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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

I must say I like your Sig, it looks like Optimus is more realistic! :) That's pretty cooooool Alak! 8)

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Unread post by transformersvoice »

Hello Alak.
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Unread post by Alak »

Optimal Optimus Primal wrote: Awe. XD See? Too many felines! And I'm a HUGE cat person, but we just can't have anymore of those in the game. I'm sorry, Alak. Maybe you could try something else that's arctic or white (if that's what you prefer), like a polar bear, snowy owl, arctic fox, a swan... or a penguin. :lol: Just kidding!
Don't worry, I already picked a beast form that's marine based: something a lot of people (except one Predacon OC) seemed to overlook. I'm going to post him soon, and hopefully I'll be able to join before 2012!
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Unread post by Xzuk »

Welcome to the forum Alak ^_^

Glad to hear you've got a marine based beast. Hopefully I'll have a fuzor one when the time comes xD

(Angler fish + stingray)
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Unread post by Alak »

Xzuk wrote:Welcome to the forum Alak ^_^

Glad to hear you've got a marine based beast. Hopefully I'll have a fuzor one when the time comes xD

(Angler fish + stingray)
Angler fish? Sounds like a Predacon...or a very, very mean Maximal lol. I already posted my OC in the 2.0 Character thread. Decided to go with Killer Whale, but it took me ages to figure out how he'd transform without becoming a shellformer.
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Unread post by Aesir »

Alak wrote:
Xzuk wrote:Welcome to the forum Alak ^_^

Glad to hear you've got a marine based beast. Hopefully I'll have a fuzor one when the time comes xD

(Angler fish + stingray)
Angler fish? Sounds like a Predacon...or a very, very mean Maximal lol. I already posted my OC in the 2.0 Character thread. Decided to go with Killer Whale, but it took me ages to figure out how he'd transform without becoming a shellformer.
You know Torca and Elephorca are fuzors of Killer Whale and Elephant type right? and Orcanoch was a Killer Whale styled base-bot

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Unread post by Xzuk »

Ah yes.. the lovely shell formers and their leftovers in robot mode lol...

Well... lets see... I'll divide him into three sections...

1) The Whale head flips down like cheetors...

2) His midsection opens and rises revealing arms and a head... the shell becomes shoulder pads...

3) And finally, the tail splits into two legs ^_^

Hope that helps spark some ideas lol
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Unread post by Alak »

Aesir wrote: You know Torca and Elephorca are fuzors of Killer Whale and Elephant type right? and Orcanoch was a Killer Whale styled base-bot
Yeah, but unfortunately Torca (fuzor status aside) was way too physiologically incorrect and Orcanoch was (like you said) a base-bot. Neither was inspirational enough to draw upon a transformational scheme.
Xzuk wrote:Hope that helps spark some ideas lol
Thanks, but I already figured out a sequence that works! I had to check out other sea-based transformers like Cybershark so that I wouldn't accidentally create a redco (we all hate those lol!). I haven't really started designing the actual details for the robot form, but I may be picking up a few ideas from Depth Charge's Transtech concept.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Heh. Yep. People always pick the same stuff man. Cats and all sorta land animals. They never select some of the unique creatures like animals that burrow in the ground, swimmers, or even strange insects and fliers.

Though OOP knows my taste in strange things since I used to run a game with her.. had a Batmole fusor and a giant salamander that acted as a maximal transport.

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Unread post by Alak »

Hey, no worries! Strange is good because it adds flavor to the game. I always though Razorbeast had a stupid beast mode, but his robot form turned out to be pretty awesome. Nightscream had a cool beast form, but I haven't really met anyone who's liked his robot form (it's the "hair" lol). Batmole sounds really practical, though, being able to both fly and dig. Should be able to work well in both day and night conditions (robot and beast forms, respectively). Who knows, maybe your love for "strange" is just you being ahead of the curve lol.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Well it was a Starnosed mole, So swimming too. As for someone who likes Nightscream's hair, that'd be one of my crazy ex's.. She wasn't a big fan of transformers but she enjoyed Beastmachines.

Razorclaw's beastmode was kinda useful in Beastwars Neo, he could hide in tall grass or flowers with his eyes sticking up to spot enemys for sneak attacks.
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