"Fallen Comrades"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Dannn Sanew
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Unread post by Dannn Sanew »

Tarantulas chuckled as he saw Scorponok fire at Dinobot. While he had nothing against the Raptor, this was too good a opportunity to pass up. The spider transformed and pulled out his gun and inserted a grappling hook into it. He launched his missle at Saber feet and pulled with all his strength once it landed by her foot. It was a bad habit, but he like to play with his food before he ate it!
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"Warning: Predacon signatures detected," announced the Axalon's computer. The night just kept getting better and better!

While it was no surprise that some Predacons showed up to cause trouble and possibly try to confiscate the Maximal base, it was a set back to the Maximals' mission and a distraction. However, Optimus had confidence that Saber-Fang and Dinobot would succeed getting the job done despite the interference.

"Computer, gather and compress all data pertaining to stasis pod default programming, functions and instructions," the core consciousness of Primal demanded.

"Acknowledged." With that, the ship's computer immediately began organizing the information that would be sent through the laser pulse in order to help the stasis pod in the cold, snowy sector.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber heard a gun being fired, before she could figure out where it had come from, some thing hit her feet before she had a chance to look down, her own feet were pulled out from under her causing her to land on her back and accidently let go of her assult rifle as she hit the ground.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Dinobot laid on his back for a moment. He heard the commotion up on the roof, and then saw Saber's gun fall from up there all the way to the ground.

She was probably capable of fighting and winning her own battle, but they were losing precious time, and since they had the bases defenses at their disposal, it seemed wise to use them.

"Auto-weapons, on," he commanded as he crawled closer to the ship's elevating platform.

"Acknowledged," the Axalon's systems replied.

Now it was just Saber's responsibility to stay still. Whenever she deemed the time right, she could just command the weapons to stand down anyways.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Alak »

Scorponok quickly turned heel when he heard doors open behind him. The presence of a large gun turret greeted him, and sent the Predacon into a state of shock. Nothing happened as of yet, and only the rhythmic hums of the auto-aim tracker sounded in the air. He shifted his optics to Tarantulas and then back to the guns. They were still, and appeared to be oblivious to the invaders' presence.
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Unread post by Dannn Sanew »

Tarantulas saw Scorponok glanced at him and then to the gun turret that came online. That wasn't good at all, but he doubted the auto-aim tracker was as advance as the newer models. Maybe if he move slow it wouldn't register him and he doubt that big piece of junk could move quickly. The spider took one small step to the side before the gun turret turned and blasted him off the ship.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

The spider took one small step to the side before the gun turret turned and blasted him off the ship.
Saber smiled when she heard the spider being blasted off the ship as much as she wanted to, she knew she couldn't laugh other wise she would be the turrets next target.

Just one more then i can move. She thought with a smirk.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Alak »

Scared witless, Scorponok forced every circuit in his body to freeze. The emotion of fear was crawling throughout his shell, but the Predacon fought back with all his might. The auto-turret continued to aim at where Tarantulas once stood and the only sound it made was the peaceful hum of its targeting system. A soft click pierced the rhythmic hums, and soon a few more clicks followed. Scorponok rebuked himself as his claws and jaw began to chatter. He had been shot by these guns before and it was dreadfully painful. The recovery time was slow and it gave him nightmares. He did not want to go through that again, and yet, he was unable to stop his body from trembling. Soon, the clicks were echoing aloud in the night and his body was visibly vibrating. An intelligent system, the auto-turret swerved at the frightened Scorponok and blasted the poor robot quite some distance away.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

the Guns on the axalon soon pointed into the distance at the last detected Predacon signature in range, Megatron. A sudden volly of shots came from the ship bridge towards the tyrant, a few smacking into his side causing him to slide slightly and shake his head Ug... Fall back, fall back! he then stated looking towards Tarantulus and Scorponok. He then turned and started to walk for cover away from the Maximal base. It seemed his plan had failed this time, but he still had a prize remaining..
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Unread post by Dannn Sanew »

Even if Megatron didn't order it, Tarantulus would had scurried away from the incoming gun fire. The spider transformed back to his beast mode and hurried back to base. He had better things to do back at base, like catch some dinner.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Dinobot watched in satisfaction and in pain as the Predacons retreated.

"Auto-guns, offline," he commanded when the Predacons had gotten far enough away. He moved with exertion to the platform and started ascending into the bridge. He hoped Saber was alright, but getting this pulse sent immediately was more important than checking on her.

When he arrived inside the bridge, he noticed the hologram of Primal's head still floating in the air.

"Now, Optimus- Laser... in position."
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber fully relaxed when the auto-guns powered down, sitting up she saw that there was a rope around her ankles. Growling she removed the rope and tossed it off the side of the ship.

"Stupid spider." She muttered, before jumping off the ship in search for her assault rifle.

After she found it, she headed toward the lift and she soon arrived at the bridge.
"Now, Optimus- Laser... in position."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Nicely done, Alak. That was always one of my favorite Scorponok moments. :lol:

By the way, guys, it really wasn't clear to me when Tigatron actually left his pod. Was it before or after the Maximals sent the laser pulse? Because the Predacons show up real fast. Was the white tiger that showed up to the pod first actually Tigatron already and was curious about the beam? Or was that the tiger (I'm assuming Snowstalker) to be scanned for his beast mode?))

Dark, alone, and beginning to feel the cold temperatures beyond the stasis pod's exterior, the protoform inside had prematurely awaken. The lid to the pod rattled before it flung open as a silver and turquiose hand reached to the starry sky, gaining exposure to the elements outside. The feel of the frozen, dry air was unnatural to the lost traveler. And without protection from the raw energon fields, the protoform's body was immediately thrown into a surge of pain. As its hand fell back into the safety of the pod, the lid closed and sealed, remaining dorment and silent. Confused and for the time being helpless, the lone Maximal waited for help. ...Or disaster.

"Now, Optimus- Laser... in position."
Upon Dinobot returning to the bridge, Optimus could "see" he was pretty beat up. The raptor may require some time in the CR but at least Saber-Fang was around to assist. "Computer, uploading instructions... now!" Primal commanded. With a high pitch hum, all of the compressed data was loaded to the satellite-like dish that Saber and Dinobot had installed on top of the Axalon. An orange laser beam shot off from the dish, directly hitting one of the moons and then ricocheting to the fallen pod in the arctic terrain where the other Maximals were desperately trying to reach.


In curiosity, a white tiger approached the crashed pod, watching the orange laser succeed in assisting the proper programming. As a panel on the pod opened, a small device rised up and automatically sent out waves of scanning for any DNA nearby. This would provide the protoform with an appropriate beast mode from the chilly elements and raw energon. The tiger was a perfect candidate.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Lady_Jet2 »

Rattrap looked up at the sky seeing a bright light come from the sky. "C'mon guys we gotta hurry!" he called to the others starting to run on the icy snowy fields, regardless of how cold it was to his hairless feet. He ignored it for the moment, wanting to get to the pod as fast as possible, after all, the Predacons had a head start and trying to cross that canyon was the pit.
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible Sanity." ~ Edgar Allen Poe
"I didn't escape! They gave me a daypass!" ~ Random Sticker
"Oh S**t!" ~ Movie Frenzy
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(poke poke)

Rhinox lifted his head noticing Rattrap, while he was going to try an attempt at a faster method, his friend was probably right. He turned his course slightly following Rattrap in his charging speed coming up along side him soon enough You heard him Cheetor, lets move!