"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Taran Ulas
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

Slagging Maximals and their slagging weapons. Thought Lineos as he awoke from stasis lock. Slag them to the pit!

Wait a klik... we didn't have a CR chamber last time. *snort* Probably was hidden just like many things in this tank by that blasted squid. If Megatron were still online, he would have made sure that all soldiers were in battle. No, that squid had to fight that fox while I took on every single maximal that was at base! *sign* CR chamber should be opening in 3...

As Lineos got out of the CR chamber, he noticed that some ice was still attached to his chest. In a fit of rage, Lineos ripped the ice off along with some circuitry. All nonessential circuits of course. That bird will die next time. Lineos then saw Glowstick, his commander for now. "So commander, what happened while I was in stasis lock?"

(on a side note, what are our CR chambers like? Are they like the Axalon's or the Darksyde's?)
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Eh.. more like one of those cryogenic pods you see in the movies. Small and doubling as a seat since most the stuff for it goes "under" the bench of the pod.. I'd sketch it out sometime, but I assumed the thing would probably be scrapped as well, unless it ends up just as the Predacon Ambulance for losing battles..)


Rhinox nodded as Primal gave out orders, his front limbs shifted as he transformed with a sort of yawning motion. [color=00ff00] Alright. I'll see what I can do about the shields. [/color] He then crossed his arms watching as Primal and Skyfire went up the lift.

Rhinox then started to think of how to repair the shields while pondering improving the defenses of the area. He looked over the environment taking in the terrain. The rocky area provided lots of cover, but also lots of hiding spots.. perhaps some remote guns could be set up at a point in time?

(Huh.. apparently Japan made a map of the Axalon for a magazine.That'll be useful for fixing the ship.*LOL*)
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Unread post by Venatrix »

"Rhinox, Rattrap, Skyfire and Cheetor, the four of you can get started on those. Valkyrie, you may do so as well... if you're feeling up to it. I'm afraid I'll need some time in the repair chamber... before I'm of much use. Someone can escort Dinobot to his quarters."
"It's either an order or not Optimus. Though i used to be the Axalon's second in command for a while, doesn't mean you need to cut me some slack."
She jumped down from the top of the trashed ship, and glided down, just to land next to Optimus.
"Now get yourself in a more manageable condition. I'll assume command till you're cycle in the CR-chamber has completed."

"This is Steelclaw." he spoke into his comlink.

"Megatron and the rest of the crew are en-route to the Darksyde. I had been sent to search for you and Starshadow, so I am not with them. I have found her, and she is headed their way, if she isn't there already. We may have a slight problem, since an aerial craft of some sort recently passed over me and is heading straight for the others. Unfortunately, I don't have any idea who, what, or how many can be found within it."

He broke off for a second, thinking.

"As for coordinates..." he trailed off, looking at his internal computer's display. "2-3-5." he finally announced. "But coordinates can only be so precise on a planetary scale."

"Are you able to walk? Our com-links, Tarantulas tells me, have an extremely limited range, so we must be close to each other."
Venatrix didn't reply, and a little while, she leaped down a 4 meter high cliff, and landed in front of Steelclaw.
"I can walk just fine. Thank you."

The black panther sat down and stared at the bear before continuing the conversation.
"So you've witnessed some kind of aerial craft headed towards Megatron's position? Then lets get back to the Darkside, and see if our assistance is needed."

Venatrix stood up again and turned to leave towards the Darkside, but not before speaking her mind again.
"And don't worry about my damage. Internal repairs are already working on the job."

