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Things left unsaid

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

I was listening to sad songs i don't know why but i thought of this. Can any one guess which of my OC's is talking and who is my OC talking about?

We were never really close, you and I. You were so focused on battle, that you only saw me as a fellow warrior, seeing how we both had honor and thought alike. Though i have to admit your views could be a little extreme at times, yes we were at war but the whole "Kill them all, let the gods sort them out" could be harsh at times, but as I said we were at war.

But aside from that we did make a great team, we both were so driven by our lust for battle and our needs to conqure our enemies, you were so fierce and and so unafraid and so was I, it just made me fall in love with you even more, we were perfect for each other. But why was i so afraid to tell you that i loved you? I would lie awake at night trying to figure out how to tell you how i felt about you trying to muster up the curage to tell you... that i love you.

Heh, i couldn't even do that, heck, i could take on an entire fleet of our enemies without fear, but i still couldn't bring myself to tell you that i was in love with you. Sad i know, I look up at the stars as i'm doing right now wondering if you felt the same about me as i did about you. Were you just as scared as i was? I was deeply afraid that you would reject me and tell me that there was no room for love in the time war? Did you feel the same?

Yes, i admit i was cold sparked at times, but... i was never cold or harsh toward you, yes were in the same room when i was defending you against our foul mouth team mate. Maybe I some how intimated you with my strenght when i took on Rampage, not many bots can take on the crazy crab and live to tell about it. But maybe i did all those crazy things to impress you, get you to notice me as more then a fellow warrior.

But still i lay awake a night wondering if i could get over my fear and had the guts to tell that I was in love with you, would love me back? But now that your gone there's no way in the pit i can know that if had i had the nerve to tell you i loved you, that you would tell me that you loved me back.

I guess all i can do now is wonder if i hadn't been so afraid to tell you, it wouldn't hurt as much when you past on. But seeing how that's not the case, no wound could ever surpass this pain and regret that i'm feeling right now, for not telling you how i felt about you. My vision is bluring as i look up at the dark sky filled with stars, i know that i will see you again, but that still doesn't ease the guilt that i'm feeling.

Before i turn away from the dark sky i wipe away the tears and whisper. 'I love you.'
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Unread post by starshadow »

It's Saber.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

yes but who is she talking about? hehe.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

I have...err...afew guesses...ehehehe...*sweats*
1. DC?
2. Sonar?
3. GRIM from the other forum?! (please don't kill me!!)
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

I have...err...afew guesses...ehehehe...*sweats*
1. DC?
2. Sonar?
3. GRIM from the other forum?! (please don't kill me!!)
lol, nope, nope, and no.
You're really fermilar with this guy.
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Unread post by starshadow »

I give up...SF's talking about who? My brains exploded.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

WHOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
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