"OC Episode #5"
Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One
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(ooc: Please do open the new topic soon! Some of us are anxiously waiting for a chance to jump into action again.
I didn't want to post again as my characters in 5.5 since I think that one is pretty rounded out as is. )

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OOC: Everything's pretty much done for my character too, but I am having fun reading this thread in the mean time! Manterror is a bit of a schizo! I love how he said: MANTERRORIZE!!! I laughed out loud when I read that! The rest of you are good too, but Manterror is just ridiculous....in a good way, though! It's great to have a comic relief character!Phoenix wrote:(ooc: Please do open the new topic soon! Some of us are anxiously waiting for a chance to jump into action again.I didn't want to post again as my characters in 5.5 since I think that one is pretty rounded out as is. )
Incidentally, WorpeX and I were trying to figure out how Manterror can interact with Arachnitron....we think Manterror would definitely jump on the possibly of recruiting her pred side to take on the preds and maxies with him if he ever met up with her. lol. Anyway, we haven't come up with anything definitive yet, but don't worry....we will! *evil laughter* My brother and I sometimes have a tendency to be a bit diabolical when we're left to our own defenses!

Sig by WorpeX.
"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)

Sig by WorpeX.
"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
- WorpeX
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OOC: Muhahahah!

Manterror suddenly felt his arms get lighter and he looked down in amazement to see that Optimus was no longer in his hands. Turning around, he saw the horse laughing as she ran away. "How did she do that?" He said to himself, still not entirely understanding the situation. It was as if she came from the sky and plucked him right out of his hands! Yet, horses do not fly!
Slightly disappointed, Manterror decided it would be best to walk back... wait, where was he going to walk back to? He had already told himself that he was going to ditch the Predicons. Still though, he hadn't mentioned it to anyone but himself, and he could use a nice break in a CR chamber... Well, perhaps the Predicons did have some uses after-all. That is, until he acquires a REAL CR chamber for himself!

Airazor held her head as she walked back towards Tigatron and the other Maximal's. The ache had gotten worse since she stood up and began to walk back, but at least that was the extent of her worries. She was grateful that the mantis hadn't actually harmed anyone on her team. Or at least, she hadn't thought so anyway.
Until she spotted Tigatron lying in the grass. She immediately snapped into action and ignored her own injuries. "Tigatron!" Moving to his side, she quickly keeled down next to him to see to his wounds. He appeared to have been unconscious, as he wasn't moving but luckily, he hadn't seemed to be badly damaged. His head had a bit of a red mark on it from a blow to the head, but otherwise, nothing major. It seems she wouldn't be the only one with a bad headache on the way back!
Looking around, she noticed Optimus was missing also, but she was positive that Whitegrazer and Frilla were hot on the predicons tail. Hopefully they could come back with their leader still in tact. He sure seemed to attract a lot of attention, even when hes unconscious!

Manterror suddenly felt his arms get lighter and he looked down in amazement to see that Optimus was no longer in his hands. Turning around, he saw the horse laughing as she ran away. "How did she do that?" He said to himself, still not entirely understanding the situation. It was as if she came from the sky and plucked him right out of his hands! Yet, horses do not fly!
Slightly disappointed, Manterror decided it would be best to walk back... wait, where was he going to walk back to? He had already told himself that he was going to ditch the Predicons. Still though, he hadn't mentioned it to anyone but himself, and he could use a nice break in a CR chamber... Well, perhaps the Predicons did have some uses after-all. That is, until he acquires a REAL CR chamber for himself!

Airazor held her head as she walked back towards Tigatron and the other Maximal's. The ache had gotten worse since she stood up and began to walk back, but at least that was the extent of her worries. She was grateful that the mantis hadn't actually harmed anyone on her team. Or at least, she hadn't thought so anyway.
Until she spotted Tigatron lying in the grass. She immediately snapped into action and ignored her own injuries. "Tigatron!" Moving to his side, she quickly keeled down next to him to see to his wounds. He appeared to have been unconscious, as he wasn't moving but luckily, he hadn't seemed to be badly damaged. His head had a bit of a red mark on it from a blow to the head, but otherwise, nothing major. It seems she wouldn't be the only one with a bad headache on the way back!
Looking around, she noticed Optimus was missing also, but she was positive that Whitegrazer and Frilla were hot on the predicons tail. Hopefully they could come back with their leader still in tact. He sure seemed to attract a lot of attention, even when hes unconscious!

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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
((OOC: I can't wait to see what you guys are planning on doing with that.
Wait...Did I just giggle?
Whitegrazer, in a soothing tone, smiled, "Easy, Optimus. We just ran into alittle detour but we will be getting you into a CR chamber in no time. You just save your energy, okay?"
The tree branch was quivering under her weight. Uh oh. She better jump off or the branch will break. Softly, she jumped down to the forest ground and headed towards Frilla, cradling Optimus.

