Avatar the last air bender teaser

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Avatar the last air bender teaser

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Has any one else heard about the new the last air bender movie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W1dhqc-JBs
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Lady Venom
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Unread post by Lady Venom »

Yea, myself personally (and other fans) aren't too happy with the casting and it's race!fail. Originally I was steaming mad, and many people I know are picketing the movie when it comes out.

But as for right now, as mad as I am with it, I can only sit back and sigh and maybe laugh a little at how horrible an ethnicity like M.Night can fail with a movie full of varying races.

The OTHER Avatar movie(The Cameron? one) has me curious, the one not about the cartoon...though I actually have yet to see a trailer or that one. Anyone know of a good trailer for it?
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