The Hangar's Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament: Open!

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The Hangar's Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament: Open!

Unread post by Outtsyder »

With last week beginning the Cybertron Conference of the TF Combat Singles Tournament, this week starts the opening round match-ups of the Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament! As before, the rules are simple: the eight match-ups are provided, and you, the membership, get to vote for the winning teams of all eight fights. Capsule profiles of each participating team are provided, and you pick who'd more realistically win their matches. (Important note: The key word is "realistically". Please be objective and without bias in choosing the winning teams in each match, and base your pick on the profiles given or their portrayals in the show, not from non-canon sources such as fan-fiction re-interpretations.) A victory in each hypothetical battle can be gained by forcing either or both members of the opposing team to surrender, or rendering them unable to continue after a 15-second down period. Outright destruction is not necessary to win, but a very likely possibility. And given the possibilities of the tournament votes, it is possible for opponents of the same allegiance to fight each other in future rounds.

In the event that the outcome of a fight's vote total is a tie, both combatants will be eliminated, allowing a bye for their would-be opponent into the next round. If the tournament final's vote becomes a tie, a re-vote will be opened; there must be a championship winner.

And now, here are the opening-round match-ups for the Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament:

Match 1: Backstop & Snarl vs. Megatron & Nemesis Breaker

Backstop & Snarl (Autobot, Jungle Planet) – A courageous teacher-and-student duo representing the Jungle Planet, tempered and strengthened by the wild elements of their native world. Backstop is a wise sensei-like master, preferring peace while fighting in self-defense; Snarl has served as both Backstop’s high student and undercover mole against former ally Scourge. Backstop transforms into a rhinoceros with great strength and an almost unstoppable charge; Cyber Key Power unlocks extendable rhino-horn blades in both rhino and robot modes, to add to ramming power. Snarl transforms into a wolf, quick, agile and capable of leaping great distances; Cyber Key Power produces saber-tooth fangs from wolf jaws (in both modes) that can pierce most substances. Backstop may be hindered by his pacifistic nature; Snarl is a good all-around fighter, but can be overpowered.

Megatron & Nemesis Breaker (Decepticon, Cybertron) – The Leader of the Decepticons has fashioned for himself a dark doppelganger of Leobreaker, forged from the liger-Autobot’s self-doubts and Megatron’s own dark spark. Megatron is a merciless, powerful and intelligent Triple Changer, his power improved by the Armor of Unicron into his body. Megatron transforms into a highly-fast Batmobile-like race car and a Cybertronian jet, armed with a dual missile launcher; Cyber Key Power unlocks booster engines in his vehicle modes; in robot mode, unlocks a forearm-mounted “Unicron Power Claw”, or a hand-held armor-piercing rotary chain gun. Nemesis Breaker transforms into a liger, with great speed, stamina and durability; Cyber Key Power unlocks wrist-mounted armor-slicing “Platinum Claw” blades in both modes. Can combine into “Dark Claw” mode, with Nemesis Breaker becoming a combat arm for Megatron, enhancing their combined powers further. Megatron refuses to accept that anyone can defeat him, and such doubts can psychologically impair his effectiveness; Nemesis Breaker, though powerful, appears to have little personality of his own.

Match 2: Landmine & Overhaul vs. Thunderblast & Lugnutz

Landmine & Overhaul (Autobot, Earth) – Two rugged brawlers whose physical toughness and powers are surpassed only by their extreme courage. The highly-disciplined Landmine is among the oldest of the Autobots, having helped trained Optimus Prime in combat arts; the powerful Overhaul is brutal and violent, reckless but somehow manages to squeeze a victory from almost impossible odds. Landmine transforms into a front-end bulldozer, thick armor resists most external damage; Cyber Key Power unlocks “Cyber Tempest” and “Tornado Torpedo” attacks which extend blades from back-mounted wheels, generating windstorm attacks or acting as saw blades. Overhaul transforms into a military-grade SUV capable of traversing the most rugged terrain, while robot mode uses wrist-mounted claws; Cyber Key Power produces a high-powered missile launcher from within his chest. Landmine’s aging internal systems suffer from frequent breakdowns, while Overhaul tends to rush into battle without proper strategy; their contrasting attitudes can hinder their teamwork.

Thunderblast & Lugnutz (Decepticon, Earth) – Two of the ancient Decepticon mythical monsters said to have terrorized Earth’s population in stories and legends, brought to robotic life. Thunderblast is extremely flighty, exhibiting a prototypical “girlish” personality that conceals a lust for destruction; Lugnutz is far more laid-back and seemingly apathetic. Thunderblast transforms into an armored speedboat with a torpedo launcher; Cyber Key Power reveals a hidden energy blaster inside launcher, useable in both modes. Lugnutz transforms into a highly-maneuverable Harley-Davidson-style motorcycle; Cyber Key Power reveals a multiple grenade launcher in both modes (side-rear-mounted in cycle mode, shoulder-mounted in robot mode). While both have underrated strength and powers in addition to their speed and agility, they lack steady teamwork, reliability, and solid dedication to battle.

