"OC Episode #1"

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Rushing through the air Glowstick looked down at the forest below to make any points of interest to take down. From those who landed he started to establish where pods may of landed in. This operation would take alot of work he knew, but as it stood.. who else could he get for the operation? Snowtrix seemed to be off scouting somewhere, while Sonar seemed to of no interest in either group.

Hm.. a group of 4 soldiers under my influence.. I guess I'll just have to make due for now. he then said to himself as he dove into the ocean water, then transformed to beast mode.

His sensory as a squid was excellent in the aquatic domain, easily detecting the scent of Orcariner and even the old trail from himself. He then started to follow the old scents hoping they'd lead him to his desired haul of salvage.

Moving further and deeper into the dark abyss of the ocean he continued on his way, all the while thinking and scheming, his internal systems overlaying and adding to his internal map developed earlier while calculating tidal flow.

As he further traveled he realized the distance that he had to make originally, he then adjusted his baring towards where he left his own pod. The lights on his body shined as he still went further down, into a massive ocean crater. Amazingly noticing something shine along the floor, his tentacles brush the dust off finding the pieces he cut. While damaged, it wasn't as badly as he thought and could still be salvaged. His tentacles then starts to collect the pieces gathering them into his 8 smaller arms to carry under his mantle.

Raising back upward he then started to move onto the assumed course, in hopes that the whale's pod may be intact compared to the misfortunes that came to himself when he first came to this planet.

As he came in the area of Orcariner's assumed pod, he heard a sound that chilled him to his frame, the call of whales. A Natural enemy to ALL Squid, his primal programming and lack of sleep causing him to become enraged as listening to their calls as the sonar reverberated through his soft body.

His body then started to record the sonar sounds, then discharged a sound on similar frequency as the whales moved toward him canceling out their own sonar. He swiftly descended as two whales collided into each other confused, then used his siphon jets to propel him out of the way Foolish mammals.. do I look like FOOD to you?!

He then noticed something sticking out of the rocks, it seemed Orcariner was much luckier then Glowstick and didn't fall into the crushing depths which he did.He opened the pod shoving his broken pod parts inside, then transformed to robot mode. Alright.. lets get this beast ready. he opened the side panel, then fired a encrypted laser from his optics into the stasis pod uploading the program he was working on earlier.

He closed the panel, then climbed inside closing the hatch. The whales suddenly moved away from the area as a thrust sound was heard from the pod, it then took off towards the surface and into the air, the controls seen inside being operated by Glowstick's tentacles like giant hands as he stood on the broken pod parts looking out the forward display port, laughing much in the sense like a mad scientist.. His music player playing "Powerman 5000 Supervillian"

(Alrighty, sorry for such a LONG post. The Predacons in general have been kinda behind lately, but to make up for the fact Glowstick basically swam all around the pacific ocean I'll leave him from not posting for a bit to get time all settled.)
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It was useless! Frilla would get a trail then lose it which got ehr no where at all, not to mention she wasn't meant to track Predacons she was meant to colelct and analyze data for Primus's sake! "I couldn't get a form that could at least have a good sense of smell." She grumbled cursing her scanners for picking up an animal that was weak and seemed useless. It was fast and would be good camoflague but that didn't mean the form had it's drawbacks, a frilled lizard wasn't the stongest nor the bravest creature which fit Frilla just fine. But would the other Predacons really want a partly cowardly and partly brave lizard femme like he ramong them? It was enough she hadn't been accepted for it back on Cybertron but now on some prehistoric planet too?

"This justisn't my day at all. Next ting you know I'll be tracked myself and possible scraped." She growled to herself as she walked on her hind legs, unlike most Frilled lizards who normally walked on all four. With being one of the smallest in form and short in structure in robot mode Frilla wasn't much of a fighter, somewhat of a coward so to speak but that didn't mean she would fight...unless she was truly needed. Of coruse this would only make the taller and stronger Predacons irritated with ehr due to the lack of her fighting skills and courage.

Well they would just have to learn to live with one member who wasn't all bite and less fight. Her speed and camofluadge however could maybe be an advantage? Frilla stopped and began to think things over, trying to use her form's weaknesses and strengths both as to her advantage.
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Looks like things are reaching equilibrium. Six Maximals and Six Predacons.

