"Beast Wars: Part I"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Blazemane »

Steelclaw did not much appreciate the levels of energon radiation on the planet he now found himself. He preferred to get as much done as possible in as few attempts as necessary, and the fact that the energon cut the battle short that quickly stood in direct contrast of that goal. He began to ponder the possibility of mounting weapons on a beast mode, but soon dismissed the absurdity from his processor.

He walked over to his leader.

"Megatron, should we go back to base for recuperation, or do you have something else in mind?"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Tor »

(Yess! We havent gotten to db yet! i should have access to the internet for today and sparsely through the next week before i get back home so bear with me)

Waspinator crawled next to his leader, taken by surprise that Megatron wanted to talk with him; It hadnt happened before....
"Talented she may be,but I do not trust her fully. There's something in her optics similar to that of Dinobot right before he...how shall we say it?...departed. I want you to keep an optic on her throughout the battle and from now on.When you see Terrorsaur,inform him that he also to watch her. We cannot have another treachury so early in the game. Yesss."
He bobbed his head, his view of the pitch-cat changing accordingly with Megatrons opinion. He scanned around for Terrorsaur... but even with insect perpherial vision, Terror-bot was no where to be found. Buzzing Waspinator took off, self-conciously covering his blackened backside from his earlier battle with a spindly leg.

(Edit: Everything below this statement. I was yanked away with a long hooked cane...)

Waspinator was hovering over Starshadow in a nanoclick, perhaps overlooking the subtlety factor of keeping tabs on another bot. His antennae accidently brushed the pitch-cat's ear, and squeaking Waspinator rose higher in the air, obviously wary of any attack the femme might execute.


Dinobot's internal repairs had completed themselves (Scorponok's missiles where not pillows), but he had enough energy to face the Maximals, whose sweaty, smouldering scent had wafted its way to his delicate olfactory receptors. Soon, he would have troops- though he seriously doubted any Maximal could ever pose a threat to a Predacon who had been selected by Megatron- at his command and the thirst for revenge that burned in his memory banks would be quenched.

Beware Megatron.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(( OOC: We have to wait, I think, for the brief confrontation between Rattrap and Primal, and then, between Primal and Dinobot. Anyways, maybe I misread, but I'm not sure if we're already heading back to the base or not. I'm just going to go ahead and post my line, so, perhaps, OOP can move between Primal talking to Rattrap, and then responding Cheetor, whenever she chooses. ))

Cheetor's leg was a little sore from having it stuck under rock heavy enough to hold him back, but he knew there wouldn't be any long term damage. In his beast mode, internal repairs would begin, and he wouldn't have to rely on it's weight anyways.

Feeling better, and a bit more safe out of the heat of the battle, Cheetor ran alongside the rest of his group.

"I think we gave 'em the fade Optimus." he noted.
Last edited by Blazemane on Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Venatrix »

Valkyrie was damged, but most of the crucial internal repairs have been done already.
She stood up and spread her wings, while going over the data she collected over the battle she and her fellow Maximals fought.
She now had the average time the Predacon's reseaved their energon build-up, and some of the abilities of megatron and his minions their abilities stored in her databanks.
This information would be very usefull to share with Optimus Primal and the others to use to plan any stratigy when they need to confront the Predacons in the future.
But she also knew, that because this battle was short, she didn't even scratched the surfes of processing the Predacon's their abilities to make a good astimation on how to face them in the future.

Atleast the Predacons that where among the opponents of this last battle where all identified in both their robot modes as their newly adapted beastmodes.
She slowly hopped over to Optimus Primal, muttering about a flaw in her beastmode's ability to walk normaly. It was much better to fly.
"Optimus. Forgive me for getting injured this soon. It seems my callibration of the communicative abilities betwean this body and my spark is out of sync again. normal movement as flying and ... hopping around i can do effortlessly, but my combat abilities need to be ajusted to my new form."

Again she spreads her wings and flaps them, as if testing them.
"But atleast the internal repairs are doing a good job." she said smilling.
"When we are back at our ship, let me know when you freed up some of your time to evaluate and discuss the gathered data of this day."

She realised it almost sounded more like an order then a surgestion, and immediatly gave him an appaligetic look.
"I'm sorry. I formulated that wrongly."