Match 3: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot vs. Starscream & Thundercracker

Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot (Autobot, Cybertron) – Veterans of the Unicron Trilogy Wars, now upgraded with major military enhancements as part of the Cybertron Defense Team. Red Alert is a cool-headed expert medic and scientist with extremely sophisticated strategy; the thrill-seeking Hot Shot has exchanged a degree of speed for armor and weaponry. Red Alert transforms into an eight-wheeled armored personnel carrier with an extra-large missile launcher and additional twin guns, and uses an arm-mounted multi-tool for both offensive destruction and improvisational repairs; Cyber Key Power reveals a long-range, large-scale-destruction energy blaster hidden inside shoulder-mounted rocket. Hot Shot transforms into an armored combat truck with roof-mounted dual blaster cannons and surprising maneuverability, while robot mode has greater strength and very numerous arrays of hidden rocket pods, with a retractable wrist-mounted Energon dagger; Cyber Key Power maximizes his firepower to overwhelming “Death Blossom”-like levels. Increased strength, durability, armament, and skills make them tougher and more dangerous than before, but are physically slower; teamwork is improving, but can be impaired due to differing personalities.

Starscream & Thundercracker (Decepticon, Cybertron/Earth) – Aerial terrors of the Decepticon army. Starscream, an excellent all-around fighter, is the treacherous Lieutenant Commander of the Decepticons, seeking to replace Megatron as Leader (big surprise); Thundercracker uses a gunslinger approach to psych out opponents before attacking, but isn’t the most sophisticated chip in the motherboard. Starscream transforms into a triangular Cybertronian jet fighter, as one of the Decepticons’ fastest fliers, using two null-ray turret guns; Cyber Key Power unlocks a pair of “Vertex Blade” swords that extend from his arms. Thundercracker transforms into a super-fast SU-27 jet fighter that can create controlled sonic booms, and robot mode uses a long blaster cannon for his left arm; Cyber Key Power bolsters his “Thunder Cannon” firepower in both modes. Starscream’s extreme ego is inflated by his abilities, making him under-prepared against an opponent; Thundercracker’s knack for battle improvisation is hindered by a lack of intelligence and average combat talent.

Match 4: Vector Prime & Jetfire vs. Sideways & Soundwave

Vector Prime & Jetfire (Autobot, Cybertron/Earth) – Two of Optimus Prime’s top lieutenants; both aerial warriors powered with strength, intelligence, speed, and combined strategic skill. Vector Prime is one of the original 13 Transformers and the Keeper of Space and Time; full extent of powers is difficult to gauge. Jetfire is clear-headed and practical; perhaps the best aerial warrior among the Autobots. Vector Prime transforms into a dual lateral-sail space cruiser, and robot mode uses a dimensional sword named Rhisling, along with Triple Changing Mini-Con Safeguard (with robot, jet, and arm cannon modes); Cyber Key Power unleashes a “Tachyon Shield” forcefield that repels attacks back to opponents. Jetfire transforms into a large military cargo jet armed with twin missile launchers, and uses a powerful, hurricane-like “Turbine Wave” attack from front shoulder ports in robot mode; Cyber Key Power unlocks an “Afterburner Blast” twin-blaster attack in both modes. Vector Prime has few physical weaknesses, but age and linear thought processes prevent elaborate strategy; Jetfire can sometimes, though rarely, forget his game plan if goaded into losing his cool.

[NOTE: For purposes of this Tournament, Vector Prime will not be permitted to alter time or use any other of his dimension-altering powers.]

Sideways & Soundwave (Planet X) – The last survivors of Planet X, seeking revenge for the destruction of their home world; both are capable of long-range flight and psychological warfare. Sideways is deceitful, cunning and ruthless; Soundwave is very strong and crafty, a master manipulator of sound and voice. Sideways transforms into a forward-swept-wing spacecraft, uses an arm cannon and a double-blade in robot mode, can teleport short distances and produce holographic replicas to confuse his opponents; Cyber Key Power unlocks battle blades from arm gun (switching an Autobot symbol to a Decepticon one) and boosts his speed. Soundwave transforms into a stealth bomber, can mimic voices, and uses a harmonic wave cannon and a subsonic shocker gun in both modes; partnered with a Mini-Con-like robotic condor scout named Laserbeak that can record sounds and generate a thick black cloud of smoke that inhibits opponents’ vision. Sideways sometimes lets his temper get the better of him; Soundwave has few known weaknesses.

