Transformers: Dark of the Moon *spoilers*

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Unread post by Beastbot »

I suggest you learn history then and how evil behaves, because you certainly don't know it now. WWII might be a good place to start-- both the events that led up to it and the aftermath.
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Unread post by Alak »

Beastbot wrote:I at first thought about that, until the space bridge stopped working and Cybertron essentially disappeared, instead of the part that we saw "come through" just staying there. That, to me, said that it was in the process of going through the space bridge and hadn't fully materialized in our solar system, hence no gravitational effects yet.
I think you misunderstood me. I'm not talking about showing the effects of introducing the satellite. I'm talking about a referral to the potential effects by a character in the movie. The only concern I've seen after both viewings was that they feared a Decepticon betrayal and they feared slavery. No one brought up the fact that Cybertron's presence would wipe out a good chunk of Earth's life forms... namely humans. I highly doubt anyone here specializes in meteorology, astronomy, or physics, but we all know what would happen if the moon even changed its orbit by the slightest degree. I'm sure someone must have realized that in the CIA or maybe the main character who graduated from Princeton.

2) Nazi Germany continued to fight after the death of Hitler. Imperial Japan continued to fight after both nuclear bombs were dropped. They only surrendered because they were eventually cornered and out-maneuvered on all fronts, not because the head of state of killed. In the chain of command, there is always someone there to replace the guy above him. Don't believe me? The answer is here. If Megatron was killed earlier in the movie, it's a strong possibility that another Decepticon would have taken his place. Furthermore, how about we look at recent history instead? Al Qaeda still exists after the death of its leader and it continues to commit acts of terror which claim the lives of many people. There's also examples showing the complete opposite reaction to the death of the head of state. You can't point at a single or even a few events and say that's how evil behaves. The concept of evil is so broad that it falls into the realm of unpredictability. You bring up one case, and I'll either disprove it or I'll bring up another case which contradicts it.

3) Regardless how the debate over the consequences of Megatron/Sentinel's death turns out, the Decepticons lost the battle before Optimus killed both of them. Their forces were transported out of the city which left only two enemies left for the Autobots and humans to deal with. Even if Optimus died, the two of them would still end up captured or killed.

4) After watching the movie a second time, I see why Optimus would kill Megatron. The latter offered a truce but Prime verbally declined it before physically attacking. It wasn't a cheap move on his part at all. It was Megatron's fault for lacking the reflexes to counter his rival's assault.
JazZeke wrote:Megatron was in the process of asking for a ceasefire, though (or at least as close as Megatron can get to it). Optimus flat-out denied him mercy and cut him down. The rational thing to do would be to negotiate terms for surrender, first and foremost ordering the Decepticons in Chicago to stand down and surrender. By killing Megatron, Optimus ensured that the Decepticons would keep fighting and the war would go on.
Megs should have anticipated the attack because a truce was obviously a cop-out. He's the only Decepticon in the city and his vehicle mode is slow and clumsy which cuts any possibility of escape. To easily put it, he was screwed. As for Sentinel Prime, that still looked straight up brutal. Optimus didn't just shoot off Sentinel's head. He fired a second shot which obliterated his body. The guy was surely dead to begin with but pulling the trigger a second time just seemed sadistic. Compare that scene to the one where Wheeljack was executed by Decepticons. I see no difference in the behavior at all. Still, we're talking about a version of Optimus who spine-rips Decepticons and collects their faces.

