Character Bios 2.0

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Phoenix »

(ooc note: I made some minor modifications to my maximal character Moonshine. It shouldn't affect anything but please review just in case.)

NAME: Luna
FUNCTION: Reconnaissance, tracking

[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Luna does not care about Cybertron and the war raging there. Her only memories are from Earth, a planet she considers to be her home and that she has no desire of ever leaving or seeing altered. The only thing she'd like to see eradicated off the face of the planet are those pesky maximals whom, in her opinion, is the reason that her beautiful home planet is in danger.

Her personality traits are that of a young and occasionally a bit reckless female, with a spunky attitude to go with it. Luna is not afraid of mouthing off, even towards her superiors. If someone does something foolish, she'll be the first one to let them know.

Luna enjoys to tinker with any new technology that she can get her hands on, often resorting to trickery in order to get what she wants. If she sees potential in something, she will attempt to modify it to suit her needs better.


Scoped Laser pistol: Meant for long ranged attacks. Commonly holstered on her hip in robot form.

Vibro Knife - Small knife concealed in leg compartment. Will produce powerful vibrations when activated. Mostly used for breaking in or in emergencies.

Keen sense of smell to help her detect targets at fairly long distances.


Luna's tendency to mouth off will often get her into trouble with her fellow predacons. She shows tendencies of overconfidence, perhaps as a result of her lack of field experience, often getting into situations she's incapable of getting out of.

SAMPLE POST: The lone wolf lay down on a large rock, overlooking the temporary predacon camp below. She watched as her 'comrades' scattered about, performing all sorts of unimportant tasks as ordered by their commanding officer. Not her.

A mischievous grin appeared on her face as she recollected how she had set up an argument between two of her fellow predacons, simply so she'd get the chance to sneak away for a little while unnoticed. And she intended to enjoy this moment of freedom for all it was worth.
Last edited by Phoenix on Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
New Moon
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Unread post by New Moon »

NAME: Frilla
FUNCTION: Data Collector
ALTERNATE MODE: Frilled Lizard
HEIGHT: in beast mode 2 meters,In robot mdoe 4'4
QUOTE: "These frills will give you the chills."

RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Frilla is solitary, easy0going Predacon who doesn't cause much problems unless offended or having issues wiht soemthing. Personally she preefers just to follow orders instead of objecting to them though if he sees a flaw in a plan she will make her own decisions to get the job done. It was always this way as well back on Cybertron. From years of training under her mentor Frilla learned different skills in analyzing and collecting data to als depicting through codes. When she eventually volunteered to become a protoform on the Axalon her pod crashed alittle later during the beast wars. At this point she hadn't joined any faction back during the Pax Cybertronia but upon acivation she showed her alligance not from her form but of attacking the Maximals.

WEAPONS/ABILITIES: One weapon Frilla has is her ink-acid blaster located at her side.This type of weapon allows her to choose between acid pellets to ink pellets:acid pellets will melt armor but it is not fatal and the ink can blind and opponent or malfunctiona weapon temporaryily.Another weapon is her Frill-sword-it is a double edged sword where the frills curve on either side to make a balde and the hilt for double handed use. A minor weapon is a simple Laser Gun located in her side.

WEAKNESSES: THough agile and quick in both robot and beat mode Frilla is not very strong in structure. If hit hard enough it'll break a joint or dent her armor to where she is unable to do much of anything. Her armor is fairly thin which will allow heavy damage to affect her then most bots. And she is also not very brave when the whole frill tactic fails-she will run if her enemy is not intimidated by the frill along her neck in beast mode that come sup to make her look bigger.

Another boring day of collecting data from the MAixmal codes collected, this wa nothing new for Frilla but there was never anything to decode except very little difference in the data. "How Megatron expects me to find anything from this load of slag is beyond me." She sighed looking at different numbers as they went across the screen and disapepared as she deleted them. Finishing she leane dbakc in the chair, it had been very quiet with the other Predacons out on patrol or something so the frilled-lizard femme stood. Steping onto a hover platform she manuvered it to the hallways and stepped off. "Beast mdoe!" Transofmring, walking on her hind legs instead of four, she came out intot he volcanic environment to which the ship was resting. WIht a final sniff she took off at an incredible sped for her size.
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

NAME: Cerano
Age: ?? (I don't know)
Gender: male
FUNCTION: Engineer/artillery officier
ALTERNATE MODE: Ceratosaurus
HEIGHT: in beast mode 8 feet, In robot mode 6'7
QUOTE: 'signs' "Rattrap, fetch me your collection of Waspinator parts: I'm out of ammo again."