Match 5: Brakedown & Clocker vs. Buzzsaw & Runamuck

Brakedown & Clocker (Autobot, Velocitron) – A combination of youth-and-experience from the racetracks of Velocitron. Brakedown is one of the oldest natives of the Speed Planet with many years of knowledge and instruction, while the youthful protégé Clocker is enthusiastic and eager to learn, while rapidly improving his skills. Brakedown transforms into an open-front-assembly dragster that can still attain surprising speeds; Cyber Key Power extends an Energon blade from his engine-block weapon for use in robot mode. Clocker transforms into a low-slung, super-charged, convertible race car with great speed and amazing stamina; Cyber Key Power reveals a rear-mounted double blaster gun also usable in robot mode. Although mentally tight with a strong sense of friendship and respect, neither is particularly strong; Brakedown’s aging body and systems are gradually more brittle, while Clocker still has yet to fully develop his raw talents.

Buzzsaw & Runamuck (Decepticon, Cybertron) – A pair of Decepticon rogues terrorizing Cybertron in the wake of the black hole that forced the planet’s evacuation. Dangerous warriors with separate attack angles from the ground and air; Buzzsaw is a well-practiced marksman, while Runamuck is a sneaky spy-turned-destroyer. Buzzsaw transforms into a helicopter capable of high speeds, and has great flight maneuverability and can travel long distances with little fatigue in both modes; Cyber Key Power adds power to twin self-targeting Energon rocket launchers in both modes. Runamuck transforms into a street racer with a super-charged engine allowing for very fast ground speed, and is capable of setting hidden explosive traps; Cyber Key Power produces a front-section battering-ram apparatus and rear-mounted blaster in car mode. Both rely on speed, endurance and firepower; but can be overpowered and are not a proven team.

Match 6: EVAC & Crosswise vs. Crumplezone & Ransack

EVAC & Crosswise (Autobot, Earth) – The Guardian of Earth’s Cyber Planet Key and the Autobot “monster hunter”, Earth’s major defenders. EVAC is normally a gentle Autobot, but becomes a courageous fighter when necessary; Crosswise’s confidence and bounty hunter’s background make him a Cybertronian equivalent to Van Helsing. EVAC transforms into a streamlined rescue helicopter equipped with a power winch, and robot mode uses helicopter rotor blades as a melee weapon; Cyber Key Power increases his speed, and unlocks a pair of guided homing missiles that lock on his targets. Crosswise transforms into a streamlined black race car capable of blazing speed and driving tactics; Cyber Key Power unlocks dual multi-salvo missile pods in both modes. While both are highly intelligent with good stamina and teamwork, EVAC lacks killer instinct, preferring to disable opponents rather than destroy them; Crosswise’s confidence can sometimes lead to a false sense of security as well.

Crumplezone & Ransack (Decepticon, Velocitron) – The dangerous and unpredictable “Partners In Crime” duo from Velocitron. The classic power-and-brains combination of contrasting skills yields potential for a perfect blend of teamwork… if one were smarter and the other were braver. Crumplezone, the largest and possibly strongest Transformer from the Speed Planet, transforms into a heavily-armored three-wheeled ramming racer; Cyber Key Power unlocks “Crumple Crusher Blast” attack, converting twin turbine ramjet engines into long-range explosive slug cannons in both modes. Ransack transforms into a streamlined Velocitronic motorcycle, and exhibits great speed, nimbleness and agility in both modes; Cyber Key Power deploys twin blaster barrels on his robot mode’s weapon, or flip-out boosters in cycle mode for added speed bursts. Theoretically a “perfect” team on physical standings alone; Crumplezone suffers from very poor intelligence, while Ransack’s lack of courage and small size force him to rely heavily on Crumplezone’s power for protection.

Match 7: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber vs. Brimstone & Undermine

Optimus Prime & Wing Saber (Autobot, Cybertron) – The Leader of the Autobots… and the Autobot with a major problem with authority. Extremely powerful, but opposite attitudes and reputations; Optimus is wise and compassionate, earning the respect of others, while Wing Saber’s discipline record is loaded with negative charges (even attacking Optimus at one time). Optimus transforms into a hybrid fire truck/weapons carrier which can adopt a winged flight mode, with huge dual blaster cannons. Standard robot mode can combine with his “trailer” components for a more powerful Super Mode; Cyber Key Power amplifies firepower in all modes. Wing Saber transforms into a heavily-armed upgraded A-10 Thunderbolt, and uses a pair of swords in robot mode; Cyber Key Power strengthens his main cannon in both modes. Both combine into Sonic Wing mode, boosting their combined power and flight ability even further. Optimus Prime’s compassion can leave him open for an underhanded counterattack from an opponent; Wing Saber’s recklessness, arrogance, and disdain for authority can cause severe friction, hampering the team’s effectiveness.

