"Fallen Comrades"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Dal, That's awesome! I'd love to have those little guys! XD So cute.
Rhinox's specific, core BW Canon role after Chainguns of Doom is pretty much tech support. That defines part of his ICness. So, like, what are we doing..? >_>

I think part of it is patience, Dal, and the other is playing more freely from the script since most players would rather steer away from the strict dialect and actions. The show's script is more like a general guideline so we don't get lost in the episodes and they don't carry on forever. However, when it comes to patience, I do kind of think NK and Alak jumped the gun a little, taking away Dinobot's enjoyment in squishing Waspinator and proving his allegiance one step further with protecting Optimus while he was down. However, like Rhinox, Dinobot no longer has a permanent owner in the game, so maybe Blazemane was fine with the actions that were taken. On another note, I know that Icebreaker and Orcariner wanted to help, but I think they probably should've continued on their way since they were heading in a different direction, and because of the show, it was moreso Dinobot's right to take out the Preds since he was in the immediate area of the ambush. They should've given Blazemane a chance to post for Dinobot before jumping in kind of randomly and then splitting off just as abruptly.

Let's try to keep things sensible, guys, and not "steal" someone else's fun.

To clean this up, I'll use Icebreaker's missile instead of Dinobot's laser eyes, so the missile will knock loose the boulder and crush Waspy. Then everyone can go on from there. ))
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." "I would have gotten 'im anyway."
Waspinator simply shook his head, wondering why he could never take full credit when things actually went according to plan and when he wasn't blown into pieces.
"Ambush!" "As I suspected."
"Preds at 1 o'clock!"
The green Predacon gulped, recognizing the voice belonging to the largest Maximal.
Icebreaker, Maximize!
The penguin's missile hammered a large boulder above the wasp, and with a few cracks and debris, it rolled downward and landed right on top of Waspinator before he even knew what happened, flattening the Predacon on his back between the huge rock and the ground.

Rhinox's voice was like a very faint echo, far, far away. Optimus sat in silence inside the CR chamber. Slowly he was coming around, his red optics faintly illuminating and glancing about, acquiring his surroundings. What happened...? he pondered. Then he felt the pain, the agony, of the wounds the two Predacons gave him. Dinobot had been right in his caution, and Optimus admitted to himself that he had been foolish to act so irrationally and in a rush because now the fallen pod was in even greater jeopardy without a flyer to reach it faster. But why the intruders hadn't been picked up on their scanners sooner was a little puzzling as they would've had to have been in robot mode to fire.

Carefully, Primal lifted a hand to his deepest injury on his chest and gently felt around. He cringed from the anguish and lowered his hand, taking a deep breath. Primus... The pod... Greatly concerned about the situation, there was nothing he could do but rest and get repaired. After all, he would be of no use in the shape he was currently in. So the Maximal leader's optics dimmed once more and he drifted off, slipping back into darkness.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber was extremely worried about Optimus' current health but she didn't show it not infront of Dinobot any way, she was in no mood to look weak infront of him. Sighing she sat down in a near by chair and looked at her right hand. She had shaken Sonar's hand with it to seal thier deal, what a fool she had been, she was still a fool. She just wished that she could turn back time and not made the deal with that crazed bat, but what's done is done, she just hoped that no one would find out what she had done.
Heal fast Optimus, they will need your strenght. She thought looking at the CR chamber.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

( OOC: Alright! n.n I have Optimus, btw, although he probably won't show up well against the black background. 9_9 I'll check before I upload him.

:/ Well, I know about patience. I can wait. I was just inquiring into the matter because of just what you said above and I just don't want to see Canons brushed off in favor of OC involvement/characterization is all. Deviation from the script is a go for me, just not when it means that. ))

Terrorsaur flinched as the massive rock hit his flying partner, but with the Maximals in abundance around they ought to head back to base, asap.

He aimed his gun at the rock, priming it to maximum charge, and blasted it to bits, uncovering the wasp underneath.

"We did our job, so let's go! Back to base!"

He held out his arm to help the other stand, though he doubted he could fly at the moment, being squished. Then again, it was Waspinator. He put himself together fast.


Megatron smirked, seeing the eagerness towards facing a challenge in the panther's eyes.

"Oh, something in the range of 140 kilometers. Snow, ice, bitter wind. That kind of thing," he replied nonchalantly, gesturing as a rough map of the area was pulled up on a nearby screen by the ship's computer.

