The Toy You Wish You Had

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Unread post by Blazemane »

WorpeX, I feel your pain on missing a specific TF figure. For years I wanted a BW Ravage
On that note, the toy I'm interested in is the Botcon exclusive Tigatron. Paint scheme... way too cool...
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by WorpeX »

Sapphire wrote:WorpeX, I feel your pain on missing a specific TF figure. For years I wanted a BW Ravage and I finally got one for Christmas this year (yay!) satisfying that long hunger! However, it was pried from the Internet. Unless you attend a Botcon or have a REALLY good comic shop, these old figures are difficult to come by. Your best bet is ebay or a TF site that sells figures. A cursory search on ebay threw up a couple of BW Airazors (original) for around $30, which is pretty good. Beware of knock-offs, though.
Ravage is super cool. Although I refuse to put him into vehicle mode, I did it once and it took like 2 hours to figure out. Never again. I'm definitely going to try ebay someday, although by than it'll be like 100$ probably. haha.
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

There's a TF collector in Perth who's selling a Video Pack Airazor (exact same mould as original Airazor, but with some colours changed - see pics in links to compare) for AU$12. If you're interested PM me your email address and I'll forward it onto this person. :)
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Unread post by Darth Knuckles »

The Beast Wars toy I always wanted but could never find was Inferno. I looked at the toy section every time at the many stores I looked at for my toys and I found all of them I wanted except Inferno. I was able to find every toy I ever wanted as a kid in the stores except for Inferno. :( So I have a pretty good record at getting what I wanted as a kid. It was always weird to me how I never even saw the toy once in stores though. Oh well, I got all of the others I wanted. :D
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

Wow that's weird... Inferno was fairly easy for me to find (although right now I can't find Reveal The Shield Solar Storm Grappel ANYWHERE <insert.swear.words>). Inferno's a really nice toy, easily one of my favourite Beast Wars Megas... I highly recommend it. There's a few going on eBay atm for pretty cheap (I personally don't have an eBay account though -- much prefer buying toys in person :))
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Unread post by Darth Knuckles »

Thanks for the input GoktimusPrime. I'm very picky about the things I buy too. I'd have to be sure the toy was totally complete before I'd buy it and in good shape. I always thought Inferno looked like one of the most cartoon accurate toys out there. For the royalty I wish I could have found it back in the day. :D I'll have to check eBay and get it one of these days though. I hope you find the one you're looking for too.
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Unread post by robo_rob »

Honestly, I'm pretty happy with my BW collection. I'd still love a Tank Tank though. I'd still like a Ravage/Jaguar toy, but I have the mold (BotCon Tigatron) in what I think is a better deco, so I'm not as hard up for it. Of course I'd love to get more of those fun gumball figures, I have quite a few, but I always have more room for figurines.

From around 2000 to 2004 I really wanted a Primal Prime as I never found him in my area and he's a rad repaint of one of the best BW molds IMO. So when my buddy sold me his for BotCon funds, I was all over it.

As far as non beast toys go, I'd still like some of the older Japanese and Euro exclusives that I never got for one reason or another. Like Star Saber and Overlord, or euro Action Masters and more late G1/early G2 stuff. I have the more modern homages, but would still love some of those originals.
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Unread post by Alak »

While unlikely, wouldn't it be cool if Hasbro decided to make like a 15th year anniversary collection for each Beast Wars character? Maybe they can remodel some of the non-show characters and make them look closer to their comic counterparts.
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

