"OC Episode #1"

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Unread post by Xzuk »

"That's a great idea Moonshine... I'll take a closer look at the circuitry of these turrets... and try and find their signature. We could probably mimic that signature and mask our own..."

The only problem with that was, they only had the three alien signatures. That leaves them with two maximals who would be in the open...

"Feel free to use anything that is left over Moonshine. I've just finished with all that I wanted to make."

He smiled at his handiwork. They had a CR chamber, a turret defense grid, a holoprojector, a short range scanner and comm device, and for Orcariner, Xzuk would need the new pod. He could make that into a containment device for the energon. He'd worry about turning it into a conversion device later.
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Orcariner walked back into the cave, tired from the long walk. He set both of the makeshift bins in front of Xzuk. Each one was tall enough to reach the bottom of the short Maximal's chest.

"Alright," Orcariner explained, "The one on the left is stable energon so we can put those to use right away. The one that's covered in mud, yes it's in there, is raw energon. I'm not sure which one of you is capable of segmenting and stabilizing it but it'd probably be wise not to handle it in robot mode."

He looked around the cave.

"Has anyone heard back from the penguin yet?"
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Unread post by Xzuk »

"Not so much as a static reception from Icebreaker."

He turned to look at the pile of energon hulking before him now.

"And I need that Pod if I'm going to be able to do anything with the unstable energon."

He turned and brought his attention back to the base. He pointed towards the CR.

"CR is operational if you need to make use of it."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick watched as Luna and Tantrum left, then started to drag himself across the grassy field toward the wreckage of Tantrum's destroyed Stasis pod, starting to scavenge parts from it while his system continued it's internal repairs.

He knew the idea was insane, but with enough pods it was very possible. Gathering the scrap into a pile with his arms he then dragged himself across the field towards Frilla's Stasis pod, then opened the panel on the pod as he seemed to be programming information into the computer, his squid arms independently moving the scrap into a pile next to the pod. Hm.. Luna's Stasis pod should be near by.. Frilla, do you think you can track it by her scent?
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Frilla had just lingered around but observed what Glowstick was doing, though didn't really understand the need for the stasis pods. "I could try but there is no gurantee, my senses of tracking aren't exactly top noch." SHe said, still a slight hiss to her voice. She thought of Luna's scent and sniffed the air trying to find a trail o follow.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick watched as Frilla ran off, he sighed to himself. So far the Predacon group was well incapable of sticking together. a Group of rogues..And even with all the Stasis pod parts he tried to obtain, would it be enough? he thought to himself.

He finished writing up a basic program for hover controls on the stasis pod infront of him. He then remembered how easily the other pod was destroyed by Tantrum, his eyes narrowed. Hm.. from what I've seen.. the maximals use "Quazar" weapons.. though that title is inaccurate.. Plasma weapons would be more accurate.. 4th stage matter bottled in a magnetic field that on impact with a surface releases to destroy anything in it's wake.. wait.. magnetic? With all the spare stasis pod field dampers...
His eyes shifted towards the screen as he then started writing up a design for a type of simple magnetic field defense while pondering where to search for more pod parts.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner pondered the current situation.

I felt the base the same time Icebreaker did, and yet, I was the one who returned first. That doesn't make sense; something's wrong.

He looked towards Xzuk, "He should've been back by now. I'm going to go look for him. If trouble comes up, I'll send a mayday. signal."
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NaitoKage wrote:Icebreaker landed sliding the board, then withdrew a gigantic cannon from his back pointing it at the group CHILLOUT! he then shouted firing off two ice shots towards the two reptilian transformer's feet causing large icicles to raise from the ground near inches from them.

Icebreaker then kicked up his board as it transformed attaching to his left shoulder as a shield.
Without orders and the possiblity of more Maximal filth coming, Lineos was divided. He could take on both Maximals and any possible reinforcments, but his pod and it's contents could be damaged. Also, the fact that any Predacon commander, if there is one on this dirtball, could have him court martialed for breaking a truce between the two groups.
"you may have won this time filth, but remember that I don't forget or...forgive." was the snarl Lineos directed towards Cerano as he smashed one of the icicles into the carnosaur's face. While Cerano roared in fury, Lineos grabbed the pod, attached it to his back, and ran. He did not know if the other maximal had decided to chase after him. However, one thing was certain: he would find a predacon general and he would demand that war be declared against this filth. At least then he would have some degree of control over this.