She could easily outrun the bear, but that wouldn't be a wise choice in case the ship would harbor a military threat.
She was strong, but in her current condition, the black panther could only manage to get herself in more trouble.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Wintersong »

After a litte more time passed the CR chamber at last opened allowing Wintersong to step out, ful repairs and all. Testing her shoulder then her back it amazed the tigeress how the ship could still ahve some things funcioning in the state it was in. Shaking her head Wintersong looked over realizing the others were back already, but it must have been some time she had been put in the CR chamber. "If anyone is in need of repairs the other CR chamber is avaliable to you." She said to them.
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Unread post by Alak »

Barreling through the ocean's opposing currents, Orcariner grunted from the strain of the punishing swim that had lasted many kilometers since he had left the Maximal's old base. The killer whale hoped that Xzuk and the others could match or exceed his pace on land since the Predacons would have undoubtedly beaten them. Should the Axalon crew face an even greater number of enemy combatants, the tide would turn against them.

"Orcariner to team leader," he radioed, "I have dry land in my sights. My scanners have picked up a river that I can use to access the continent's midlands. Hopefully, the Axalon will be within range soon."

Thrusting with his tail, the Maximal continued to push towards his destination.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"It's either an order or not Optimus. Though i used to be the Axalon's second in command for a while, doesn't mean you need to cut me some slack."
Optimus managed a light smile at the eagle. "I'm not going to force you into doing the work that needs to be done if you aren't capable due to your injuries, Valkyrie. You've been so quiet that I don't know what condition you're in. If you feel fine, then take it as an order. If you don't, then get some rest."
"Now get yourself in a more manageable condition. I'll assume command till you're cycle in the CR-chamber has completed."
Primal gave her nod, accepting Valkyrie's notion and looked at Rhinox.
Alright. I'll see what I can do about the shields.
He nodded to the rhinoceros before Skyfire approached him.
"Sure thing, sir"
"Thank you," the Maximal leader smiled momentarily at her, grateful for her assistance. He really wasn't looking forward to the walk, despite how short it was. If there was a time he'd face Megatron again, he would have to make sure that this was the last time he'd get injured like this.

After Skyfire converted to her robot mode, he placed his hand on her forearm and took a deep breath. As they walked to the platform, he kept his foot attached to his injured leg off of the ground in attempts to reduce any kind of movement to it. Although he couldn't lock it in place, Skyfire's support was a big help as he limped with her and stepped onto the lift. Being inside the base would shield his wound from the energon fields that were still lingering and surging through his circuitry. As the platform lifted them up inside the Axalon, Optimus saw Wintersong just stepping out of one of the CRs.
"If anyone is in need of repairs the other CR chamber is avaliable to you."
"Glad to see you're better, Wintersong," Optimus said warmly as he and Skyfire stepped off the platform. "You can assist the others with the ship's damage. Valkyrie will be in command until my repairs are complete," he explained, implying that the white tigress should seek the eagle for further details. It was a great relief to him when the base cut off the raw energon fields. All the pain that was left in his leg now were the stripped wires and torn circuits. Much easier to cope with. Still, Primal was careful entering the repair chamber and sat down slowly with a deep sigh, releasing his grasp on Skyfire. Now, if Dinobot wanted quicker repairs, he could take the opportunity since Winter was done.

Rattrap, leaning back against one of the consoles with his arms folded over his chest and his ankles crossed, watched the others quietly. I gotta feelin' Val ain't gonna let me get away with nearly as much as the boss monkey does, he thought. He really did take advantage of Optimus's leniency and compassion, and wasn't sure how Valkyrie was going to deal with his attitude and laziness. Guess I'll find out, he smiled to himself.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rhinox entered the lift and axalon, he watched as Optimus went into the CR chamber. It was a relief that he was getting repaired. the Rhino then walked through the halls of the ship towards a store room and work station getting some assumed tools and supplies, he then walked back handing the supplies to Rattrap, Cheetor,Skyfire and Wintersong. I'll leave you four to patching up the holes in the ship. I don't expect perfection but I'd at least like to keep the rain out. If you don't know how to use the Mig welder or Plasma cutter ask Rattrap to instruct you.

Rhinox then sat down at the computer console starting to run a diagnostic on the axalon's shield generators.