Beastbot wrote:This is exactly Optimus when he doesn't have to play by kid cartoon/comic rules!
Wrong. Optimus killed his fair share of Decepticons in the original cartoon movie and he had every intention of killing Megatron. It's one thing to kill an enemy soldier because he is a viable threat to the killer or the killer's faction at that point in time. During the action choreography in Dark of the Moon where Optimus flies down from the sky and cuts through 4 Decepticons and finally finishes off Shockwave, I found that to be a simple example of a soldier doing his job. However, him exclaiming that they'll "kill them all" as well as his method of killing Sentinel Prime was very Decepticon-like.
Beastbot wrote:You find the mass murderers, you kill 'em dead
You don't kill them on the spot unless if you have no other choice (which was not the case with Sentinel Prime). You bring them to trial for murder and treason and then you have the execution. Don't bother using the "TFs aren't humans" excuse because that's just a cliche way to dodge out of a proper explanation. There's a reason why Autobots bond closer with human beings. There's a reason why they portray human characteristics. There's a reason why they (or at least traditional Optimus) champion the ideology that the preservation of life is of the utmost importance. Even Decepticons can relate to humans and this movie shows it, but the majority of humanity will be comparable to the majority of the Autobots. Just because they aren't human doesn't mean their moral code is completely different than that of our own. Sadism has been proven to be a trait of the Decepticons, not the Autobots. Shooting an opponent when he has no means to fight back, when he has no intention of fighting back, and shooting even after he's dead is an example of sadistic nature.

JazZeke wrote:That reminds me, here's that article I was telling you about - ... -same.html
I kept that list in mind while re-watching the movie. I noticed 4/5 but 3D is great for this film.

...Seriously? I hope you're joking and I'm just not getting it because of the lack of tone of voice over the Internet or anything.
If we're going to debate aspects of this film, posts like the above quote aren't going to help anyone's point. If anything, it'll lead to an argument which will then lead to the topic being locked by a moderator or an administrator. I understand that this is the internet and everyone loves to act big and tough behind the wall of anonymity, but come on let's at least act civil here. Keep the sarcasm away from now on and refrain from using insults in future posts. Also:
beastbot wrote:I suggest you learn history then and how evil behaves, because you certainly don't know it now. WWII might be a good place to start-- both the events that led up to it and the aftermath.
Trying to make a point, and then asking the opposition to research it rather than explaining yourself it is another way of bringing down a potentially great debate. It's one of the most popular cop-outs that I see throughout online debates where someone makes a one sentence claim but refuses to back it up with a source link or even a rebuttal that has actual sustenance. Without a source, the person making that claim will end up looking pretty silly if he/she is proven wrong by actual facts.

8 ) After watching the movie again, I found myself still enjoying it. I found some more things I didn't like but I also found more things I appreciated. Fun times.
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

Okay, saw it on Wednesday, here's my review:

Just like the other two movies I liked this installment of the series. It was greater than I expected and well, I usually look at my phone watch half-way/near the end but this time, I didn't.

Things I liked:

The characters I can't really describe them as a whole so I've split most of them them up:

Sam: Nice to see him continue to be a human, only this time instead of wanting nothing to do with the glory, he wants EVERYTHING to do with it. I guess it has something to do with looking for a job. You can see that this tension is increasing and it's not too forced, okay maybe when he went to NEST but he was at the boiling point here.

Carly: Well... she is a better than Mikeala(sp?) and she's not trying to be eye candy for anyone... except for the work place, and the battle... She accepts Sam's autobot friends but still wants some distance from them, (proof: she keeps Wheelie and Brains (is that his name?) out of her house) she even gets upset when she finds out that he's continuing with the investigation and blows her off. (okay that sounds like people should hate her but she's acting like a caring human here and that's what I meant by it.)

Parents: Less screen time, less chances of being annoying, although the father annoyed me a little in this one he had a reason to be.

The Wreakers: Loved them, faults and all. Probably because they had less screentime.

Gould: Pretty interesting concept on how some humans may side with the cons. I for one was really hoping that they would run with this. Arkiville(sp?) and Sean Burger were in G1... and that's all I know of right now (never read the comics) but they are remembered by it so it would have really been a shame to not have this topic brought up and just say the humans side with the Autobots, now and forever. And really who else started to think that several of the cons were disguised as cars for his collection after Soundwave transformed from his car mode and captured Carly?