Brimstone & Undermine (Decepticon, Jungle Planet) – Two animalistic soldiers and temple guardians working under Scourge’s dictatorial regime on the Jungle Planet. Brimstone is a fast flier who employs simplistic strategy; Undermine is a small but agile warrior and a master hunter. Brimstone transforms into a pterodactyl that can reach amazing speeds and use dizzying flight patterns if desired; Cyber Key Power unlocks a pair of sharp-edged blades from his wings that can slice through most substances. Undermine transforms into a Spinosaurus and can use covert scheming and hunting tactics, armed with piercing teeth, claws, and a barbed tail mace; Cyber Key Power reveals a crest-like ramming blade from the front of his back-mounted sail. Both are talented wild fighters with great endurance, but weakened by average strength and Brimstone’s subpar intelligence.

Match 8: Metroplex & Quickmix vs. Scourge & Dark Scorponok

Metroplex & Quickmix (Autobot, Gigantion) – Two of the largest, strongest, and most respected construction builders from Gigantion, teamwork aided by close friendship. Both are staggeringly strong due to their towering size, and difficult to damage due to their thick armor. Metroplex transforms into a massive strip-mining vehicle, and uses a gigantic battle ax as primary weapon in robot mode; Cyber Key Power multiplies damaging strength from his ax. Quickmix transforms into a mixing truck that can produce almost any substance from his drum, and uses a dual blaster gun on left arm in robot mode; Cyber Key Power opens mixer barrel on right arm, revealing a powerful blaster cannon. Very hard to take down due to their sizes and leverage advantage, but also severely lacks speed and maneuverability; Quickmix’s right arm configuration, with the mixing drum and lacking a hand, is awkward to use in robot mode.

Scourge & Dark Scorponok (Decepticon, Jungle Planet) – The terrifying Ruler of the savage Jungle Planet, and the undead re-incarnation of the Triple-Changing former Decepticon/Terrorcon commander. Scourge believes in the survival of the fittest and despises all forms of weakness, but refuses to cheat or kill a defeated opponent, wanting to win honorably. Dark Scorponok has returned as a zombie-like vampire, still intelligent but driven insane from a sample of Unicron’s power. Scourge transforms into a wingless dragon that breathes super-heated plasma, and uses a battle axe in robot mode; Cyber Key Power reveals hydra-like dragon heads in both modes for a wide-range “Nova Flame” attack. Dark Scorponok is capable of draining an opponent’s energy on willed contact, and transforms into a heavy Cybertronian jet mode with laser cannons and missile launchers, and a scorpion-based construction vehicle with same weaponry as well as crushing pincer claws; Cyber Key Power reveals dual blaster cannons from scorpion tail/jet nosecone. Scourge has few known weaknesses; Dark Scorponok lacks focus due to his mental confusion.

To cast your vote for the winners in each fight, you can e-mail me at, reply right here in this thread, or even let me know in a Chat or IM. In the rare moment that we might talk in person or on the phone, casted votes also count there. As usual, you cannot cast your vote for the same match(es) more than once (yeah, an anti-ballot box-stuffing measure).

Voting for this round will be open until the deadline of Saturday, May 20, at 7pm Pacific Daylight Time. Next week, the results will be posted, along with the Round-2 matches for the Cybertron Conference Singles Tournament.

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Unread post by RobotInDisguise »

1. Megs and Nemesis Breaker-Backstop and Snarl don't stand much of a chance.

2. THunderblast and Lugnutz-Very even match, but I think the Decepticons might have a slight advantage.

3. Starscream and Thundercracker-Starscream's Starscream plus a menagerie of weapons. Need I say more?

4. Sideways and Soundwave-Sideways always seems to win out on everything.

5. Buzzsaw and Runamuck-Brakedown and Clocker are two of the most pathetic Autobots, so I'd be really surprised if they won.

6. Evac and Crosswise

7. Prime and WIngsaber

8. Scorponok and Scourge-Scourge is hard to beat.
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Unread post by Safeguard »

1. Megatron and Nemesis Breaker.

Damn... Backstop and Snarl against Megs and Nemesis? Snarl is tough, but not that strong. Backstop's reluctant to fight. Duh. Easy choice.
2. Landmine and Overhaul.

The two Decepticons lack the will to battle, while the 'Bots are very ready to battle. Landmine has lots of experience and sure knows many fighting techniques that the D-Cons don't. He could just grab Lugnutz and ram him into the ground. And I'm sure Thunderblast's physical strength and firepower won't help her if the 'Bots have thick armor.
3. CD Red Alert and Hot Shot

Ahem... Thundercracker won't be much of a problem, but Starscream will prove difficult. But well, Megatron must be stronger than Screamer and Red Alert was able to shatter the ground with that blaster of his! If Red's using that, Starscream doesn't have a chance.
4. Sideways and Soundwave

