This is from inside the game editor to show both current scale, and show off the next two characters to be added. Tigerhawk will not be in any releases anytime soon; he will be on the back burner for a while, but he is here to show what scale the elites will be.
Looking good McShooters! I had completely forgotten about Armordillo, he was a good choice. I'm equally glad to see Snapper in, he is awesome. Tiger Hawk is looking pretty slick also. What is that thing floating over polar claw's shoulder?
I really, really, really like what I see so far. But I have noticed at least when I am Tigatron, the way he walks/runs in beast mode is a bit odd. Looks like he's sliding across the floor, not walking or running. Maybe check that out?
Are they going to later on talk. Like saying "maximize" or "terrorize"? I hope so, it'd be really cool, if the actual voice actors could help you out.
Keep up the good work.
Maybe to a character editor? Allowing the players to choose from a certain amount of animals, and make their own Beast warrior. Maybe fpr now just a beast mode editor? And/ or a full on character; robot and beast maker....?
The Beast Mode animations are not the best; they were never really designed to run, and it takes a lot of time to do, so for now they what they are. Increasing Tigatrons beast mode speed will make it look more accurate.
I will needed to develop a system for speech, or at least when and what they say to determine what I need, then see if there are people who can help me with it... i.e. voice acting. I am not even going to bother professional voice actors, but see if I can find some in the community.
Customization systems would be too much time and work at this point to even consider.
I have choose "R" as the special ability button, and made the first special ability: Bat drone. Bat drone only lasts for 30 seconds, has 10 health, and when he dies by damage, time, or using his special ability he explodes to do 100 damage. While using the bat drone Polar Claw is left in beast mode defenseless, so he regenerates energon, but he cannot regenerate energy while using Bat drone, and using bat drone uses most of his energy.
hi mcshooter, what program did you use to make those 3d characters? i'm interested in giving it a try since your work really inspired me.
for enemies, why not use the vok storyline? at the end of season 3, the vok 'spirit' that was in tigerhawk was destroyed, so you can have a storyline where the vok race found out and sent reinforcements to combat the remaining survivors on earth.
edit: ok so it's the unreal development kit...i was too excited after find your thread, so i didn't read everything. my bad. if you need help, i can always come up with stories for you.
Huh, even having swimming characters? Nice. Well, if you need people to do lines, there are plenty around here that wouldn't have a problem with that. I know one or two that does fan voice acting on here.
Characters are developed in 3ds Max, then exported into the Unreal Development Kit. Creating anything 3d is a bit more difficult then 2d for countless reasons, so it's something that takes time to learn. There are free 3d programs like blender to try out before spending hundreds of dollars on something like the latest 3ds Max.
Bringing a story to life in a game is not an easy task, and so I don't really want to bother with coming up with a story for a long while. Instead characters and maps will take presidence for the near future.
I once again package everything up in the UDK installer, and uploaded for anyone to try. If you have the previous version please uninstall the old one before installing this one. Two new playable characters, unfinished special abilities, an asset demonstration level, and some different weapons.
Models look fantastic. Controls are pretty smooth. I still can't play Deck so fighting CPU isn't an option for me. Oh, and that splash image looks good
oooo Nice! I see a Razor Beast and Manterror in that!!!!! Manterror looks SO COOL!! Nice job on this release! I like how the AI transforms now in order to prevent energon build-up.
@Worpex: I don't mind the advertisement, and it reminds me that I really should do another video to generate interest, and hope for recruitment.
I am working on RazorBeast and Manterror right now, and I guess I would like suggestions for potential weapons or special abilities, or what their stats should be in terms of:
Strength - Effectiveness of Melee (Average Damage/sec 20 per point)
Firepower - Effectiveness of Ranged Weapons (Average Damage/sec 8 per point), Ammo Relative.
Endurance - Health (100 + 50 health per point). Health regenerates very slowly.
Stamina - Energy (100 + 50 energy per point), Energy is used for jumping, sprinting, dodging, flying, or any activated abilities. Regenerates very quickly.
Resistance - Energon Resistance(30 + 10 Energon Resistance per point). Energon regenerates in beast mode.
Agility - Speed (200 + 50 speed per point), Jump (200 + 40 per point)
Skill - Abilities (Standardized Abilities = 1 point, Each additional ability has it's own point value) Standardized Abilities: Double Jump, Dodge, Sprint, Zoom Vision.
@Worpex: I don't mind the advertisement, and it reminds me that I really should do another video to generate interest, and hope for recruitment.
I'd be glad to help try to advertise and get people to join. I'm still going to attempt to do a level for this, but I just have too much on my plate right now to be able to get much more than that done.
I am working on RazorBeast and Manterror right now, and I guess I would like suggestions for potential weapons or special abilities, or what their stats should be in terms of:
Manterror should shoot purple Razor blades at people like his toy.