Has it really been almost two years since I vanished? Holy cow! Well, I figuref I would make my way back and see what's going on. Thinking about getting back into the RPG, too. Of course, Tantrum is stuck in a two year time lag, LOL.
So, what's been going on? Someone want to give me the Cliff Notes version?
Victor Caroli voice:
When we last left the Bwint role play, Glowstick and the other Predacons assembled a hovering transport and managed to find Megatron's forces. But Maximals Orcariner and Icebreaker were not far behind, meeting up with Optimus Primal's crew around the same time. Soon, stasis pods, starhoppers and escape pods began falling into Earth's atmosphere, spurring many acquisition missions which resulted in the Predacons gaining Sonar, Blackarachnia, Inferno, Nemesis and Cecaelia. The Predacons also gained the ruthless Manterror, who managed to make his own way to Predacon forces. Meanwhile, similar missions provided the Maximals with Feralnight and Whitegrazer.
In a fateful turn of events, Nemesis escaped her escort aboard the Predacon ship Leviathan on the day of her arrival and made her way to the Maximal base. When met by a group of Maximals, a tense standoff resulted in Nightmist's destruction, but a group of nano-bots left behind by the former decepticon began reformatting Nightmist's frame into a new robot. On the same day, in the mission to retrieve the Maximal Whitegrazer, Frilla changed her allegiance, leaving the Predacons.
Under the surveillance of Rhinox, the Maximal who was once Nightmist was kept in homeostasis. When the energy of a spark became apparent, Icebreaker infused it with the power of his own spark, resulting in the creation of Aurora.
Now, an escape pod falls to Earth bearing a Cybertronian with a torturous past, a Starhopper has made landfall with a descendant of legendary Autobot, Ironhide, and Aurora awakens within the halls of the Axalon as we begin the exciting continuation the ongoing saga, O.C. Episode #5.5!
*Duh, duh duh, DUH DUH!*
(Let it also be known that the aliens had set up a trap where a clone of Optimus Primal was placed by a large cache of energon [O.C. Episode #2]. After the clone's defeat, he was repaired by the Vok and sent to yet another trap [this time, a transwarp signature was used as bait]. While he fought some of the Maximals and Predacons above ground, others fell into a system of underground tunnels and were tested with various traps like those found in "The Trigger" Parts 1 and 2, and attacked by alien robots. This episode is still ongoing [O.C. Episode #5].)
There. Cliff Notes. Sort of.
As for the individual actions of characters and their various story arcs... Sonar's getting crazier, Starshadow has always been crazier than him, Cecaelia is obsessed with anyone acquatic, Glowstick has ascended through the ranks of the Predacons as a strategic commander and jack-of-all-trades, Venatrix misses Dinobot and has become more versatile in combat, Snow Trix is keeping to herself, Nemesis wants to get off the planet and has relative disdain for her comrades, Steelclaw's being all morally ambiguous and stuff, Manterror's trying to take over the world and kill that lizard, too, Orcariner's becoming a guardian, Icebreaker's kinda jumping from role to role and generally intervening in crises, Valkyrie is being analytical, Saber Fang is breaking down, Whitegrazer is calming everyone down, Frilla is gaining courage and being suspicious of alien activity, Wintersong is learning how to be a team player and dealing with regret, and Feralnight is taking blows every mission and refusing to quit.
The canon characters are sorta doing what they do. But Airazor and Tigatron plan to live on in spite of Vok interference. And Dinobot killed a guy.
Last edited by Blazemane on Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hi there! Welcome back, and congrats on the happy family. Here's what I know about the RPG history (contains loop holes since I... skimmed... through some posts >_>).
OC Episode #1
- Cerano, Frilla, Glowstick, Icebreaker, Lineos, Nightmist, Orcariner, Snowtrix, and Xzuck crash on Earth.
- They explore and have encounters with Vok technology.
- Sonar does this own thing.
- Maximals and Predacons part ways and eventually find their respective bases.
Chain of Command
- Fight happens at standing stones resulting in exploding energon.
- Maximals and Preds fight as usual.
- Optimus gets de-materialized by Vok, and Rattrap is in command.
- Optimus returns.
- Takes place during Chain of Command
- Valkyrie leads a Maximal team (Icebreaker, Orcariner, and Wintersong) to inspect Sonar's ship (who blows it up).
- Maximals return on time to witness Optimus' return.
Fallen Comrades
- Tigatron arrives.
Double Jeopardy
- Valkyrie leads Icebreaker, Orcariner, and Skyfire to recover two pods.
- Feralnight joins the Maximals.
- Blackarachnia joins the Predacons.
OC Episode #2
- Both factions seek to claim the largest energon deposit yet to be found.
- Clear Convoy (Vok version of Optimus Primal) appears and fights both factions.
- Maximals succeed in reaching their 3 ton energon capacity while Predacons recover significantly less.
- Battle between Optimus Primal and Clear Convoy results in the energon field detonating.
OC Episode #3
- Feralnight, Icebreaker, Orcariner, Tigatron, and Wintersong go to investigate Nemesis' crashsight.
- Glowstick and Snowtrix go to intercept them.
- Remainder of Predacons go to recover Whitegrazer's stasis pod.
- Remainder of Maximals go to intercept them.
- Predacons recover Nemesis who later kills Nightmist.
- Maximals win over both Whitegrazer and Frilla.
- Saber-Fang goes ballistic.
OC Episode #4
- So much happened so I'll be brief.
- Airazor's pod was recovered by the Maximals.
- Inferno's pod was recovered by the Predacons.
- Manterror joins the Predacons.
- Cecaelia's ship crashes in the ocean and she joins the Predacons.
- Starshadow goes ballistic but she sticks with the Predacons.
OC Episode #5 (in-progress)
- Maximals and Predacons chase a transwarp signal appearing in the middle of their continent.
- Battle ensues but the ground caves in and Clear Convoy announces his return. Poop hits the fan. Hard.
- Some Maximals and Predacons are underground in a labyrinth, intermingled into two separate groups.
- The Maximals and Predacons above continue to fight each other as well as Clear Convoy.
- Clear Convoy and Optimus Primal are linked in which any damaged sustained to CC is felt by Optimus.
- Icebreaker, Starshadow, and Cecaelia find the two underground groups and free them.
- Orcariner and Steelclaw voluntarily continue their trek underground to find the answers that the false transwarp signal riddled them with.
- Dinobot deals the killing blow to Clear Convoy leading to a surprise explosion from the dead body.
- Saber-Fang goes ballistic.
OC Episode #5.5 (in-progress)
- Arachnitron, Aurora, and Ironclaw are introduced.
A lot of stuff happened and now the canon storyline is thrown out the window. Welcome to the Beast Wars.