TF Attractiveness

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Lady Venom
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Unread post by Lady Venom »

Okay...since we're discussing Optimus, I will wholly admit to adoring Beast Machines, BUT only when viewed as an entirely separate entity/series/fandom from G1 and Beast Wars, since it doesn't follow true Cybertron history.

On THAT note, I did adore Optimus's beast mode and felt that was the one true time he looked like an actual silverback gorilla.

In that aspect, he was adorable and aggressive looking in beast form.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Yeah, I'll admit that I do like how Optimus' Beast mode looked in BM. I also think Cheetor looked cute in Beast mode in that series.

Though in my honest opinion, Optimus' robot mode in BM felt more like a downgrade to this Optimal form, and plus in my opinion Megs did not look good using Optimus' old Optimal form.
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Unread post by Lady Venom »

Cheetors legs bugged me. He looked like a grasshopper! *laughs* I mean, WTH? But, I suppose it could have been a downgrade... I just personally felt he looked more realistic, out of all of them..
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

I AGREE - I LOVE Beast Machines as separate from Beast WArs but NOT as a part of it. :3333333 WOOHOO! Someone who gets that. :'D lol

And yeeeeessssshhh. I like his gorilla form there! :D

But in my head, the Beast Warriors have real animals forms, not their CGI ones so... >_> Yeah. lol :D

Erm, Beast Machines Cheetor, though, is probably my fave Cheetor design ever even though I always prefer the young Cheetor of the first 2 seasons of Beast Wars. It was just so WICKED and looked way more liek a Cheetah than his other forms AND in BM he was finally able to use his speed and prowess effectively. He was fast in Beast Wars but simply becasue pf the earlier animation, I never got the feeling he was fast except when you saw him on radar and he was closing in at whatever mph. lol Oh yeah, and in Season 3 a few times. That was pretty cool, but he looked like a gremlin. :/ The graphics in Beast Machines on the CHARACTERS, was GREAT! 8D Even though I didn't liek their forms that much...tbh...cept Cheetor....

I dread what they might have done to my faves in the show. They jsut wouldn't LOOK right in BM style at all! D:

On another, more irrelevant note, where I grieve for a moment in regards to my above statement: . . . why do my faves always DIE!!?? DXXX GAAHHH!!
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Unread post by Alak »

Lady Venom wrote:Okay...since we're discussing Optimus, I will wholly admit to adoring Beast Machines, BUT only when viewed as an entirely separate entity/series/fandom from G1 and Beast Wars, since it doesn't follow true Cybertron history.

On THAT note, I did adore Optimus's beast mode and felt that was the one true time he looked like an actual silverback gorilla.

In that aspect, he was adorable and aggressive looking in beast form.
Co-sign 100%!!! I wasn't too fond of his robot mode (aside from the jet pack, can't hate on those) but his gorilla form looked MEAN. I definitely would not want to get in his way when he goes berserk.

Oh, and agreed with the "Cheetor's legs" comment. That'd be the first redesign I'd do, followed by recoloring his purple spots to deep navy blue.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

I don't think I really find any TransFormers "attractive." Probably because I can't get past the whole "they're cartoon characters and not real" thing. :lol: But I will say that Rattrap in his first season BW beast mode was absolutely adorable but only because I think rats are so cute. And I miss the two I used to have. XD I also like gorillas and when you compare a real one to Primal's first season BW beast mode, he does look cute and huggable. Tigatron's beast mode was cute because his face kind of looks like one of my cats, and Rhinox actually reminded me of the Shetland pony my mom used to have so he was cute, too. :lol: I know, it's weird.

When it comes to robot modes, I either like the design or I don't. First season Primal's was cool. I especially liked how his head design resembled that of Prime's, and the way he transformed was neat. Dinobot's was all right and Rhinox's. I like t-rexes, so Megatron's TransMetal one beast mode looked pretty slagging awesome. I loved it. I liked Airazor's robot mode design as well.

Personality wise, though, Optimus is at the top of my list. And I love Rattrap's insults and sarcasm. I also liked Megatron's personality, though, which is unusual for me because I'm usually drawn to the good guys. But he's probably the best villain I've ever seen in a 'toon. And I guess Inferno fills up that pyro void in me, so I love how crazy he is. :lol:
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Unread post by Alak »

Yeah, I really can't be attracted to any of the characters (then again, there's only 2 females in the main cast). I really appreciate designs, though. I agree that Season 1 Optimus Prime had an awesome character design. Nothing bad about the latter forms, but his first form rocked (and had the best weapons).
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Unread post by una »

Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:I don't think I really find any TransFormers "attractive." Probably because I can't get past the whole "they're cartoon characters and not real" thing. :lol: But I will say that Rattrap in his first season BW beast mode was absolutely adorable but only because I think rats are so cute. And I miss the two I used to have. XD I also like gorillas and when you compare a real one to Primal's first season BW beast mode, he does look cute and huggable.
Yeah, I'm not attractive to the bot, per se but the personality and forms.