Mearing: Very high matenance(sp?) ***** but accepts when she makes a mistake. Better than her previous liason to the White House Galloway. :D

Bumblebee: He was pretty kick ass killing Soundwave.

Sam's Co-Worker: Pretty out there. I thought he'd be one of those conspriters who thought everything was a robot and was just a comic relief but he had his badass side to him as well. Sad that he had to die so soon but I guess they didn't want us to complain about him like they did with Leo and the twins.

Sentinel Prime: Another character homage, yet wouldn't the fallen have sensed him near earth? I guess Sentinel's vitals were too low for him to detect it. Still, awesome use of a Prime. Would've been better had he accepted the matrix of leadership and then when he revealled himself, destroyed it, y'know, because he's that kind of bot I think. Still he has his hostilities towards Megatron even though he's his partner in the grand scheme mainly because of his own pride. Reminds me of another Sentinel Prime I've seen... Nimoy's portrayal or Sentinel was wonderful. his second transformers roll and it was a perfect one. So glad he came back from retirement to play a part in the movie.

The action was awesome. I really don't know what else to say about this. The chase scenes, the battles, the stunts, all wonderful and the guys sky flying was even better when I found out that they actually did that. I'd probably quit working for Bay if I was told to do that (probably on the first day). Full props for them.

The relationship between Optimus and Sentinel was cool and in some scenes intense. Especially after Sentinel revealed his true side. Optimus reacted to the betrayal exactly how anyone would react. Heart broken and, eventually, angry, especially if he can't get through to him.

Death Sequences:

Starscream: Oh my got the entire theater cracked up laughing by the end of this. I think it was more of a nervous laugh because of how scared Screamer was at being fully blinded and how creepy it looked that Sam and Lennox were handing on the rope attached to the grapling that was attached to the eye. Sam: Well...he's dead... Lennox: ...yeah... Me: Oh **** yeah... Still, it was suitable for Starscream to bite it because he bit off more than he could chew while playing with the insects. :lol:

Soundwave: Okay, a lot of people are complaining about how he died. Well, I personally liked it. Not everyone's gonna have an awesome death and really, I can't think of another way he could have gone. And it was either kill him off now or have someone ruin him if there was a fourth installment added... kinda like why Bob and Larry killed off Tarantulas like they did.

Shockwave: He didn't die easily, and really I'm, surprised that no one could blind him with that big eye standing out there. But he is one of the smart ones and it would've really sucked if he died at the hands of the humans.

Wheelie and Brains: Well... they did something... a badass something, but it was something. At least they didn't stand around calling any of the other fighters lazy.

Megatron: Again, people have complained a lot about this one and really I don't blame him. But he was pretty much defeated anyway and bringing Sentinel down I feel was a consolation prize. And really, do you actually think that Megatron would have kepted his end of the bargain if he had gone through a truce with Optimus? No, a truce is what made Sentinel turn on the Autobots, and no one wants Optimus to become a hypocrite. At least we can say that Megatron's now a part of Optimus' collection.

The story: Finally the story comes together. The history, the twists, the execution. It seems that it has an answer for everything the second you think 'what's gonna happen next' or 'what's [insert name here] think about this.' It's like it's trying to resolve itself because this is the end of it all. (sorta like Scream 3 but with less comedy) Not that much bathroom humor so I think more people are going to like this. (loved how Optimus got tangled in some of the wires, got the others to do stuff) Definately a fan of how the Space Bridge was made a part of this series and of how Megatron uses Optimus' compassion to revive his secret partner.

What I Didn't Like:

The Mikaela dumping Sam story. They could've done a little bit more with this story, like explain clearly why she dumped him and when. I know Megan Fox left just as the filming was beginning but still they could've done better than 'she was mean', 'now I have someone who likes me for me', oh and 'you let the other one get away'. Maybe I'll find it in the novel that I bought... :twisted:

Simmons: Sorry folks, I wasn't too impressed with Simmons, considering he did more in ROTF, while having less screen time to boot. Here he was just a rich-less paranoid man who dresses up like a reject from the Matrix. The only thing about him that was funny/good was his butler/assistant and how he treated his obsession like an addiction.

