"Chain of Command"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Taran Ulas
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

"Ahhh, Dinobot. That Predacon chip still ticks inside that treacherous hide. I think we will take it, yes. No energon crystal too small, I always say."
The signal! "Lineos Terrorize!" After the transformation was complete, Lineos pulled out Lasos and opened fire on that whale. "No penguin here to save you this time, whale!" Unfortunately for Lineos, the shots kept slamming into the ground behind that whale.
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow noticed Orcariner and decided to joke around.
"HEY BIG GUY I MEAN ERR...CUTIE!! GOT A NAME?!" she called out to him and turned to Saber.
"You want to finish the catfight eh? I'm ready..." the feline smirked and binded Saber's wrists and swinged her to the standing stones, smashing her back.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Tarantulas stepped back from the swing, using the distractions created by Lineos and StarShadow to hop up onto the top of the standing stone structure and run to a new position as he pulled out his blaster. My my.. they certainly are making you maximals larger, but certainly not as swift. he then lets out his signature dark chuckle.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(Cheetor's here. He just... couldn't figure out what he wanted me to write for him, since he had no dialogue, but here's the fight scene, so...)

Cheetor ran behind the large boulder formation when Tarantulas' automatic fire began raining down. When Starshadow appeared from behind the Maximals, he was dead set on shooting her, but as quickly as he thought this, Scorponok's missiles landed by him. He was sent careening a few feet, but remained behind cover, and looked up just in time to see that Saber-Fang was on the job.

He supposed he could let the general handle the Predacon. Besides, the guys on the other side just shot at him. That wasn't gonna' fly.

After regaining a stable pose on one knee and one foot, Cheetor rolled out from behind cover, and regained his stance with a line of sight on Scorponok. As quickly as he saw him, he fired.

* * *

Steelclaw returned the mock salute while Glowstick could still see him and then shook his head as Glowstick headed off. Why in the world did he always listen to 300 year old Earth music?

"O.k." he shouted after him, "see you whenever whatever happens."

"Beast Mode." he commanded his systems. He walked out towards the ship's exit, and set one foot on the ground before pausing.

"Auto-guns- you shoot me, and I'll shoot you back."

He looked at one that was protruding out of the ground, pointing blankly into the distance, with its scanning laser, barely visible in the daylight, moving back and forth like it was trying to ignore him. Well, he wouldn't know until he tried.

He set off at a trot into the distance, and, fortunately, was not shot at.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire swore a Cybertronian curse when the Predacons showed up. She certainly wasn't the mood to have to fight them. She did practice her shooting some since the last encounter, but still wasn't sure if she was ready for full blown combat, but it looked that there was nothing she could do now. "Skyfire Maximize!" she called out and transformed to robot mode. After transforming she then had to duck behind one of the rock formations to avoid the shots from Tarantulas. "Woah!" Behind the rock she pulled out her own gun. Well I hope my aim has improved enough to be of some help
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Unread post by una »

Blazemane wrote:(Cheetor's here. He just... couldn't figure out what he wanted me to write for him, since he had no dialogue, but here's the fight scene, so...)

Cheetor ran behind the large boulder formation when Tarantulas' automatic fire began raining down. When Starshadow appeared from behind the Maximals, he was dead set on shooting her, but as quickly as he thought this, Scorponok's missiles landed by him. He was sent careening a few feet, but remained behind cover, and looked up just in time to see that Saber-Fang was on the job.

He supposed he could let the general handle the Predacon. Besides, the guys on the other side just shot at him. That wasn't gonna' fly.

After regaining a stable pose on one knee and one foot, Cheetor rolled out from behind cover, and regained his stance with a line of sight on Scorponok. As quickly as he saw him, he fired.
"AHHH!" Scorponok took the hit in teh chest. It caused him to fall off the ledge and hit face first on the ground hard.

This sucks!
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner cut down the projectile and glared at his evasive opponent. The stone structures were too high for his melee weapons to reach. Serving behind a nearby pillar, the Maximal retracted his blades and grabbed his carbine. Tarantulas continued fire upon his location and chunks of rock and dirt sprayed into the air as the blasts chipped away at Orcariner's cover. The killer whale returned fire, but his inexperienced aim failed to hit his motionless target. The two continued to return fire in the midst of the battle over the energon deposits.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"I have to agree with you on that Rattrap."
Oh, good. At least somebody did. Rattrap glanced at the Sabertooth beside him.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, Dinobot."
"Eh, let 'im go," the rat muttered to Saber-Fang. "Better him than us."

Dinobot heard the mouse and cat behind him but his audio sensors jumped on to an all too familiar voice that had suddenly snuck up on them. Megatron.
"Ahhh, Dinobot. That Predacon chip still ticks inside that treacherous hide. I think we will take it, yes. No energon crystal too small, I always say."
Optimus quickly turned his head to see the large Predacon leader step into view from behind a few standing stones. Surely he had others wtih him, and they made their appearances soon after his. As soon as the Predacons terrorized and began firing, Primal ran for cover with Rhinox and Cheetor.