Darth Knuckles wrote:I always thought Inferno looked like one of the most cartoon accurate toys out there. For the royalty I wish I could have found it back in the day. :D
You mean the show was toy-accurate. Remember -- the toy came first! :)
robo_rob wrote:I'd still like a Ravage/Jaguar toy, but I have the mold (BotCon Tigatron) in what I think is a better deco, so I'm not as hard up for it.
That's funny... I feel the same, but swap those toys around -- i.e. I have Ravage which I think is a better deco. :p Also, BotCon Tigatron would cost too much, whereas I only paid $22 for Ravage. :) Paying more than $30 for a Deluxe feels stupid to me... maybe $50 tops for a limited exclusive, but I wouldn't go beyond that.
robo_rob wrote:From around 2000 to 2004 I really wanted a Primal Prime as I never found him in my area and he's a rad repaint of one of the best BW molds IMO. So when my buddy sold me his for BotCon funds, I was all over it.
Primal Prime never came out here. :(
robo_rob wrote:As far as non beast toys go, I'd still like some of the older Japanese and Euro exclusives that I never got for one reason or another. Like Star Saber and Overlord, or euro Action Masters and more late G1/early G2 stuff. I have the more modern homages, but would still love some of those originals.
The European Transformers all came out here (yay!) -- but Overlord for really rare. I never saw him in stores! In fact, most Australian collectors find it easier and cheaper to get a Takara Overlord than a Hasbro one! I personally found it interesting how IDW's recent Last Stand of the Wreckers series actually featured Hasbro's Overlord and not Takara's! :)

The 1991 Action Masters are no better or worse than the 1990 ones (although Thundercracker is hideously coloured!). I didn't get any of the Action Master Elites, but I've seen/handled them IRL... they're nine flavours of crap. Overpriced crap now! Honestly, you're not missing out on much. European figures that I would recommend are:
+ Any of the Turbomasters (Thunder Clash is awesome)
+ Any of the Predators (they're all great, I have a particular fondness for Talon :))
+ Any of the Lightformers (Deftwing's my favourite)
+ Any of the Trakkons (Calcar's my favourite)

I like the Motorvators simply because they're a relatively cheaper and easier alternative to getting the Japanese Brainmasters (although they don't have the gestalt parts to form Road Caesar). The Autobot Rescue Force are pretty forgettable, but they're a much cheaper alternative to getting Breast Force (they can't form Lio Kaiser).
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Unread post by robo_rob »

I've got some Turbomasters and Skyscorchers, but would love more. As for the Actionmasters, I love em, would jump all over more.

You gotta remember though, Tigatron worked out to be cheaper than Ravage for a lot of us in the states during that time. I remember seeing X-9 at BotCon once for $40, ran to the ATM to get the cash, came back and guy was sold out. Then saw a little dude walking away with a stack of them.

Rage followed, but dieded and turned into laughter. Lucky dude :P
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Unread post by Darth Knuckles »

GoktimusPrime wrote:You mean the show was toy-accurate. Remember -- the toy came first! :)
Exactamundo! I knew that but I guess I didn't get that across. :P Waspinator, Depth Charge, Rampage, Optimus Primal Transmetal, Cheetor Transmetal, Tarantulas Transmetal, Dinobot Transmetal 2, and Tigerhawk are pretty good looking to their toy counterparts too. But I do think in some cases I like the cartoon version a little better than the toy version. Especially with their head sculpts in robot mode.
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Unread post by GoktimusPrime »

Sapphire wrote:Unless you attend a Botcon or have a REALLY good comic shop, these old figures are difficult to come by. Your best bet is ebay or a TF site that sells figures.
IMO your best bet is just to buy the toys when they're current and still being sold in regular retail stores! I paid 1800JPY (AU$22) for Ravage when I got him back in 1999. In fact, I bought two so I could keep one sealed -- but I've since traded off my sealed one years ago for a bunch of loose G1 and G2 figures. :p I don't even have an eBay account... I just get most of my toys from local departmental and toy stores. ;)
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Unread post by Beastbot »

I'm gonna have to track down a TM Tigatron one of these days.

That's about it, really.
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Unread post by OriginalSafeguard »

Antagony. I really want one, but there is no way that I am going to spend $400+ for it.
I wish I was as smart as I think I am.
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Unread post by Cinder-claw »

The only BW toys I've ever owned were figures of Quickstrike and the Transmetal 2 version of Blackarachnia, but I remember (many many years ago when I was still a kid) finding a Transmetal Megatron for sale in a department store somewhere. Can't remember how much it was, but mum wouldn't let me buy it. No surprise, the next time we went back to that shop, my much-wanted action figure was gone! :(
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