Even though Vector and Jetfire are strong and intelligent, the Planet X Bots are cunning. Soundwave could use that voice mimic -system of his to mimic the other 'Bot and make the other confused. Sideways's teleporting skill doesn't work very well against Vector Prime, if Vector's allowed to teleport as well. He did teleport in one episode, if I remember right. And I remember that Sideways fled the battle. He could win against Jetfire, but I'll leave Vector Prime to Soundwave. Linear thought processes... good old 'Wave will mess his mind up pretty bad.
5. Buzzsaw and Runamuck

Do I even need to say why? Brakedown and Clocker are lame fighters. And Buzzsaw has an advantage 'cause he can fly.
6. Evac and Crosswise

The 'Daft Duo' against those two? Heh... Evac and Crosswise are both intelligent, have pretty much firepower and the other can fly and the other is fast. Crumplezone is stupid and strong, and Ransack is smart, but lacks firepower. Well, E/C duo will pound them to the ground.
7. Optimus Prime and Wing Saber

They'd win even without combining. Wing Saber is skilled with that sword of his, and friggin' fast. Brimstone won't even see what hit him. And Undermine? Pfft.. gimme a break.
8. Metroplex and Quickmix

Scourge is tough, that's true, but he won't stand a chance against Bots two times his height. His flames won't even char those two. Dark Scorpy is a bit tougher, if he can drain his opponent's energy. But one blow from Metroplex's axe, and he's down. I mean... he literally pounded Megatron to the ground... Scorpy's doomed. Dark Scorponok can't be much faster than 'Plex and 'Mix, so that isn't an advantage either. This time strength is the key to victory. Duh.. only Galvatron is able to defeat the giant 'Bots.
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Baron Fel
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Unread post by Baron Fel »

Match 1: Backstop & Snarl vs. Megatron & Nemesis Breaker -Definitly has to go to Megs and NB. Backstop and Snarl might be tough but they are way out classed by the Decepticon Duo.

Match 2: Landmine & Overhaul vs. Thunderblast & Lugnutz - I have to give this to Landmine and Overhaul not really sure why just a feelin.

Match 3: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot vs. Starscream & Thundercracker - This would be an intiresting fight, I think at least one on both sides would go down but when the smoke cleared I think either Hot shot or Red Alert would still be standing, the cons have speed and flight but the Bots have firepower and defense, and despite how formidable Screamer is I see the two bots coming out on top.

Match 4: Vector Prime & Jetfire vs. Sideways & Soundwave - Ooooh a tough one, I'm going to go ahead and give this to the Planet X duo. They have the cunning to pull this off.

Match 5: Brakedown & Clocker vs. Buzzsaw & Runamuck - the cons take it. Not only is Buzzsaw a homage to a Waspinator repaint but frankly power trumps expierience unless both members have the expierience.

Match 6: EVAC & Crosswise vs. Crumplezone & Ransack -Think Evac and Crosswise take this one easy.

Match 7: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber vs. Brimstone & Undermine - Oh my, despite my like for Brimstone's alt mode these two get pounded and if they are smart they stay down after the first blows are landed.

Match 8: Metroplex & Quickmix vs. Scourge & Dark Scorponok - Now this would be a good fight, but in the end brute force wins out. Scourge is to honorable to use the dirty tactics he'd need against either of the Giants and I'm afraid Dark Scorpy is just plain out-matched even with his energy draining powers. Look for the two giants to go all the way to the finals.
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

A little over three days remain until the deadline drops Saturday evening for this round. If you still haven't chosen your winners for these matches, you still have some time.

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Unread post by Outtsyder »

Just over one day is left before the voting deadline drops Saturday evening. If you still have to vote for the winners in these eight first-round matches, do so soon!

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

Voting is now closed. The results will be tallied up and posted shortly.

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
- G1 Megatron
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

The opening round for the Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament is now over, and gave us a variety of results. Some of them were expected to be lopsided (and most of them were), but there were a couple fairly close margins and little surprises. Without dragging on too long, let’s find out our winning teams!

Match 1: Backstop & Snarl vs. Megatron & Nemesis Breaker

The two representatives of the Jungle Planet were simply no match for Megatron and his evil-twin clone of their ally Leobreaker. In one of the matches that had the most one-sided result in Round 1, Megatron & Nemesis Breaker crushed the former soldiers of Scourge, and with 92% of the vote, move on to the next round.

WINNERS: Megatron & Nemesis Breaker

Match 2: Landmine & Overhaul vs. Thunderblast & Lugnutz

Many thought this match was an easy choice, pitting two of the toughest and most hard-edged fighters of the Autobots against two “ancient monster” Decepticons who could fight pretty well, but lack warriors’ spirits. 83% went to Landmine & Overhaul, but their Round 2 opponents should provide a much greater challenge….

