lol girl Cheetor?
Cheetor would still be cool.

I think she'd be te headstrong kind of girl who thinks she can do better than last time. JUST like Cheetor but a girl. n_n Optimus would have a very similar relationship with her, I think, though, as with boyCheetor, because the show never really treated the gals any different from the guys, except that
a) they had romances and
b) BlackArachnia was supposed to be HOT.
Cheetor, however, would probably be the young girl who isn't particularly attractive, but more cute and eventually, in the later seasons, pretty.
Um, if she didn't have a crush on BA though, she might have a crush dunno. :/ LOL Maybe Depth Charge, OOH or maybe she has a crush on Silverbolt! xDDD Although, that's harder to see. :/ Everyoen else, though, I think she'd see as a family member. Unless, she crushed on another Predacon! o-o!
And then, what would be really cool, is if she didn't actually get with anyone.

Like boyCheetor! That'd be so cool cuz it's annoying most fembots have a 'male' counterpart of some kind. -_-'''''''
Also, I think if he was a she, the episode The Web would have an even more uncomfortable and creepy atmosphere to it. Unless Tarry tried to trick femCheetor into liking him and then using her to get into MAximal base or something.
And it would be really awkward if they called FemCheetor "Pussycat" all the time. Especially the way Megatron says it. xD Makes me feel uncomfortable enough as it is. (THANK YOU, my own mom, who pointed that out. 9_9 And Jafar, from Aladdin. Man that was creepy. >_>)