Simmons' Butler/Assistant: Not enough info on him to really like. Was funny though.

Sam's Boss: He was a douche at the beginning but when there was a chance for him to be an actual okay guy, he ruins it by trying to wrestle with Bumblebee as if he were a representive of the Fandom... no! Fail. Good try but fail. Glad he wasn't in more scenes.

Shockwave: Very dissapointed with the lack of screen time... probably because I thought he'd be the main villain. That'll teach me to assume... all he was good for was looking good and controlling his pet mech worm (want to call him Sandworm but not made of sand...)

Gould: While I love the concept of some humans following the cons, they could've done a better job with this guy. He was swave and menasing(sp?) in the beginning but he turned into a little bitch struggling to survive when it was revealled that he was working for the cons. He inherited his father's deal with the Decepticons and he does nothing to try and improve it? His best plan was to have Sam find out if Optimus had any plans to go up against them. His role was pretty predictible even if you didn't spoil it for yourself with the film videos on Youtube or watch any TV spot clips.

Laser Beak: I'm sorry, I wasn't too fond of Laser Beak in this one. Probably because I'm used to not hearing him speak. He was pretty bad ass but took a back seat to Gould when it was revealled to being one of the bad guys. I didn't even get a full glimpse of his death at Sam's hands. I think they could've done more with him. At least he had the 'More than meets the Eye' theme when he was a photocopier.

Charater Death:

Ironhide: I didn't see this coming until two seconds after he was shot... and I read spoilers, so really how sad was that? But what was the whole rusting-turning to dust thing that happened. Did his mech fluid rust his armor? I know it was supposed to be a bad ass moment for Sentinel but come on. I think it might (again MIGHT) have been better is if Sentinel took him as a hostage then killed him.

Shockwave: Again, had higher hopes for this guy. All he turned out to be good for was using his pet worm and becoming another notch on Optimus' kill list.

Sentinel Prime: I loved Optimus being a bad ass but really, from what I saw, Sentinel was already dead. True, Optimus felt betrayed and Sentinel did rip off his arm and nearly killed him with a Highlander line ('There can only be one' anyone?) but really, Megatron should've been the one to kill him. But this is just my opinion and knowing me, it'll probably change by the time the DVD comes out.

Q: What. The. Hell. Why was he in the movie? To create weapons for human? BS! The wreakers could've done that. I think I know why they didn't name him Wheeljack: because it would've been an insult. At least Wheeljack fought and did something aside from making funny one liners (which were kinda funny). It's like the writers decided to appiese(sp?) the masses partially and put him in. Even his death is stupid. He knows he's gonna die and his last words are to his killer: 'what are you doing?'

The ending could've been done a lot better. As soon as Sam tells Bumblebee to slow it down you hear Optimus' narration and bam THE END. It's as if the writers ran out of things to do and just stopped it at the bridge in Chicago. Nothing stating if the military cleaned up this mess, if the Autobots held a memorial for their fallen comrades, if Sam still has a job (okay don't really care about the last one) nothing they just ended abruptly.

And they didn't even explain (properly) how A) the Autobots and Decepticons remained a secret to the world after the Fallen made himself fully aware on international television and 2) Opimus got the Matrix back after destroying the harvester. I'm starting to read the book so I'll look for any mention of it.

Well that's all for me. I plan to watch it again soon (at least two more times) so I may change some opinions of the move. We'll see.

Prime: "Any last words?"
Demolisher: "not the face, NOT THE FACE!"
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Unread post by Alak »

Did anyone else notice during the 5 second scene transition that Bumblebee went from rescuing Sam and Lennox to appearing on another area of the city as a Decepticon prisoner? It didn't strike me the first time, but last night I was thinking it was a quick change of scenes. I suppose Bay wanted to create a more emotional execution effect so people would fear for Bumblebee's death.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Yeah, I noticed how fast he became a prisoner, too. I figured it was technically possible, but I would have liked to have seen how it happened.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Alak »

Since this is a Michael Bay movie, I suppose the most obvious question here is: what was your favorite action sequence?