Venatrix muttered as she joined with the other predacons, walking next to Tarantulas. "Those energon build-ups are rather annoying."
She wanted to say more, but her attention was directed suddenly at the other black cat, and was curious about her.
So she picked up her pase untill she was next to Starshadow. "Who are you ?" she asked bluntly.
This new Predacon had chosen the same beastmode-template as she herself had. Almost the same build, Venatrix wondered about her combat abilities.
But instead of asking about them, she desided to "test" them out soon.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: I hope I don't go too fast in this post, but we really do need to keep it moving. ))
"Optimus. Forgive me for getting injured this soon. It seems my callibration of the communicative abilities betwean this body and my spark is out of sync again. normal movement as flying and ... hopping around i can do effortlessly, but my combat abilities need to be ajusted to my new form."
Primal looked at Valkyrie and didn't see that there was anything to be forgiven for. After all, a few of them sustained damage. "Well, better to have learned that now then at a more dire time," he told her warmly.
"But atleast the internal repairs are doing a good job."
He returned a light smile in agreement. Ever since he had converted to his beast mode, he felt the pain of his blown prime jet slowly subsiding. However, that didn't mean that it was functional.
"When we are back at our ship, let me know when you freed up some of your time to evaluate and discuss the gathered data of this day." "I'm sorry. I formulated that wrongly."
"It's all right, Valkyrie," said Optimus. He had taken it more as a suggestion, anyway. "I agree. Once we've returned, we'll have a briefing and everyone can finally get settled in. And we'll see to your calibrations. I'm sure Rhinox will be able to help you." The gorilla got down on his knuckles and began walking toward the other Maximals who were gathering a little bit away from the scene. He assumed Saber-Fang and Valkyrie were going to follow him.
"I have a feeling that this is going to be along day."
Optimus heard Saber's comment and agreed with her, but perhaps not for the same reason. If she was still worried about how he was running things thus far, then they were on a different wave length. Had Optimus chosen to discipline Rattrap at the moment he disobeyed his order, then Cheetor might have been seriously injured or worse. The way he saw it, he was not going to waste time during a battle to slap someone's hand while another teammate was in grave danger. The discipline could very well be saved for later when they would be out of harm's way. A "long day" to him meant Megatron possibly trying another route to attack them again or search for energon. And their ship still needed repairs.
"Well..." "You could say I was a bot in the wrong place at the wrong time, a stowaway to be more speciafic. As for Starshadow we sort of met when I was roaming around the place after my stasis pod crashed on this planet and a loner as well."
"Yeesh," Rattrap said to Wintersong, "An' I thought I had bad luck." He casually leaned against Rhinox as he stood on his hind legs with a front paw on the rhino's side.

"At least you made it safely," Rhinox smiled in relief after listening to her story. Stowaways really ought to think more carefully about what they were doing.
"That's kind of you to offer Rhinox but not thanks, I still have three good paws."
Rhinox took the hint and simply nodded, respecting her wishes. Though he still disagreed, he couldn't very well force her on to his back. Looking past Wintersong, he noticed Optimus, Saber-Fang and Valkyrie finally on their way over.

"I'll take ya up on that offer," Rattrap jumped in and rudely climbed up on to Rhinox's back.

As Optimus approached, his eyes were fixed on the rat while he began piecing together in his head what he wanted to say to him. Rattrap really wasn't expecting much to happen, so he remained relaxed on Rhinox's back. He walked up to Rhinox, stood up, and with a low growl, Primal grabbed the scruff of Rattrap's neck and effortlessly lifted him off of Rhinox and held him up over the ground to his eye level.

"Hey!" the rodent squealed in surprise as he was lifted off of the big rhinoceros and dangled in the air. "Hey, what's got your servos so bent?" he asked in annoyance, staring their leader face to face.

"Let's get one thing straight, Rattrap," the Maximal leader boldly explained as he shook the rat in his hand. "I am Commander of this group! And when I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed!"

"Oh yeah?" the rat threw back, his mouth being his only defense. "So I get vaped because you're too chicken to go yourself."

"I will not give an order I would not be willing to do myself!" Optimus growled, clearly growing intolerant of Rattrap mouthing off. Before he blew a gasket, he took a deep breath and lowered his tone to a deep rumble. "But I was capable of giving you better cover fire. You were not." Primal released the rat, dropping him to the ground.

Rattrap landed on his paws and glanced up at the gorilla, and said, "Eh, c-come on. What are you shortin' about? We got out of there alive, didn't we?"

"But injured," Optimus commented. "It'll take time for our beast forms to affect internal repairs."

"Yeah, well... better you than me," Rattrap said in haste.

Primal glared down at him for a moment until Cheetor showed up.
"I think we gave 'em the fade Optimus."
"Keep your sensors on full," he said. "According to the Golden Disc, there were eight Predacons. One of them was missing from the battle."

"Yeah, well, uh, maybe he was destroyed in the crash," Rattrap remarked.