Rattrap paired off with Dinobot as they split from the rest of the group and shielded themselves from the Predacons' fire power that seemed to spray all over the area. "Man. Your old friends don't miss a beat, do they?" the rat said to the raptor as he stood there on his hind feet.

The velociraptor merely glanced down at the small Maximal before announcing his transformation and preparing for combat. "Dinobot, maximize!" Converting to robot mode, his tail immediately acting as a shield as it spun in his hand, and his sword rotating inside, Rattrap followed and maximized as well.

"Keep them away from the crystal!" Primal called out to Rattrap and Dinobot after transforming from his gorilla beast mode to his robot mode.

"Oh yeah, sure! Give us the dirty work!" the mouthy rodent cried back. Grabbing his weapon, he peeked out around the stone he and Dinobot stood behind and observed the Predacons in his view. There was Scorponok, who Cheetor easily took care of, and there was Starshadow who seemed to be picking a fight with Saber again. Stepping out from his cover, Rattrap aimed at Starshadow whose back was to him, and fired repeatedly in an effort to hit her or at least distract her so Saber-Fang could defend herself.
"I expect you to be still stronger then i am Dinobot, but i have gained many new skills in the art of combat, and will test them out on you now. Venatrix terrorize!"
Dinobot turned to find Venatrix right beside him. A little too close for comfort. He waited for her to transform before engaging battle, detaching his sword from his shield and grasping both in each hand. "So be it," he snarled to her smile and suddenly leaped at her with quick feet, his sword targeting her waist and his shield prepared to block her defense.

(( OOC: Which is a relief, Ven, because I'm not at all prepared to fight with Dinobot. :lol: I've never RPed him before! ))
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire peeked behind the rock she dove behind and saw that Tarantulas was now aiming at Occariner and she figured she give him a hand. She aimed her gun and started to blast at Tarantulas.
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Unread post by starshadow »

As Starshadow heard Rattrap's gunfire she charged up energies from her mouth and fired a stream of plasma laser to blast away the rodent's attack.

She unbinded her whip from Saber's wrist and growled at the rat.
"Be gentle...it's my first time on this mudball." the fur from her whip spiked out like daggers. Starshadow smirked and swinged her whip above her with all the spikes flying around the area.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"HEY BIG GUY I MEAN ERR...CUTIE!! GOT A NAME?!" she called out to him and turned to Saber. "You want to finish the catfight eh? I'm ready..."
Saber growled then head butted Starshadow making her let go.
"Stick to flirting with your own faction, Starshadow." Saber said then quickly transformed into her beast mode and pounced on Starshadow pinning her to the ground her claws digging into her shoulders.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

Luckly, Starshadow's helmet has a forehead protection. She growled as Saber's claws pierced her skin.

"I've done that a million times. It's good to try something new." she kicked the maximal feline off her.

"Besides, he has good features." she purred and fired a plasma ball out of her mouth.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: The characters that are not going to be part of "The Chain of Command", should be posting in the Thread/Episode I'll name Blitzkrieg.
I hope Orcariner would be one of the Maximals that could join Valkyrie on the salvage mission of the other crashed ship.
Also the Predacons not involved in The Chain of Command should post in this new thread.))

Venatrix blocked the attack from Dinobot with her blade, and spun around quickly, moving her back against Dinobot's chest while stabbing her second blade backwards, towards his midsection.

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Once the battle started, Megatron took a moment to hide away behind a standing stone and study the thing for a moment. He took a few readings, examined the ground around it, and noted with interest at the lack of pebbles and the planned construction of it. The way he was moving, thugh, it was as if there was no battle, taking his time, even still in Beast Mode and casually watching the battle progress. He'd rejoin the battle in just a nano. He just wanted a preliminary scan while the Maximals were distracted..Hm..

Terrorsaur and Waspinator shared a look and pulled back from the battle to dodge the Maximals' return fire. However, in sync, which only came from megacycles of training from Megatron himself (as the tyrant had been appalled at their weak and mal-aligned flying in the first battles of the Beast Wars) since the last battle, they pulled back around and flew in again, this time knowing that Optimus would soon join join them in the air.

((OOC: lol, sorry! Megatron disappeared in the early part of the battle, so here he took an opportunity to start his early research on the aliens. Then Terrorsaur and Waspy's post is vague because a) they also disappeared until they flew back around b) I have Tor's charry and c) having not discussed with Tor how Waspy and Terrorsaur 'got to know each other a little better between battles, I made something up on the spot. Good ol' reliable training. ))
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Tarantalus continues fire, but then gets hit by Skyfire's shot while he was distracted with Orcariner. With a loud GAK! the spider fell from the pillar onto the ground.


Rhinox swung behind a rock pillar transforming to robot mode, leaned against it drawing his chain gun, then leaned out pointing it towards the crowd, opening fire on Lineos.

(Post in the new thread? Okay. Guess the Preds may have to call reinforcements later since most of them are out on the battlefield.)