WINNERS: Landmine & Overhaul

Match 3: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot vs. Starscream & Thundercracker

On paper or pixels, this had the potential to be one of the better, most action-packed battles of the Tournament. The results, however, weren’t so forgiving. The Cybertron Defense Team wasted little time in fighting back from an early, short-lived disadvantage, and came out on top, winning with 75%. “This would be an interesting fight,” wrote BaronFel of both The Underground Hangar and Beast Wars International. “I think at least one on both sides would go down, but when the smoke cleared, I think either Hot shot or Red Alert would still be standing. The ’Cons have speed and flight, but the ’Bots have firepower and defense, and despite how formidable Screamer is, I see the two ’Bots coming out on top.” Also of note was that many cited Thundercracker as the weaker link of the match as the reason Red Alert & Hot Shot would win.

WINNERS: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot

Match 4: Vector Prime & Jetfire vs. Sideways & Soundwave

This was one of the two closest matches in this Tournament’s first round, and it really was hard for many to choose a winner. The votes went back and forth and was tied for a long time during the voting period, but some last votes that came late gave a 58% win for the Planet X duo. Safeguard of Beast Wars International offered this analysis: “Soundwave could use that voice-mimic system of his to mimic the other 'Bot and make the other confused. Sideways' teleporting skill doesn't work very well against Vector Prime, if Vector's allowed to teleport as well. He did teleport in one episode, if I remember right. And I remember that Sideways fled the battle. He could win against Jetfire, but I'll leave Vector Prime to Soundwave. Linear thought processes... good old 'Wave will mess his mind up pretty bad.”

WINNERS: Sideways & Soundwave

Match 5: Brakedown & Clocker vs. Buzzsaw & Runamuck

This came as a minor surprise; not so much the final winner, but the margin of victory. In a battle pitting two show characters against to non-show characters, one would guess the ones who never made an official media appearance (besides cameos) would be at a sever disadvantage. But it turned to be not the case; Buzzsaw & Runamuck, depiste not being a regular tag team, destroyed the Velocitron duo of Brakedown & Clocker in little time flat, with a 92% victory. But their opponent in Round 2 should be a lot more difficult….

WINNERS: Buzzsaw & Runamuck

Match 6: EVAC & Crosswise vs. Crumplezone & Ransack

“This is the only matchup that actually made me laugh,” wrote Stelartron of both The Underground Hangar and Beast Wars International. “EVAC and Crosswise would beat the 'two stooges' of the Cybertron Decepticon force easily. Two doofuses against an experinced duo like Evac and Crosswise? No contest.” One can only guess how effective Crumplezone & Ransack could be if they had better combat seasoning… and if Crumplezone had a sharper mind. As it were, EVAC & Crosswise were just too much for the “Partners In Crime” (or whichever name they have at the time), cruised to an easy 83% win.

WINNERS: EVAC & Crosswise

Match 7: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber vs. Brimstone & Undermine

Many felt this match was something of a formality and the end result too predictable. Even the fact that Optimus Prime & Wing Saber don’t always get along well did little to aid the Jungle Planet minions of Scourge. 92% was the end result for this match, but Optimus Prime & Wing Saber had better make sure to avoid any arguing in the next round, because one mistake in their next match could spell “elimination”….

WINNERS: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber

Match 8: Metroplex & Quickmix vs. Scourge & Dark Scorponok

This was the other match-up that came extremely close, with the lead being traded back and forth. It was the towering size of Gigantion versus the animal instincts of the Jungle Planet. As with the match pitting Vector Prime & Jetfire against Sideways & Soundwave, the winner was determined by the late rally at the end, which resulted in a 58% total. And in this battle, size really didn’t matter, especially if your lifeblood is being drained. A match analysis was offered by 138 Scourge of Ben Yee’s BWTF Forums; “Wow, Scourge versus Metroplex in the battle of the huge axes. While they're at it, though, Scorponok's draining Quickmix's life energies, despite Quickmix's attempts to bludgeon zombie Scorponok with his mixing drum. Quickmix falls, and the fight's over, although Scourge isn't happy with the way they won.”

WINNERS: Scourge & Dark Scorponok

Thank you to all who participated in Round 1 of the Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament. You can enjoy more tournament fun with the voting for Round 2 in the Cybertron Singles Tournament; and be ready for next week, Saturday, May 27, for both the Round-2 results of the Singles Tournament, and the voting for Round 2 of the Cybertron Tag Team Tournament. And even if you’ve never played before, you can still join in anytime you wish! 8)

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

This week begins the second round of the Cybertron Conference of the TF Combat Tag Team Tournament! Most of the teams had it easy in Round 1 two weeks ago… but it won’t be a picnic this time, as the winners in these four matches would really have to earn their victories over the course of the next week.

In Round 1, Megatron & Nemesis Breaker combined to eliminate the Jungle Planet team of Backstop & Snarl in easy fashion. This time, they must contend with a pair of tough rugged Autobot warriors; Landmine & Overhaul, who made short work of Thunderblast & Lugnutz to win. A question that could arise in this match is, how will Overhaul fare in this battle, opposing the evil twin of his future self?