Wait...Did I just giggle?
She turned around to see if Manterror was going to try anything. He was the craziest Predacon she had ever met--well, a little bit crazier than she was used to seeing. Though, she breathed a sigh of relief that he seemed to be leaving.Manterror suddenly felt his arms get lighter and he looked down in amazement to see that Optimus was no longer in his hands. Turning around, he saw the horse laughing as she ran away. "How did she do that?" He said to himself, still not entirely understanding the situation. It was as if she came from the sky and plucked him right out of his hands! Yet, horses do not fly!
Slightly disappointed, Manterror decided it would be best to walk back... wait, where was he going to walk back to? He had already told himself that he was going to ditch the Predicons. Still though, he hadn't mentioned it to anyone but himself, and he could use a nice break in a CR chamber... Well, perhaps the Predicons did have some uses after-all. That is, until he acquires a REAL CR chamber for himself!
She bought her attention to Optimus whose eyes were opened and she knew he probably was awakened by all the action and movement. She wondered if she should just tell him what is going on. Nah, she will tell him later. He needed to save his energy and they needed to get him to a CR chamber.While Primal's body was passed around like a hot potato, he remained unconscious through everything until he fnally landed back into the white mare's arms. Groggy, and a little incoherent, his eyes opened and adjusted to focus on her face. "...Whitegrazer...?" he asked in a quiet voice. Perhaps it was the positive energy that she gave off so tramendously that awoke him suddenly, despite the condition of his body. Or the concern and protectiveness she carried for him. Or just his spark being closer to hers. Whatever the reason, the "boost" of energ would not last very long.
Whitegrazer, in a soothing tone, smiled, "Easy, Optimus. We just ran into alittle detour but we will be getting you into a CR chamber in no time. You just save your energy, okay?"
The tree branch was quivering under her weight. Uh oh. She better jump off or the branch will break. Softly, she jumped down to the forest ground and headed towards Frilla, cradling Optimus.
Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogppFDSlhRE Her Master's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODGVz2g-yGA
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((I'm Back!
And yea for the problem of earlier just was going with the flow on my part. *shrug*))
Frilla watched Whitegrazer swing by on a vine, practically getting Optimus without any struggle from Manterror who seemed clueless as to what suddenly happened. Now that was a funny sight though she didn't laugh for now and instead stayed hidden in the foliage until the mantas left and peeked out as she saw Whitegrazer carrying Optimus, but the once unconscious leader now seemed awakened. "Guess we have two swingers now." She said with a smile as she came from her hiding spot to join Whitegrazer and Optimus.
Feralnight smiled a bit when Rattrap answered her, thinking that was a good thing he didn't otherwise that would have been a messy sight. Looking around the fuzor waited for Rattrap outside and as soon as she saw the Nomad she took flight once more and followed a little above it, ears twitching a bit to listen for any chances of ariel opponents that may be lurking. But she hadn't seen anyone so assumed the Predacons had left by now. It had been a rough day for both sides, some having worse injuries then others and Feralnight was just glad it was almost over.

Frilla watched Whitegrazer swing by on a vine, practically getting Optimus without any struggle from Manterror who seemed clueless as to what suddenly happened. Now that was a funny sight though she didn't laugh for now and instead stayed hidden in the foliage until the mantas left and peeked out as she saw Whitegrazer carrying Optimus, but the once unconscious leader now seemed awakened. "Guess we have two swingers now." She said with a smile as she came from her hiding spot to join Whitegrazer and Optimus.
Feralnight smiled a bit when Rattrap answered her, thinking that was a good thing he didn't otherwise that would have been a messy sight. Looking around the fuzor waited for Rattrap outside and as soon as she saw the Nomad she took flight once more and followed a little above it, ears twitching a bit to listen for any chances of ariel opponents that may be lurking. But she hadn't seen anyone so assumed the Predacons had left by now. It had been a rough day for both sides, some having worse injuries then others and Feralnight was just glad it was almost over.
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- RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
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(( OOC: Gee whiz, now Tigatron will feel even worse having not come to Airazor's aid but then she came to his. Aye! This whole thing did not play out well for me as Stripes.
Sorry about that, WorpeX. ))
(( OOC: Going to make a bit time skip here, New Moon. Just FYI.
With Feralnight following just above, Rattrap flew the Nomad straight back to the others who were waiting with the unconscious Orcariner, as quickly as he could. Approaching the group, he slowed down the transport and then turned it around, backing it up toward the largest Maximal's position. He was glad that the Predacons hadn't come by and attacked them. Where had they gotten to? Simply gave up and went back to their base? Shutting it down, Rattrap slid down the ladder and hurried to the cargo bay door, opening it and greeting everyone outside. "All right. Any ideas gettin' him inside? Think we can pull 'im in?" He thought finding a winch big enough to sustain Orcariner's weight and a thick cable to tie him to, essentially towing the big guy inside.