I think most people will feel the same, but the whole Optimus coming in to engage 4-5 Decepticons including Shockwave and then blasting the pillar (all in the span of like 15 seconds) struck me as amazing choreography. It's a fitting display of skill for someone like Optimus Prime
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Nazi Germany continued to fight after the death of Hitler. Imperial Japan continued to fight after both nuclear bombs were dropped. They only surrendered because they were eventually cornered and out-maneuvered on all fronts, not because the head of state of killed. In the chain of command, there is always someone there to replace the guy above him. You can't point at a single or even a few events and say that's how evil behaves. The concept of evil is so broad that it falls into the realm of unpredictability. You bring up one case, and I'll either disprove it or I'll bring up another case which contradicts it.
In all those cases the figurative heads were cut off, though. The resistance was heavily weakened, and surely not strengthened because Hitler et al. died. I'm not saying some Decepticons wouldn't continue fighting, but to argue that the Decepticons would've been more dangerous than ever is silly. You kill the heads, and then if other heads pop up, you kill those too. Repeat until the movement dies.
You don't kill them on the spot unless if you have no other choice (which was not the case with Sentinel Prime). You bring them to trial for murder and treason and then you have the execution. Don't bother using the "TFs aren't humans" excuse because that's just a cliche way to dodge out of a proper explanation.
War=/= crime. I am a strong proponent of the Nuke the Moon strategy:, and that's all I'll say about that. See below for any further response to this.
Trying to make a point, and then asking the opposition to research it rather than explaining yourself it is another way of bringing down a potentially great debate. It's one of the most popular cop-outs that I see throughout online debates where someone makes a one sentence claim but refuses to back it up with a source link or even a rebuttal that has actual sustenance. Without a source, the person making that claim will end up looking pretty silly if he/she is proven wrong by actual facts.
I kept the response brief because patience isn't one of my strong points. Someone says something so utterly false like that, I can't go into a detailed argument without breaking the site rules-- it's why I'll never want to be a mod, anywhere. So I give a general response and leave it alone. The whole "if you don't have anything nice to say" rule and all that.

I also always hope for the best, hence my inquiry as to whether he was joking or not. (That really wasn't a veiled insult, it was a question. Sometimes people have said stuff like that to me over the Internet and I thought they were serious and they weren't.)
Wicked Woman wrote:And they didn't even explain (properly) how A) the Autobots and Decepticons remained a secret to the world after the Fallen made himself fully aware on international television and 2) Opimus got the Matrix back after destroying the harvester. I'm starting to read the book so I'll look for any mention of it.
They weren't a secret, people knew about them. Also, Optimus never used the Matrix to destroy the harvester, the Matrix was supposed to power the harvester but was instead used to resurrect Optimus. I think you're mixing up some details there.
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Unread post by Alak »

Beastbot wrote:I'm not saying some Decepticons wouldn't continue fighting, but to argue that the Decepticons would've been more dangerous than ever is silly. You kill the heads, and then if other heads pop up, you kill those too.
Who ever said that the Decepticons would've been more dangerous than ever? I just reread every post in this topic and no one has even implied that. Someone said the Decepticons would have kept fighting and you told that person he was wrong. Now you're saying the same thing he was saying.
Beastbot wrote:War=/= crime. I am a strong proponent of the Nuke the Moon strategy:, and that's all I'll say about that. See below for any further response to this.
That's irrelevant to my point. No one's debating whether or not war itself is a crime. Treason, however, is a crime and Sentinel Prime did commit that. He killed Ironhide in this act of treason, which makes it a murder. If he killed any Autobot after being formally recognized as a Decepticon affiliate, then his actions would not classify as murder but as simple actions of a soldier doing his job. The two crimes that Sentinel Prime had committed against the Autobots is punishable through the court by death. Your response hasn't done anything to disprove what I've said.
Beastbot wrote:Someone says something so utterly false like that, I can't go into a detailed argument without breaking the site rules[/quote[

