Airazor optics flashed with the intensity of small suns. The bright lights shrunk to become the pupil of the eye-like optic. As her optics powered-up, several on-screen pop-ups covered her vision, letting her scroll through the status of her jets, weaponry, energy, and armor. Everything was perfect, running like the well-oiled machine she was.
Then her audios activated. They detected quick heartbeats and quiet breaths. But the pop-up windows covered her visual feed. She wanted them to clear out. With that single thought, the status boxes gently faded away. Airazor got the impression of stainless steel and towering piles of papers, before something a foot shorter than her began talking in a loud voice.
“Lady and gentlemen, Airazor is now activated,” the small thing said, its voice colored with pride. It turned it’s head to look into Airazor’s face.
A small red target circle roamed over the organic’s face, blinked green, and a sidebar on her vision popped-up. Airazor’s attention was captivated as the new window began a slow scroll through a Wikipedia page of a organic being called Doctor Robert Jacobson. With sudden understanding, Airazor knew that Jacobson was the human standing in front of her, presenting her to four other organics. Each time she focused on one of the other organics faces, the sidebar displayed information of each. The organic with sunglasses and dark skin was called James McGannon, the older gentleman was called Wickard Haley, the other man, who looked uncomfortable in his suit, was Captain William Lennox, and the woman was named Alahondra Grayson.
Haley beamed, like a small child, clapped his gnarled hands together, before Airazor had so much have moved. “I knew you were the correct choice to lead this Project,” he said happily. Airazor noted with interest that this human held most of the controlling interest of the company NECo, the company that also employed Jacobson.
“Thank you, Sir,” Jacobson replied modestly, waving a hand. Then he turned to Airazor and said, “Airazor, step forward.”
Airazor’s optics shut briefly off, then restarted, her form of blinking. It cooled down the delicate wiring receiving and interpreting the images from her optics. Then she commanded her left leg to move forward. With silent hydraulics and pistons, Airazor took her first step forward. Without falling, too.
McGannon found Haley’s earlier glee infectious and soon he was smiling like a loon too. It was a magical moment. As a member of the board of directors, he had been present for the unveiling of the Xenomorphs. That was unnerving. This was exhilarating. It could be compared to waking up on Christmas to find that the cookies were eaten, the milk glass drained, and the stockings filled.
Jacobson noticed the positive reactions from his audience and decided to push his luck. Gambling that Lennox would like to be reassured of the NBE’s defensive capability, he commanded, “Airazor, locate and neutralize the automated defenses in the lab.” Jacobson spoke upward, to the ceiling, “Sentinel, online. Destroy non-biological life form.”
The newborn NBE nodded tersely, lowering her stance into a defensive position. Ceiling and wall panels slid back and double barreled guns on retractable arms slid out. The slack guns suddenly jerked alive, aiming their barrels at Airazor.
Airazor’s helm swung back and forth, like a trapped animal. Sentinel, the security system, fired stun charges at her. A flight tutorial scrolled across her vision. Leaping up into the air, Airazor’s jets powered, lifting her free of the line of fire. The shots dissipated against the steel wall where Airazor was moments ago. She laughed, two miniature guns popping out from gauntlets on her wrists. Two small torpedoes exploded on impact, knocking one gun offline. She was untouchable, dancing and twirling out of harm’s way and one by one, Sentinal’s defensive system was crippled.
“Sentinel, power down and repair,” Jacobson ordered. The open panels slid shut, hiding the guns from sight.
Lennox smiled reassuringly at Jacobson, “I’m happy to see she can take of herself.”
For Jacobson, that was a double win. Lennox approved, which was important- Lennox was influential in the Air Force and Airazor would be flying American airspace- and he got that Airazor was indeed a female specimen. Jacobson beemed again.
“I thought you said it couldn’t use its weaponry,” Grayson quipped, her steely eyes hardening behind her glasses.
“Today I received special clearance for this demonstration,” Jacobson said patiently, even that sourpuss couldn’t dampen his spirits. Airazor landed gently behind her creator, her jets cutting off quietly.
“And what an excellent one it has been,” Haley put it, before Grayson could retort. He began a slow clap for Jacobson, and McGannon and Lennox joined him.
