Beast Wars/X-Men/Monster Rancher/Ice Age Counterparts

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Demon Man
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Beast Wars/X-Men/Monster Rancher/Ice Age Counterparts

Unread post by Demon Man »

I've been thinking...Beast Wars seems to have a lot of characters, both Maximal and Predacon, which have counterparts in other franchises, in one way or another. To name three, I will bring in X-Men, Monster Rancher and Ice Age, respectively a comic book series, an anime saga and a computer animated movie franchise.

Now, here are some prime examples of why the title of this thread works so well. Call them comparisons, analogies, connections, whatever you wish. But in any case, I think this is how it would go in this particular sort of put-together of similarities among characters from different franchises.

Dinobot/Wolverine/Tiger/Diego(tough guys who have claws, love fighting, are complicated with some considerable vices and cool, attractive looks, not to mention heightened senses, sharp teeth and, in the cases of Dinobot and Wolverine, senses of honor. More often than not, these guys are the ones who turn out to be the fan favorites of their respective series of franchises)

Rhinox/Colossus/Golem/Manny(big, powerful guys with humongous levels of strength and durability, who would also much rather reason than fight and who have kind hearts of gold, despite all their massive power, size and durability)

Silverbolt/Nightcrawler/Suezo/Sid(nice, loyal, kind friends who look very freaky but are nevertheless perfectly likable and extremely noble, well meaning and innocent, though not only do their abilities, personalities, intelligence levels and appearences greatly vary, but their ways with the ladies, senses of honor and competence levels vary as well. Further, all of them have tails, however short or long, and all have done things unusual even by fictional standards, brain dead in some cases, and confusing in others)

Rattrap/Iceman/Hare/Crash And Eddie(smart aleck characters who often get into disagreements with the other members of their teams, especially the toughest, hardest ones, and who are usually extremely hard to even deal with, let alone like, though they of course also have their uses, such as being spies, being the brains of the group, having valuable talents or being the speedy movers of the team, though all still can be very, very, very annoying at times)

Megatron/Magneto/Moo/Soto(villainous leaders who in one way or the other are more complicated and tragic than the average villain, though levels of said qualities vary indeed, and whose actions affect all of those around them both physically and mentally, plus their evil deeds, like their levels of complexity and tragicness, also vary considerably)

Tarantulus/Sabretooth/General Durahan/Gunslinger(treacherous, sneaky villains with nigh-insatiable appetites for either food, blood, power or any two of the three, or all three, and who are as macabre as they are sadistic along with being as cunning as they are formidable and creepy, though I'm well aware their bodily designs and power levels greatly vary and so do their motivations and levels of eeriness)

Anyhow, I could expand on this list more, but the point is, one way or the other, these four franchises, however different and at different times and about different things they may be otherwise, have characters who make an amazing four way connection one way or the other, with or without variations.

So, what do you think of this? Would you say these examples are accurate? Do you have any you could think of and provide? Are there ways you disagree or would have this changed? Feel free to comment.
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