Airazor's voice had awoken Tigatron as he slowly came to. "Airazor?" He grabbed the back of his head while it ached a bit and gave a low growl. He managed to smile at her, but it was brief because he quickly recalled what had been going on, and who he was supposed to be guarding. Not to mention noticing her injuries. "Are you all right?" he asked with great concern, sitting up and looking into her dark green optics. "I am sorry, I should have been by your side. But between our weapons, I thought I would stand a greater chance protecting Optimus with mine than would Frilla and Whitegrazer. It would seem that was not the case," he frowned in self disappointment and failure. Speaking of their leader, "Where is Optimus?" asked Tigatron as he sat there with Airazor, glancing around and seeing that he was gone. As was the mantis. "And Manterror?" He feared the worst, and it would have been his fault."Tigatron!"
The gorilla returned a very, very small smile to Whitegrazer, and winced a little in her arms after she had jumped down from her perch in the tree. The fluids under Primal's bandages had begun to dry which meant he was no longer leaking as perfusely as he had been earlier from the hole in his shoulder. Still, he had lost a lot and was running out of time before he'd slip into stasis lock."Easy, Optimus. We just ran into alittle detour but we will be getting you into a CR chamber in no time. You just save your energy, okay?"
Optimus heard Frilla below but had no idea what she was talking about and made no movement to try and look at her. What adrenaline he must have had during the battle was long gone now and he could feel all of the aches and pain all at once now through his body that he had acquired that day. He hadn't thought he had taken that much damage but maybe that was the fatigue taking over. Before he could say anything, his eyes slowly closed and he quickly drifted off again into unconsciousness to conserve what energy he had left, knowing that he was in good hands."Guess we have two swingers now."
(( OOC: Going to make a bit time skip here, New Moon. Just FYI.

With Feralnight following just above, Rattrap flew the Nomad straight back to the others who were waiting with the unconscious Orcariner, as quickly as he could. Approaching the group, he slowed down the transport and then turned it around, backing it up toward the largest Maximal's position. He was glad that the Predacons hadn't come by and attacked them. Where had they gotten to? Simply gave up and went back to their base? Shutting it down, Rattrap slid down the ladder and hurried to the cargo bay door, opening it and greeting everyone outside. "All right. Any ideas gettin' him inside? Think we can pull 'im in?" He thought finding a winch big enough to sustain Orcariner's weight and a thick cable to tie him to, essentially towing the big guy inside.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Cheetor had been looking in the direction opposite of where the Nomad came in from. When he heard it, he turned around and watched it fly the rest of the way in.
"I guess that went well..." he spoke to himself. There were a lot of things that could have come up in the time since Feralnight and Rattrap had left, but nothing did.
"Well what if we just hoisted him up with the crane and secured him to the top?" Cheetor asked. "I mean... unless you think that'd be bad for the trip home. It sounds quicker. And easier."
"That does not sound nearly as safe as giving him the protection of being within the Nomad's walls," Dinobot spoke up.
"I guess," Cheetor answered. "But the faster we get him back to base, the better."
"The difference in time is too small to be of greater importance than giving Orcariner suitable protection," Dinobot insisted. "But every moment we waste not choosing either option is certainly a problem." Then he called out louder. "Rattrap, prepare the crane. We need to get moving now!"
"I guess that went well..." he spoke to himself. There were a lot of things that could have come up in the time since Feralnight and Rattrap had left, but nothing did.
Cheetor thought about it for a second. The cargo bay could fit Orcariner, but it would be really awkward fitting him into it if he were lying down straight.Rattrap wrote:"All right. Any ideas gettin' him inside? Think we can pull 'im in?"
"Well what if we just hoisted him up with the crane and secured him to the top?" Cheetor asked. "I mean... unless you think that'd be bad for the trip home. It sounds quicker. And easier."
"That does not sound nearly as safe as giving him the protection of being within the Nomad's walls," Dinobot spoke up.
"I guess," Cheetor answered. "But the faster we get him back to base, the better."
"The difference in time is too small to be of greater importance than giving Orcariner suitable protection," Dinobot insisted. "But every moment we waste not choosing either option is certainly a problem." Then he called out louder. "Rattrap, prepare the crane. We need to get moving now!"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.
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- RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
- Location: Precicpice of insanity
Wintersong turned as she heard the Nomad glad to see nothing had occurred for them and for Rattrap and Feralnight, but now they faced the problem of actually getting Orcanier in or on the Nomad to be transported safely. "It seems the Predacons went home by now but Orcanier would need extra protection if he's being set on top and if that is so I can provide that protection since I got quite a bit of firepower and was hardly in a fight." She said before transforming, not worry about the code. She came over to them and looked inside a moment,"We would have to prop Orcanier up so he could fit without lying down and none of us are strong enough without more then one person to do that." Wintersong said shaking her head a bit."Cheetor might be right about having to put him on the roof."
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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
Optimus was in very bad condition. Too bad they didn't have the Nomad, so they could all ride to the Axalon. Everyone looked pretty exhausted from the days' events. They all needed some R&R.The gorilla returned a very, very small smile to Whitegrazer, and winced a little in her arms after she had jumped down from her perch in the tree. The fluids under Primal's bandages had begun to dry which meant he was no longer leaking as perfusely as he had been earlier from the hole in his shoulder. Still, he had lost a lot and was running out of time before he'd slip into stasis lock.
"You saw that?" Whitegrazer laughed, "Nope, I think Optimus is better at it than me. At any moment, I would have break the vine and fall on my face. What a blooper that will be, huh?" She smiled at Frilla."Guess we have two swingers now."
She saw Tigratron and Airazor, heading towards them. She hoped those two were okay. Airrazor looked she took a big fall than she thought. Whitegrazer felt guility though. Maybe she should had helped her.
Her thoughts ran out to Saber who was now gone. Whitegrazer was worried about her fellow comrade and hoped she would come back soon. When Ooptimus finds out that Saber left right after he passed out, he is going to be upset.
Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogppFDSlhRE Her Master's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODGVz2g-yGA
- WorpeX
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"Airazor? Are you all right?""
"Fine. Except for a throbbing headache." She responded. She had almost forgotten about the rest of her injuries as they didn't hurt nearly as badly as her head did. She didn't need a CR chamber so much as she just needed a place to lay down for awhile. Luckily, they weren't too far out from the Axalon. It would be no-time until they were home.
Airazor merely shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea where they were or what was going on. She had been much more focused on helping Tigatron and herself. At that moment, it seemed his answer came from Whitegrazer who came back carrying their leader in her hands. Manterror must have taken him and she retrieved him. It seemed they had no problems any longer, the predicon was likely taken care of now."I am sorry, I should have been by your side. But between our weapons, I thought I would stand a greater chance protecting Optimus with mine than would Frilla and Whitegrazer. It would seem that was not the case," he frowned in self disappointment and failure. Speaking of their leader, "Where is Optimus?" asked Tigatron as he sat there with Airazor, glancing around and seeing that he was gone. As was the mantis. "And Manterror?"

