"Chain of Command"

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox looked up noticing Rattrap Just putting the finishing touches on it.. it's about as ready as it'll ever be.. He then looks towards the others as the enter, then looks back towards Rattrap So how bad did it go?


Tarantulus transformed to his spider mode, following Megatron and the others taking the rear as he followed, he wasn't the fastest of the group but could keep up easily enough. His mind pondered the possibilities of the Alien pod, as well as what may be at it.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"You were selfless in putting that shield back on line. I ought to have followed your command." "I... am dishonored."
Oh please. Saber thought.
She raised an eye brow when Dinobot growled back, her ears went back and her green eyes narrowed.
You did not just growl at me. The general thought trying not to growl.
"Deeehhh... eh, next time," "Come on," "Let's see how Rhinox is doin' on that extraction device. I'm bettin' those Preds are headin' for the probe next and we gotta get there before they blow it up."
Saber rolled her shoulders and remained quiet, she would speak her mind when she thought it would be needed.
"And you could probably use a little time in the CR, eh?"
Saber looked at Skyfire and her demeanor changed, she hadn't known that the bird had been injured.
Not sparing Dinobot a second glance, she followed Rattrap toward the lift and inside the ship.
"What's the sitch, Big Green?"
Just putting the finishing touches on it.. it's about as ready as it'll ever be.. So how bad did it go?
Saber didn't answer but growled deeply in her throat as she sat down in her beast mode her ears flat to her head. [/u]
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: So sorry for the delay, guys! Been side-tracked. :shock: Not that everyone has caught up, anyway, but we're moving on now. ))
Just putting the finishing touches on it.. it's about as ready as it'll ever be..
Rattrap stood up on his hind legs and examined the device Rhinox was constructing. It looked like it could do something, but to be honest, Rhinox nor anyone else knew how to deal with that alien technology. He guessed they were going to find out, but hopefully they'd get the boss monkey out of there in one piece.
So how bad did it go?
"Well... we're alive, ain't we?" the little brown rat grinned, still kind of surprised himself. "Sky's injured so she might need the CR." He wanted to tell Rhinox about Dinobot almost costing them everything, but another part of him told him to let it go for now. There was no sense in bringing it up again and teasing the lizard about it. The last thing Rattrap needed was a former Predacon getting really angry with him and everyone else while he was still in charge. Their priority was rescuing Optimus. "Hey, no word from Val's team?" inquired Rattrap, though he doubted that they had been able to call in simply because of their distance. He still wanted to know their status.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox set down the device on the console and shaked his head No. Not a peep. It might just be the distance, or maybe predacon interference. Rhinox lifted up the device I hate to leave the base unguarded, but we don't have the time to worry do we? he then looked down at Rattrap.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Well with the injury I took, I don't think I'll be much use out there in the battlefield." Skyfire said. "I probably mind the base while you guys help Optimus. Besides I don't think I have any trouble using the defenses we have."

Though at the same Skyfire felt worried about Val's team and the fact they haven't heard from them in a while. She really hoped that they would all be alright.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

No. Not a peep. It might just be the distance, or maybe predacon interference.
Slag. Rattrap developed a concerned frown on his face but it vanished smoothly with Rhinox's next comment.
I hate to leave the base unguarded, but we don't have the time to worry do we?
"Well with the injury I took, I don't think I'll be much use out there in the battlefield." "I probably mind the base while you guys help Optimus. Besides I don't think I have any trouble using the defenses we have."
The temporary commander nodded in agreement with the bald eagle. "Skyfire, you'll stay here. Try an' see if you can get in contact with anyone from Val's team. I doubt the Preds are gonna bother attacking the base 'cause Megajerk is probably headin' for the alien probe, and he'll want all his Predascum with him."

Addressing Saber-Fang, Dinobot and Rhinox, Rattrap added, "We move out as soon as Rhinox is done buildin' the extraction device." He looked at it as the large brown and green bot lifted it in his hand. "Ready?"
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Skyfire, you'll stay here. Try an' see if you can get in contact with anyone from Val's team. I doubt the Preds are gonna bother attacking the base 'cause Megajerk is probably headin' for the alien probe, and he'll want all his Predascum with him."
Skyfire nodded. "Right, just be careful out there you guys."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox nodded putting the device away Yeah, lets do this.