Icebreaker followed Orcariner, keeping up rather easily in his slipstream. The Penguin feeling rather forunate he stuck to mostly a water route as he noticed the tempture climb to levels similar to when they were in south america. Having traveled across North America to Alaska and the ice bridge, then across asia. It seemed like the group had taken the longest way possible. Hm.. I think it would of been faster if we used a ice boat.. Too late now though! he then stated.

The Penguin then started to speed up, swimming under and then past Orcariner swimming ahead of the whale I'm going to swim ahead and scout the river.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong was greatly surprised by the compassion of Optimus Primal, despite her being a stowaway and for the fact he let a Predacon join their small crew. This truly was something to get use to. Shaking her head she looked at Rhinox when he brought back some tools,. Well at least it would be better then doing nothing for awhile she thought to herself, and not liek it was exactly new to her any how. Just not but a few days ebfore she had been helping with this sort of stuff back on Cybertron when she wasn't training.

Giving a slight nod at the rhino the white tigeress went to locate any holes in the haul of the ship. There was a surprising number so she went to work not saying much else unless it would be needed.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

After helping Optimus into the CR Chamber, Skyfire went to help the others that were still in good shape with the repairs fo the ship.
I'll leave you four to patching up the holes in the ship. I don't expect perfection but I'd at least like to keep the rain out. If you don't know how to use the Mig welder or Plasma cutter ask Rattrap to instruct you.
"Alrighty then" she replied to Rhinox as he handed her to tools. "Hey, Rattrap how do you use these things to repair holes?" she asked, since she had never repaired a ship before, but there of course there's always a first time for everything and since they crashed landed on this planet it probably wouldn't hurt to bone on how to repair a ship. Hmmm, now I'm beggining to wish I had picked up that copy of Ship Repair for Dummies she though to herself.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Steelclaw was waiting for a response when Venatrix landed in front of him.

Well, that certainly cut off searching time if nothing else.
Venatrix wrote:I can walk just fine. Thank you.
"You're welcome." he stated. There didn't seem much else to say.
Venatrix wrote:So you've witnessed some kind of aerial craft headed towards Megatron's position? Then lets get back to the Darkside, and see if our assistance is needed.

And don't worry about my damage. Internal repairs are already working on the job.
"Well," he clarified, "I'm not entirely certain they've arrived at the Darksyde yet, so it would be best for us to take the route back to the Darksyde that is most aligned with where I last saw them all. Bearing... 3-4-2-9. The new craft may have, after all, stalled their movement."

He couldn't be certain, but he thought he detected some sort of snap in her tone when she made her last comment, as though she questioned his very gall to ask her if she could have sustained damage.

Well, indeed, it seemed important for the others to not show signs of weakness, so he really should have anticipated that particular response from the panther. But he just didn't seem able to.

He would have to take this as a learning experience. Tarantulas, for example, when asked about his condition had replied rather simply. If he was offended at all he seemed too preoccupied with other things to show it. Perhaps he had been thinking through too many things to even be offended in the first place.

That 'bot was always preoccupied with something. It was slightly unnerving.

But Venatrix had a history in secret agencies, an occupation Steelclaw had to admit he was quite familiar with the nuances of. Weakness often meant being targeted. Very few agents, particularly in Predacon ranks, knew how to use the appearance of weakness as a feint for effective use later on, and, least ways, that was obviously not her style.

And as for Megatron, well- Steelclaw would have to be more than cautious around him. Weakness seemed the most direct threat to a person's continued leadership. Steelclaw would have to remember that if he ever dared to ask how Megatron was feeling, Megatron would quite possibly inflict physical harm to go out of his way and show that he was not weak.

Steelclaw, himself, however, did not seem to have trouble admitting when he was weak. Perhaps this was because he never had enough practice denying it. To be blunt, he was rarely in direct danger. Guns always did the job for a person. The latest fight they had was a complete turnaround on his normal methods, and well, he had shown weakness among his own companions. Had he not asked Venatrix how to... well, fight... when he had no weapon?

He knew in that moment he must have seemed a fool to her. And as much as he would like to have denied it, perhaps that was simply because he was a fool. He really should not have been so unprepared.

