"Fallen Comrades"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sonar was faster in robot mode then his beast form, he wanted to take his time to see if he could find a new test subject, but sadly they were on a time limit.
"Sonar, terrirze!" He commanded then transformed into his robot mode.
He activated his thrusters and shot toward the pred base. He narrowed his optics when he spotted some sort of transport.

* * *
"Got to tell you Big 'Bot. Doesn't sound like such a swift move- splitting up."
Even thought Saber was staying at the base, she didn't like the idea either.
"We've got no choice!"
I know how that feels Saber thought.
"We're talking a hundred clicks over rough territory. Megatron's sure to launch his own flyers! I have to get there first!"
Saber had never seen Optimus this freaked out but she understood why, she narrowed her eyes slightly when Dinobot confronted him, she didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Blazemane »

((OOC: Hey, Optimal Optimus Primal. Since I don't expect you intend to change Dinobot and Primal's conversation, I'm going to quote his lines in here. That way you can still post Optimus' side of the conversation, along with his thoughts on the matter, but it moves more than one line at a time.))

"I am not normally an advocate of caution, Optimus Primal, but, in this case, I must register my concern. Megatron does not always behave as one might... expect." Dinobot admonished. Cheetor looked over at him in surprise.
Optimus Primal wrote:He'll want to reach the pod first, same as us. Right now it's a race, pure and simple. Optimus Primal, maximize!"
"Nonetheless," Dinobot contended, "you will do me the honor of permitting me to exit first. I have... suspicions."
Optimus Primal wrote:Alright, but hurry!

"Dinobot, maximize!" he commanded. He was glad Primal was at least taking the precaution. He immediately stepped onto the platform. Once it had only lowered enough for him to crouch down, sword at the ready, and gain a vantage point of the surrounding region, the platform stopped moving.

Dinobot looked around silently with a scowl on his face. He couldn't see a single Predacon- no matter where he searched. All his HUD did was tell him superfluous information about the terrain, and inform him, rather redundantly, that there weren't any enemy units around. But his fears remained unabated. With an unsatisfied growl, he allowed the platform to take him back up, and as Dinobot ascended, he could see Primal staring down at him.

"My scanners detect no hostiles," he announced upon arriving back at the bridge, "yet something feels... amiss. Permit me to lead a scouting patrol."
Optimus Primal wrote:There isn't time! One of my comrades is out there somewhere, and every second counts!

Dinobot could tell Optimus was becoming more frustrated, but he was undeterred.

"Your emotion chips are overriding your caution circuits. I insist upon a scouting patrol."

* * *

Steelclaw whistled at the unveiling of Glowstick's transport, and then gave one final glance at his PPC. There was a spot on it that he had already tried to rub clean. He hadn't succeeded. So now he felt compelled to try again, but the spot wouldn't come clean.

Whatever, he'd have to roll with it for now. So he put the PPC back in his arm and headed for the back of the transport.

"Hey," he shouted from the back of the construction to the cockpit, "where'd you learn this type of engineering?"
Last edited by Blazemane on Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Alak »

As the ship's doors proceeded to open, the moonlight revealed Orcariner's now minuscule presence in the large hanger bay. The Maximal walked onto the earth and immediately felt the pressure of the energon radiation which his dampers were straining against. He was very excited to try out these new lifts. It was only unfortunate that this first ride would also be the trial run. Lighter footsteps echoed against the metal floor behind him and Orcariner saw that Icebreaker was right behind him. He guess he should also thank Primus for giving him an aquatic companion to swim with during this incredibly long journey. The Maximal still had mixed feelings about the existence an archaic god, but it was now a habit to consider him and his role in Orcariner's life. There were so many questions and yet so little resources to research Primus. Only the older generation seemed to know of him, and that generation was not on this planet. Not anymore.

"Orcariner, beast mode," he commanded.

The giant leaned forward and proceeded to transform into his killer whale form. The gravity lifts ignited with life and prevented the whale was hitting the ground. Thus far, it was a success as the whale hovered about a meter or so above ground level.