Jacobson grinned like the Cheshire cat, grasping Airazor’s hand and pulling her forward. “To the Age of Transformers!”
Airazor was the perfect choice for introducing Project NBE to the public. She was good-tempered, patient, and her voice was like Morgan Freeman’s- people could listen to it and be reassured. The people of America soon recognized Airazor as a superhero. But just like the Spiderman movies entailed, Airazor’s introduction was marred by slandering news reporters and vicious political leaders. All of them claimed Airazor was an abomination and technology should be forwarded to help avert global warming, not to create ‘useless’ toys.
Jacobson took care of public relations, assuring Airazor that she just had to follow orders; he would take care of the rest.
So that’s what Airazor was doing this particular afternoon. She was cruising over Seattle, Washington, occasionally tuning into the police radio frequency. Airazor would sometimes make an appearance and help out the local law enforcement, but Jacobson said not to try and help out with every single problem. Be seen helping out with the big stuff, not the minorities.
This is Unit 3, checking in. Citizen has scaled to the top of the Space Needle. We are awaiting fire department assistance. Airazor’s commlink clicked off as Unit 3 finished their report. She was torn, even if she didn’t have a spark. Seattle was one of the most depressed cities in the country, so this must be a suicide attempt. Her heart… or programming hardened with resolve.
Diving through the clouds, Airazor shifted into her robot mode, attaining greater speed. She could see the Space Needle rushing up to meet her, and she could just make out a dark splotch on clinging to the spire of the Needle. Rain pinged off her armor as she neared the spire.
Airazor landed a little away from the organic. “What are you doing out here?” she called to the trembling, shivering figure. If the human replied, it was lost in the rain. Airazor stretched out a glove like hand to the human, who she saw was a female, just like her. The human just stared at her, like she was some sort of alien… okay, so she was technically alien- “Take my hand!” Airazor called over the wind, shaking her hand so the girl got the gist.
Below, police sirens wailed, accompanied by the deeper honking of fire trucks.
The girl tentatively took Airazor’s cool metallic hand in hers and murmured, “I live in an apartment on Cedar Street.”
“I should take you to the authorities,” Airazor replied firmly, taking a careful step forward so she wouldn’t slip off the Needle.
“I’ll jump if you don’t!” the girl threatened, yanking her hand out of Airazor’s slippery grip. Airazor’s optics flashed, just like when she had been activated. There was a long silence.
“Don’t jump. I’ll take you home,” Airazor said wearily. This was new; sure Airazor was at human intelligence, but she hadn’t been exposed to manipulation, even in this crude form.
The girl smiled, lifting her chin triumphantly as Airazor took both of her wrists, then dove toward the cluster of apartment buildings on Cedar, jarring the girl a bit more than necessary as she landed on the roof. Airazor watched the girl gather her dark brown hair and wring it out. Of course, Airazor thought this was pointless- it was still pouring.
“You need therapy,” Airazor said gently, not wanting to make the girl feel threatened.
The girl let her dripping hair go, and straightened, turning to examine Airazor. A long grin was creeping onto her lips, like Airazor was some sort of special edition repaint. “I can’t believe this. I honestly cannot believe it,” the girl’s eyes shone with reverance.
“I’m sorry,” Airazor replied, lifting an optic ridge to show her confusion and questions of sanity, “Weren’t you about to jump from the Space Needle four minutes ago?”
Now my problem is that last bit there. I'm not sure if I want to even include the spunky human side-kick I had planned out. Mostly because they bother me, but the flipside is that with a human tour-guide, the NBEs get exposed to the simple everyday things. Which would bamboozle them...
Dinobot: *grasps a toaster and turns it over, inspecting* And what, exactly, is this square metal device? A disrupter cannon? Perhaps this is a code breaker... yes, I see the insert slots now.
Spunkysidekick: *lifts a finger tentatively* Uh... Dinobot..? That's a toaster and it-
*toast pops out*
Dinobot: *roars in surprise and blasts toaster to smithereens* A trap! *snarls at Spunky*
Spunky: Aie. *facepalm*
Any words of wisdom?