[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: When Cerano was made, somebody messed up. Cerano very nearly missed any form of education due to his 'glitch.' When Cerano came online, somepart of his programming caused him to hear voices talking about what he was doing. The only reason professors allowed him to pass was due to his glitch, he had researched most topics to find a source of this. He eventually became a engineer. When war between the Maximals and predacons broke out, Cerano did not want to become a frontline soldier. He also didn't want to be some snooty officer. He looked at what he did and decided that since he knows how to put buildings together, he would know how to take them apart. So, an mortar man, he became. When the war ended, sick of the fighting, Cerano joined the Expedition Corps. of Cybertron. When there, he joined the crew of Optimus Primal and when the Axalon lifted off, he slept in a stasis pod waiting with only voices in his head to comfort him.

WEAPONS/ABILITIES: For long range Cerano is armed with a mortar and a shotgun. The mortar can be filled with regular rounds or random junk just shoved in. The shotgun is meant for those who decide that long-range needs to become close-range. For Close range, Cerano equips himself with a hacksaw and wrenches. The hacksaw is made from his beast mode's teeth. He also comes equipped with drama convient wrenches. They can be thrown with the same skill as the late autobot Ratchet.

WEAKNESSES:Cerano has been known to go insane every so often. Cerano's weapons are all drama convient. Cerano is not as strong as others like Rampage and Lineos. Cerano also is not very courageous

((This is based off of a character I played in 8th grade. We were spilt into groups and supposed to make a humorous story from before the civil war. Ours had Eli Whitney and Davy Crockett who I played. We were bored and I came up with the idea of him hearing the narrator. and being a jerk. Ours was the best play in the class.))


((I got pictures for beast mode. Copyright belongs to the History channel for this))

Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by ladyofthedrgns »

Hi Everyone! :D
I really hope you like her, Dal encouraged me to bring over Auracite from another forum to RP here. The little Koi fish is still under alot of work, but i hope you all like her still! :)

NAME: Auracite (latin for Gold)
HEIGHT: 3 feet tall.
QUO4E: "Nobody ever fears the Goldfish!"

RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Curiosity had been what had drawn her on the Exploration Mission, a real need to see the universe beyond Cybertron. A need to know more about herself. Prove to the world that mini-bots like her were not totaly useless.
Trained in the Maximal academy, she learned fast raising through the ranks in her class as a scout. Once she learned of a mission looking for new scouts to join them. She poured herself into her work, pressing herself harder till she resceived her first assignment. Soon finding herself aboard the Axalon.


Abilities: Being the most unasuming of alt-modes most just pass her off as nothing more then a stupid fish. Under Ratrap's training she can slip into most places and hang out for long periods of time before most would notice or discover her masking her signature from most scanners with a small scanner cloak.

Weapons: A small laser pistol and stun gun make up most of her arsonal. With a small grapplng hook for those harder to reach missions.

WEAKNESSES: Thanks to her small stature Auracite is left at a disadvantage to her larger comrades. She can easily be stepped on by a bot not paying attention to where they are going.

-Fluttering those feathery little fins, she just floated there in the water watching the world pass her by. Scanners on high alert for any attacker within range. Waiting for any word back on what her next mission orders might be.-
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

(Removed, I no longer plan on using him)
Last edited by Night-Hunter on Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
Emo Snail
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Unread post by Emo Snail »

(Mmm...yeah, I don't know if she's good. :'D I tried, please be honest and tell me if there's something I REALLY need to fix! X3)

NAME: Pinbox
FUNCTION: Data/Information Analysist
QUOTE: "Until my analytical nature gets my killed, I won't reconsider using it in every situation I come across."