He paused, noting some heightened activity in Maximal territory on yet another map. From this range, it was hard to tell what, exactly, but he allowed himself to assume the fliers had been successful and would be reporting in soon.

"Hm, I expect Terrorsaur and Waspinator's call any cycle now, assuming they didn't botch the mission by getting themselves blown up..."
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Dal, maybe you can add a thin white stroke, or outline, around Optimus? That way he's more visible since most boards do have dark backgrounds. I'm so excited to see it. XD Thank you!

And I know you have patience, Dal, but many other players don't. ...As has been proven in the Double Jeopardy topic. :P They just get carried away, I think. And I wouldn't want the canon characters' developments to be over run by the OC's either, but I think we're going to have to give and take with that since there are so many OC's now. But specific characterizations like the functions of every character shouldn't be ignored. As well as certain things happening in the game like Primal being the only one tied to the Vok and his death at the end of season one, and Megatron acquiring the second golden disk, Tarantulas getting inside of Blackarachnia's head, and Dinobot's death in season two, and so forth; meaning OC's shouldn't interfer with those kinds of things. ))

After Terrorsaur had blown up the big boulder, Waspinator was revealed a bit damaged. Raw energon surges were already flooding his body, and he was quite sore, but it was nothing his beast mode couldn't repair for a steady length of time. "Oooh no," he whined, "Wazzzpinator in trouble."
"We did our job, so let's go! Back to base!"
Waspinator grabbed his partner's hand and was pulled up to his feet. Disoriented, the bug tried standing long enough to convert to his beast mode. He succeeded and slowly buzzed his wings until he got his bearings and cautiously flew off into the night toward the Darksyde; and probably not in the happiest mood either.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blazemane »

"Cowards!" Dinobot shouted as the Predacons left. It was one thing to blast Primal with a sneak attack. In fact, Dinobot's inability to detect them earlier almost allowed him to excuse them for that action... almost. But then to completely run away from the fight, that was completely wrong. His optics glowed to a threatening green color. "Face me!"

He fired off his lasers, and they seemed to come quite close to the Predacons from what he could see. But apparently the beams didn't actually hit their intended targets since the fliers grew more and more distant.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Venatrix »

"Oh, something in the range of 140 kilometers. Snow, ice, bitter wind. That kind of thing," he replied nonchalantly, gesturing as a rough map of the area was pulled up on a nearby screen by the ship's computer.
Venatrix listened to Megatron, and couldn't help but smirk. He was sending her, a black cat, to the northern polar caps. A cat who's specialty is to blend in with her surroundings.
This was quite a challenge as the surrounding out there are mostly white.
"Hm, I expect Terrorsaur and Waspinator's call any cycle now, assuming they didn't botch the mission by getting themselves blown up..."
"Well, i'd be disappointed if they didn't.... Blow up i mean. It'll be right up their usual activities."
She smiled as she turned her head into the shadows, looking streight at Scorponok.
The arachnid should know there was no way he could hide his presence from her senses. Amateur.....

The black Predacon warrior checked her gear and energy levels before turning back to Megatron.
"I'll leave right away. With your permission of course."
Last edited by Venatrix on Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Uh Vena, Black text with the current background is nearly unreadable without highlighting it. You may want to change Venatrix's font color. I had to do that as well since I was worried there might be some issues with that.)

Rhinox charged on faster to keep up with Cheetor, he ignored Rattrap's joke as he pondered out the route to take. Though it would be a long ways before they even reached the next continent and the snowy region ahead, his mind also on how Optimus was doing, as well as the group deployed over seas for the other stasis pod.


Tarantulus remained silent, watching as the others talked. At the moment the ideas of stasis pods had little interest to him, other then possible recruits into more arachnids, the most perfect of forms. He did however find some amusement in sending Venatrix to the frozen north, the Ninja like warrior would probably have some difficulties from her color scheme, the footing as the snow could be rather deep in areas, and her lack of ranged weapons. While he didn't feel much one way or another about her, his inner sadist did rather enjoy the suffering of others, be it maximal or predacon.
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Unread post by Alak »