Next up, it’s TNT versus trickery, grenades versus guile, missiles versus mystery. The Cybertron Defense Team had little trouble disposing of Starscream & Thundercracker in their preliminary match, but now, Red Alert & Hot Shot now face the deceptive duo from Planet X: Sideways & Soundwave, who managed to puzzle their way in a very tight match against Vector Prime & Jetfire. Can Red Alert & Hot Shot combine their massive firepower and gradually-smoothening teamwork to chalk up another conquest en route to the Finals; or will the last survivors of Planet X find a way to confuse the elite Autobot combat squad into making a mistake and propel themselves to victory?

Then, it’s a battle between two teams who both cover the land and the air, and are even more similar in that both teams are comprised of a race car and a helicopter! The Decepticon rogues of Cybertron, Buzzsaw & Runamuck, gelled surprisingly well as a team in their dominating win over Brakedown & Clocker from Velocitron. But their relatively short experience as a team will be put to the test, as they must face the Guardian of Earth’s Cyber Planet Key and the Autobot Monster Hunter; EVAC & Crosswise, who easily beat the long-established Crumplezone & Ransack to make it to Round 2.

And finally, probably the biggest match of the Cybertron Tag Team Tournament’s second-round line-up. Optimus Prime & Wing Saber had little trouble destroying Brimstone & Undermine despite their clashing personalities and frequent disagreements. But this time, they can’t afford to lose their concentration again two of the most powerful Decepticons representing the Jungle Planet… Scourge & Dark Scorponok, who used not only their dexterity to outmaneuver the massive giants Metroplex & Quickmix, but Dark Scorponok’s vampiric touch to force them into submission! Can Optimus Prime & Wing Saber keep their minds on the match to gain the win… or will Scourge & Dark Scorponok find a way to prevent the Autobots to combine and isolate a victim to drain of his energy? In fact… can even the Sonic Wing mode survive against the undead Scorponok’s horrific power, or will Wing Saber argue against Optimus and leave himself wide open for attack?

As usual, the rules are simple: the four match-ups are provided, and you, the membership, get to vote for the winning teams of all four battles. Capsule profiles of each participating team are provided at the beginning of this thread to refresh your memory, and you pick who'd more realistically win their matches. (Important note: The key word is "realistically". Please be objective and without bias in choosing the winning participants in each match, and base your pick on the profiles given or their portrayals in official fiction, such as the show and/or the mini-comic in the TF Club newsletter; not from non-canon sources such as fan-fiction re-interpretations.) A victory in each hypothetical battle can be gained by forcing either or both members of the opposing to surrender, or rendering them unable to continue after a 15-second down period. Outright destruction is not necessary to win, but a very likely possibility. (No draws or ties are allowed; you MUST pick a winner.) And given the possibilities of the tournament votes, it is possible for opponents of the same allegiance to fight each other in future rounds.

In the event that the outcome of a fight's vote total is a tie, both teams will be eliminated, allowing a bye for their would-be opponents into the next round. If the tournament final's vote becomes a tie, a re-vote will be opened; there must be a championship winner.

Match 9: Megatron & Nemesis Breaker vs. Landmine & Overhaul

Match 10: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot vs. Sideways & Soundwave

Match 11: Buzzsaw & Runamuck vs. EVAC & Crosswise

Match 12: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber vs. Scourge & Dark Scorponok

To cast your vote for the winners in each fight, you can e-mail me at, reply right here in this thread, or even let me know in a Chat or IM. In the rare moment that we might talk in person or on the phone, casted votes also count there. As usual, you cannot cast your vote for the same match(es) more than once (yeah, an anti-ballot box-stuffing measure).

Voting for this round will be open until the deadline of Saturday, June 3, at 7pm Pacific Daylight Time. Next week, the results will be posted, along with the Semi-Final matches for the Cybertron Conference Singles Tournament.

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Match 9: Megatron & Nemesis Breaker. Megatron is pretty darned tough, and Landmine and Overhaul have definitely had their butts handed to them in the past.

Match 10: Sideways & Soundwave. This one's close, but Sideways' teleportation ability and Soundwave's addition of Laserbeak, plus both of their flight abilities, should help them win this one.

Match 11: EVAC & Crosswise. Runamuck and Buzzsaw are just two run-of-the-mill Decepticons, nothing more. Evac is the Cyber Planet Key holder of Earth, however, which means he's tougher than your average TF.

