"Chain of Command"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by starshadow »

After Starshadow has done everything she needed to do, she went to find Megatron and his minions to aid them in their next mission.
"Sometimes it's hard to be a pred..." she said to herself as she ran to the direction where Megatron was located.

Sometime later, she reached to the place where the "standing stones" were located. As she saw the group of Maximals, she crouched to stay hidden and looked at what were they doing while she flicked her tail.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong stepped forward then decided to put her nose to work lowering her head to try and sniff at the ground, but the only thing she smelled was dirt,stone, and more dirt. She paused about halfway around to the other side,frowning alittle when there ddn't seem to be anything."That's alittle odd,no foot prints,no fallen stones,no nothing...Only this structure and this odd bowl wiht stacked stones." She said, tilting her head slightly.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"Optimus, i have some important things to discuss involving the repairs on the Axalon. Should i return to base and put together a team and set out to check out the others came in?"
"Yes, Valkyrie," the Maximal leader answered, looking at her. "Anything we can salvage from that ship might prove useful to the Axalon."
This isn't a natural stone formation..Somebody somehow..built this thing.
"Yeah? Well, uh, excuse my error message but, uh, I thought this planet was uninhabited," Rattrap commented on Rhinox's observation. He stood there on his small, pink hind feet and looked around the stony structure.

"Something else is odd," Optimus broke in as his scanner electronically bleeped and whooed at the stack of small rocks in the center. "I'm getting an energon reading. It's under this pile of rocks."

"Just like bait in a mouse trap!" the rat said with a shudder. "This place alternates my currents," he added with a little hiss. Rattrap wriggled his front little toes with an uneasy feeling about the situation.
"So do you think that means there are other intelligent lifeforms on this planet? But of course from what we've seen so far, it pretty doubtful that animal built it, but if there life forms with the intelligence to build something like this, then where are they and what did they build this for?"
"I don't really wanna find out more than we have ta before we get off this planet," the vermin commented at Skyfire. "Better ta avoid anymore trouble than we already got with the Preds, if ya ask me." Clearly he didn't want to waste the time to find out who else might be there hiding or watching them from a distance. He just wanted to go home.
"What in the world?" "How is even possible uch a structure exists when no other beings, besides the animalls of this planet have been detected?" "Some other inteeligent beings would have been here long before we had."
Rattrap's nose and ears picked up Wintersong who stumbled on to the scene. "Hey, it's the mysterious tigress," he announced. "Where you been?"
"But what do you think could have happened to whoever build this? Did they abandon this sight or did something wipe them out?"
"Something might have wiped them out maybe after they abandoned it..."
"The structure might have some clues or somethign to explains it but it seems nothing is really here. Unless any of you have an idea."
"Hmmm, I didn't think of that" "But so far I haven't found clues as to what prupose this structure might have served."
"That's alittle odd,no foot prints,no fallen stones,no nothing...Only this structure and this odd bowl wiht stacked stones."
Optimus was glad to see Wintersong return no matter her reason for leaving them in the first place. She really ought to be careful when did she that, though, because there a lot more Predacons out there, and if she wandered too far, there was no way of communicating with her. The gorilla watched her examine the area with her nose and eyes. "We don't know how long ago this was built," he said softly. "The elements of weather could have washed away scents and tracks years ago. But it seems as though this was constructed around the buried energon. Like Rattrap said, it could be bait. How whoever built this could have known it would be Cybertronians tempted by acquiring the raw energy is puzzling."

"See? We should just leave it the way it is and amscray," said Rattrap.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

But it seems as though this was constructed around the buried energon. Like Rattrap said, it could be bait. How whoever built this could have known it would be Cybertronians tempted by acquiring the raw energy is puzzling."
"I don't know, sounds a little farfecthed" said Skyfire. "But you might have a point. There possibly there could be a trap something set around the energon to protect it."
"See? We should just leave it the way it is and amscray," said Rattrap.
"Hmmm, I don't know. I know we probably don't wnat to risk triggering traps, but something also tells me we should probably gather what info we can from here. Knowing more his planet might be useful. Besides we are still explorers after all, so where's your sense adventure?"
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong looked at them,waiting until Skyfire had finished talking but took a moment longer to reply. "It might be a trap it might not, but how would some beings know we would be coming?And for what reason would they have to harm us when we have not posed a threat to them...until maybe now?" WIntersong said, coming back into view from walking around and rejoined them. :It just makes no sense."
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

((OOC: Just so yall know, Megs is gonna join where he does i the show, as if he's already recovered and out and about. o-o Who's coming with him to te Standing Stones? Besides the canons, that is.))
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by Wintersong »

(ooc//I can have Snow Trix come,she hasn't really been in alot of action besides wandering aorund or hanging about.So she'll accompany the canons.)
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(I think they all are except Glowstick and Steelclaw, who will be busy dealing with the madness..er Genius.. that is Sonar.Madness and genius are a thin line after all..)