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Feralnight listened to the others as they planned, soaring above as she kept watch just in case though her scanners picked up on some signals nearby and it captured her attention, it was the others who had left before to get tot he Axalon yet she guessed they had not gone far. Perhaps the sound before had been from them and a Predacon? "Hey guys I'll be back I detected the others just a ways from here." She called to them before heading off towards Whitegrazer, Tigatron, and the others taking a short time before she circled once and then flew down slowly near them, landing carefully. "Hey guys seems you ran into Manterror." She said, catching his scent among their own and guessed this was the reason for delay.
Frilla smiled at Whitegrazer, thinking she might have been right but the tactic had been a good one and none the less had worked to keep Optimus safe and prevent the others from getting further harm. Looking over however as she saw a shadow she was glad to see the fuzor and not one of the Predacons coming to aid Manterror. "Yea we did but he's gone now, though at this rate we might be taking a while. Airazor and Tigatron are both injured." She explained.
Hearing this Feralnight looked at them, "Well we are getting ready to load Orcanier onto the Nomad, why not hitch a ride on it instead of taking the long way." She suggested looking at them thinking it would save a trip for all of them.
((Hope an idea like this is alright with you guys. ^^ Seemed kind of pointless to leave those five stranded and the others heading off on the Nomad, so do a one way trip to save time seems a bit better.))
Frilla smiled at Whitegrazer, thinking she might have been right but the tactic had been a good one and none the less had worked to keep Optimus safe and prevent the others from getting further harm. Looking over however as she saw a shadow she was glad to see the fuzor and not one of the Predacons coming to aid Manterror. "Yea we did but he's gone now, though at this rate we might be taking a while. Airazor and Tigatron are both injured." She explained.
Hearing this Feralnight looked at them, "Well we are getting ready to load Orcanier onto the Nomad, why not hitch a ride on it instead of taking the long way." She suggested looking at them thinking it would save a trip for all of them.
((Hope an idea like this is alright with you guys. ^^ Seemed kind of pointless to leave those five stranded and the others heading off on the Nomad, so do a one way trip to save time seems a bit better.))