The large maximal then walked towards the lift of the ship climbing inside and going down to the outdoors. He stepped off it having the lift return for the others to use,Rhinox, Beast mode! he then said to himself transforming to his rhino mode. His mind pondering if the device would even work, though they had no real time to test or perfect it.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Well... we're alive, ain't we?" "Sky's injured so she might need the CR."
Saber listened from where she was sitting, if she had a tail the tip of it would be twitching due to slight agitation.
"Hey, no word from Val's team?"
No. Not a peep. It might just be the distance, or maybe predacon interference.
Figures Saber thought.
I hate to leave the base unguarded, but we don't have the time to worry do we?
"Well with the injury I took, I don't think I'll be much use out there in the battlefield."
If you hadn't been so reckless, you wouldn't have been injured in the first place. Saber told herself ignoring the urge to growl.
"I probably mind the base while you guys help Optimus. Besides I don't think I have any trouble using the defenses we have."
"Skyfire, you'll stay here. Try an' see if you can get in contact with anyone from Val's team. I doubt the Preds are gonna bother attacking the base 'cause Megajerk is probably headin' for the alien probe, and he'll want all his Predascum with him."
Saber looked at Rattrap when he looked her general direction.
"We move out as soon as Rhinox is done buildin' the extraction device." "Ready?"
He better be ready. The general thought, her ears going back a little.
"Right, just be careful out there you guys."
"You just keep your mind at the task at hand and we'll be fine." Saber said looking at Skyfire.
Yeah, lets do this.
Saber got to her feet and followed Rhinox out side, if she ended up meeting Starshadow again, she would show the half breed how she ended up being Cybertrons best General.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: All right. I'm assuming Val's team will be catching up in this thread quite shortly. So Rattrap's team is going to move out for the probe. Skyfire can fill the others in and have them join Rattrap and company to fight off the Predacons. Good? Good. ))
Yeah, lets do this.
Rattrap nodded at the rhinoceros and watched him exit the base.
"Right, just be careful out there you guys."
"You just keep your mind at the task at hand and we'll be fine."
Sighing, the rat didn't speak until Saber left right after Rhinox. "Skyfire, just send anybody on Val's team who isn't injured to help us at the probe. You know, uh, if they show up... or you get in contact with 'em. A'ight? Don't worry 'bout us. We're gettin' the boss monkey back." Rattrap managed to fill his last sentence with some upbeat optimism, and he added a wink with his black, beaty eye. Just in case Saber's tone in her statement, almost an order, upset the bald eagle, Rattrap tried to let her know that she could disregard what the saber tooth tiger said because he was in charge. He was sure Skyfire could manage her duty without someone else ruffling her feathers.

With that, Rattrap dropped to all fours and scampered to the lift, mumbling something under his breath about aliens, Rhinox's device working, and the abducted gorilla. Exiting outside, he started running off with the rest of his team, including Dinobot. Megatron and his misfits already had a good start on them.

(( OOC: Blazemane, will you be continuing to play Dinobot? ))
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Unread post by Blazemane »

((OOC: Yeah, I plan on it. There just didn't seem much to say after the fight- least ways, my imagination didn't want to be productive.))

As Cheetor headed off with the rest of the group back towards base, he began to wonder how long it would take to get back.

"Hey, Icebreaker, how close do you think we are to the base?" he asked. Hopefully the penguin would have a rough idea.

Maybe, if they were close enough, they could at least call in and let the other Maximals know they were finally coming.

* * *

Dinobot ran off towards the probe with everyone else. He hoped Megatron would be there waiting. Then they could give the tyrant precisely what he deserved and rescue Optimus- assuming, of course, that Rhinox's capabilities could be fully trusted.

And of that, he wasn't entirely certain.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

The Penguin trudged along, his eyes shifted towards Cheetor as he spoke Well,we should be coming up on the base soon, well within radio range spots. Why don't you send them a holler? I kinda got my flippers full.

Icebreaker looked over the horizon, no predacons seemed around. His energy supplies were low from the battles and body sore though his internal repairs on his shoulder were completed. He was glad that his beast mode didn't use much energy for walking making the distance and carrying Valkyrie easier at least.


the Predacon transport moved across the desert and volcanic field towards the Predacon lair, swiftly entering through a ramp at the base of the Darksyde, Glowstick parked the vehicle facing towards a wall. Ug, glad that is over. I'll send out a call and see how the others are doing.. Glowstick Terrorize! he then shouted as he slid out of the side of the vehicle transforming, he lifted up the heavy gun in the back and spare ammo in his tentacles, taking a slight detour to Steelclaw's room to drop the heavy equipment off, then floated off towards his communication terminal and chair, his feeder arms lasers still showing signs of damage.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow just came back to the Darksyde in robot mode after having her cat nap in her lair.
"Darlings, I'm home..." then she transformed into beast mode and looked around.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong walked quietly with the injuried Maximas, ears twitching, listening closely for any more signs of Predacons whether there might be any still lurking. Her eyes were focused forward only mvoing to gaze at new movement then forward again. She was not too sure yet of how to act around the team she had come to join. It seemed an unlikely sense of bad luck to have ended up trapped in a stasis pod then end up here or a strange twist in her destiny. Whatever the case Wintersong just went with it.

All the others seemed to work so well together, even the new Maximal team under Valkyrie's command. The tigeress began to wonder if isolating herself really was the wrong choice at the moment. But the thought was not there for long before she gave herself a snall shake deciding for now it may be best, so not to be in the way for the crew meant to be there.

"If we are not able to contact the base I will try and scout ahead if so needed." She suggested as a back up plan.


Snow Trix couldn't believe the rotten luck she had. First she hadn't been able to find the mobile base, then to communicate at all with other predacons was well out of range... this just wasn't her day. So without really taking much longer to searc anymore the fox had finally gone towards the coordiantes of the Darkside. Hopefully there she'd find someone or able to send a message to the predacons. After a while goign through the volcanic environment in which the Darkside ahd crashed Snow Trix stopped feeling her instincts telling her to find a cooler place then here. yet complaining wasn't going to change anything.

Flicking her fluffy white tail the femme sighed and tried her com-link once more, "Glowstick this is SNow Trix, can you read me? If so where are you and the others?" She asked over the link hoping the mobile base might be near by.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick looked at the security monitor as Starshadow came towards the base, he cringed to himself remembering the sight earlier of her being impaled to a tree, but then heard the radio chirp up.

Snowtrix hm?.. Interesting. he said to himself, it'd been awhile since he'd seen the female. He activated the ship's communication system This is Glowstick, currently at the Darksyde, the remaining Predacons on Megatron's team went on an ambush of the Maximal base, I haven't heard from them yet. You need something?