do both, that's fine.
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Well the non-transmetals will also be 48 stat max in season 2, such as fuzors and those who don't upgrade. If this is for a character to be introduced in season 1 (that we're finishing up) the stat limit is 45.
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Your character sounds interesting. But my math is adding up to 55 for his stats, rather than 48. If I'm not adding wrong, you'll have to knock him down 7 points to get to 48 (which is the second season non-transmetal standard).
I agree with NaitoKage- you should probably put his profile in the Character Bios thread. Then we can see his background, and whatever other necessary ("necessary") details the Bio thread talks about. And that way he'll be easy for other players to find when they want to look him up throughout the course of the game
If you do plan to introduce him in season one, then his stats should technically be 45, like Phoenix said, and then they'll jump to 50 when he gets transmetalized. If you change your mind though and you don't want him to get transmetalized, I personally don't see a problem with him just having 48 points right now since season one is so close (in terms of story, if not playing time) to being done anyways.
I agree with NaitoKage- you should probably put his profile in the Character Bios thread. Then we can see his background, and whatever other necessary ("necessary") details the Bio thread talks about. And that way he'll be easy for other players to find when they want to look him up throughout the course of the game
If you do plan to introduce him in season one, then his stats should technically be 45, like Phoenix said, and then they'll jump to 50 when he gets transmetalized. If you change your mind though and you don't want him to get transmetalized, I personally don't see a problem with him just having 48 points right now since season one is so close (in terms of story, if not playing time) to being done anyways.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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Ooooh, kudos to Blazemane's math skills! You're right. The stats do add up to 55, which are a tad bit higher than 48.
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The rules have been updated, guys. Please take a gander at them.
I added clarification for Moderator and the Assistants to the Moderator and their primary duties.
Revised Rule VI (6).
Revised Rule VIII (8).
Does anyone have any other thoughts about Rule XIII (13)? I know there was some recent discussion about power-playing and godmodding, but that has been the rule since the beginning. Should some exceptions be added to it?
I added clarification for Moderator and the Assistants to the Moderator and their primary duties.
Revised Rule VI (6).
Revised Rule VIII (8).
Does anyone have any other thoughts about Rule XIII (13)? I know there was some recent discussion about power-playing and godmodding, but that has been the rule since the beginning. Should some exceptions be added to it?
"Well, that's just prime!"
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The rule changes seem fair and clear enough to me. The only tidbit that left me with a bit of a puzzled grin on my face is the specific comment that everyone must have characters on opposing sides for fairness sake, aside from the moderator. I would personally love to see OOP get in touch with her villanous side.
We also have a couple players who stick to one side but I think most are planning to change allegiance of one character in the next season.

We also have a couple players who stick to one side but I think most are planning to change allegiance of one character in the next season.