Though, my brother likes to mess with me about it. :roll:
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

I must differ with you all on that, and say that I am attracted to their physical forms as well.

Let me explain:

First of all, I'd like to warn you: The definition of "attractive" can mean many things to different people. What I'm about to explain might be disturbing to some people if THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. If you find it disturbing, chances are, you dun get what I'm saying. xDD It's really hard to explain, but best I can is this: What attractive is to me is a combination of mental and physical attraction. But physical attraction pretty much meaning aesthetically pleasing to me and mental/intelligence attraction wins out. The SECOND someone is found to be UGLY on the inside, it doesn't matter how handsome someone is, they are UUUUUUgLYYYY!

Ok, so the process: First thing I think is - wow! Awesome design! :D :D

Then you get to know them and it's like, WOAH! AWESOME PERSONALITY! 8DDDD Things that matter to me? ...erm. Look at Optimus Primal first off. :3 That's the guy you'd want to marry unless he was the leader of whoever and he was so willing to go off and save the world all the time. I'm sorry but the Dark Side in me, who I tend to call The Inner Dragon becasue of a quiz I took once, would get pretty darn annoyed at that.

That or we'd be like,

"I'm going in the stasis pod!"

"No, IM going in the stasis pod, you're staying here to lead!"

"No, IM going, because I'm leader and it's my duty!"

"NO. I'm going because I'm not leader and I'm expendable!"

"Don't talk like that! D: You're not expendable! And that why I'm going!"

:Planet Buster is still charging:

"Well, then, you married the wrong girl, Mister, cuz I dun think that way! Destroy one to save many!"

"You sound like Megatron! DX"

"You shoulda picked up on that a long time ago! Besides, it's simple logic, slaggit!"

:I get in stasis pod, but he kicks me out:

"No, I'm going and there's no more arguing! WHEN I GET BACK we can discuss - "

"Excuuuuuse me?"

and so on and so forth until the world gets destroyed. Ahem, but anyways! 8D

Yes, Personality is important, but while it's great to have someone liek you, there are many cases when it's just so interesting to like someone NOT like you. Thus, I have several faves from Beast Wars who are NOT like me and they're faves BECAUSE they're not like me. xD I'm not attracted to all of them though, I'll get to that next:

Once I get to know the personality, I start to notice the physical attractiveness and there are certain things I really like. AKA broad shoulders, stern face, generally strong looking, eyes that are obviously intelligent, a way of carrying himself that shows his confidence in himself, and big/tall enough a presence no one messes with him. Now, gee, I wonder who fits that description? Let's look at that in a moment.. :3

Conclusion: When it comes to attractiveness, it's not about it being a character that's not real (I ALWAYS say:: You never know. :3 And what we never know is that maybe TFs DO exist,the BW really DID happen, we just get a TV show out of it in this world. In another world, TFs are probably watching a really entertaining show about US right now. :3) and it's not about them being robots, because quite frankly, I dun care WHAT in the universe it is, if it's sentient, with a great personality, I can communicate with it, he's wonderful and perfect for me, does the physical aspect really matter? Not to me, lol. Well, not as much. :3 SO, yes, I can be attracted to TFs. Chances are, if you LOOK for what you find attractive, it could possibly be there. Could a BLOB be attractive to me? NEVER. DX Can a sloth be attractive? NO! DXXX Can a robot with broad shoulder and a face that could resemble a handsome human face and omg his vooooiiiice? YES. What about a metallic skinned, avian alien species who, in a WAY, kinda look like DC...and voooooiice is awesome? YES. (See: Mass Effect - Turians. ;D ) <---Random, sorry. xD

Whew! I HOPE that was not too confusing. Because here's kinda the whole conclusion of it all related to the show.

That said, who in the show do I find handsome and why?

Megatron - Dudes, he's handsome. n_n Big broad shoulders(especially TM), large hands, power in his walk, great face (especially TM) and omg his voice! :D In THAT sense only he's attractive. He could definitely be hot, except one thing: He's a souuuuuuuuuur grape on the inside. :/


On to the next...

