"OC Episode #1"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk skidded to a halt with fur on end and teeth bared. The violence subsided when he realized it was Orcariner. He must not have heard him earlier.

"We're heading for the base! I've got a feeling the Pred's are preparing a full scale attack!"

Hoping Orcariner would see the urgency, Xzuk took off again at full speed.
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Unread post by Alak »

My Primus, that fox is fast! thought Orcariner, his jaw almost dropping at Xzuk's acceleration.

Even in water, he knew that he would be unable to keep up with the other Maximal due to the opposing stream. He began to run on foot, contemplating their situation at hand. Assuming Xzuk's prediction was correct, the entire Predacon force will be launching a full scale assault on the base. While they had defenders as well as gun turrets to protect the waterfall, chances were that the enemy would still outnumber them.

Come on, I have to have something stored in my memory banks that can help us out. I didn't do all that reading for nothing.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick changed the song as it ended to something more.. twisted, "The beetles, revolution #9" possibly one of the creepiest and insane songs produced by humanity in the 20th century.

(Radio 101 time eh? Take notes kids.. I may give a quiz later. :P

Radar signals run in the GHz bandwidth range, the same range as most wireless routers. the Radio signals hit a target and bounce off, if the target is moving the frequency is changed of the wave. And since it's a wave that bounced off a target, it's signal frequency is weakened requiring amplification.

Now into Radar jamming and radio jamming, essentially it's rather easy to do with many methods even by accident. Key factors about jamming is simply, if your broadcasting you are not invisible to the proper equipment or specialist. Jamming blinds the radars, but essentially says "I am here!" for equipment to follow.

Also key notes on radar, typically computers are programmed to detect an object at a certain size, this is how alot of Radar stealth works, by reducing the "cross section" of reflection to a degree where the radar signature is around the same reflection as a bumblebee or a humming bird, which would be ignored by the radar display.

Ofcourse transformer Radar does work slightly different as it also incorporates energy signatures and energy sensory. And yes, radar can detect organic objects like birds and what not..)
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner stopped in his tracks as an idea came to mind. It was not perfect, but it was certainly worth a shot. Extending his blades from his arms, the Maximal began to slice through the trunks of the forest's trees. As soon as the first came down, he proceeded to sharpen the ends to a fine, sharp point.

Let's hope Xzuk doesn't mind the delay.
Last edited by Alak on Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk took notice to Orcariner's slowed pace and sped up his own. Knowingly, that bot had an idea to keep good time with Xzuk.

Well, let's see what you've got in mind friend...

He would turn his head back every now and again to make sure he wasn't being followed by anyone else.
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

That is odd. Why would you play music? Unless... Cerano thought as he suddenly straightened. Years upon years of war gave Cerano suprising sounds and images to give him one simple conclusion.

Predacon assualt

Cerano looked over at Icebreaker and said "Prepare for assualt, comrade."

((The way I view it, Cerano sometimes hates what he did, but overall he did come away extrasuspicous of Predacons. Oh goody Dinobot.))
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by New Moon »

Frillia heard something in the distance, it sounded like the Maixmals. Narrowing ehr eyes, the female lizard took off wiht everything looking in a blurr as she reached the river once more but almost right in Ocanicer's optical view but she quickly dropped back behind a tree and looke dout from behind it. What had this big guy all worked up? Unless Glowstick was already.... "For primus's sake!" She hissed under her breathe and ran down river, not caring if she was spotted. But of course this wa sno time to find a way across so the one thing she coudl think of was to try and swim, if she could. Going intot he shallows she wadded until she was almost submerged completely then lifted eh rhea dand did her best to swim though it was difficult. "Terrorize!" Transofmring to robot form she swam finally to the other bank, reverting abck to ebast mode and taking off again. The attack would happen soon.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Snow Trix had again been moving from different spots between the waterfall and alittle down stream, but the sudden alert made her growl and take off quicly. Of all the times to put the Maximals on full alert! "Hey Glowstick! If your planning an attack, alittle warning would ahve helped!" She said over her com-link once she was closer tot he field near the mobile base. The energon surge was coming close to overloading Snow Trix's systems but she made it inside before it did, saving ehr enouh energy to transform later.