Except he wasn't wrong and you've admitted that in your most recent post. Here's what he said:
JazZeke wrote:By killing Megatron, Optimus ensured that the Decepticons would keep fighting
Here's what you just said:
Beastbot wrote:I'm not saying some Decepticons wouldn't continue fighting
So earlier you've told him you were wrong, but you still have yet to provide any valid argument or proof on why he was wrong. Even if patience isn't one of your strong points, posting in this manner with lack of substance backing you up doesn't make you a debater. It just makes you a troll. I'm not saying that to try and insult you, but rather help you understand that you're appearing pretty hostile without actually bringing anything meaningful to the conversation. It's not bad for TF fans to disagree over their opinions on the movie, just as long as they handle themselves with civility.
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Alak wrote:Who ever said that the Decepticons would've been more dangerous than ever? I just reread every post in this topic and no one has even implied that. Someone said the Decepticons would have kept fighting and you told that person he was wrong. Now you're saying the same thing he was saying.
From earlier:
Yes, I'm serious. Megatron asked for a truce. Had Optimyus accepted that, Megatron would have ordered the Decepticons to stop fighting. Thus the siege on Chicago and the slaughtering of its citizens would have stopped. Instead, deprived of leadership, the Decepticons would have just kept on fighting. And Megatron would have been made into a martyr.
I'm referring to the idea that making a truce with Megatron would have led the Decepticons to stop fighting. The bolded section implies that the writer thought the Decepticons would fight harder were their leader dead. If I misread it than I'm sorry, but it sure seems like that's what he means to me.
That's irrelevant to my point. No one's debating whether or not war itself is a crime. Treason, however, is a crime and Sentinel Prime did commit that. He killed Ironhide in this act of treason, which makes it a murder.
It's completely relevant because you're talking about trying the enemy in courts. That happens for regular criminals, not in war. In war you either kill 'em or in some cases jail 'em indefinitely without a warrant.
Even if patience isn't one of your strong points, posting in this manner with lack of substance backing you up doesn't make you a debater. It just makes you a troll. I'm not saying that to try and insult you, but rather help you understand that you're appearing pretty hostile without actually bringing anything meaningful to the conversation. It's not bad for TF fans to disagree over their opinions on the movie, just as long as they handle themselves with civility.
Firstly, this thread offshoot really isn't about the movie anymore, it's more about how to win a war. As far as the movie, yeah, disagree with me all you want, I don't care. When it comes to serious stuff like just wars and politics though, with literally lives on the line depending on how much courage or lack thereof the public has, well sorry, but I don't believe opinions beyond a certain point regarding that topic deserve civility. If that makes me a troll in your eyes, then so be it. But I have been restraining myself considerably from the debate so that I don't delve into that very territory. My not adding "anything meaningful to the conversation" is on purpose, I don't know how clearer I can be about that.

Now, let's refrain from discussing this particular sub-topic of this thread anymore, because I won't continue with it.
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Unread post by Alak »

Beastbot wrote:That happens for regular criminals, not in war.
I'm going to pull a move from your playbook and say: do you research on World War II. However, I will at least provide you a source:

You may also want to indulge yourself in this:

After you've finished reading those two (or at least understand the gist of it), I'd like for you to come back and tell me if you still believe what you've just posted.
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Alak wrote:After you've finished reading those two (or at least understand the gist of it), I'd like for you to come back and tell me if you still believe what you've just posted.
Yes, I do. I'm familiar with "war crimes" (lol, oxymoron) and the Nuremburg Trials. You're posting things that are by far the exception to the rule, and are pretty much a joke regardless.

EDIT: Also, military tribunals for the Nuremburg Trials. Not courts in the traditional sense. Regardless I think it nonsense anyways.