Scorponok was beginning to feel a bit antsy. An extraction team had already been sent to retrieve the pod at Delta Point, and Megatron was now forming another one to pursue the arctic LZ. He did not know where his role would fall in and the Predacon wondered why Megatron was taking so long to assign him a role. He was the second in command and without a doubt, in his mind, the most loyal shipmate on the Darksyde. However, he continued to refrain from speaking out. Perhaps, his leader would elaborate Scorponok's assignment once Terrorsaur and Waspinator return.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

(OOC: x_X Sorry for the hold up. Took a couple summer classes and things were going easy and then all of a sudden BAM, Professors hit me with exams and quizzes within a couple days of each other. Phwoo! Man they move fast. The post below was kind of quickly done to get things moving. Sorry again! ))

Terrorsaur followed Waspinator, gaining speed and height fast enough that he was easily able to dodge anything aimed at him.

Making it back to base was easy. Every bot in the area was scattering, and Terrorsaur noticed as he flew in for a landing that Pred activity around her was decreased.

He entered homebase still in robot mode and quickly made it to the main room, nearly forgetting to use a hover board.

"We got 'im, Megatron! Right in the chest plates!" he announced loudly to the small audience collected in the room.

Megatron, who looked like he was about to speak to Venatrix, flashed a brief smile, optics expectant. "And is he terminated?"

Terrorsaur faltered, his grin fading slightly. He grew uncertain. "Uhhh....N-no, I don't think so."

Where was Waspinator , again? he thought, looking quickly to his right.

Megatron's hopeful gaze quickly turned into a scowl. "So. Optimus Primal was not destroyed. You disappoint me, Terrorsaur; yes."

The red flier hesitated, stuttering in his and Waspinator's defense. "But...w-we knocked him half to scrap! No way he's flying anywhere!"
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: Did Megs give Venatrix to start traveling towards the pod's location, or not?
I'll use this post to wright down Venatrix her activaty once this is clear ^^))

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

(( OOC: Oh, no he didn't. He was going to answer but then Terry and Waspy come in, so he's going to send them all out at the same time. ))
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Unread post by Lady_Jet2 »

Rattrap looked around as the scenery began to change as the group traveled into the northern regions of the planet. The spy/demolitions expert kept a sharp optic out for the Predacons, wherever they might be on the trip. Not having a flyer on this mission was detrimental to them especially with the Predacons having nearly a monopoly on them.

~Just like my great aunt Arcee's stories of the great war...~
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible Sanity." ~ Edgar Allen Poe
"I didn't escape! They gave me a daypass!" ~ Random Sticker
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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Waspinator made significant repairs in his alternate wasp mode while flying back to the Darksyde with Terrorsaur. Upon entering the base with the red Pred and following his lead, he terrorized and stood on a hovering platform beside his partner and before their great leader Megatron.
"We got 'im, Megatron! Right in the chest plates!"
Through his mouth, Waspinator let out a light garbled buzzing of excitement. Until Megatron spoke.
"And is he terminated?"
The bug quietly gulped and glanced at Terrorsaur.
"Uhhh....N-no, I don't think so."
"So. Optimus Primal was not destroyed. You disappoint me, Terrorsaur; yes."
A grin almost came to Waspy's mandables. The blame was being placed on Terrorsaur and not him! Which meant... which meant maybe Waspinator wasn't going to be punished!
"But...w-we knocked him half to scrap! No way he's flying anywhere!"
Seeing Terrorsaur looking for back-up, Waspinator turned his gaze from him toward Megatron. "Yezzzz. We will beat them to the stasis pod eazzzily!" he suggested, eagerly shaking his fists. Hopefully it would divert Lord Megatron's attention from their "failure" to a new plan.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Venatrix smirked at the wasp.
"Don't underestimate their ability to adapt to situations where they are at a disadvantage, and still prevail.
"I expect them to have a party already en-route for the pod, and have Optimus Primal already in in their CR tank."

She looked at a map and every possible roads to the location of the crashed pod, and saw that the fastest route would've been one with small bridge from ice.
But she expected that the long way around would've been the better choice for a land unit like herself.
So Venatrix sat down and drew her blades and started to sharpen them for the battle that would inevitably come.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Alak »

Scorponok stepped out of the shadows and activated the nearest hover board. He proceeded to float next to Tarantulas, seeing how Megatron was ready to set thing in motion. He had been eagerly waiting for combat and that time was now. Terrorsaur and Waspinator did not complete their entire objective, but Scorponok had trust in his leader to improvise well.