Warwulf here!

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Warwulf here!

Unread post by Warwulf »

Since I'm not one to disappoint, I figured I'd do as Darkshadow suggested and open up a new thread here.

Some of you may remember me from the Cybertronian Alliance. Yes, it's me. ;) I figured I could use some BW RP... I don't think I've participated in one for YEARS! Anyways, it's good to see some familiar faces... OOP, LDC, Ven, and anyone else I might not remember seeing at this very moment.

I don't usually play canon characters, since I don't feel I truly do them justice. But whatever is needed I can pitch in. Personally, I'm a fan of Silverbolt... as corny as he may seem at times. :D

Also want to get back into some photochoppery/sig making, so if anyone has any needs or requests, let me know and I'd be happy to oblige. :)
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

Yah make sig's too? That's awesome, I have been having a random avatar making spree....OR recently, been making cover's for my BW fanfics. That's awesome. I can't make sig's that well... *point to her's* it's a story that another member, Starath and I started to Rp/write.

*Devising a plan to prank War W* Betterrr watch outttt!

RPing is sooo much fun, I agree!

Silverbolt, he's so knoble, he's the knight of the night. *Laughs as that's one of her avatar's on the site* I never gave him a chance I feel. I was more watching Rampage, *Majorly, superly doubly drool* Tarantulas, eeek *than drools* Quickstrike, yee-haw and DC...anyways, my laptop is full of drool...my babbling.

Welcome, welcome. Hooo-ray!
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Warwulf?! How the heck have you been?! It's really good to see ya here. I can't even remember the last time I saw you, which has apparently been too long. :wink: Welcome to BW Int! :D
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Welcome to bwint, Warwulf.

Do you know what Bwint has?

Nuts? Yes.
Penguins? Well... heck yes.
Flying waffles? Uh... would you expect anything less than the best?

The flying waffles do tend to hit us in the head though. They hurt. And the penguins are mean. They're the ones that throw the waffles at us. They are stealthy too. We can't find them.
So, what's your favorite episode and season?

Silverbolt? He's my favorite character too.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Venatrix »

Heya Wulfy! *glomps*

It's been a while!
How's life treating you?

Have to dragged your girl to this board, or did she drag you here ? ^^

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Unread post by Warwulf »

Well, it was sort of a combined, mutual drag.

I found it first though! :P

Well, after everyone else on here... that is. So, besides waffles and nuts, what else is going on around here? Is the Beast Wars RP following the general storyline of the series? And is there any room for canon/non-canon characters to join in?

Also, I noticed there was a little concern over spambots. I have done battle with spambots, and I have won. I reverse engineered the spambot code and rewrote the old CA forums to be spamproof. :D I can pass along the knowledge I've gleaned to whoever runs the forums here.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

I think Saphire would be very grateful if you would share the code Wulfy.

The Beast Wars RPG is following the plotline of each and every episode of the show.
Plus a little extra's ofcourse. :P

You should read up the current posts, and get a feel of the game.

And yes, there is room for characters, but since all of the canon characters from season 1 are (as far as i can tell) already played, you'll have to wait for season 2 to play a canon char.
Non-canon's shouldn't be a problem i think.

But read not only the actual IC posts, but also skim through the OOC treads, since there are a few plans being worked out for multiple options to introduce a new non-canon character to the show ^^

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Unread post by Wonko The Sane »

Oh my Primus!Another new Member!

Welcome to the Boards Warwulf,the name's Wonko The Sane!

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Unread post by Warwulf »

Thanks, Ven... will do!

Wonko? The Same Wonko the Sane reference during the BW episode by Waspinator?
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Unread post by Wonko The Sane »

Warwulf wrote:Thanks, Ven... will do!

Wonko? The Same Wonko the Sane reference during the BW episode by Waspinator?
No not that Wonko,that was Ben Yee...my name is Cris H,a girl...but I would love to be as awesome as Ben is.

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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Hi welcome to ....I feel like I've done this before. But oh well, always nice to meet other BW fans, and seeing as you got the warning I hope like waffles.
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Unread post by Tor »

Yeah those penguins can be meanaces to society. Its just too bad our social services worker is allergic to waffles or the little chunksters would be carted off to rehab.

Welcome to the forum. Call me Dinotor.

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