"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Blazemane »

As Cheetor saw Megatron jump up to the energon's level on the other side of the shelf, he barred his teeth and stepped just far enough to form a line with his leader and the other Maximals who were doing the same.

The Predacons were finally on equal terms with their enemies, and Cheetor was certain they deserved everything they were about to get.

* * *

Steelclaw stepped in line to the far left, just next to Scorponok. Not much really scared him (just as little made him happy) and so he spent his time trying to apply everything Venatrix had told him, or at least as much as could be applied before the battle had actually begun. But he had little experience with the new concepts, and figured he would make a poor show of them. But still, what was he going to do- die?

No. Not likely.
Last edited by Blazemane on Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by una »

As he followed inside close to Megatron, he was in awe of the energon crystals which sparkled with power and energy. This mountain was alive with it. Scorponok doubleclicked his pincers with excitement as Megatron finished his statement toward the gorilla. A showdown against those hypocritical Maximals. Maybe after they do away with these Maximals, they can take the energon and kill more of them. Yeah! Destroy those who live on Cybertron and show them what it is like to be treated as second class citizens.

He clicked his pincers again when he narrowed his optics towards Dinobot.

This is it traitor! You survived my missile but now, I can kill you with my bare...hands...pincers...whatever!
Last edited by una on Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber stood on Optimus left apon seeing Megatron the fur her neck and shoulders rose, her sharp claws unsheathed ready for a fight her ears pricked forward, she locked her gaze on the black panther with bat like wings.
You are so mine. She thought her claws scraching the ground.
"Across the galaxy, it has come to this, Optimus Primal. Face to face, tooth to claw! Yess...have you anything to say?"
Saber growled quietly baring her fangs and sharp teeth ready for the battle to begin.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire wasn't sure how she would fight in Beast Mode, but she knew that now she to be prepared to fight hardest she can, because right now a show down was invetiable. She knew now she couldn't let her fear take control. Now as the time to stand up and fight. She flapped her wings besides her fellow Maximals marking sure she would be prepared to strike when the time came.

(OOC: Question: Who's gonna be fighting who?)
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow just grinned evily with her scarlet eyes fixed on Saber. This fight should be easy while the others just ram their heads onto one another.... She unsheathed her claws and looked ready to attack.

Suddenly sparks came out of her head. She was growling and it sounded like 'beast...or...maximal...instincts...can't...CONTROL!!!!' her tail started to spike out, her eyes were bright red. She bared her fangs at the Maximals, hissing and roaring.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Sky, I guess you can just pick someone who hasn't been picked yet. :lol: The canons can fight each other like they did on the show, unless people want to mix it up. I don't mind. Obviously, though, Primal will be fighting Megs. Right now I think the others are Waspy vs Valkyrie, Steelclaw vs Cheetor, Saber-Fang vs Starshadow, and Scorponok vs Dinobot. I'm assuming the others would be Rattrap vs Tarantulas, and Rhinox vs. Terrorsaur. That leaves Venatrix for Skyfire, which actually might not be a fair fight for Sky, so how about Sky takes Terrorsaur, Rattrap will be against Venatrix and Rhinox can take Tarantulas? I won't make it official until you guys (Sky, Venatrix and NK) agree with it. That's eight against eight, so there's someone for everyone. :wink: If I have any of that wrong, guys, please speak up. ))

After taking in a short admiration of the energon crystals, Optimus took notice of Megatron who leaped up to the plain from the opposite side with his Predacons in tow. How unfortunate that he didn't cancel his appearance. After the large and powerful tyrannosaurus rex bellowed a deep roar, the gorilla, who was hardly half his size, bared his teeth in a glare. Proven by their first battle, Megatron was not up for negotiating, so Primal skipped that step, deciding not to waste anyone's time as they stood in such a dangerous area. Let's just get this over with! he thought.
"Across the galaxy, it has come to this, Optimus Primal. Face to face, tooth to claw! Yess...have you anything to say?"
"I'd say that's prime," Optimus told Megatron. "LET'S DO IT!" he called to his Maximals with a loud growl. Without a second to spare, he dropped to his knuckles and charged straight for Megatron, never taking his eyes off of him.

Awe man, dis is it. We're gonna be scrapped! Rattrap cried out in his mind. The ape didn't even try to delay the inevitable, he just went straight for the throat! This time Rattrap couldn't complain, whine or hide. He had to be up front with the rest of the group and fight... in his beast mode. How could he fight in his beast mode?! He had short little legs! The rat would have to improvise. He could jump, he had a tail he was capable of controlling quite well, claws, and nasty chompers for biting and tearing. Yeah, he could do this. He'd put up a fight with somebody! Bring it on!

Reluctantly, Rattrap followed their leader deeper into the energon-infested mountain and into battle.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by una »

He ran towards the raptor with as much speed as his legs could which was fast for him! Every step he took towards the traitor made his killer instinct grow more and more. He opened his pincers ready to grab him as he drew nearer.

If I kill you, maybe I'll gain more favor! Yeah! Megatron will surely reward me!

When the raptor was in range, Scorponok was going to grab anything he can sink his pincers into and squeeze. He also could forget that his tail could be good for long range attacks but he really was aiming for something to grab like...that traitor's neck!!

And that's what he was reaching for...

((OOC: Okay, I'll stop until Dinobot reacts))
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

(Yeah, Terrorsaur's open. :D )

Megatron charged, head bowed, legs moving swiftly. His eyes were locked onto the ape charging back at him and while something in his head told him he should think about fighting in them middle of a time bomb, that voice was quickly drowned out with every pounding step.