He grinned at Icebreaker, "Want a lift to the water? It's right over there, but we might as well enjoy the little things, right?"
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: No problemo, Blazemane! Thanks. We don't have to rush, guys. I'm sure I'll have opportunities to post while I'm away on the weekend. No worries! :D ))

Waspinator flew stealthfully with the red 'dactyl, as fast as he could in order to reach the Maximal base before any flyers left there to help their fallen stasis pods. How great it would be to annilate Optimus Primal right when he left. Not only would it be one less flyer to worry about, but he'd be taking out the leader! More confusion among the ranks, like a disturbed little ant farm.

Arrving at the Maximals' territory, the wasp flew down and hid in the rocky terrain not too far from the entrance of the Axalon, waiting for the right moment to strike...

"I am not normally an advocate of caution, Optimus Primal, but, in this case, I must register my concern. Megatron does not always behave as one might... expect."
The gorilla gave a small roll of his eyes at Dinobot before responding. "He'll want to reach the pod first, same as us. Right now it's a race, pure and simple! Optimus Primal, maximize!" The Maximal Commander transformed to his robot mode and opened the see-through door to the lift.
"Nonetheless," "you will do me the honor of permitting me to exit first. I have... suspicions."
By the Matrix, Dinobot wasn't going to stand aside. So instead of wasting more time and bickering about it, Optimus allowed him to check out the immediate area. After all, Dinobot knew Megatron better than any of them there. "Alright," Primal finally agreed, "but hurry!"
"Dinobot, maximize!"
Optimus watched the raptor exit the base and waited impatiently above. Perhaps it was mental exhaustion that was clouding Primal's judgement. One "weakness" he did have was caring too much, if that could be considered a weakness. Enemies coud use it against him, but it was also a strength to his crew.
"My scanners detect no hostiles," "yet something feels... amiss. Permit me to lead a scouting patrol."
Primus, he still wasn't satisfied? They were wasting their opportunity to get ahead of the Predacons! The leader grumbled and shook his head in disagreement. "There isn't time! One of my comrades is out there somewhere, and every second counts!" Optimus eagerly threw at Dinobot.
"Your emotion chips are overriding your caution circuits. I insist upon a scouting patrol."
That was enough for Optimus. Frustrated and concerned for the well-being of his fallen comrade, he had had it with Dinobot questioning his orders. They were losing time! "I am in command here!" Primal reminded the raptor. "Now stand aside!" With that, he stepped onto the lift's platform, shoving Dinobot against the side. Both of them were lowered down to the ground in the night. And everything still remained quiet outside.

"Prime jets, on!" The leader's jets were activated and he flew up into the air a little bit, just nearby the Axalon. Hovering, he turned around in the air to face Dinobot below and said, "Have Rhinox, Cheetor and Rattrap follow me as quickly as possible. We have to-" Before he could finish, a shot that seemed to suddenly come out of no where hammered Primal right on the side of his stomach. "ARGH" he cried out from the jolt. It hadn't knocked his jets off-line but he appeared to be outwinded, temporarily floating helplessly above the ground. The hit spun him about 90º counterclockwise, making his whole front side vulnerable to more shots. Then more shots came at him, as well as Dinobot, before they stopped, luckily missing Primal.

Waspinator ducked behind the bolders and looked at Terrorsaur. "Ooooo. Wazzzpinator got him!" he rubbed in his partner's ego.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Icebreaker watched as the whale floated into the air, then shrugged walking over hopping up onto Orcariner's back. He pointed a fipper forward "Alright, lets see how fast this thing goes!" he then says. He then stopped as he heard Gunfire outside, turning his head The front of the ship is under attack?


Glowstick turned in his seat noticing all the occupants were in the vehicle, then pushed a switch having the back of the vehicle close. Well before I did some work at a Scrapyard disassembling shuttles with my lasers, which is where I found the parts for my flight system.The scrapped shuttles would be recycled for parts on some of the older fleets. I took up learning alot of courses as well, none of which really paid out well on Cybertron.. most the time the Maximals would just freak out thinking I was going to try to extinguish their spark and sell the parts on the black market or something when I tried doing medic work... then I moved on to Communication engineer.. where they basically sat me in front of a radio most of the day listening to static, or sent me to asteroids and space stations to fix derelict communication systems. So alot of the time I had free time to read their database, five times over.. it's the same with the Darksyde really, the only difference is I don't have to deal with the maximals thinking I'm up to something if I so much as blink.

