And the gender is..!

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And the gender is..!

Unread post by Phoenix »


And the vote has ended!

I'll be the first one to admit that I really wanted a baby girl this round, and a boy later on. Aside from a single cousin of mine, that's the way it's been for my entire family. We always have had females first, then boys next, and that's the way I always pictured it would be for me as well. Not to mention the fact that almost everyone in my personal life are male, including husband (obviously), our room-mate, all of our regular friends that we hang out with, and even our dog. I've been almost desperate for some more estrogen in my life, to even out all that testosterone I surround myself with every day of my life. All the guys in my life are awesome and all, but being a girl you do feel the need for female interaction at times.

So alas, I was hoping to maintain the family tradition of having girls first then boys when it came to be my time to start a family. Most of my family members thought it would be a girl, no doubt due to the tendency in the family, and a majority of my co-workers thought it would be a boy. Personally I too was leaning a little bit more towards it being a boy, based on a vague gut feeling. Yet deep down I was still hoping for a girl.

My ultrasound was yesterday afternoon. The day of reckoning, so to speak, the day I'd find out if our baby is developing nicely and quite possibly the gender.

Initially the baby was keeping its legs closed, so we found out that health-wise it looks to be developing just fine. No sign of cardiac problems (all four chambers are developing nicely), no spina bifida (the spine is correctly aligned), and most important of all the brain seems to be developing nicely as well. Physically this appears to be a perfectly healthy baby. So I was thrilled about that part!

Yet finding the gender ended up taking most of the time scheduled for the ultrasound. Finally the technician managed to get a good angle, showing us the truth in all its glory. There, between the baby's legs, was...

Oddly I was not as disappointed as I thought I'd be. Although I now know that it's Alexander who will be born in June instead of Jennifer, at least everything seems to be developing nicely. The technician congratulated us on our healthy baby boy and we went about our ways. Yes, I am a little bit disappointed, I won't deny that. It's hard to let go of a vision you've had your entire life of yourself holding your first-born baby girl in your arms, but I am sure having a son will be every bit as exciting. Besides.. we always did plan on having another one a little later. Perhaps Alexander will have a baby sister one day. :)
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Unread post by Alak »

*raises both arms in the air*

It's a boy!!! Ultrasound looks very healthy from my screen. I hope everything goes smoothly without any complications for this child :D
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Unread post by Sapphire »

Congrats on your healthy baby, Phoenix. I had voted girl so I'm disappointed in the gender too, lol. ;) Seriously, though, it's all good news. I hope you continue to have a good pregnancy and I look forward to seeing baby photos of little Alexander when he's born. :)
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

Wow, this is exactly the same as my situation, only in complete reverse. The first borns in my family are predominantly male and I was expecting to maintain my family tradition of having another first born male. During the ultra sound the baby's legs remained closed, so we had NO idea as to what the gender was. Thus we had to decide on two names... and cos I was so convinced that it would be a boy, I kept on calling the baby by its male name when talking to it in utero. But when my baby was born she turned out to be a girl! My female cousins were totally excited that I broke the tradition of course. :p
Phoenix wrote: Yet finding the gender ended up taking most of the time scheduled for the ultrasound. Finally the technician managed to get a good angle, showing us the truth in all its glory. There, between the baby's legs, was...
"That's the umbilical cord. It's a girl." ;) :p
Phoenix wrote:Oddly I was not as disappointed as I thought I'd be. Although I now know that it's Alexander who will be born in June instead of Jennifer, at least everything seems to be developing nicely.
Heh, one of my colleagues was thinking about calling her baby "Alex" as a gender-neutral name (i.e. Alexander for boy, Alexandra for girl)... but then when she was born she went for something totally different. :p My wife and I debated and racked our brains for AAAAAGES trying to come up with a boy's name and a girl's name we both liked. We discovered that we had complete polar opposite taste in names! :p Anyway, we decided that if it were a boy we would call him "Hirofumi" (or just "Hiro" for short) and if it were a girl, "Yuki." So during the pregnancy I kept on calling my wife's tummy "Hiro-Hiro"... and it was all IN VAAAAAIIIIIIN! :p Although my daughter's Transformer Name is Yukikaze (although ironically the only Trainbot I own is Suiken :p). :)

Anyway, a friend of mine wisely reminded me that when she was pregnant, she didn't care if she was having a boy or girl -- all that mattered was having a healthy baby. :) So yeah, as long as your baby is happy and healthy... boy or girl doesn't really matter. :) Except when you're changing nappies... remember to point it DOWN or you'll cop a face full of...
Image :D

Alexander's a cool name. It's shared by Alexander Kubalsky, the only non-Japanese (he's Australian) member on Takara-TOMY's Transformers design-engineering team! (^O^) For Beast Wars fans, Alex Kubalsky designed Animated Blackarachnia and Universe Ravage (and Hound).
Phoenix wrote:Yes, I am a little bit disappointed, I won't deny that. It's hard to let go of a vision you've had your entire life of yourself holding your first-born baby girl in your arms, but I am sure having a son will be every bit as exciting.
It's exciting and disgusting at the same time. ;) But I'll let you find that out for yourself (no spoilers! :D). We'll continues this discussion after the birth, yes? ;)
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Unread post by Rakshash »

Congratulations, Phoenix!

I was right, heh.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Congratulations, Phoenix! Very happy for you and your family. :D
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

aw congrats! a babyboy :)
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

Congratulations on the hatching of your protoform!! :D So have you picked a Transformer name for your hatchling yet? My Mini-Con's Transformer name is "Yukikaze", the name of the G1 Trainbot and Maximal starship. ;)
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Unread post by Phoenix »

Well the little one isn't exactly hatched yet.. As stated I'm not due until June. ;) I may feel like the goodyear blimp, but he's still in there baking for a couple more months before leaving his swimming pool.

No TF name, unfortunately. We're going for something as normal as Alexander Ryan as his first and middle name.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Heh.. Alex was the girl's name in Transformers Armada/ Energon. So technically.. a TF name ^_^

Yukikaze eh? Nice.
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Unread post by Phoenix »

:p I have several ancestors named Alexander. Also the girl's name was Alexis, so not quite Alexander. Close though. :p
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

Oops... got a bit prematurely excited there. :) Don't forget to bring a Transformer to the delivery room (so that one of the first blurry things they see, aside from your face, is a Transformer ;)). My daughter got to gaze upon Softimus Prime within the first few minutes of her life. :D

NaitoKage: my daughter's mundane (re: "real") name is Yuki, but her Transformer-based nickname is "Yukikaze", so when I'm in the company of other Transformer enthusiasts I refer to her as such. I usually just call her ゆっちゃん. And you're probably thinking that Yuki means "snow" (everyone else does, which is understandable), but the Kanji for her name is different. The feminine name Yuki is often written with the "snow" kanji (雪), but my Yuki's name is written as 愉希 so it means "joyful hope." Although as I'm sure you know, "Yukikaze" itself means "snow-wind" (even though it's only ever written in Katakana, it's pretty obviously meant to be that meaning). :)

Phoenix: But yeah, your child's Transformer name doesn't necessarily have to sound the same as his mundane name. Perhaps his TF nickname could be Cloudburst (being the Anglophone counterpart of Phoenix). ;) Just a suggestion.
Phoenix wrote:As stated I'm not due until June.
Hey cool, my protoform also emerged from stasis in June! She's a winter baby just like her daddy. (^O^)
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