Orcariner reviewed his long ranged scanners once more. He pondered over the fate of the seventh Predacon, but as of now the Maximal was glad that the odds were finally even. Looking over at the other Maximals enjoying their leisurely time, Orcariner walked outside of the waterfall and returned to beast form. Diving into the river, his thoughts continued to drift towards the possibility of a war rising with the Predacons. Xzuk had already made himself a capable captain, but he still hasn't seen combat yet. Icebreaker and Cerano had a minor engagement with Lineos, but experience was experience nonetheless. He worried about Moonshine since her pacifistic nature made her a hesitant soldier. Furthermore, sending a medic into the front lines was a risk. Being the only flier, though, made it a necessary risk. Then came Orcariner, whose only experience outside of training was his previous encounter with Razorclaw's team. It also helped that he was easily twice as large as the biggest Predacon.

This is different, he thought, They were organized, these bots are far from it.

Looking back at the map, he noted how scattered the red blips were with the biggest group consisting of two Predacons.

If they strike, we'll be ready. I'm going to need to step my game up if we're to make it through this, though. No surprises. Nobody gets to them without getting through the sentry. It's why I'm here.

As night approached, Orcariner remained at the river bottom watching his scanners.
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Frilla had to rely on he rnight vision but hadn't a clue where she was or where she was headed, her scanners told her the MAximals were near but it was hard to find out where. "Grrrr...this is pointless! Just like this stupid war is pointless! We don't ahve a base, the Maixmals are more organize, and we're strandanded on some unknown planet!" Frilla raged under her breathe. Soona river caught her attention and she stopped looking both ways. One way she heard th roaring of a waterfall and the other way soudned quiet. If only th pRedacons ahd a base thne she would know where to go.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(didn't exactly want to post this early.. but eh! Doesn't effect much!)

In the sky two flames could be seen expelled from a massive stasis pod as it past over Frilla and the assumed moved Lineos, the pod came down in the field with a rather stable landing. The hatch then opened as Glowstick unloaded his broken stasis pod from it then activated his comlink while looking over the area. Frilla, this is Glowstick. I see you haven't had any luck. Return to the field at once. I have a job more suited to your skills.

Glowstick then changed channels Lineos, this is Glowstick. Forget meeting up with Frilla and continue following the scent to that stasis pod. I got two here and will start work on all this. If you happen to see any raw energon along the way, map it out.

Glowstick then unloaded some tools from his body, then transformed to beast mode starting to disassemble parts on the pods. If he could build this to calculations it would also require a means of converting the raw energon into stable energon fuild, and a means of CR device as internal repairs all the time wouldn't be viable as a option.
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A blip was approaching their secret hideout, and Orcariner rolled his optics upward at the river's surface. Unfortunately, his scanners only indicated the transformer's presence and faction (if he marked them as such). The identity of the trespasser was unknown. Despite this mystery, even he towered Lineos so chasing off the intruder would not be difficult at all.

"Orcariner," he whispered, "maximize."

The river was deep enough to hide his body as he transformed, and the water ripples and splashes were blended in with the waterfall's fury. Drawing both of his arm blades to their full length, Orcariner returned his attention to his radar scanners.

"Ocariner to base. I've picked up a stray Predacon signature several meters from the base. Judging by movement patterns, our whereabouts are probably still unknown."

Glaring, he thought, Come closer and see what happens to you.
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"I hope it's worth looking at." Frilla replied to nothing as she turned and ran through the dark underbrush following Glowstick's signal and finally arrived int he field. The stasis pods looked in surprisingly good condition, must have been good luck for once. "What exacly could I do with stasis pods Glowstick?" She asked, wondering what the squid could possiby be after.
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Unread post by Alak »

Blast it, he thought, There goes combat practice.

"Predacon has left our territory," he radioed, "Ran away at a pretty fast pace too."

Looking back at his radar, Orcariner's brow raised.