That had hurt thought Cerano as he tried to get the ice shards out of his eyes.

"Greetings, I am Cerano, a humble engineer for the Maximal cause. Who are you?"
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Icebreaker leaned over pulling the bits of ice out of Cerano's face Easy there. Name's Icebreaker, Maximal search and rescue. Some of the local maximals have gathered together and established a base a few clicks from here. Oh.. speaking of which..

Icebreaker's body started to surge with energon, he then transformed to his penguin mode holding a flipper to his head This is Icebreaker, I've recovered Maximal Cerano and we should be heading back to the base shortly. Had a bit of a skirmish with a Pred but he ran off for some reason. Big Lizard creature..seemed to be carrying a stasis pod filled with rotting meat. I'll be in shortly over.

Icebreaker then walked over to Cerano's stasis pod lifting it above his head with his flippers Alright, follow me. We can really use the help of a engineer, we have a medic back at base as well. They've been using these pods for parts since it is the only technology in this area. Icebreaker then starts to walk northwards carrying the pod above his head.


As Glowstick typed away he heard a gargled radio signal, he then adjusted his equipment as he heard the communication from Icebreaker talking about a skirmish with a big lizard and a stasis pod full of rotting meat. His eyes shifted More maximals? Drat.. wait..Thats right.. perhaps I can make some arrangements with that lizard. he then though to himself.

Activating his communication system he then broadcasted out to Lineos Lineos, this is Glowstick. Baring North east of your location. Follow the river's path to a open field. I believe we may have some mutual interests to discuss.
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NaitoKage wrote:As Glowstick typed away he heard a gargled radio signal, he then adjusted his equipment as he heard the communication from Icebreaker talking about a skirmish with a big lizard and a stasis pod full of rotting meat. His eyes shifted More maximals? Drat.. wait..Thats right.. perhaps I can make some arrangements with that lizard. he then though to himself.

Activating his communication system he then broadcasted out to Lineos Lineos, this is Glowstick. Baring North east of your location. Follow the river's path to a open field. I believe we may have some mutual interests to discuss.
"Acknowledged. Moving to your position, Glowstick."

sometime later

As Lineos arrived, he looked around for Glowstick. That Squid is the closest thing he had to a commanding officer. At last he found the squid.

"Now then, what would you like to discuss?"

Icebreaker leaned over pulling the bits of ice out of Cerano's face Easy there. Name's Icebreaker, Maximal search and rescue. Some of the local maximals have gathered together and established a base a few clicks from here. Oh.. speaking of which..

Icebreaker's body started to surge with energon, he then transformed to his penguin mode holding a flipper to his head This is Icebreaker, I've recovered Maximal Cerano and we should be heading back to the base shortly. Had a bit of a skirmish with a Pred but he ran off for some reason. Big Lizard creature..seemed to be carrying a stasis pod filled with rotting meat. I'll be in shortly over.

Icebreaker then walked over to Cerano's stasis pod lifting it above his head with his flippers Alright, follow me. We can really use the help of a engineer, we have a medic back at base as well. They've been using these pods for parts since it is the only technology in this area. Icebreaker then starts to walk northwards carrying the pod above his head.
Cerano, relived at being able to see, decided to follow Icebreaker. The bot seemed short a couple of cliks, but his spark seemed to be in the right place.

"Who all else is currently on planet, besides you and that predacon?"
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Icebreaker looked towards Cerano I haven't met much of the Predacons but I've heard there may be up to 5 or 7 of them. Maximals we have a giant guardsmen named Orcariner, a fox thing called Xzuk.. I think he's the commander of the outfit, and Moonshine is our Medic. She's kinda cute.


Glowstick looked towards Lineos Excellent. We've recently discovered that we are not alone. This planet has alien turrets which go off if detecting us outside of beast mode. I have sent two recently acquired soldiers to start collecting these turrets and another on hunt for stasis pods. The Stasis pods are being collected to be assembled into a type of hovertank, I beleive with that we should be able to explore this hellhole faster free from our beast mode limits and if any maximals happen to get in our way.. well it'd be a pity not to try our new guns out on them.. don't you agree?

In exchange for the parts of your pod, I will fashion something easier for you to carry your meat on, perhaps stored on the tank so you will have freer mobility.

I will also be requiring a guard of sort for this area when my internal repairs are complete.. Considering the size of that whale maximal, I assume if I follow his scent to the abyss I'll uncover a rather sizable pod to use in this.. with parts like that, we could end up with a VERY roomy tank..