RANK: determined by staff

BIO: Pinbox has always been a bit distant when it comes to social interactions. Although she's extremely polite, she isn't one for conversations unless someone attempts to start one with her first. Being quiet helps her focus on recording and looking at situations and data rather than being distracted by something else. Inwardly, she's incredibly curious, questioning things and then seeing if something makes sense. If it doesn't, she'll try very hard to find a good reason for it.

Back on Cybertron, she was an accredited intelligence officer, focused on documenting and analyzing new information as it came. The one reason she chose to go on the exploration mission was to lend her intelligence skills to the development of the mission; she aided Rhinox by being the 'info-analytic.' Also, natural curiosity prompted her. I'm guessing she'll arrive in a stasis pod that lands in the ocean, where she scans a jellyfish that floats nearby...?

WEAPONS/ABILITIES: Pinbox's primary weapon is something akin to the Needler weapon from Halo 3. Its design is long and smooth, a pale blue with transparent needles sticking from the back. It's close-range. When she fires them, they fire straight and stick into their victim. Instead of exploding, however, they inject venom that is akin to a box jellyfish's. The barbs are difficult to remove, as they cling. When they connect, there's a high chance (90%) that they'll do damage along with simply poisoning her opponent. Depending on the other's stats, there's a 70% chance it will temporarily shock them enough to appear paralyzed, allowing her to escape without injury. There's a 45% chance it'll completely knock them out, again based on their stats.

If her primary weapon fails, she needs to rely on her other skills. After figuring that she wasn't the toughest of Cybertronians, she focused on parrying skills and quickly excelled in them. Also, if it comes down to it, she'll use her tentacles to lash out. While they don't deliver venom directly, they can burn the surface of the armor, creating an unpleasant sensation. She's also very tactical. She attempts to think things through before doing them, assessing the situation and seeing if it's worth a try.

WEAKNESSES: Pinbox, as suggested by her traits, has never been one for taking too much damage. If she isn't the first one to land a good hit, there's a dangerously large possibility of being taken down with as little as a punch from her opponent. Since she is only quick with dodging and striking, she also can't get away quickly, which is why she relies so much on stunning her opponent. Her inability to socialize normally can occasionally cause issues with others, as well, as she speaks only when necessary (such as in a discussion with a superior) and if asked a specific question. Despite her analytical nature, sometimes the inquisitive side steps forward and urges her into situations she'd usually prefer not to enter. Oh - and she has rather bad luck.


Her tendrils curled out, floating in the darkness of the water. From above, faint light streamed through, illuminating her partially transparent form. Pinbox felt defenseless, even though she knew that was far from the truth.

Oddly, they'd received a strange signal from deeper beneath; as her form was built for efficiency in water, they had sent her. Pinbox prayed she'd be able to seek out what was bugging them, although she knew there was a high probability she'd find nothing.

Then there was a flash of movement, and Pinbox felt something detach from her. A loud gurgle of pain was heard as her beast form's natural protection kicked in, and she turned around silently, watching the monster that had attacked her pick at its mouth, in obvious agony.

Pinbox felt a slight tinge of satisfaction as she left it behind. According to her statistics, she'd last a long enough time even though she'd had one of her tentacles ripped off. Her statistics were hardly ever wrong.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells,
And pretty maids all in a row.
Avatar: Hiruma, from "Eyeshield 21"
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Looks great to me, Emo Snail!

A more in depth analysis, or at the very least, a rank, will come in a posting discussing other O.C.'s along with yours.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

[img][/img] [img][/img]
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Unread post by una »

I don't mean to bump this thread but I just wanted to express that I may change my character....

Her story will change and personality but her skills will stay the same.

I'll be editing this to include her new profile.

*Since I'm a light person, I decide to change Angel*
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Unread post by Lady_Jet2 »

Hey! Figured i'd post my OC since OOP was so nice to seek players on DA. :D It's been a while...LONG while since i've ever played her. so forgive me. But it will be even longer before i bring her in as she's Season Two.

NAME: Cobreania
FUNCTION: Desert Recon/Botonist specializing in organic plant poisons (and amateur Toxicologist in other poisons)
ALTERNATE MODE: Arazona Bark Scorpion/Cape Cobra
HEIGHT: 4'8''
QUOTE: When it's all said and done, no one has any true freedoms.

RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: Older sibling to Quickstrike, Cobreania has gone through a lot in her life. Living on the edge of poverty as a Maximal on Cybertron with her brother and on the edge of a main Predacon city, she saw that their home planet was nothing but a shadow of what it once was, especially in the so called preachings of freedom for all.

Bitter against the Maximals for their hypocrisy, Cobreania decided to do as much as she could to help what few Predacon resistances there were and attempt to change the Maximal high council's mind through traditional means. She sniffed out the evidence of Protoform X and decided to track down the Maximal's highest crime against their own people to try and take them down. She signed up as a Botanist for the Axalon's Crew.

WEAPONS/ABILITIES: Cobreania is a very intelligent botanist that specializes in combining cybertronian poisons for anti-venoms as well as for personal use. Her venom combos have no included organic venoms since awakening in the middle of the Beast wars, wanting to take out both halves of a mech without having them rely on their Beast Mode for safety.

Her venom blaster is similar to Quickstrike's, but doesn't do as much physical damage instead relying upon it's venom output to slow them down enough for another to take them out. Due to the golden coloring of both creatures that make up her beast mode, the golden deserts are her playground, unlike the deserts with heavier plantlife ones for her brother.

WEAKNESSES: Having only her brother, her ties to him are much stronger and can be manipulated. She also is rather pessimistic about the outcome of the war. She also has just as much of a temper as her brother.


Cobreania sat out on a sunning rock allowing her cobra half to gain the energy it needed, even as her other half wished to wait for nightfall to move. She clicked her claws and looked up, hearing her brother begin to argue with another Predacon over something pointless. "Bloody hell..." she muttered, a slight British accent touching upon her voice, unlike her brother's southern drawl.

"Between my aft of a brother and Megatron i don't know how much more of this war i can handle." she muttered before transforming and looking at the argument behind her. "If you two young lads are done being right afts...We have a patrol to start up."
Last edited by Lady_Jet2 on Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Name: Vanguard

Gender: Mech

Function: Warden/warrior

Alternate mode: Grey timber wolf

Allegiance: Maximal

Height: 2'8 beast mode, 6'5 in robot mode

Quote: "Justice shall be served."

RANK: [assigned by staff]

BIO: Vanguard was assigned to be a warden of Starshadow. He was seriously injured when X and Starshadow destroyed Colony Omicron. Starshadow decided to spare his life to suffer. After he was repaired and upgraded, he swore that he would capture her and punish her serverely in her cell. He always bring his power bonds and heavy cuffs with him.

Weapons: laser shotgun, laser machine gun, claws

- good sense of smell
- good at dodging things
- back-stabbing distracted enemies
- night vision

- Over confidence
- sometimes being too focused on capturing Starshadow, which makes him an easy target to the enemies.
- shoot or break his wrists and he can't use his guns or claws

Vanguard grabbed his guns and put them behind his back, making his way out of the Axalon.
"Hey where are you going?" Cheetor asked.
Vanguard turned his gaze on the cheetah. "Out."
"Do you have to ask so many questions?"
"No. Actually it's afew."
"Whatever..." Vanguard left the Axalon and transformed into beast mode, running to the forest to find Starshadow.
If I'm not wrong, her lair should be somewhere near a waterfall. he thought.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Welcome aboard Jetlady_2, though not one of the staff.. I noticed your backstory is a bit.. completely inaccurate. Quickstrike was never a Predacon on Cybertron, he only became one after joining Megatron. In fact, he was one of the few Predacons that didn't require reprogramming because his pod was so badly damaged that he was just drawn to his natural destructive tendencies. I suppose your character could show up in the fusor podcrash with Quickstrike and think she was his sister.

Secondly, Botany is the study of plants. I think your looking for is Toxicologist, which studies the wide variety of toxins (aka poisons and venoms. And what is the difference between the two? Basically one's ingested or exposed to, the other is injected. That's it.) Though I suppose Botany could also work in there due to some poisonous plants and fungi.