OP - Already discussed! :D

Terrorsaur - Tall, but not too tall (definitely taller than me. xD), slender, angular features, great color scheme, smooth face.....Well, he's handsome alright, but I kinda think he's pretty too. XD Not girly pretty, and not quite feminine, but aesthetically pleasing, I guess. Kinda hard to pinpoint. It's like trying to describe how attractive your brother is. o_O

Dinobot - :3 Handsome features, scowly face makes him look old, but fierce, but I love his smile! :'D His personality is really intense though, so I don't find him that attractive per se, beyond his physicalness. :3

Rampage - Big and intimidating, yes, and his voice is nice, but it's creepy too. I just can't get past his big green optics though! D: He looks so lost sometimes and a couple times in the show he looks like a little boy (there was like ONE time, but that was enough to melt my heart.) and it's just so cute!!!! :DDD .....and Cuteness ruins Attractiveness, for me. xD He is handsome fellow in a more objective light though. :3 And his mind! :D He's so intelligent, it's so obvious! I like to think he could just CHILL too. He's totally a laid back kind of guy, right there. n_n

Tarantulas - Somehow, he is handsome, in a reallllllllly creepy way. I like the shoulders and chestplates, and I love his Season 1 head design (sorry people, I'm not a TM Tarry fan, I'm Season 1 Tarry Fan. I liked that frame SO mcuh better. :/) but overall he's not physically attractive much. He could EASILY be considered 'okay' in my book, except for one thing: His MIND. 8D WOOOOOOT for geniuses! :D I dun like spiders at all, and this is cerainly one ya do not want to get involved with in any way whatsoever, but MAN I love to wonder what he's thinking! (Disclaimer: As intelligent as Rampage is, I'm talking more about smarts and Tarantulas's wide range of capabilities is applying said smarts to stuff. Rampage was never shown to have prowess in applying academic knowledge and then I feel bad because I know that if he was taught, he'd pick up on it fast, and - I'm gonna stop. xD)

Rhinox - Wow, I didn't think of adding him until now. xD Let's see. . . He's handsome too, the features are there and I love his personality, but I don't find him attractive because of his SUUUUUPER humble and mellowness. GREAT traits, I could totally hang out with him, but not attractive like OMG HE'S HOT kind. Except those few moments where he was just BADDDDDDDDD... AKA WHIPS OUT THE CHAINGUNS OF DOOM FOR THE FIRST TIME!??? 8D I CHEER every time he does that. :'D I also cheer whenever Black Arachnia does her leg-gun thing and makes it look badaft! SOOO SWEET!!! Squee! The things that make me love the show... :'D

OTher characters, blah. Not so handsome for this or that reason for some reason TO ME....or wait, no, they can be HANDSOME, but not attractive.

Um, Blackarachnia is also very good looking and Airazor is, imo, very pretty. Dun leave the girls out! D:

Depth Charge - 9_9 Here we go again. I won't go at length, yall already know, but I remember the first time I saw him.

Deep Metal, some minute or so in, the first thing I saw was his hand. Then the computer's voice saying blah High Council blah and then,


"Slaaaag, the High Council. Computer, run - "


:3 heehee!

I think that's the end of this post...


I'm SOOO sorry guys, I write so much. GAH! D:
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Unread post by Alak »

So I take it you're one of those girls who fall for the bad boys...
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

.......................................Yeah. :/ But not really.


Let's put it in these terms:

I tend to think they're hot but me with a guy like DC?


I'd prolly end up bashing his face in if I ever was stupid enough to get close to him. :/ lol, he'd throw me out the window with a swipe of his hand, human or no, and I'm SOOOO nonviolent ._. but jerks infuriate me and even I have a limit. The 'bad boys' are good looking and sooooo cool! But don't. mess. with. the Quiet Girl. =_=

(lol, would you believe I'm the quietest person IRL from how much I type? xD ...Well, I suppose one could theorize, technically... :ponders: I'd be the most boring Self Insert if I really did write mySELF in there, with no embellishment or OOCness. xD)

And I think there are two types of baddie:

The Good Baddie Anti Hero type like DC or Batman, then the actual Bad guys, like Megatron and the Joker, and, personally, I tend to like them all. After an extensive and ongoing Self PsychoAnalyzation, I've pretty much concluded that such a liking for those opposite me in theory points towards an intense hidden desire for power - or, rather, I already have power, with the intense desire to USE it. THAT'S the Inner Dragon there. However, little miss Unicorn is just as powerful and far more conditioned by society, so Inner Dragon never shows up.........By the Matrix, I sound like a Lunatic.....