The Vehicle backed out of the Predacon hanger out into the open, it stopped as the camera turned looking at Sonar in the air. Glowstick turned on his radio Nice to see you made it, your princess is waiting. he snickered turning his radio off, then pressed a switch as a hatch on the deck of the transport opened, recessing into the deck.

Glowstick put his feet up on the dash, his tentacles operating the controls rather easily as he leaned back in his seat. Of course, this thing is a lot better then when I first made it.. surrounded by murderous psychopaths that were more or less like herding cats. The maximals in the area were far more organized and made some sort of base in the region we crashed, soon to split the allied group up with their "fears" of the Predacon menace around them.. which is understandable, I mean one of the guys with us was carrying a box of rotting carcasses around.. The only thing we had for technology was Stasis pods.. resulting in the chimera like jury rigged mess that was the first transport.. we were lucky to make it across the ocean without exploding to be honest.. the cooling system on the rockets managed to hold out, but Stasis pod equipment was never made to run for that long.

Not all the ship is made by me though.. hmm.. I wonder what ever did happen to that skittish lizard.. She ran off like Snowtrix did when I met up with you guys.

Glowstick started to ponder out the course, he looked towards his radar in the dash noticing Sonar pop up on it as a Predacon insignia. He then noticed a single Predacon icon at the edge of the screen, raising an optic ridge. ..Hey..uh.. was someone on patrol tonight? I'm getting something on radar that shouldn't be there..And it's not Terrorsaur or Waspinator..
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sonar hovered for a moment as he looked at the transport.
Nice to see you made it, your princess is waiting.
Sonar rolled his optics then landed on the desk before going inside, he narrowed his eyes when he saw Starshadow.
Great. He thought trying not to growl.
"Well, shall we get this hunk of junk moving?" Sonar asked ignoring Starshadow.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Terrorsaur landed beside Waspinator with true intent to get this done. The fairly short flight here had been uneventful, but nice. Stretching his wings had felt good and by the time the pair of Pred fliers landed he was smirking and focused for this sneak attack.

Seeing Dinobot come out of the ship surprised him, but he stayed hidden, peeking between rocks to ensure the raptor was gone. Soon enough, Optimus (and Dinobot again, feh) came out, eager to get to the pod. However, the idiot stopped, hovering in the air. Waspinator took his shot and hit the mech dead on.
Waspinator ducked behind the bolders and looked at Terrorsaur. "Ooooo. Wazzzpinator got him!" he rubbed in his partner's ego.
Terrorsaur cawed. The green bot was so pleased; well he'd show him."Watch this!"

The red Pred popped up from behind his cover and fired from his shoulder mounted cannons. Optimus was still hovering, stunned - a sitting duck.

Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Dal, I want one of those cute little icons you have in your signature but as a gorilla and a rat! Where did you get those? TELL ME! I command it! :lol: ))
"Watch this!"
The waspy Predacon peeked over the boulder when Terrorsaur stood up and fired his shots.

Optimus was just coming to when his optic sensors came into focus and he realized his position in relation to the direction of the first shot that nailed him. He didn't even see Terrorsaur. All he could see were two bluish-white balls of power flying right at him. The leader gasped, right before he was hit dead-on on his upper chest by both shots. "OOURGH!" Immediately his prime-jets disengaged and he flew backwards, hitting the ground with a loud thud on his back. Skidding to a stop under part of the Axalon, he tried to keep his systems on-line; he had to help their fallen comrade. But the damage was quite extensive externally and internally. Failing to stay conscious, his red optics flickered until they were black, his head laying limp, and his primary functioning shutting down. It seemed as though he had entered stasis lock.
"Yeah, after Wazzzpinator already set him up," Waspinator said, trying not to be impressed with his partner's accuracy. Truth be told, the both of them took Optimus out! He was down! Megatron will be pleazzed!
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

(( OOC: Hehehehehe! >:3 I made them myself when I was playing around in photoshop. xD I was thinking of making them all and then my idea got carried away into Beast Wars Growables that go from egg shaped thing with a Pred or Maxi symbol on it to plushy, --by plushy, I mean little images like the ones right there.--, so it's a surprise and peeps on the Forum can try collect them all. But then I thought...would people be interested? Where would they put them all if sigs have a 255 character limit? o_O ... Nevermind. -_- So, maybe I'll make them all, anyway, for peeps to have for their siggy if they like. I would be happy to make those two for you if you'd like! n.n ))

Terrorsaur waved a hand and ducked again before Dinobot could shoot.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." His smirk returned. "I would have gotten 'im anyway."
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by starshadow »

Nice to see you made it, your princess is waiting.