The battle itself, however, had not gone too terribly. He hadn't scored one hit on his opponent, but she was one of the fastest things he had ever tried to hit. He had taken a few shots from her as a result, but it hadn't precisely phased him. The entire battle itself was, unfortunately, drawn due to Megatron's own zeal.

Not that Steelclaw would bring it up.


As Steelclaw walked with Venatrix, and considered all of this, he began to wonder if there was anything to say in response to her snap. Some part inside him wanted to say something that would fluster her even more. Just to be fun. Some part of him told him nothing could properly be said. But he had to at least acknowledge that he had heard what she had said- that he knew she would get repaired. He didn't, after all, intend to look afraid of how she had responded. Especially since he wasn't.

"Well, that's good."

They had been walking for a while, and therefore, had suddenly found themselves near the Predacons, and the craft. Steelclaw paused, and observed behind some brush.

The Predacons seemed to still be alive, and on civilized terms with whoever the newcomers were. Steelclaw initiated a scan, and his heads up display confirmed that the other 'bots all had Predacon signatures.

Well. They wouldn't have to fight after all. With nothing else to do, Steelclaw simply walked in to plain sight of the Predacons.

"We're back, sir."

* * *

Cheetor was just coming up from the platform, and arriving in the Axalon's bridge when he heard Primal giving out orders. He walked up to Rhinox and was immediately greeted with repairing tools.

This was not his idea of fun, but he certainly was competent enough for the task, and he wasn't about to look like an idiot. Again. It was at least a little too soon for that.

Cheetor grabbed the necessary welding tools from Rhinox, and headed towards the back of the bridge. There was a pretty sizable hole there.

He dragged a piece of sheet metal with him. It was actually more quiet than he had expected, but louder than he hoped. But soon he was at the hole.

"Computer." he commanded. "Analyze hole size." His heads up display started moving virtual green lines across the hole, and outlining a grid. Some numbers appeared next to the grid as it finally stopped forming, and Cheetor looked back down at his piece of scrap metal. The grid transferred neatly over, and he began torching out a piece just slightly larger around the edge than the dimensions of the grid.

After a little while, the piece he was working had its last connection to the actual sheet blown off, and the piece fell sideways. Cheetor caught it just as it was about hit the ground, and looked around, hoping nobody had seen anything go wrong. He gingerly laid down the frame from which the new piece had been carved out, and went to the hole. He placed the cut out over the hole and began melting it in place.

He looked over to Rhinox after a few cycles, and saw him fiddling with the shield systems. He quickly looked back to make sure his torch wasn't straying off track, and then looked back to Rhinox once again.

It seemed to be going alright for Rhinox, but Cheetor was no expert on shields, so he couldn't exactly make sure of it. But the very idea of the shields began to nag at his curiosity. He looked back to his metal, and continued welding.

But a question popped up in his mind.

"Rhinox?" he asked across the room, slightly louder than normal so he could hear himself over the torch. "How much could our shields block if they had to?"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Consider it done.)

As Icebreaker continued along the river, he rushed to full speed, weaving into the turns. His body spun in the water as he transformed to to robot mode, skiming along the water's surface on his breakboard. The feeling of the rushing air, the thrashing along the waters surface, to him it was just perfection.

As he moved he then became distracted by something rather large in the horizon, causing him to smack into a rock and be knocked into the air Wha? Oh no! Not again! he then said to himself grabbing his board, his body spinning out of control in the air and smacking into the side of the Axalon with a loud "thud"


Inside the ship Rhinox looks at Cheetor Well the amount of force the shields can take is about--.. what the slag was THAT? he then said after hearing a loud thud on the outside of the ship. Computer, main cameras to starboard side.

Rhinox raised his optic ridge to the sight of the joyriding maximal that was sliding off the side of the ship and seeming to be laughing. Huh.. we appear to of been sideswiped by a joyriding maximal?.. he then turned on the external speaker system Attention Cybertronian, identify yourself!