The choice however is yours.
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NaitoKage wrote:Glowstick looked towards Lineos Excellent. We've recently discovered that we are not alone. This planet has alien turrets which go off if detecting us outside of beast mode. I have sent two recently acquired soldiers to start collecting these turrets and another on hunt for stasis pods. The Stasis pods are being collected to be assembled into a type of hovertank, I beleive with that we should be able to explore this hellhole faster free from our beast mode limits and if any maximals happen to get in our way.. well it'd be a pity not to try our new guns out on them.. don't you agree?

In exchange for the parts of your pod, I will fashion something easier for you to carry your meat on, perhaps stored on the tank so you will have freer mobility.

I will also be requiring a guard of sort for this area when my internal repairs are complete.. Considering the size of that whale maximal, I assume if I follow his scent to the abyss I'll uncover a rather sizable pod to use in this.. with parts like that, we could end up with a VERY roomy tank..

The choice however is yours.
"You have got yourself one more predacon. Now then what would you have me do?"

You may be intelligent, but brains only get you so far in war. When you fail, I'll be right behind you as commander of the Predacon forces on this planet and you will be a pile of scrap lying in my stomach being slowly digested

Icebreaker looked towards Cerano I haven't met much of the Predacons but I've heard there may be up to 5 or 7 of them. Maximals we have a giant guardsmen named Orcariner, a fox thing called Xzuk.. I think he's the commander of the outfit, and Moonshine is our Medic. She's kinda cute.
Cerano looked around supicously. Predacons act like the decepticons of old and Cerano remembered the history videos. Of Autobots on patrol disappearing only to reappear as a head on a pike outside a decepticon fortress.

"Say Icebreaker, how far is the base?"
Because there's a phrase for people who drive out into the middle of very flat, open country while being chased by Starscream in his F-22 form. "Sitting duck."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Icebreaker looked towards Cerano We're almost there. Just calm down. he then stated, walking around the Canyon he walked down a path as the river became more visible, then stopped at the basin of a waterfall he then hopped up into the Waterfall, the stasis pod having the water parted to reveal a cave under it In here!

Icebreaker then walked inside setting the stasis pod down Honey I'm home! And I've brought a guest. Cerano should be helpful with some of this stuff, he's an engineer he said.


Glowstick transformed to robot mode, downloading information from the stasis pod he was working on. He rubbed his shoulder with a tentacle At the moment in the woods I sent a predacon by the name of Frilla to follow a wolf scent, the wolf Luna. Find her and bring the stasis pod here. Her transformation is a frilled lizard, she's a bit different.. but I suppose they all are really.. The wolf is currently with a Cow named Tantrum. Bit of a aggression problem on that one.. Glowstick then gazed as the two smoking craters from Tantrum's earlier aggressions.

Glowstick then floated into the air Alright, I'm off to get the motherload.. That other pod isn't too far away so these ones should be safe here.. Glowstick then waved taking off into the air.

The Squid knew the lizard couldn't be trusted, but then none of the predacons could be. They could however be trusted in one sense, their predictable actions. Like pawns in a game of chess.. with a little guidance, they'll play your hand as intended.

He spiraled in the air, then set his duct fan to full speed heading off towards the ocean.
Last edited by NaitoKage on Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Alak »

Orcariner was relieved.

"For a second I thought you ran into some danger. I was about to head out to search for you," he said.

Icebreaker explained the confrontation with a large lizard whom Xzuk quickly identified as Lineos.

He grimly replied, "Glad you're not hurt, but with Predacons scouting around with that kind of attitude is dangerous. We probably should run our errands in pairs from now on."

He looked at the new inductee, Cerano. The new Maximal was relatively quite small, with the killer whale being nearly 3 times his size. It was unfortunate he was ambushed by a Predacon such as Lineos.

"The name's Orcariner," he greeted, "You're lucky someone like Icebreaker found you in time, glad you made it to be here with us."
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Xzuk's ears perked up and a smile formed on his doglike face as he heard the word engineer.

"So, a tech-head huh? Welcome aboard... perhaps you can take a look into making a conversion and containment device for energon out of one of these pods? I'm stumped here lately..."

he scratched his ear playfully as his smile returned.

"I'm Xzuk by the way. Scout leader for the Axalon. All play when things are safe, but I'll shine up like a new energon crystal in a fight. Glad to hear you made it back in one piece friend. Be thankful. Lineos is not one to be trifled with."