Match 12: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber. Combined, they can beat anyone except Galvatron, Primus, and Unicron.
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Unread post by Safeguard »

Match 9: Megatron & Nemesis Breaker

Landmine and Overhaul are tough, but they're also pretty ordinary soldiers. Overhaul's rank-and-file and Landmine's not that young anymore. Nemesis Breaker being non-sentient might cause some problems for Megatron, though.
Match 10: Sideways & Soundwave

S&S are the mysterious Planet X Bots, and mysterious means also hidden possibilities. They both can fly, their firepower's not too shabby, they both are cunning and, in Sideways's case, being a bit of a nutcase can actually help sometimes. Nobody takes an insane person too seriously (well, psychoes and schizoes are special), and the CD Bots might let their guards down. Besides, Red Alert's beam is slow and always fires straight, so the Planet X -dwellers have time to get out of the way.
Match 11: Evac & Crosswise

Two experienced team workers versus two rank-and-file D-Cons? This battle will be over before we know it.
Match 12: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber

This was a tough one, but these two are just too fast for them. Wing Saber alone, and OP and WS combined, I mean. Optimus could first take care of Scourge.. he's not that tough... and Wing Saber could keep Scorpy busy. Then, combine, and their speed increases. Scorponok won't even manage to touch them when they speed by!
"Can you still see when your head has been severed from your neck? Let’s find out…"
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

Just a little over three days to cast your votes for these four Round-2 matches. If you still have yet to select your winning teams, you still have some time.

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
- G1 Megatron
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

There's just one day left to cast your votes, before the deadline hits tomorrow evening. If you still haven't chosen your winners, do so soon!

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
- G1 Megatron

Unread post by Guest »

Voting is now closed. The results will be talliled up and posted shortly.

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Unread post by Outtsyder »

The second-round match-ups for Round 2 of the Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament is over… and have we got a potpourri of finishing results this time. Let’s find out and see who won this time…

Match 9: Megatron & Nemesis Breaker vs. Landmine & Overhaul

It looked like everyone had no sliver of a doubt of the outcome of this match. While Megatron & Nemesis Breaker have the power of their Savage Claw mode, as almost everyone noted, most of you believed the Decepticons would have won this match without having to combine at all! “Megatron is more than a match for either Landmine or Overhaul on his own,” wrote Names Are Unimportant of The Underground Hangar. “Heck, he beats up Optimus Prime and Vector Prime continually, who are a lot more powerful than either of these Autobots.” A perfect 100% win now moves Megatron & Nemesis Breaker to possibly their toughest opponents thus far….

WINNERS: Megatron & Nemesis Breaker

Match 10: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot vs. Sideways & Soundwave

As stated before, this was a match pitting mass destruction versus mass confusion, and with all players involved, the match stayed deadlocked during most of the duration of the week. But there finally reached a lead by the time limit, and a scant margin gave 56% of the vote to the Cybertron Defense team. “I'll go ahead and say that this one's almost too tough to call,” commented 138 Scourge of Ben Yee’s BWTF Forums. “Still, the CD Team has a lot of firepower, and if they manage to connect on one of the X-Planeteers one time, that's probably all it would take to remove that one from the fight. And, if all it takes is taking one of the combatants down to win, then it's gotta go to Hot Shot and Red Alert.”

WINNERS: Cybertron Defense Red Alert & Hot Shot

Match 11: Buzzsaw & Runamuck vs. EVAC & Crosswise

Another easy win in this match, which really wasn’t much of a surprise. While both teams were comprised of an armed helicopter and a race car, there wasn’t much chance of the non-show Decepticons to win, especially against two fairly-well-established Autobots. “Two experienced team workers versus two rank-and-file D-Cons? This battle will be over before we know it,” offered Safeguard of Beast Wars International. Taking 89% of the total ballot, EVAC & Crosswise continue on… with an additional surprise.

WINNERS: EVAC & Crosswise

Match 12: Optimus Prime & Wing Saber vs. Scourge & Dark Scorponok

Just when you thought the matches in the Cybertron Conference in the TF Combat Tournament couldn’t get any closer… they do. Support on both sides was in fact pretty strong, with an occasional trading of the lead. Those casting their votes for Optimus Prime & Wing Saber pointed out their ace-in-the hole; the Sonic Wing mode. However, others felt that the Autobots’ teamwork would be hampered by Wing Saber’s attitude, as well as the Decepticons having an equalizer of their own in Dark Scorponok’s vampirism. Well, it seems the keyword here was “equalizer”; the match ended in a 50-50 draw. With both teams in this match eliminated from the Tournament, EVAC & Crosswise now advance directly into the Championship Finals!

WINNERS: none; both teams are eliminated

Thank you to all who participated in Round 2 of the Cybertron Conference Tag Team Tournament. You can enjoy more tournament fun with the voting for the Semi-Finals in the Cybertron Singles Tournament; and be ready for next week, Saturday, June 10, for both the results of the Singles Tournament Semi-Finals, and the voting for Semi-Finals of the Cybertron Tag Team Tournament. And even if you’ve never played before, you can still join in anytime you wish! 8)

"We can't ignore the danger. We must conquer it."
- G1 Optimus Prime
"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
- G1 Megatron
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