Icebreaker got up shaking his head Ug.. I must of hit my head hard this time, this rock is talking to me.. wait a second.. that's the Axalon! he then says reaching around on himself, he then pulled out some chattering teeth, a fishing rod, and then finally what looked like a ID Hey! I'm one of you guys! Search and rescue Maximal Icebreaker! Oh! hang on.

he then activated his communications Hey guys, I found it! It's down river, but be careful there's a waterfall here under the base. They're alive! We did it! he then shouts laughing.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: :lol: Nice, NS. Thank you! ))

After the door to the repair chamber had closed and was activated, Optimus leaned back and closed his eyes. While getting his repairs, he might as well take advantage of some much needed rest. Silence surrounded him inside, finally at peace ever since they had chased the Predacons through the depths of space, and he drifted off as he already felt the effects of the chamber repairing his badly injured leg, as well as his somewhat crushed frame from Megatron smashing him into the rock wall. Primal slipped into a deep slumber long before the unknown bot outside of the Axalon made his appearance.
I'll leave you four to patching up the holes in the ship. I don't expect perfection but I'd at least like to keep the rain out. If you don't know how to use the Mig welder or Plasma cutter ask Rattrap to instruct you.
Say what? Now Rattrap had to be a teacher, too? Aw, great! He was almost too lazy to pick up a welder himself let alone show someone else how to use one. Well, the rat respected Rhinox, he was his pal, so he did as he said with some minor grumbling, taking a Mig welder and glancing at the others. He was a bit surprised at Wintersong immediately heading off and picking a spot to start.
"Alrighty then" "Hey, Rattrap how do you use these things to repair holes?"
"Eh, pretty much your basic point an' click. I'll show ya," Rattrap said to Skyfire, being rather cooperative now than he had the past two days. He started walking down a corridor with the tools Rhinox handed out in search of some of the damage that the Axalon had acquired from the Darksyde's attacks, as well as from the crash landing. The rodent in robot mode was unusually quiet, except for times he kept igniting the welder in his hand. The light flickered off of the dimly lit walls, flashing their way like a strobe light. Until they came upon a roughly large hole in the hall, where daylight was beaming in and debris was scattered about, he stopped and examined the damage. "Well, this'll probably take the two of us ta fix." He glanced around a second to find a roughly large piece of the hull that they could start with to patch it up. "Take the welder," he told her, "and point it at the seam where this piece connects with the wall. I'll hold it up in place while you weld, okay? You gotta-" He was cut off when he heard a noise somewhere on the outside of the ship; the same noise Rhinox and Cheetor had heard. He looked at Sky and asked, "Uh, what de heck was that?"
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire was listening to Rattrap's instruction on how to use the welder. That's some simple enough she though.
You gotta-" He was cut off when he heard a noise somewhere on the outside of the ship; the same noise Rhinox and Cheetor had heard. He looked at Sky and asked, "Uh, what de heck was that?"
"I have no idea" Skyfire replied. "But it sounds like something the size of a Cybertronian hit the ship."
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Unread post by Wintersong »

For the most part WIntersong just kept to herself working silently ona few small holes in the hall, much prefering to just listen what was going on around her. However this was new. Normally she was one to be loud and talking allt he time among her fellow trianees, just to joke here and there, maybe get into some mischevie but yet this had opened her optics. BEing funny had it's down sides as it seemded. The stoaway part had been the worst idea she ahd come up with and now where was she? Stuck with the crew of the Axalon and no doubt would have to learn to be a team player.

But the sound of someone craching into the side made he rjump and pause in her work.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner finally hit the mainland and fell back to cruising speed as he navigated the river.

"Icebreaker, what's our situation looking like?"

This continent appeared to be a bit different than the other ones he had visited in his earlier adventures. His scanners picked up several thick jungles contrasted by bordering savannas that seemed to stretch many kilos. The Maximal hoped the alien life here would be more friendly than the previous encounter.