Starshadow growled and looked at Sonar for a moment.

Should have gone with Megatron.... she thought.
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Unread post by New Moon »

Frilla gave a loud sigh as she paced back and forth, before she finally decided to give her com-link a try. Maybe by some dumb luck a PRedaocn was close enough in range to catch at least some part of her transmission. "Frilla to any Peedacon patrol, anyone out there?" She said over the com-link hoping for a reply. Right now things were looking to be anothe rlong night of having to search for the PRedacons yet again.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick raised an optic ridge as he heard the radio voice coming over the communication system on the transport, closing the deck hatch. Er.. nevermind that then. He then turned on the mic responding Considering you've been missing for over 3 months, I'm amazed you still function. This is Glowstick, I see you on our radar, I'll be there in a second.

He then pushed up on the throttle as the Transport rolled across the volcanic region towards the ocean side, the ride slightly bumpy as they went, and Glowstick's lack of respect for the natural world made it worse in a sense as he drove over one of the local species of snakes. Coming towards the beach the ride became much smoother, the vehicle starting to slow down with the array of driving lights shining on Frilla, it then turned coming to a stop, Glowstick opening the cockpit, he then got up stepping on the edge looking toward at her leaning on his leg. Yo, where have you been hiding? For the first month I looked around, but after that I figured you were probably taken out by the local wildlife or one of the wandering units around here..
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Unread post by Blazemane »

"Ambush!" Dinobot cried as the first volley came flying. "As I suspected." One of the shots knocked his shield out of his hand, and after that, there wasn't much he could do to save Primal from the shots that finally knocked him down.

Dinobot observed the two Predacons hide behind some boulders. That was not going to protect them. He fired at a section of rock standing at the side of the two Predacons, and a large chunk dislodged from its position.

Cheetor, who had heard the commotion, jumped down when he realized Optimus was in trouble. But he couldn't see where the Preds were hiding.

* * *
Steelclaw arrived in the cockpit and nodded occasionally in acknowledgment of Glowstick's tale.

"You tried medical work?" he asked in slight surprise.

But Glowstick was suddenly busy with the radio. He had found, likely, one of the Predacons Steelclaw had only met once- when they arrived in the forest after the battle on the mountain.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by New Moon »

"Long story short, this frill come sin handy soemtimes and so does the speed. But I'm not entirely weak you know." Frilla said blinking a few times frm the lights shining on her, looking up towars Glowstick. "Besides, it pays to watch the life forms on this planet kept me alive long enough to meet you guys again....Frilla Terrorize!" Frilla transformed and crouched a bit before jumping up, landing a foot or so on Glowstick's left side. She was amazed this once piece of junk was wroking.

"So on a mission or something?" She asked goign inside surprised to see a few others along for the ride, "Long time no see Starshadow."
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Er.. nevermind that then.Considering you've been missing for over 3 months, I'm amazed you still function. This is Glowstick, I see you on our radar, I'll be there in a second.
Sonar ignored most of the conversation going one between Glowstick and the new pred.
Yo, where have you been hiding? For the first month I looked around, but after that I figured you were probably taken out by the local wildlife or one of the wandering units around here..
Sonar snorted. "The local wild life isn't that powerful." He muttered.
"You tried medical work?"
"Long story short, this frill come sin handy soemtimes and so does the speed. But I'm not entirely weak you know." "Besides, it pays to watch the life forms on this planet kept me alive long enough to meet you guys again....Frilla Terrorize!"
"So on a mission or something?" "Long time no see Starshadow."
"Yes we are on a mission. And now that we all know each other, shall we get this mission moving along. I have better things to do then go looking for a pod." Sonar snapped.

((OOC: I'm not trying to sound pushy, Sonar is just in a bad mood. lol ))
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."