The fact they were already going on a full scale attack was both irritating and tempting, but were they even ready for such a thing? However, the fox femme remained silent this time though glared at the squid mech with her tail flcking with impatience at their next move.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk smiled lightly as he saw the base come into view. But, He wasn't ready to go back just yet... He had one more marker to place coordinates for... And it just happened to be at the topside of the water fall.

I don't have time to go around today...

He began scanning the rock face of the cliff until he found what he was looking for. A relatively small crevice leading up most of the plateau.
He ran for it as fast as his gears would move him and jumped into the crevice, pouncing off the opposite walls and still rocketing upwards. The crevice was coming to a fade out point...

Now or never....


The fox transformed midway through the final jump and turned on his jump jets to maximum. They powered him up nearly 50 feet, it was close, but he was able to claw onto the edge of the plateau. He pulled himself up and looked down at the distance he'd just covered. It was rather impressive... For a Fox.

Xzuk smiled as he downloaded the final coordinates. Once they were in place, he reverted to beast mode and bolted off the edge of the cliff, landing with a splash into the river.

He swam to the waterfall... but stopped short identifying himself before proceeding.

"This is Xzuk, Maximal scout Commander of the Axalon."

He swam in and shook off his fur and smiled at everyone.

"Mission, accomplished."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Icebreaker raised his gun as Cerano and Xzuk arrived Geez, you guys nearly scared me. wheres Orcariner? he then placed the gun over his shoulder as he stood up, his thermal visor still scanning for targets.


Glowstick raised an optic ridge receiving the call from Snow trix While that would be nice, at the moment that'd leave the base unguarded. I'm merely stirring up some things.. the maximals knocked out my radar, so I decided to knock out their eyes and ears..

Glowstick then turned off the music, the com channels going silent, moments later Orcariner's radar returned to normal. Glowstick then opened channels on all Maximal frequencies Attention Maximals,Enjoy a taste of your own medicine?

Your recent activities of scurrying about in the shadows have gone over looked for now, however disabling our navigational radar is a distinct assault on our cybertronian rights by limiting our means of finding self preservation.

Furthermore your recent actions have lead us to the conclusion that you are conspiring to assault our group while we attempt to search this wasteland.

If you continue this further we will have no choice but to see you as the enemy and do far worse then simply disable your radar and communications.

Glowstick then turned off his microphone laughing darkly to himself Ah Psychological warfare.. I suppose a berserker like yourself would know how valuable that is Lineos.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Snow Trix inclined her head, putting the MAximals on full alert didn't seem allt hat smart in her opinion. "One of these days we'll lose this pathetic truce Glowstick, I hope you do realze that. nothing can last forever and this certianly won't." She said. Of course Snow Trix hadn't shown her full personality yet so she was hanging back some things and making i difficult to really igure out her intentions. But it wans't liek they wer eany differnent then most Prredacons either.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick responded to Snow trix's communication Ofcourse, in the end our ideologies are just too different. Besides, its fairly obvious they're itching to attack us anyway.. So there's really no reason to hold back. If you find a maximal you know you can take, then by all means sneak up and destroy it if you want. After all, you do prefer to hunt alone.
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Unread post by Xzuk »

"He stopped for some reason on the return to base. I didn't have time to stop if I was gonna get the weight grid coordinates."

His smile faded as he shook his fur dry again.

"I wouldn't worry too much about him. He is after all the biggest Maximal on the team."
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Unread post by Taran Ulas »

Ah Psychological warfare.. I suppose a berserker like yourself would know how valuable that is Lineos.
"It would be quite valuable, Commander. However, why not a more a physical effect like the loss of that lizard's limbs, perhaps? Maximal limbs are quite digestable by our circuits and would provide valuable energy."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick nodded, while he didn't like the idea he had little choice. Alright, since our backup isn't here.. I'll jam the radar and radio again and set our base into a safer location with the defenses on.. we'll then converge on the maximal base. They obviously can't hide in that forever, and once they come out we'll ambush and crush them..

He then turned on the communication systems turning the radio jamming back on with the song "99 red balloons" playing. He then turned on the radar jammer again, getting up he moved to the cockpit of the craft causing the vehicle to hover above the ground, setting the ground around it on fire it then hovered away into the woods, the laser turret cutting some debris out of the way. The vehicle then landed as he turned on the system auto defenses, exiting the vehicle and covering it with laser cut branches to camouflage it.

Glowstick's tentacles then extended around Lineos, then started to fly into the air.