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Unread post by NaitoKage »

The Iris on his photophore closed, his communication system then opened to all channels while he turned his external microphones on. Suddenly screams of feedback loop came from the vampiric horde's communication systems.

Glowstick's body released multiple flashes in a strobing effect to blind and distort the crowd. His tentacles fired out wrapping around StarShadow pulling her over, the other tentacles picking up the bags as he then ran into the woods.

Granny will be fine, for now we need to get you out of here!
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Don't underestimate her. She's one of the decepticon generals from the great war and now you made the family mad!! AND HERE THEY COME!!" SS2 pointed to the metallic panthers running towards Glowstick in stealth. The fliers were catching up. DarkScale fired 2 explosive arrows on 2 trees infront of Glowstick, causing it to collaspe.
Last edited by starshadow on Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick sprung up as his flight system kicked in going over the trees, he then descended rushing into what looked like a ancient japanese straw hut. She's spry for her age, but I'm not worried.. we're already here..

Glowstick set StarShadow down as well as the bags of Sake, a Tanuki wearing a straw hat and smoking a pipe looked up from his meal cooking over a open pit fire inside a large wide pan supported by one bar of metal.
He smirks, then speaks in a rather slow and deep tone Oh.. I don't get many visitors.. Specially not Predacons.. He then looked out his door at the group of vampires coming, seemingly unphased he got up Yoi-shou.. he then smacked his stomach as a loud "Pon" sound was heard as if he struck a drum.
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Unread post by starshadow »

The group stopped as Zira landed on the ground.
"What? A fat fuzzy racoon playing japanese drama? Ignore him. GET HER!!!" The crew positioned themselves and was prepared to use their lassos, dragnets and cages.
"ZIRA TO BASE!! BATCH 10 AND 13, PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR BATTLE AT MY CO ORDINATES!!" Zira commanded through her com links.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick crossed his arms watching what would probably be one of the strangest sights one could watch. the Tanuki's yellow eyes dimmed drozily Thats not very nice..

Suddenly the group of Vampires are seen tied together with their own lassos inside of their own cage. the Tanuki blows some smoke from his mouth, then breaths from his pipe as he sits down again, turning the pipe and smacking the ash down into a bowl. So.. What brings you to me Glowstick?

Glowstick rubs the back of his neck Well master Heinrad, my friend here is currently chronologically displaced. Infact.. these others seem that way as well.

The Tanuki looked towards StarShadow Hm?... Heinrad.. henshin! a puff of pink smoke come off his body, as it cleared it revealed him in robot mode with a large clock seen on his chest. His visor slid down looking at the group Oh.. I see. So you want me to send them to their rightful points in the timeline? You know what this will cost you..

Glowstick laughed nervously, then slid the bags forward Only the best for the strongest cybertronian in the universe..
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Unread post by Wintersong »

A tigeress trotted along the street coming from the bar. It was dark out, barely anything could be seen, but thanks to Wintersong's ngiht sight she could see alright though not well. The bar had been pretty nosiy ocmpared to otu here but it didn't seem anythign wa sout of the ordinary.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Zira was really mad as she burst out of then cage with her body surrounded with red mist. All of the others were released.
"Starshadow darling. You know what happens when Zira's angry with you..." Midnight sighed.
"Yes mother I know but I'm not a kid anymore..." SS2 sighed. Zira turned back and leave the crew.
"Looks like Mistress Zira is really mad." Lady DarkScale followed the bat so as the rest of the crew.
"Why me...?" SS2 had her ears low.
Last edited by starshadow on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong yawned boredly as she arrived at the nearest hotel rentign a room for a day or two."Maximise..." Er body shifted and Wintersong transformed to robot mode standing out on the patio of the room looking out at the near by trees.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick rubs the back of his neck So much for playing hero. I guess if you want Heinrad could fix it so that point in time didn't happen either.. Though.. considering they plan to attack cybertron after you get married anyway.....they are rather troublesome.. he then laughs a bit nervously. Then plays the recording he made earlier from the bar.

Heinrad sits down pouring some sake into a ceramic bottle, then lets it heat up near the fire Ho.. I don't like the sound of that..

Glowstick then sat down Er.. I guess I should introduce you two. StarShadow, this is Maximal Dimensional Warrior Heinrad. Though his true job is Messenger for the god of time Chronos. One of the two Keepers of time on Cybertron.. the other of course being Vector Prime. Heinrad this is.. StarShadow, a friend I met at a bar.

the Glowstick then picked up the sake bottle for Heinrad pouring it into the squarecup for him. Heinrad smiles humbly sipping Those are always fine establishments.
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Unread post by starshadow »

SS2 dimmed her optics and slipped out of Glowstick's tentacles.
"I'm going for a walk." her ears are still low and she went deeper into the forest.

Zira and the rest of the crew were back at the lounge.
"White Russian with extra ice please..." as soon she got her drink, she gulped it and asked the bartender to refill it with high grade.
Last edited by starshadow on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Glowstick looked towards StarShadow Er.. So, what do you want to do? Just go back to the future, alter the past from 5 minutes ago as well?

Heinrad watched sipping his sake, seeming rather content at the moment.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"None of the above...I rather sit in one isolated corner and be sad..." SS2 continued to walked deeper into the forest and reached a lake. Lying down on the ground, she looked up at the starlit night sky.
Last edited by starshadow on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong returned to the bar altitle later but the odd looking vampires made her very uineasy when she saw them. Ignroing the tingling senssation of fear she went to the counter ordering a drink.
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Unread post by starshadow »

((Just to make it clear to everyone, Zira and Zaphiron are vampires. Sagiterra, DarkScale, Midnight and Starshade are not))
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Unread post by New Moon »

Feralnight looked at the group wondering what could be their problem now. Shrugging she took a sip of her energon deep in though, so far not much ahd happened that night."There's gotta be soemthing interesting aorund here." She sighed glancing around but there really didn't seem anything besides the battle cages outside and nothing much else.
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