Other then that everything looks fine, though at the going rate, season 2 wont start until at least 2012/2013..(Being optimistic) you may want to look into other options if you want to get into the game within the next 6 months to a year. Many canon characters are available as well.
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Unread post by Lady_Jet2 »

having written the backstory at three AM i sould have taken better precautions against people misreading it. What i meant to say as a MAXIMAL she lived along the border between a Predacon city. I know the history of Quickstrike and Cybertron quite well actually, having seen all of G1 multiple times and all of Beast Wars several times as well. what i was actually working from is the fact that Quickstrike never had any programming into his system to make him a predacon. i suppose in all technicality that could make both he and Cobreania neutrals due to their tempers and violent tendencies.

and actually she is Botonist with a specific interest in the toxicology of plants. so Botony works either way.

i've watched and read BW and the TF generation since i was 9. i will correct what i mistyped.
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Unread post by una »

Okay :lol: I'm bumping this thread with a new character. I scrapped Angel and in place of her, I made a more realistic character.

Here she is:

NAME: Whitegrazer
FUNCTION: Soldier/ Instructor
ALTERNATE MODE: Andalusian Horse
HEIGHT: 10ft in robot mode and 8"5' in beast mode
QUOTE: "Brute force isn't the only way to defeat your opponents. Using your enemy's aggression against them and taking them down to see their error of their ways, now that is the way of proving yourself. Proving that you don't have to stoop as low as your enemy. Proving that in battle, you can still maintain your peace and focus. Proving to yourself that anger, fear, brutality, cruelity, the basic fundamentals of war themselves aren't the answer, that the only way to fight evil is by showing evil itself, it is wrong."

SPEED: 7.0
RANK: Assigned by the staff.
[Stats excluding rank must not total over 45!]

BIO: An instructor in Maximal Military Academy, Whitegrazer was well-respected along the students that she had trained. She wasn't always a teacher though. Whitegrazer was a soldier in the Maximal Command Security Forces when they were still new in which she took part in several campaigns against Predacons who didn't lay down their arms for the treaty. Because of her graceful, elegant nature, she rather take down her enemies and arrest them than to kill them. She is no pacifist as she believes that some people just need killing if they don't listen to reason. After serving the Forces for many decades, she decided to be a teacher, teaching her knowledge and her fighting style around for a while. It then she was offered to be a part of an exploration mission. She accepted the mission and was placed inside a stasis pod.

An old fighting style passed from Autobot ancestors to Maximals she learned and used to teach in the Maximal Military Academy. Diffusion is when the fighter focuses on taking out an enemy without permanent harming them. It's akin to the Aikido fighting style.

Small Pistol
A small, silver pistol that is attached to the right side of her waist.

WEAKNESSES: Whitegrazer is mentally stable despite what she has seen in her soldier days, but her days as a teacher makes her always correct a person's mistakes in battle or hand to hand combat. Not such a good idea when she corrects the enemy. Also because of her fighting style, she depends on the enemy's first move. Whitegrazer cares about the welfare of her enemy which can be seen as a weakness in a battlefield as well as her limited firepower.

The grasslands were wide and open for her to gallop straight, staring into the horizon where the the blue sky and green, cut grass met; the breeze was nice and cool against her white mane that danced with the melody of the wind. Her legs galloped faster and faster, she had to smile at how her beast form barely harmed the environment and how graceful the steps she took in her run. She let out a neigh before she jumped.


Her slender, white and silver form landed on the ground softly. The head of her beast mode laid on her chest and the mane striped her back with a darker shade of white compared to her figure with silver coloring her hands like gloves, waist and from her knees to feet.
She sat down on the ground indian-style, enjoying the view before her.

As you can see, she is in a stasis pod and I hope you guys like her. ;D

Yes, I will be RPing consistently this time since I have been gaining some experiences. Just need to figure out how to get her in. I don't want to interfere with anything. XD
Last edited by una on Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Okay. Looks good so far, as for introducing her that isn't a problem. We'll be having a new episode soon and with Nem also joining in, we'll be catching more Stasis pods/things I guess. Hmm.. a horse robot.. guess the maximals can make a saddle. :twisted: j/k

Hm.. her character background would probably give her a rank of at least a 7 being a soldier and having teaching background, that'd make her well suited for leading operations.. but I wouldn't say for sure until seeing her in action and well that's Blaze's job.
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Unread post by una »

Oh goodness, I have an image in my head now of Cheetor riding on Whitegrazer. :lol:

Cheetor: Giddy up!!!


Oh cool! =3
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