Oh! And I said not to continue with this. I meant it. Done with this topic offshoot.
Last edited by Beastbot on Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by Alak »

The fact that you just posted this quickly tells me you didn't read either article. The fact you're dismissing my referral to World War II after you yourself have used this event to attack another poster tells me that you're acting hypocritical. The fact that you haven't provided a single ounce of evidence to back yourself up in any of your posts tells me that you're trolling.

1) Tell me what this "rule" is and provide something to support it other than your opinion. In fact, please provide support for anything you try to say in this debate.
2) Keep whatever it is that's giving you this unwanted attitude in your closet and start acting proper again before I report you to a moderator.
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

So I just saw the new movie, Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. And all in all I thought it was a good movie, so I'm just a little slow at some movies, and wanted to point out some things I noticed to get more explanation from them, and/or see if anyone else knows what I'm talking about. This is in no certain order.

NOTE: Major spoilers approaching, if you have not seen the movie...I suggest you leave this now.

1. No Skids and Mudflap. :( They had some crazy jokes, and I laughed at them.

2. Megatron was not fully healed, he was still injured from the second movie. I would have thought they had interneal repair, or something... Or would think they would have built something to help heal them...?

3. Seems like the Decepticons were almost more animal like, which is kinda cool. With the nascar scene where they were battling on the road; you saw a few of the D-cons actually go on all four, instead of running on two legs. Also when the D-cons were on the moon, trying to come to Earth you saw a few of them go on all four.

As well as, lots of growling and snarling. I noticed it from Megatron in past movies too. I thought it was cool, I mean since their was not much Beast Wars references, and I don't think that was a reference. But to me cool.

4. Wasn't this movie supposed to be called; Rise Of the Unicron? Or something similar? As well as, well, have Unicron in it?

5. I thought this was the last movie, but I see that they are talking about a fourth.

6. Ironhide and Starscream died :'(! How sucky, I mean I lost Jazz in the first movie.

7. Lots of explosions! I saw this in 2D and was amazed! Bay always did do well with explosions at least to me.

8. I liked Carly better.

9. Thought it was good to show that D-cons don't take prisoners' but kinda got sad when they almost killed 'Bee. Which is odd, since I don't really like him. Reminds the audience that; hey bad guys if they're really bad don't want a lot if ANY survivors.

10. Thought it was the best TF movie.

11. Really wish more BW refernces/characters were in it. :(

Note: Now I know we will all have our own two-sense on the movie, which is more than welcome but let's not start bashing each other for liking or disliking the movie. Please and thank you.

12. Took a while for the movie to kinda get going for me. But than again I am a transformer fan, and wanted to see all the transformers, I totally got that they needed to set up the story. Also I am more of a fan of the Deceticons.

13. Megatron didn't really seem to put up a huge fught when he was no longer 'leader'...I mean we see Carly go talking to him, yeah I think her words had an impact on him. But Megatron, really you should be leader not some Prime.

14. Megatron saving Optimus? A lot of peope were shocked in the theatre but I think I got it. First of Megatron and Optimus I think wanted to take each other's lives. It was Person, just like in the Beast Wars series to for a while. Old friend, or old enemies, whatever they are it was personal.

I think that's all I remember for right now.
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Unread post by Aesir »

Darkshadow14 wrote:4. Wasn't this movie supposed to be called; Rise Of the Unicron? Or something similar? As well as, well, have Unicron in it?

5. I thought this was the last movie, but I see that they are talking about a fourth.
Nope, never heard it ever being about Unicron

It's Bay's last movie, but Hasbro will still want to make more films

Razor One
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Unread post by Razor One »

Merged Darkshadow's thread with this one as it was pretty much just a duplicate thread.

Beastbot, Alak, either take it to a seperate debate thread and keep it civil, take the debate to PM's and be as uncivil as you like, or end the discussion here and now.

Don't make me have to go to my Happy Place.
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