Winter Celebratin Contest!

Place for people to organise and contribute to the BWINT newsletter.

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

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Winter Celebratin Contest!

Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Image <-------It's December 1st and as I said, here's the official posting of this contest!


The Winter Contest is a celebration of the Winter Month of December and the end of the year of 2009, but, of course,
Beast Wars Themed!

The Winter Celebration Contest is a contest where you, as the Transfan, submit an art piece,
a poem, or a fanfic about the Beast Warriors in winter based on the following prompt:

“While Beast Wars was dominated by sunny weather and energon storms, there were a few
scenes and episodes that took place in the cold. Draw or write about a scene in the snow
with the Beast Warriors.”

Judging and Prizes

- Pieces will be judged in two categories: Writing (including both poems and prose fiction.)
and Visual Art (Anything else you submit.). There will be three winners in each category
and the prizes are as follows:

1st Place = Wins a Gold Medallion graphic that can be placed in your author’s page on BWInt, or in your sig at the forums, on your submitted enties page,or anywhere else you choose. First place also wins a full color portrait of an OC , Beast Warrior, or beast mode (animal, really) of their choice, by Dalgaroth.

2nd Place = Wins a Silver Medallion graphic and black and white lineart of an OC, a Beast Warrior, or an animal of their choice, also by Dalgaroth.

3rd Place = Wins a Bronze Medallion Graphic and gets a choice to either have an avatar or forum signature image to be made for them, to be used anywhere ya want. Also Dalgaroth.

- For examples of Dalgaroth's work, please visit her Deviantart page here (it's linked in blue, so it's a little invisible. Hover to see it):
Dal's DA Gallery, Best Works Section
an example f her Beast Wars art, mostly WIPs, are found on her BWInt page and on the Newsletter (first page), as well as throughout her gallery. Mostly WIPs, I'm still working on them. Prizes will, of course, be finished.

- Pieces will be judged by Dalgaroth and a few others (to be announced). They will not be judged by how much the judges like them, since that’s not fair. They will be judged on how much care you put into it, the content and how it matches the prompt, your summary/statement, the use of composition/spelling/grammar, the appearance of at least one canon, and things like that. The winners will be chosen later in January.


- OCs can be included, but the Canons are the focus of this Contest.
- It can be any genre.
- Your artwork can be digital, traditional, sculpture, pottery, whatever. And writing can be prose or poem.
- If entering for the Writing, it doesn't exactly have to be ONE scene, it can be several. Try not to make it to long though. A one shot would be great for this contest, or maybe a scene, conversation, a poem about a character in the snow, someone's thoughts on the cold, etc. :D
- Collaborations are not accepted. Only one prize per one winner.
- Videos (Youtube or otherwise) are not accepted.
- This should go without saying: Your artwork must be your own.
- You can include whatever religion/religious celebrations you have if you have them and wish to do so. If you want to include Christmas, for example, go ahead. If you do not wish to include a holiday, that’s fine too. This contest is open to everyone and NO piece will be judged
because of a depiction of such beliefs.
- You may only submit one piece per category. That's two pieces max. One Writing piece, and one Drawing, or only one in one category. Submitting more pieces, though, won't increase your "chances" of winning.
- When you submit your piece, include a short statement giving your name/penname, your contact info (an email or something that we can contact you at if you aren't a part of the forums or if it'd be easier to contact you that way, if you win), and a brief description of what your piece is about. Like, how it relates to the prompt, what you mean to get across, etc. Something like that. Make it good - it’s a part of how you’re judged. It doesn’t have to be professional, just tell us what
you’re about. While your piece might be the most straightforward piece in the world, what if your intent was different or maybe you submitted a more abstract piece that needs explanation.


- Your submission is due January 5th, 2010. Please email it to Dalgaroth at or PM her a link at the forums.

If you have questions, please email Dalgaroth at or PM her on these forums!

Shout Out

-- Judges! If you want to be a judge, please post here, PM me, or email me! Note that if you want to be a judge, you CANNOT participate. I need at least 2 judges to help pick the winners. Judges must also read the rules and know that we're not judging based on "I like this one better." Please be able to pinpoint why a piece gets first place vs. second or third.

-- Artists and Prizes! If you'd like to hold a contest or contribute your art skills as prizes or have another prize or prizes in mind for future contests, please contact meh! :D


If you're interested in participating, please post here so I can write you down! :) It's good to see the competition, and keep track of how many contestants we have. :)
Last edited by Dalgaroth on Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

I have a question.

Does it have to be one scene in the snow? I have an idea for a fan fiction, but it seems longer than just one scene (though it is almost entirely in the snow).
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Oh, n it doesn't have to be just one scene. If your piece requires more scenes depicted then go ahead! :D

Yeah, if it's a fanfic or other writing, it can't exactly be just one scene totally... lol :headdesk: I'll edit and add that in. :)
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

*raises hand* I have a question to Dal, ahem, what is the maximum length the fanfic can/should be?
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Well, oneshot length should be good. Try not to make it multiple chapters. So I guess.... max 8000 words? Oneshots can sometimes be long but usually they're shorter than that, about 4000...

In other words, there's no real limit, just don't make it super long. You can expand it later after the contest.

I suppose if you write a lot you could submit a smaller chunk for the contest, but the piece you choose should be able to be understood on its own and end in such a way as to indicate a solid close. Like try not to end it with a cliffhangar as if there's more, or in the middle of a sentence, or something unless it's completely on purpose and a part of the actual piece you're submitting. :D Hope hat makes sense.

No limit but be reasonable! Write the best length for the purpose of your story without making it multiple chapters or TOO long.
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