Terrorsaur surged forward. He wasn'tthinking, he was only acting and preparing himself for battle.

What were these Maximals made of?
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow was behind the other predacons and ran in low speed moving at the side near the rocky walls.
It's just you and me... she thought with an evil smile.
Her movement speed went slower and slower as she had a plan in mind.
All I have to do is wait for the right moment.. she thought and dragged her spiky tail on the ground.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Sorry about the wait, got messed up on iced tea really bad last night.. wonder if the can was too old..*sigh* Such a light weight.. Anyway, I'm fine with whatever your orders are Boss monkey. )

Rhinox scrapped his foot on the ground releasing a steamy snort from his frilled nostrils, he then charged towards the purple and black spider with a rather heavy step.

Tarantulas skittered his legs nervously as the small rhino charged toward him, he then at the last moment forced all his might into his eight legs propelling himself into the air and on top of the rhino as he then crashed through some rocks.

Rhinox roared swinging his head and body around in an attempt to get the spider off his back, the movements so fierce it made it difficult for Tarantulas to even get close enough to impale the pale flesh of the rhino with his cyber venom tipped fangs.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((Right NK... Blame the Ice tea... LOL

Venatrix VS Rattrap..... Cat vs Mouse... yeeesss.... Unless NK doesn't feel like RPing with himself. I could have Venatrix take on Rhinox instead of Rattrap.))
"We don't have a choice. If Megatron gets a hold of this energon, our problems will be even bigger than they are right now."
"So true..." She replied before Optimus started rushing towards Megatron.
Valkyrie removed her grip from Optimus his shoulders as he charged at Megatron.
She used the momentum to take to the air, and saw the green wasp heading straight for her.
She picked up more speed and darted straight at the wasp, and before she reached him, she moved her claws forwards, making a classic hunting move other birds of prey used to catch birds in mid air.


Venatrix was, unlike the other Predacons calm, and took in her surroundings.
Her teammates, including Megatron where to focussed on their prey that they seemed to have lossed the sences of their surroundings.
Venatrix wouldn't make that mistake.
The black panther waited till the last maximal was left, and take it on.
Silently she hoped for a challenge.
Last edited by Venatrix on Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire noticed the other charge and seeing that Valkyrie was going for the wasp, she decided to take on the other Predacon flyer in air which was Terrorsaur. She made an aerial charge with talon ready and decided to maybe try to some trash talk to help through the Predacon off his game and hide the fact that she was still a little nervous on the inside.

"Show what you got you prehistoric turkey!" she called out to the red Predacon flyer.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Show what you got you prehistoric turkey!"
Saber heard Skyfire and shook her head.
"Don't get to over confident Skyfire." Saber said keeping her gaze locked Starshadow.
When she was close enough she leaped onto the panther with bat wings, sinking her claws into her shoulders.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

As thegroups collided, MEgatron lowered his head still further and ran right through Optimus Primal. However, he tried to turn around to face the mech too quickly and he slid to land on his side. Amidst the clamor of the battle, he immediately righted himself, his vision a blur before his optics finally focused.

He found Optimus right in front of him.

Terrorsaur smirked and hit Skyfire squarely. He tried to avoid her claws, but those things were sharp and tore at his thin pseudo-leather hide. He was not deterred, however.

"Watch out, little Maximal, I eat birds like you for breakfast! Hahaha!" he laughed.

He trumpeted threateningly and reared his head back before attempting to chomp on her wings with his small, but sharp teeth.
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: My bad! I didn't realize that NK would be battling himself. Sorry! And for some reason I kept thinking Ven was a flier... I'm so retarded. :lol: I keep getting Ven's charactres mixed up for some reason. :? Maybe Rhinox would be better with Ven after all, and RT with Tarry. We can switch if you guys want to. I'd prefer it unless you don't care, or you feel it's too late. ))

The gorilla had fallen backwards from the collision with Megatron, suffering a little bit from a headache. He was a force to be reckoned with but that didn't stop Optimus from defending that energon. He got to his feet quickly, quicker than the t-rex could regain his focus, and he stood there facing the Predacon leader. With a deep growl, baring his teeth again, he pulled back his right fist and threw an upper cut at Megatron's bottom jaw, putting most of his weight and force behind his fist.

Charging toward the Predacons, the rat slowed down and took a quick glance around. Thank Primus the boss monkey was fighting old Megadump because Rattrap would not want to face him. He was merciless, powerful, and, well, almost unstoppable. At least, that's the impression he got from him. However, their fearless leader was kicking his purple skidplate!

There was one Predacon Rattrap noticed who didn't have a dance partner yet. Venatrix, was it? A cat? Oh, that figures! Typical that the rodent would get stuck with a feline. Just my luck, he thought sourly. This cat didn't seem like the other Preds, though. She was patient like a cat; waiting for the right one to pounce on and observing her surroundings. Rattrap didn't see a way sneaking up to her so he'd see what would happen if he simply approached her face to face. This is suicide, he thought, but he tried to show some confidence as he scampered toward her.

"You waitin' for somebody ta throw ya a ball of yarn or what?" Rattrap grinned at Venatrix, stopping a few feet in front of her. This cat's gonna maul me! I'm gonna die! His tail swayed back and forth, ready to jump and run away, and be chased by a cat. A cat!
"Well, that's just prime!"