"That kind of luck we haven't been getting much of lately," Rhinox said as he began walking again. Rattrap followed him with Cheetor while Optimus got back down on his knuckles and walked with Wintersong, Saber and Val (if Valkyrie isn't flying).

(( OOC: I'm going to give Tor a little time to catch up for Dinobot since he's right around corner before Cheetor blurts it out. :wink: ))

"Thanks for your assistance back there, Wintersong," said the gorilla. "I didn't have the chance to properly introduce myself and my crew, but I'm Optimus Primal. And this is Valkyrie, Saber-Fang and Cheetor. I trust you already met Rhinox and Rattrap."
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by starshadow »

Venatrix wrote:
"Who are you ?" she asked bluntly.
"Me?" Starshadow turned to the panther.
"I'm a apprentice of an old decepticon. Very infamous I was back on Cybertron as I killed and tasted the delicious pain of my preys. You're wondering how I get here aren't you? I'm not a protoform mind you before I came here." she lifted an optic ridge, observing her.

She knew she had a book of military training and combat which her master gave her before she died.

"Rule number 1, observe your opponent's body structure to see what is she capable physically. Rule number 2, never under-estimate your opponent even he/she is a slagging big guy or a shorty. Rule number 3, BE ALERT and DON'T LET YOUR OPPONENT CAUGHT YOU OFF GUARD!!! Ha! I can remember the all rules well." she thought.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

"Me?" Starshadow turned to the panther.
"I'm a apprentice of an old decepticon. Very infamous I was back on Cybertron as I killed and tasted the delicious pain of my preys. You're wondering how I get here aren't you? I'm not a protoform mind you before I came here."
Venatrix cocked an eyebrow at Starshadow.
So she is a warrior to some degree. Now she really needed to test her combat abilities. She might possibly even prove a challenge.
"I didn't asked for your history. I asked who you are. Or perhaps i need to formulate my question in a more simply formulated question, like "What is your name?" Maybe that's a question you'd understand with a limited intelligence processor."

Venatrix already was trying to see how she would react to an insult like this.
After all, the Predacons are a warrior race, and live to fight and cause trouble. She's just doing her part.


Valkyrie hopped franticly, trying to keep up with Optimus and the rest, but eventualy gave up, and desided it would be less energon consuming to catch a ride.
She quickly looked around at the other Maximals, and desided that Rhinox his back was to crowded already, Optimus his shoulders looked comfy enough, but he was conducting internal repairs, so the less stress on his body the better.
Then she smiled to herself, seeing Saber walking infront of her.
She spread her wings and flies up, just to land on the cat's back, making sure she didn't dug her razor sharp talons into his skin.
"You don't mind, do you?"
"It's all right, Valkyrie," said Optimus. He had taken it more as a suggestion, anyway. "I agree. Once we've returned, we'll have a briefing and everyone can finally get settled in. And we'll see to your calibrations. I'm sure Rhinox will be able to help you." The gorilla got down on his knuckles and began walking toward the other Maximals who were gathering a little bit away from the scene. He assumed Saber-Fang and Valkyrie were going to follow him.
Valkyrie nodded at Optimus Primal in agreement over surgestion.
She had spend a little while with this new crew, and knew enough about Rhinox to know for sure he'd be of great help trying to recalibrate her body to be more in sync with her spark.
"Indeed. If he's willing ofcourse."
She turned towards Rhinox and smiled at him.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"You don't mind, do you?"
"No not at all." Saber said with a friendly smile, she returned her gaze on the area around her, she picked up the pase to keep up Optimus but she made sure that she was steady for Valkyrie. Saber sniffed the air and caught the scent of some thing she couldn't figure out.
It might just be some other animal, nothing to worry about. She thought.
Saber remained silent trying to see if she could pick up any thing with her hearing, every little sound her ears would twitch.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Tor »

(( OOC: I'm going to give Tor a little time to catch up for Dinobot since he's right around corner before Cheetor blurts it out. :Wink: ))

(Why thank you. :D I hope I don't disappoint.)

It was not hard, nay, it was simple to spot the approaching Maximals. There was a great deal of them, all reeking of organic sweat. Eyes slitting, Dinobot's head and neck lowered, assuming a ready position to charge through his opponents, tearing them apart until they surrendered. After all, they had seen him, had they not? It would not be a violation of the code he tried to convince himself. Then his mind took a nasty turn, But it may not be to my advantage to engage all of these novice warriors. Combat Protocol 172: Strength in numbers.

Snapping his teeth together irritably, he remained motionless with the exception of his lashing tail and churning processor. It would serve him better to confront the leader in one on one combat. Dinobot would either forcibly make the leader submit, or terminate his or her existence. With the comfort of years of military training, Dinobot was confident.