Rhinox looks around the environment, then speaks up Hmm.. you know the energon on this planet doesn't fit with it's geology.. Hard to believe it could form naturally.. he then looks towards the pile of rocks wondering exactly why someone would bury energon under a pile of rocks..

as well as what the purpose of the structure they were standing in. Religious? A landing site or some sorta primitive calendar? Perhaps a map marker? They would probably never know..
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: Venatrix will be joining Megs. We'll need to figure out a way for Glowstick, Steelclaw and Sonar to bump into the Maximal's side operation under command of Valkyrie.))

EDIT: ((OOC: On the other hand, Venatrix has little to do with Megs and co, so i'm also thinking about having her stay with the ones still at the base.))
Last edited by Venatrix on Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by Blazemane »

Glowstick wrote:Bright and early hm? Your a bit late. Megatron already took Scorponok and the others out. Something about Maximals and energon.. I didn't exactly pay attention. Too busy modifying the communication equipment on this berg.
"Wait, he's gone? No, that's impossible." Steelclaw remarked.

He checked his internal computer just to make sure it really was the time he thought it was. "I made myself wake up early. If Megatron has gone already, that means he explicitly decided to leave me behind- and you too. Shouldn't he have sent someone storming after us, asking why we weren't following his commands when he wanted them met?"

Just then the blip came on the screen.
Glowstick wrote:Looks like a Stasis pod.. no wait.. bit bigger then a stasis pod.. Not too far away either.. Guess I'll investigate..
It looked to be Predacon. Hmm...

"Maybe Megatron knew this thing was coming?" Steelclaw questioned out loud. "But then why wouldn't he notify us ahead of time?"

Wierd. Somehow, Megatron had planned it this way, and that was all that mattered at the moment. But Steelclaw was intent on finding out at some point just what his leader had been thinking. Well, either way...

"I'm coming with you." he asserted.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Just make alot of radio noise or movement. Glowstick is bound to notice you being a floating radio station. Being down wind will make Steelclaw notice, and very loud noises will probably be noticed by Sonar.)

Icebreaker leaned back in the Alaxon chair adding a oil coating to his large survival knife, then cleaned it with a towel to remove the excess. He looked up at the monitor for a moment, then went back to his knife seeming to check for damage or loose bolts in the hilt. He wondered how the rest of the group was doing but assumed with a force of that size they probably have nothing to worry about.

Icebreaker then put his knife away pulling out a harmonica and started to play it.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Something else is odd," "I'm getting an energon reading. It's under this pile of rocks."
"I was wondering what that strang smell was and it wasn't Rattrap." Saber said with a small smile.
"Just like bait in a mouse trap!" the rat said with a shudder. "This place alternates my currents,"
Saber raised an eye brow toward the rat but she had to agree with him, this place made her uneasy.
"I don't really wanna find out more than we have ta before we get off this planet," "Better ta avoid anymore trouble than we already got with the Preds, if ya ask me."
"Like that's ever going to happen." Saber muttered.
Hmm.. you know the energon on this planet doesn't fit with it's geology.. Hard to believe it could form naturally...
Saber had to agree with Rhinox there was no way that the energon on this planet formed naturally, some one or some thing planted it here.


Hanging up sidedown Sonar used his echo's to look for food, but nothing came back, growling he headed for another location in order to search for food. He sent out sound every now again.
((When Sonar's echo's reach you its like a soft breeze or some thing, so you know that your being watched by him.))
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick turned his head confused Uh.. right. I'm certain Megatron has mystical psychic powers.. I'm assuming the reason he left me here was because I was busy working on the communication system.. which is far more important then dragging me out to a full scale war. You we're probably left here to guard the base.. since nobody else is here. But I'm sure the autoguns will do fine while we're gone.

Glowstick then yawned again walking towards the Darksyde's hanger Hmm.. should I fly us to the crashsite? I mean otherwise.. I'd probably have to ride on your back.

(I'd just assume the annoying clicking sounds would be enough to find Sonar. :P)
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(( OOC: I actually believe Sonar has already landed and is walking (flying) around, given the posts that showed him arriving in both the O.C. thread, and then again in Beast Wars Part II. Saber Fang the character has also acknowledged his arrival on Earth, though only in thought. So I kinda' thought Predacon sensors would just detect his signature wandering around like when Terrorsaur briefly saw Cheetor's signature in "Equal Measures".

So I think we'd end up meeting him fully functional instead of finding him waking from a stasis pod. ))
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by starshadow »

((So...should anybody find Sonar or SS finds him?))