Quick Explanation: I took a Personality Quiz to find my inner Spirit Animal for fun, but for every question, I had two answers. I'm forever torn by my Right and Left brain, so I went through the quiz twice - the First time I got Unicorn and the description was actually very accurate in how I portray myself and how I'm happy and how I feel about others, etc. But I tried it again and got Dragon. x_X No one I showed was too sure if that was true, but I know better and I've actually drawn art pieces on it. xD The quiz did not reveal to me something I didn't know, but it hit me at the right spot that I started giving my inner Yin and Yan names, I guess. ._. There's something inside of me I call Dark but others might call Business. xD An Inner Megatron if you will, for my outer Primal.

So, that explained, I think that's kinda why I like Baddies. :3 It's an exploration not only of another character/person, but of myself as well. :D Favorite characters can reveal a lot about a person. :) I wouldn't fall for someone like them IRL, I hope, but I sure do admire them and they can be attractive.

...It's also fun to be a Fangirl and, in exploring a dark person, try to find light in their destiny. :'D heehee!
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Unread post by Alak »

heheh Mr. Duddly-Do-Right Silverbolt fell for a bad girl, I guess that says something about him.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

>3 Ooohhh, Silverbolt has a darrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk side, and I don't need to see BM Jetstorm in action to think so. For all his spouting about honor, he sure was hostile to even his friends and disobeyed orders, and his loyalty, while he valued goodness and all that, was more to his Love, which could arguably be Himself.

I also do not find him attractive becasue

a) He's a cute puuuuuuppy! and
b) his occassional ark moments were a little unnerving in contrast to his upright goodiness. ._.

Jetstorm goodlooking in a pointy, curvy, angular, pretty kinda weird way, but not SB. GAH! Another baddie! D:
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Unread post by Safeguard »

Lady Venom wrote:I personally didn't find any robots attractive, per se. But I certainly found them fascinating and utterly enthralling in their own rights. Yes, I preferred Rampage, because of his interesting past that twisted him, and allowed him to choose to become the creation/monster he was that we know him to be.
Well, that's interesting. I'm just the same.

When it comes to other TF-series, though... Greatshot and Blacker from Transformers Victory attract me. :/ Along with Sixshot and Fortress from Transformers Headmasters, Metalhawk from Transformers Masterforce (more in his human form, actually. XD), Halfshell from Beast Wars II, Blurr from Transformers Armada, Inferno and Shockblast from Transformers Energon and Wing Saber, Evac and Crosswise from Transformers Cybertron.

So yeah, I'm into the serious and aloof type. :/ And I guess their voices helped. In the cases of Greatshot and Blacker it was the fandub, actually - their fandubbers were my favorites since the beginning.
As for Sixshot and Fortress... daaaaaaang. Michihiro Ikemizu and Ikuya Sawaki. <3~ Ikemizu's Sixshot sounded outright predatory sometimes.
Metalhawk... hum. Both the original and the fandubs, I'd say. He's just awesome. And his Japanese VA was able to laugh genuinely (most laughs in anime sound really forced and corny and weiiiiiiiiird.).
HALFSHELL AGFDKJAHDFD An evil and hot space pirate! 8D
Blurr's attitude was what got me. And besides, my favorite characters (Blurr and Sideways) had the same voice in the Finnish dub (the dude also voiced Scavenger and Unicron). <3~ And speaking of the Finnish dub... Wheeljack had a very hot voice. I was surprised when I found out he was voiced by a guitarist (no, he's not even an actor or VA). :/
Inferno and Shockblast... I watched the Finnish dub first, then the English and then some of the original. I like these two in all three versions. Michael Daingerfield as Inferno and Brian Drummond as Shockblast. And in the Japanese version they had the same frikkin voice - Nobutoshi Canna, whose voice and performance I've loved since I found out about him (that's like three years ago?).
Wing Saber, Evac and Crosswise, then... I started with the English dub, then moved to Japanese and THEN to Finnish. It was funny how the Finnish dub was awesome again. :/ Albeit I kinda missed Pekka Lehtosaari as Optimus - he sounds nearly exactly like Gary Chalk. I found Crosswise's Slavic accent in the English dub pretty funny. XD "And I'm called... the monster hunter!"

EDIT: OH! Air Hammer and Sky Shadow, too! I love them. Air Hammer has a lovely personality and Sky Shadow just looks frikkin cool.
Plus Drancron from Beast Wars Neo. Read my sig, that's why I like him. >=D
Last edited by Safeguard on Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by starshadow »

In all the BW series, I could say....Depthcharge, Rampage, Tarantulas, Clawjaw/Scuba, Halfshell, Sea Phantom and Starscream(Beast Wars II).
I admit that Moon the bunny is really cute when he speaks in Japanese.
Scylla is my fav gal in Beast Wars II.
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