Nov 09 Newsletter Campaign!!

Place for people to organise and contribute to the BWINT newsletter.

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

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Unread post by Sapphire »

Sure, prototype away. I'm looking forward to it.

I emailed you some stuff. And misspelt your screen name, I now realize. Sorry. >_>

Keep up the good work! =D
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Unread post by Whirlaway »

I have two short fanfics that I could contribute, maybe more. They've not been published anywhere but my livejournal (I've not posted them here). Is that something you're looking for? How do I submit them?
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »


Hmm... well, choose the 1 fanfic you'd like to submit. Make sure it's all grammatically correct and just how you want it. If you have a pic to go with it, that's great too.

Then, once you've got it how you want it, you can email it to me as a Word Document OR you can link it to me, if it's already done. If you want to email, PM meh! And I'll give you my email address. n_n

Your fanfic will go under the "Fan Fiction" Section.

If you plan on submitting your piece, then I can put a green apple next to that section! :D
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Oh!!! If anyone is doing the 50 Theme Challenge, it would be awesome to have a few WIP or finished pics in the Newsletter to get peeps interested! I have one WIP, but I dun and put it in alone. ._. If I don't get other entries, I'll just put a banner or something and leave it at that.

Okay, so now I have :

-- Waspy's answers
-- David S Q&A + a list of other Q&As comin' our way.
-- Announcements for the 50 Theme Challenge, a Winter thing, and help with the newsletter.

As well as:
-- A possible fic
-- News updates on the way
-- A blurb from Sapphire on the way

As soon as I have everything in my 'hand', I can start putting the image together!
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
Joshin Yasha
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Unread post by Joshin Yasha »

Dalgaroth, what's your e-mail address? I could send you some fan-art for this if you'd like?
Don't fret precious I'm here....
....Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
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