"Beast Wars: Part I"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by starshadow »

"This is getting boring...Not one crew on the ship? And no alarm after I break in? WHAT IS THIS KIND OF SHIP IS THIS? AUTO PILIOT WITH NO CREW?!!", roared Starshadow. Starshadow suddenly sensed something. *A maximal and a predacon?* She thought. *It could be others. This should be fun...*
Starshadow transformed and scratched the walls of the ship and blast herself out from it. She saw a tower of smoke and flewed swiftly to the area.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire heard someone shouting "Hello!" outside. "Agui, you stay here, I'll go check it out." Said Sky, and then she went outside with a wepon ready to be on the safe side and feeling a little nervous. When she got outside, she saw no one there. "Okay, maybe I'm just being paranoided." Skyfire then went back inside.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow activated her scanners and zoomed in the area."BAH! a small battle. nothing big..." she flew back to the ship and landed on top of it making herself visible.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong saw the other bot but her ears perked forward,"Starshadow!Your going to get yourself in trouble if you kee that up".She came out from behind a rock now visible to any remaining Maximals a the ship but she was also curious to who was here.
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Unread post by starshadow »

The more Starshadow saw a maximal and thinks about it, the more she detest them."Oh! you mean like this?", then she used her panther claws to scratch on the top of the ship. "This is like my personal scratching post." She begin attacking the ship by scratching, slamming, slicing and spearing the ship and purred with enjoyment.
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

"What the-Holy Primus! Who in the Pitt are you?!" Blaze howled,momentarily forgetting her ettiquete(Saying such things would be concidered most vulgar back on Cybertron)as she pointed at Starshadow.

The hyena had heard the crashing,blasting,and clawing,rushing over from the opposite end of the ship to find out what all the noise was about. To say that she was not expecting a bot with giant wings that looked like a demon out of some legend would be an understatement.
Tarantulas ventured a peek from out behind his hiding place. The moment was a tence one,as the entire Predacon armada was gathered on a ridge overlooking the valley where Cheetor and Waspinator were having their faceoff. Only one problem. Where were the Maximals? Megatron had assured them all that if any still functioned,they'd rush to aid their comrade at the first sign of trouble. And for once,Tarantulas agreed with his leader. It was only logic. Maximal logic at least.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

WIntersong growled in surprise and stepped back from the other Maximal.This was something she had not expected or was looking to be in this situation.Looking from the Hyena to Starsshadow she tried to decide whether to stop Starshadow or help the other Maximal.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"I AM STARSHADOW, ONE OF THE LAST DESCENDENTS OF ZIRA, ONE OF THE MOST NORTORIOUS TERRORIST AND ASSASSIN KNOWN ON CYBERTRON!!!", Starshadow gave out a panther roar and flew where Cheetor and Waspinator was.
I'm sure your cub is there with a big bug. SEE YOU LATER MAXIES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
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Unread post by Wintersong »

"She's out of her mind."Wintersong said

Never before has she seen a bot act like thi,nto even a predacon.But she wasn't willing to follow this time and just watced Starshadow leave now with now a an uncertain look on WIntersong's face.
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Unread post by starshadow »

[Edit: ooc// I'm waiting for Blazemane to post Cheets, Tor for Waspy and Venatrix for Valkyrie.] Starshadow found Cheetor and Waspinator and glide down from the sky. "Who wants to play a game?", the bones of Starshadow's wings extended and spear down aiming on Cheetor.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(And I have not posted for Cheetor either because we're... pretty much at the part where Primal and Megatron need to start arguing. So, I think we're waiting specifically on Razorclaw to do Megatron.

In fact, just to straighten everything up, let me chronicle what's happened, essentially:

Both ships have arrived. Cool.
Alternate beast modes have been chosen.
We have been introduced to the cannon characters, and plenty of OC's, including:

Skyfire, who has come with the original Maximal crew.
Saber, who has come with the original Maximal crew.
Agui, who has come with the original Maximal crew.
Valkyrie, who has come with the original Maximal crew.
Blaze, a stowaway on the Axalon.
Wintersong, a stasis pod protoform showing Maximal allegiance.

Dagger, a stasis pod protoform showing neutral tendencies (but in my opinion, a demeanor indicative of Maximal allegiance).

Venatrix, who has come with the original Predacon crew.
Steelclaw, who has come with the original Predacon crew.
Starshadow, a stasis pod protoform showing Predacon allegiance.

This makes a total of 10 Maximals, technically soon to be 11, because Dinobot has been blasted away, but has not yet challenged Primal. This, one might say, makes his unrankable. But certainly not neutral. There are 8 Predacons, and then Dagger.

Cheetor has gone off, found a bug, fought a bug, got saved by a bird, Primal has threatened to swat a bug, and Tarantulas is confused about the whole mess.

Technically, this means both the Maximal and Predacon sides are in position. We need Megatron to start responding.
Unfortunately, Sinead has become extremely busy recently, and therefore, as she has mentioned, Agui will be dropped.

This means we need someone to take up the mantle of Rhinox (and eventually- hoping we get that far- Tigatron).

Just for trivia, Cheetor, Agui, Venatrix, Starshadow, Saber, Wintersong, and Dagger are all cats, cat hybrids, or partially cats, making seven characters cat-oriented.)
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow gave a second thought about it and stopped the attack on Cheetor. "Another time, cub.", and she flew to the place of lava where the ship landed.*I wonder what's in there...*she thought as she was reaching towards the ship.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong had trotted towards the direction she had picked up signatures of both Maximal and Predacon.As she approached she kept hidden,this was odd for the she-tiger femme could recall that the Maximals and Predacons were suppose to be at peace.Had these single crashes caused the war once more?If so why?Seeing not alot was happening she kept low to watch.

At this point from her crash of her stasis pod Wintersong had though they teams ahd been helping one another.But seeing the battle soon unfolding in front of her proved her wrong which troubled her.THe Pax Cybertronia was in palce for a reason on CYbertron,shouldn't that have applied to these bots at all?Now full of questions WIntersong stood as still as a statue not realizing she was an easy target.
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Unread post by starshadow »

[OOC// just waiting for the other preds to post]
Starshadow saw a ship around the lava area and landed near the entrance. *A pred ship eh* she thought. "Erm...Is anyone home?"
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

Blaze's jaw practicaly sagged to her knees as she was blown backward's from Starshadow's takeoff.

"Uhhhh..." she stuttered,looking first at the place where Starshadow had been,then at Wintersong.

Rising to her feet,she regained her sences.

"If somthin' like that is flyin' around,then there's a good chance we wont last much longer if the others aren't alerted," she stated as she ran into the ship,dragging Wintersong behind her.
((OOC: I'm about as confused as Tarantulas at this point,so I'm going to post accordingly))

"Cheetor! Get to cover! We'll swat that pesky Predacon," Optimus cried to his young soldier,hoping that the reckless one would do as he said for once.

""Oh,I would not count on that,Maximals,no." a voice from the other side of the gultch rang out. Laughter followed it. "For I believe you are soon to have...how shal I put it?-dificulties of your own. Yesssss."

The voice came from a giant-sized tyranosaurus,purple in color. As he spoke,other creatures,chiefly insects,arachnids,and reptiles,joined him on the clif's edge. Megatron and his lakeys had arrived!
Tarantulas snickered gleefully. At last! The moment he had been waiting for! It was all so perfect! Not only did he have all the Predacons in check,but he had a good view of the Maximals. For now however,he would stick to the plan and follow Megatron's orders.

For now. :twisted:
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