Huh...the seventh signature's back. I guess that bot didn't get slagged after all.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick sighed while working My dear, intelligence is a blessing, but without imagination to utilize the knowledge you merely become a library.. These stasis pods are the only means of technology on the planet so far. And they are loaded with it. The intent is to take these and make them into a massive armored personel carrier, in otherwards.. a mobile base. I'm going to work on a means of refining the raw energon and construct the tank, however I want you to work on a certain defense I thought of.

His tentacle then tapped the computer panel on the side of the massive stasis pod revealing a computer screen and keyboard The basics are already filled out, by modifying a field damper we can cover the tank in a sort of field that will defend against most maximal energy weapons. Finish writing the program with the basic principals written in a guide in there. I'd do it myself, but with the main construction, energon refinement, and a CR chamber to build.. I'm starting to stretch myself too much as you can see.

His tentacles were then seen extending into a broken pod taking parts out of it as he started to work with those, luckily for him being a Cephalopod ment his arms and tentacles could work independently, making his productivity like that of 5 Predacons.. but still he was far from perfect in this.
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"A defense system huh? Well it's right up my alley so I'll get started. Frilla, Terrorze!"Her body shifted with her head making up her chest with her arms comign from her side as dark green to light green.At ehr sides were three silver lined armro like ribs with the bottom part of ehr form remaining besides the back fo ehr legs going into the front revealing two silver lined armor like bone. Her tail remained in ehr robot mode and the frill became a sword attacked to her back.

Tapping her claw-tipped fingers she looked at hat GLowstick had done so far then began to type quickly but would pause to check something then continue. She ah had an odd feelign the last time she was at the lake and wasn't willing to let the defense system be a failure.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

(I should start trying to get bakc in the groove of things.^^;;)

Things seemed to have heated up betweent he two teams, the truce seemed to no longe rbe in place nay longer. At elast that's what Snow Trix observed from ehr point of view, for awhile now she had decided to be a lone Predacon only watch the teams and taking mental notes. COming tot eh river she quietly transformed and was posed to jump formt he rbanch she currently was balanced on. Ocanier seemed to look like he wa son guard as well, possibly might have detected her as well but she remained sient waiting to strike. Of course with such a large Maximal in the way she would have to rely on a different skill then being sneaky, erhaps charm might help. But this Maixmal didn't seem so easily fooled so she would have to make it convincing.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(Welcome back :P )

Glowstick seemed to have progressed, though what he was building was anyone's guess at the moment. If he had a few more brains around it'd probably make building a refinement device alot quicker, but that just left one option.

Activating his communication system he then broadcasted out to Snowtrix Snow trix, this is Glowstick. It may benefit you if you show up at the heading where Frilla's pod crashed, I have some things to discuss.
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Snow Trix looked at her com-link, glancing back at the entrance and Ocainer then reported in. "Hopefully it's important Glowstick, it'd also be ebst to be observing our enemies after all. But I will be there in a few nanoclicks." Jumping down sielntly she transformed and ran across the ground before she let the alrge maximal spot he rwhite pelt. Finally she found some rocks to cross,currently a low tide thank Primus, and jumped across mummbling as her tail got wet.

Finally she found the location spotting Frilla working on soemthing, whatever it was she was working quick fast and accurately it apepared, then turned to Glowstick. He wasn't difficult to see in the dark. "What did you need to discuss Glowstick?" She asked flicking her fluffy tail.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick held up one of his tentacles as it glowed brightly revealing the stasis pods gathered in the area, it then dimmed to a more natural lighting as he lowered it At the moment I'm working on a sort of.. mobile base. I believe it'd be rather beneficial if you could tell us the location of where your stasis pod crashed and.. I know your a bit of a loner, but living completely in the wilds without ever having refined energon to your soft lips again seems a bit.. outrageous.. no? I'm currently working to cure that problem as well.. he then stated, his tone much different from when she met him at the beginning.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

"Yo prove a good point I suppose Glowstick, and a base would be good. As for the location of my pod t's far fromt he ocean beyond the forest we wer enext to and in and out of back intot he Arctic Tundra. If needed I can retrieve it without much delay and meet you back her ein no time." SNow Trix said. She wasn't entirely comfortable around ehr new comrades and didn't trust Glowstick to get her stasis pod since it could contian information that may be personal to her alone. If the squid mehc decided to argue she'd make sure her point was clear.
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