All he needed was a Maximal to notice him...
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(( OOC:
"Keep your sensors on full," he said. "According to the Golden Disc, there were eight Predacons. One of them was missing from the battle."

Here that Venatrix? We're famous. ))

The group was rounding a corner to go over a bridge- the way they had come earlier that day, and what they hoped to use to get back to base.

Cheetor was slightly closer to the bridge than the rest of the group, and when he finally approached it, something menacing caught his eye.
Rhinox wrote:"That kind of luck we haven't been getting much of lately."
"Tell me about it. Look!" he commented. Big 'bot had told him to keep his sensors on full, and he had done just that.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Wintersong »

(ooC//Dang!I need to keep better track of ehre I almost got far behind. XC Sorry!1)

Wintersong nodded curtly at the rest of them, "You most welcome." She said. Though as they began to walk she found herself half walking half hopping as they were walking around a corner which caused a great deal of discomfort. If this was what war did she'd have to be on better alert next battle. And in this case if the missing Predacon came suddenly she would be in no condition to fight. *If it comes to wone.* She thought letting out a heavy sigh of frustration. HEr ears perked forward as she saw the stone bridge but she was keeping silent besides her heavy breathing from the effort of the walk, the distance was further then it had been when she had run there.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Venatrix wrote:
Venatrix cocked an eyebrow at Starshadow.
So she is a warrior to some degree. Now she really needed to test her combat abilities. She might possibly even prove a challenge.
"I didn't asked for your history. I asked who you are. Or perhaps i need to formulate my question in a more simply formulated question, like "What is your name?" Maybe that's a question you'd understand with a limited intelligence processor."

Venatrix already was trying to see how she would react to an insult like this.
After all, the Predacons are a warrior race, and live to fight and cause trouble. She's just doing her part.

Starshadow was trying to control her temper. But her tail's fur are beginning to bristle and spike out. She never liked anyone to critise her for being lousier than anyone.
"This is really tempting to disinegrate her out off my face. I think she needs a mouth wash. A bloody one." Her anger exploded. Her tail fur turned into sharp spikes. Her claws were shown, her eyes were glowing dim scarlet. She gave out a roar and looked ready to fight.
Last edited by starshadow on Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Actually, Ven, Rhinox's back doesn't have anyone on it. I switched it up a little from the show but kept the dialogue. It didn't make sense to me to have Optimus (and Rattrap) on him when Wintersong was in far more pain. :P ))
"Indeed. If he's willing ofcourse."
Rhinox glanced at Valkyrie for a brief moment and smiled back with a nod. Of course he'd be willing to help out.

Optimus continued walking on all fours, keeping an eye on Wintersong's progress. He hoped it wasn't pride that was keeping her from accepting assistance. Even in beast mode, with the walking and stress she was putting her body through, she could be prolonging her internal repairs.
"Tell me about it. Look!"
Thanks to Cheetor's observation, the gorilla's head darted to the narrow, rocky bridge ahead of them and spotted what was probably the missing Predacon from the battle that was blocking their path to the Axalon. All of the felines were probably capable of picking up his scent a little while ago but the cheetah hadn't been distracted. Primal came up to the front of the group and stopped next to Rhinox.

"Should we blast him?" the rhinoceros asked their leader. It sure was a nasty looking Pred with that velociraptor beast form.

"Keep that option open. But... hang on," Optimus answered Rhinox. He walked forward on his two feet and approached the raptor, stopping short when he began speaking.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Tor »

Apparently the oversized chimpanzee is the leader, Dinobot thought contemptously to himself. He rose to his full height, glaring down his striped snout at the Maximals.

"Attention Maximals," Dinobot's voice was loud and full of growling hostility, "my name is Dinobot. I have left the Predacons," -his tone became tart- "to join your group... as leader." Dinobot finished with considerable relish, his eyes becoming slits of contempt as he paused, listening to the reactions of the Maximals.

Snorting to bring the group's attention back onto himself, he continued, "I hereby challenge you," the dinosaur struggled to remember the name of the commander, "Optimus Primal to a one-on-one. The winner," Dinobot gestured with his obsidian black claws to himself, "shall lead the Predacons, and the loser," -Dinobot looked pointedly at Optimus- "shall be destroyed."
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Attention Maximals," "my name is Dinobot. I have left the Predacons," "to join your group... as leader."
Saber growled quietly her claws coming out and digging into the ground as Dinobot continued.
There is no way, Optimus would let you lead, Dinobot. She thought with a growl the fur on the back of her neck rising.
It took all her self control not to transform into her robot form and shoot the ex-pred off that bridge.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."